There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/17 |
This project will guarantee and qualify the participation of Cerrado Network representatives in the Cerrado Workgroup, an multi-sector entity created by the Ministry of Environment for the development of an environmental policy for the biome. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/20 |
This project was designed to provide funds for the SGP activities related to stakeholders consultation and participation processes and the NSC members reunions and formal meetings. The objectives of the project are: to provide a flexible and agile ( ... )
implement all the stakeholders workshops and consultations and to provide the funds needed for NSC meetings on project selection, mobilization and per diem for NSC project evaluation and support to the communities is generus
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/28 |
The economic, environmental, and cultural improvement of Rio Vermelho Village is the main objective of this project. The Krahô Indians seek to process native Cerrado fruits, as well as to strengthen the Wohkrã Association. A fruit pulp ( ... )
ocessing unit will be implemented, as well as an office for the Association. Young adults and women will be trained in processing and extraction of native Cerrado fruit pulp. Community participation in the Frutos do Cerrado and FrutaSã project will be
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/04/FP-12/47 |
- Community surveilance of coastal areas
- Estabklishing mechanism's and approcahes to cooperate effectively in ensuring long term surveilence, monitoring and enforcement activities
- Undertake initiatives to prevent pollution and improve ( ... )
- Alerting and reporting on the sources and types of river pollution
- Establishing mechanisms for further cooperation and collaboration to ensure effective monitoring and enforcement activities are sustained in the long run
- Strengthening the alliances built with other local community groups in the area
- increase the number of eco-rangers
- Monitoring the quality of the river over
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/NGL01 |
The project purpose is to develop alternate source of livelihood options for community development through sustainable community based natural resource management (CBNRM), through promote and encourage sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices ( ... )
chnologies· Project also support and enhance the legal capacity of women with regard to access and use of land through the introduction of corpus fund for a revolving fund mechanism· The emphasis is to develop a policy framework that provides motivation among farmers for sustainable community based natural resource
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-03-60 |
The projects objectives are:
1.Sustainable Management of fisheries in lake Brulus.
2.Develop public awareness and respect for nature conservation. of technicians for monitoring programmes.
4.Establishment of refrence collections ( ... )
for Biodiversity.
5.Increasing environmental awareness about reservation of the natural resources and protection of the biodiversity.
6.Contribute to recovering and protecting the biodiversity in the
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/22 |
This project seeks to consider popular wisdom in relation to sustainable use of the Cerrado as an alternative to deforestation with a management plan for medicinal plant collection as its goal. The activities will take place in a legal reserve of a ( ... )
's rural property, in the state of Goiás. The intention is to have a pilot experience to be multiplied in other regions and incorporated into Government programs. Eight "medicinal plant popular pharmacies" in the Vermelho River region will be supplied with quality-controlled raw
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-03-15 |
The Lake Van is a interesting ecosystem in the world that its water contain saline-soda and has original biodiversity. Lake has highly alkaline and salty water. As a result of this, lake which has 9.8 pH, is known as alkaline lake and not suitable ( ... )
ther freshwater fish or marine fish. There is only one type of fish lives in the lake known as Van fish or pearl mullet, (Chalcalburnus tarichi), which is a member of cyprinidae family, its mean fork length 19.5 cm and mean weight 80 g approximately. Pearl mullet is an immigrant type fish that normally lives in lake water, but at the reproduction period (April-June) immigrates to the surrounding
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/04/35 |
Bunyarunguru Environmental Conservation Project (BECA) is a community based organization operating in Bunyarunguru, Bushenyi district.
It is involved in the promotion of sustainable community initiatives aimed at reducing biodiversity loss, ( ... )
ing household incomes through diversification of livelihood options and conservation of forest resources through participatory approaches.
The GEF focal areas adressed are multifocal and thye local community is actively involved in the promotion of project activities.The project partners include the Bushenyi district local government. It targets women, men and youth in the local
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/04/04 |
Conduct survey and prepare discussion paper on the above, nursery and distrubution of plants among farmers, technology development including bottling and storage, revolving fund and insurance scheme for farmers, fuel efficient stoves, establish two ( ... )
e centers and diversification including manufacturing of crafts using Kithul wood removed due to old
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/04/008/P |
The proposed project aims to promote the sustainable use of the indigenous bamboo forest resources, contributing to poverty alleviation of the ethnic minorities in the project area. The proposed project will replicate a model which promotes ( ... )
cropping of bamboo trees and other indigenous wood species. Appropriate silvicultural techniques in bamboo forest plantation and harvesting will be transferred to farmers. Pests and diseases in degraded bamboo forests will be addressed. The model aims to protect the existing bamboo forests, increase the acreage of bamboo forests and generate higher income for the community. Through undertaking
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/73/03 GEF-RNE |
The project aims to establish mechanisms/schemes that will take on the dissemination, sharing of the best practices and lessons learned in various forms. The project shall take off from the outputs of the National Conference of SGP Grantees and ( ... )
rs held last December 04-05, 2002 in Manila. The conference was able to bring together all SGP grantees and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/04/08 |
Installation de panneaux solaires pour la distribution de l'eau - appuis des exploitants sur les techniques du maraîchage. |
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/04/P02 |
Es la intención de hacer con la gente en la comunidad, una serie de talleres de identificación de los problemas que afectan el desarrollo de la empresa forestal, donde el objetivo es sentar las bases para el desarrollo organizacional de la empresa ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/04/P01 |
Llevar a cabo un taller de autodiagnóstico el cual exprese las condiciones actuales de la asociación y que determina las necesidades y cambios estatuarios a los cuales se deberá sujetar la organización a fin de lograr una reestructuración ( ... )
da que aclare la parte legal de la organización y permita operar proyectos de forma eficiente y
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/33 |
The Limão-Verde village's Kaiowá Indigenous Community currently lives in a restricted area with a high level of environmental degradation in the Paraná-Paraguai Basin. Lack of water affects the health and well being of the community.
The main ( ... )
ive of this project is the recuperation of 75 hectares of native vegetation (Cerrado) within the broader village area.
The second major activity of the project has important implications in terms of reducing rainfall surface run-off and reducing surface water contamination. The village itself is situated high in the catchment area of the River Amambai, which is itself a major micro-catchment of
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/88/04 |
The project shall ensure integration among community members and the issuance of tenurial security instruments for sustainable ancestral domain and natural resource management project implementation. The migrant settlers, indigenous peoples and ( ... )
farmers living in the barangay areas are in constant struggle for land tenure security.
It aims to create impact on the greater stakeholders participation in the protection and conservation of natural resources, increase productivity or household income and meaningful conflict resolution among members of the
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/06 |
Culminacion de la construccion de un centro ecoturistico e instalacion de una empresa con un fondo comujnitario destinado a apoyar la venta de artesanias y venta de productos agricolas como estrategia para la diversificacion de fuentes de ingresos ( ... )
familias de las
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/04/04 |
The expansion of Save Catchment protection project is being implemented by Gudyanga community. The group received assistance under SGP to the tune of US$29322.93 in 1998. However, some of the activities were not fully completed and this ( ... )
mentary grant seeks to cover these gaps and ensure that the project is fully completed. During the first phase of the project the group managed to complete the following activities:
1) Bring awareness to the communty on protecting Save River catchment
2) Control erosion and siltation of the Save by planting mutsaa and fruit trees
3) Rehabilitation of the degraded areas through gulley
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/04/57 |
Project development Goal :
To improve communities? capacity in utilizing audio visual media for policy dialogue and knowledge management at local and higher levels in promoting community-based approach for sustainable resources ( ... )
Project Objectives:
1. To develop GEF-SGP Indonesia?s partners? skills and capacity in documenting lessons leant from project planning through project closure.
2. To improve project documentation as part of knowledge management program for GEF-SGP Indonesia?s country programme implementation.
3. To facilitate documentation workshop and skill sharing among selected GEF-SGP partners