There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/04/05 |
The proposed community tourism project stems from the GEF/Small Grants Programme initiative to stimulate community tourism through provision of financial resources, technical support and networking to promote the tourism products and services ( ... )
d by the communities. It fulfils Operational Programme 3, item 3 of the GEF/SGP country programme strategy by promoting community-based initiatives to increase the participation of local people in the management of natural resources. The project will focus on marketing the products and services offered by the five target community groups, specifically from Bermudian Landing, St. Paul?s Bank,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-03-92 |
Providing clean warm water for families using solar energy technology implementation,and increasing awareness about this environment friendly technologies which decreases green house gases and maximize the use of available resources in the ( ... )
To enhance the environmental situation by encouraging and facilitating the use of new & renewable energy technologies that are suitable to the village community.
To conduct a workshop to introduce the targeted community to the project
reducing emissions of green house gasses and pollution produced from primitive local
Sri lanka
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/04/14 |
introduce improved technologies on cook stoves for domestic, household industries and train selected participants; train and provide production aids to selected traditional potters to produce high quality stoves; train selected small and medium ( ... )
brick makers in improved technologies for brick making by mixing of biomass waste (sawdust and paddy husk) to the clay mixture; provide training on firing bricks and improving kilns; print a brochure and a poster in three languages on the subject of biomass energy management
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/03/08 |
The Tongwe project is an integrated programme that encompasses aspects of renewable energy, catchment protection of Limpopo International River, rehabilitation of degraded lands, biodiversity conservation, seed multiplication and income generation. ( ... )
oods will be improved through sustainable agriculture programme, small livestock production and marketing of this produce in the local area and in Bulawayo.
project objectives
-to improve the Tongwe community`s capacity to mange development and engage in the sustainable utilization and conservation of natural resources through establishment of the Tongwe development association and
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/03/06 |
This project seeks to create a monitoring framework for birds in Botswana and an information-sharing network. Starting off with twelve important bird areas in Botswana and thirteen bird species, this programme will collect and collate abudance and ( ... )
bution data, document threats, as well as design, prioritise and implement strategies to reverse bird population declines where thay occur. So called"site support groups" will be formed to ensure continuity of the programme, over and above promoting community poarticipation and sustainable use of Botswana's
Palestine, State of
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/03/48 |
Provide funding to BERC in the context of demonstration project to establish a community seed bank (CSB) in the northern area of the West Bank as a complementary component of the BERC-Til educational garden. The CSB will function as a center for ( ... )
equirements of farmers to enhance and keep alive the tradition of nurturing diversity through access to seed of farmers? capacity building in producing desired seed of specific crop cultivars; providing strategic seed reserve in drought years; production of good quality seed; ensuring farmers? seed security at the household level.
The project will contribute to the genetic resources conservation
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/03/35 |
Cuatro aspectos: Construir mejor y mayor infraestructura, talleres educativos sobre Sian Ka'an y diferentes aspectos culturales, la difusión de los valores culturales y las ceremonias relacionadas con la Cultura Maya |
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BAR/04/05 |
The project will target rural areas in Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent in an attempt to improve land management and generate sustainable livelihoods among young people and rural farmers. It will focus on rediscovering traditional methods of ( ... )
nable agriculture and utilising them in a sustainable agriculture programme on two demonstration plots in the Mabouya Valley of Saint Lucia and the Buccament Valley of Saint
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/04/08 |
Preparing a training manual for environmentally sound development project formulation, conduct five training courses in the 2 districts of the North Central province and prepare a training manual. Training of community leaders of community based ( ... )
zations in Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa districts of the North Central Provice on environmentally sound development is the focus of the project. Accordingly 125 community leaders will participate in the project. State initiative will be available through Divisional secretaries in the province via divisional level environmental officers who will select
the best community leaders to undergo
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF/16/03 |
Through the project, training on community organizing and project management of the community organizers of the POs and NGOs involved in COMPACT will be conducted.
The principles, steps and methodologies of CO, including its importance for ( ... )
transformation and effective management of specific projects will be explained and demonstrated.
This will lead to acquired skills by the community organizers of the POs and NGOs.
Skills will focus on, but not limited to, ground working, facilitation of meetings, role-playing, planning and strategizing, conducting evaluation sessions, and others.
The different project management
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/MS19 |
The goals of the project are:
1. Developing nursery of specific forest tree species.
2. Creating awareness among people about medicinal plants and herbal medicines.
3. Along with source of income also create awareness among beneficiaries about ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-04-04Pu |
The publication aims at informing the consumers about possible health risks and risks to the environment and natural species due to use of Genetically Modified Organisms in foodstuffs. |
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/17 |
During the past socialism, the country had many state owned tree nurseries in northern Mongolia, especially in Selenge region. In early 1990s, when Mongolia started shifting to a market economy, the forestry sector has completely failed and ( ... )
cally all tree nurseries had to have closed down, except a few. With issuance of Community Forestry Regulations by Ministry of Nature and Environment in 1998, many communities in Selenge region are now interested in tree nurseries.
Tunhel village used to be one of the areas where most terrible forest destructions took place over the last 35-40 years.
This grant is to assist local residents
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/03/34 |
El tema del proyecto está organizado en 5 grandes bloques:
1 -. Teatro, la música y el baile 2.-jardÃn botánico. Agricultura orgánica, natural de abeja Melipona, creciendo tradicional de algodón 3 -. ArtesanÃa - 4. Memoria histórica 5 -. ( ... )
mas de radio en Sian Ka'an, la biodiversidad y la cultura regional.
Todo el proyecto será de alrededor del Museo de la Guerra de Castas Maya
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/83/04 |
The SGP/UNF COMPACT Programme started in the Philippines in 2001. The program is designed to demonstrate how community-based initiatives can significantly change and impact the biodiversity conservation in and around a protected area. |
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/03/006 |
Se vinculará a un minimo de 10 proyectos PPD en ejecución y ejecutados cuyo eje principal sea la agrobiodiversidad. Se integragrán al proceso miembros de la CEA que tengan interés y/o hayan realizado acciones especÃficas en el área en ( ... )
³n, incluidos ONGs y Universidades. Se propondrá además el vÃnculo con gobiernos locales en iniciativas de comercialización.
El proyecto contribuirá a mejorar la calidad de vida de la población al contribuir a su seguridad alimentaria mediante la recuperación y conservación de variedades nativas andinas.
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/04/06 |
le présent projet est situé à Dagrom dans le département de Divo. il vise la transformation du manioc et le recyclage de ses déchets au moyens des sources d'énergies propres afin de préserver l'environnement. il est donc prévu l'installation ( ... )
nité de transformation du manioc, d'une installation de biogaz et d'équipement solaire dans la transformation du manioc, de la réalisation d'un puits amélioré pour l'alimentation en eau potable de l'unité de transformation du manioc et de ses produits dérivés.
Activités à mener:
- information education communication pour la sensibilisation des bénéficiaires;
- mise en place de
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/04/62 |
It?s a demonstration project to promote the adoption of renewable energy for drying agricultural crops by removing technical, economic and institutional barriers and promote the dissemination of accessible, sustainable, and climate-friendly ( ... )
logy. The project will contribute to the reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions resulted from the traditional sources of energy used for drying the extra amounts of agricultural crops and medical herbs through manufacturing and providing 17 solar dryers for three groups of women in three different communities in Hebron villages of Halhoul, Shukh and Bait Omar. The project will also
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/93/04 |
The project will serve as a pilot project to find out and demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of using video documentation as a medium for project preparation so that IP communities who have been able to protect and conserve the ( ... )
ersity in their ancestral domain but are unable to tap resources due to unwillingness, inability, or extreme difficulty in preparing written proposals could continue to protect and conserve their
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/18 |
Shaamar village used to be one of the fruit growing areas in Mongolia before 1990s. As the country started shifting to a market economy early 90s, many fruit plantations in Shaamar were left abandoned without any care due to lack of financial ( ... )
ces. As fruit plantations were completely destroyed in Shaamar and in other places, people often start going to nature for wild fruits and berries, where many people use destructive techniques, causing serious damages to fruit trees and bushes and sometimes they make wild fires which destroy whole mountain ranges.
By this grant some support is given to community activities on cultivation of