There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/01 |
The project aims at preserving and recuperating the Pequi River Basin, which is located in a semi-arid region of the São Francisco River Basin, through construction of small dams to retain rainwater runoff caused by the deforestation in the area. ( ... )
will be focus on the local community's environmental development, based on three specific target groups, which will serve as acting motivators for the proposal (youth, women and community groups), emphasizing co-existence with the semi-arid region. The goal is to create a motivational environmental learning space for the community, providing training for the rural workers which will serve as an
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/12 |
The project targets capacity-building for local and regional Cerrado leaderships, particularly those whose performance is more visible in the Cerrado Network and Brazil SGP, providing information and methodological instruments allowing them to ( ... )
nce the design and implementation of public policy related to the GEF focal areas. The leaders will be trained through participation in national, regional and municipal councils and groups. Training sessions will be divided into modules, which will take place in BrasÃlia, and an integration and debate network will be formed using the available means of communication in each
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/04/21 |
This project is about preservation of soils and establishment of agro forestery system by 31 participants for the rescue of the natural resources in the community (with the cultives of black corn, Zea May L, broak beans Phaseolus, and Aliso or ( ... )
Training is part of this project, especially on isues fertilizer, pesticides, fungicides, organic foliares, to minimize or eliminate their problems on depleted soils. All participante are intersting in do condcious in the community about the sustentable management of the natural resources.
The particpantes also plan to obtain extra income trhrough organic agriculture of their
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/47 |
Project aims in active promotion and use of solar energy (water solar panels for heating water) copying Austrian method ? do it yourself? . demonstrated in 2002 by IBMER (European project ) in Warsaw. RCEE is a leading partner of 7 body ( ... )
rship: WCEE Wloclawek- Wloclawek Ecological Education Center, Union of Gminas - Plock Region, Department of Geography,University of Warsaw, Suwalki Landscape Park, Association Ekoinicjatywa from Kwidzyn, Zywiecka Fundacja Rozwoju -Zywiec Development Foundation in Zywiec, partners from 5 regions (voivodships).
Mr. Adam Chodzko from Miedzyrzecz Podlaski was the main demonstrator (using INTERNET he
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/26 |
Ban (village) Nam Wa is situated in a hilly area of Nan Province, a northeastern province of Thailand adjacent to Lao People Democratic Republic. Wa River, a tributary of Nan River runs its course through and provides life-supporting activities for ( ... )
population of 400 in the village.
Even though, the majority of villagers earn their living through agricultural practices with simple and easy life-style, environment degradation is no exception for the locality. Deforestation and subsequent
sedimentation in the river, application of chemical substances in agricultural practices and its excessive run-off, and ever-increasing use of energy,
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/31 |
This project will take place in the Cerrado fields in the state of Maranhãoin the Lower ParanaÃba River micro-region, Chapada do Sul, and the transition areas between Cerrado and Amazon in Imperatriz. Large-scale soy farming has expanded into and ( ... )
these areas. Most of the population in these municipalities is concentrated in rural areas, and depend heavily on traditional small farmer production systems. These systems are diversified and complex, producing corn, manioc, rice, corn, beans and other vegetables. The soil in these areas is acidic, formed by arenitic rocks. In the 1970s, farmers from the South came to the area, encouraged by
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/03/16 |
The development of appropriate methodology to enable and facilitate access to programs supporting sustainable development in Indigenous Lands is the purpose of this project. This will be done in a participative manner, with hopes of providing useful ( ... )
for not only the SGP, but other programs as
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/43 |
Project aims in active protection of Spotted Souslik (spermophilus suslicus) by protecting it?s habitats, reintroduction and breeding.
Spotted Souslik in the latest Polish Red Book of Animals was moved from status "vulnerable" into ( ... )
ngered", , on the list of WCU World Conservation Union is listed as VU vulnerable.
Main activities and targets of the rpoject are:
- recultivation and moving of typical souslik habitats in order to preserve in order to secure typical functioning of animal in colonies;
-growth of souslik population in areas under project;here one of tool is resettlement of souslik from Swidnik airport where
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-04-018 |
The GEF stakeholder workshop is held twice a year for participants drawn from the CBO and NGOs as part of capacity building in GEF/SGP thematic areas. The participants of the workshop were introduced by resource experts to the following thematic ( ... )
? Clarification of GEF/SGP focal areas (Biodiversity, Climate Change, International Waters and Land Degradation). An additional subject was Biodiversity related economic.
? Writing of proposals through practical exercise in working groups.
? Presenting the proposals to the plenary with following discussions.
? The GEF SGP Project monitoring was also discussed among the participants the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-04-010 |
The GEF stakeholder workshop is held twice a year for participants drawn from the CBO and NGOs as part of capacity building in GEF/SGP thematic areas. The participants of the workshop were introduced by resource experts to the following thematic ( ... )
? Clarification of GEF/SGP focal areas (Biodiversity, Climate Change, International Waters and Land Degradation). An additional subject was Biodiversity related economic.
? Writing of proposals through practical exercise in working groups.
? Presenting the proposals to the plenary with following discussions.
? The GEF SGP Project monitoring was also discussed among the participants the
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/26 |
Le projet vise á protéger les chimpanzés du Mali dans la zone agroécologique du Banfing avec le concours des populations riveraines du Sanctuaire. Le projet va informer/sensibiliser les communautés sur la nécessité de protéger l'espece ( ... )
©e de disparition ; promouvoir la participation des populations dans la protection et la gestion des populations de chimpanzés et de leurs habitats ; mettre en place dans chaque village riverain des brigades de surveillance dotées de moyens ; et élaborer une convention de protection et de gestion des chimpanzés entre les différentes
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/25 |
The strengthening of agroextractivism as an alternative to deforestation for the municipalities of Buriti and Esperantina is the goal of this project. Integrated management of the Cerrado agroecosystem by the smallholders, strengthening and ( ... )
zation of the groups of producers and improvement in the quality of the agroextractivist products will be carried out with the support of agroecological agents. Income for the families involved, food security and appreciation of local knowledge will be sought in alliance with the conservation of the Cerrado. Beekeeeping and the implantation of agroforestry systems will be encouraged. The quality
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/80/04 |
The project envisioned creating sustainability of the existing initiatives/interventions of communities and institutions in preserving the natural bounty and aesthetic values of Palawan. Creating traditional handicrafts such as baskets, woodcarvings ( ... )
e decors have been deeply seated and long been part of Palawan's culture and has been its people's way of life for many
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/MN06 |
Local communities i.e the shiroi villagers have, for many years, protected and nurtured Shiroi lily. However, they have not been able to understand the relationship between lili flower and the physical environment of the surrounding forest. As such ( ... )
have been indiscriminately cutting the trees for sale as timber and firewood. Moreover, shifting cultivation is practiced at the foothill. These activities combined with setting of forest on fire and unregulated hunting and sale of valuable plants have seriously damaged the ecosystem of the peak and endemic species of plants and animals. The number of migratory birds locally known as Shiri is
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/RJ14 |
The project will work on Specific Objectives of:
1. Empowering Gram Panchayat Representative & Community leadership for environment conservation and process for conserving biodiversity.
2. Improve biodiversity of group and common wastelands (beed) ( ... )
rease overall bio mass in the project area.
3. Revive and reestablishing nutritive species of grasses, shrubs & trees.
4. Propagating cost economic and environmental friendly models of biodiversity in wasteland in southern
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/03/13 |
Project Aims: SGP in Lithuania seeks to contribute to protection of global environmental resources, at the same time fostering sustainable development of local communities. The aim of the project was to strengthen the impact of SGP in Lithuania by: ( ... )
ing the society more aware and knowledgeable on environmental issues - SGP focus areas and publicizing examples of successful integrated environmental and community development initiatives; 2) Widely informing local communities on SGP and possibilities to participate in the program; 3) Widening the network on information and experience exchange in SGP fields of focus, involving local communities,
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/21 |
Golden grass (Eriocaulaceae family) is a perennial plant used for handcrafts in Jalapão, state of Tocantins. The increase in tourism in the area and the diffusion of the crafts has caused wild collection to increase. This project seeks to study the ( ... )
of traditional fire management on the species and the humid fields in which it takes place. Scientific knowledge on this kind of management will be constructed with the goal of proposing techniques which can contribute to economic and ecological sustainability of the activity, taking all of the species in the humid fields into
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/04/01 |
Amani Nature Reserve forms the Southern and largest mountain block of the East Usambara Mountains, which are part of the Eastern Arc Mountain chain. The East Usambara Mountains are famous for their exceptional diversity of its plant and animal ( ... )
ities. Records show that East Usambara Mountains is home to about 350 species of birds, 200 species of butterfly, more than 50 species of amphibians, 80 species of reptiles, 3,400 species of plants including 650 species of trees. The purpose of this project therefore is to facilitate involvement of the surrounding communities in the management of Amani Nature Reserve under the premise that
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/20 |
Production and organization of the women's groups in the Cantão Environmental Protection Area will be supported by this project. Cerrado conservation and native fruit use will be encouraged as alternatives to deforestation. Communities will be ( ... )
ed to occupy existing spaces, build new spaces and make use of public policy proposed for the region. Women will be organized for social participation. Native Cerrado fruit collection will be rational and sustainable. The educational model for rural areas will be put into
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/03/19 |
This project aims to qualify Cerrado Network representatives for the development of a specific policy for sustainable use and conservation of the Cerrado, as well as a consultaiton process which will allow the participation of different segments of ( ... )
y in this process. The participation of Cerrado Network representatives in the Ministry of Environment's Cerrado Worgroup will thus be insured, as well as the participation of civil society in this