There are 27,190 projects available.
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Phase 2
Project Number: DMA/UNF/02/11 |
The Morne Trois pitons was first proposed as a protected area in 1952. The areas was designated a National Park under the national Park and Protected Areas Act in 1975. The MTPNP was enlisted as a Wlrld heritale List in december 1997 ( ... )
scribed in August of1998.
As a result of the enforcement of the laws under the Act traditional activities such as fishing, hunting, farming and logging were prohibited. This meant that persons from the the Laudat Village which lies on the fringe of the MTPNPWHS were severely affected by the limitations with respect to use of the NP. The MTPNP offers tremendous opportunities for developing eco
Phase 2
Project Number: Nam-03-05 |
The project aimed to minimise human-elephant conflict caused by water shortage in order to ensure the survival of elephant and other wildlife populations in the Nyae Nyae conservancy, while also promoting sustainable economic development for the ( ... )
nt population. The proponents equiped 2 boreholes for wildlife,repaired and 'elephant proofed' 3 exixting water points for wildlife,and make 3 existing water points fuctional for humans.Residents will be trained on elephant and water management , and game rangers were trained to monitor, record and report incidents related to water points. A management and maintanace system will be developed and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-CWI-04-01 |
This project is implemented in co-operation with the Embassy of Japan. The Embassy is funding the hardware of the project (e.g. pipelines, buildings etc.) while UNDP GEF SGP is funding the software of the project (e.g. capacity building).
The ( ... )
t area is located between the Maili Tisa trading center and Namanga Town of Kajiado District. The area suffers from high incidences of water born diseases, especially during the wet season. However 85% of the total land is classified as arid, Kajiado District therefore faces severe water shortages. Shallow wells and water pans are always threatened by over utilization and poor maintenance. During
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/06 |
Irtysh is a transboundary river, and it?s a unique water source for many big cities, numerous villages and settlements of the country. At the moment according to the independent revaluation results pollution of Irtysh in East Kazakhstan is at ( ... )
e level.
The main polluting factors are industrial wastes, emergency condition of cleaning constructions in large cities, radioactive substances pollution, condominium sector wastes pollution, poor ecological culture of the population. All these negatively influence on climate conditions, landscape degradation, flood-lands desertification, fish-stocks reduction.
The purpose of the project
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CWI-KEN-03-01 |
The community of Maji Moto depend on spring water. To protect the overused springs from contamination by animals a windmill will be rehabilitated, leading the spring water to Maji Moto Town located 2 kms away from the springs.
Project ( ... )
1.Rehabilitate the windmill and train community members on its maintenance
2.De-silt the water pan, fence the pan area and plant grass and trees
3.Train the community members on project management
4.Operationalize a management system for sustainability of the project
5. Rehabilitate the cattle dip, trough and storage tank
6. Install a demonstration drip irrigation kit in the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-04-024 |
DEPROTECS, a local NGO will install two wind driven pumps for irrigation using water from Lake Victoria. The project currently in its initial phase of implementation is the only one of its kind in Western Kenya. Supported by a grant from GEF SGP the ( ... )
will contribute to the self-sufficiency in food production and also serve as a replicable model for areas where rainfall is unpredictable but winds are strong.
The main activities will be:
(1) Mobilize farmers
(2) Procure pipes and fittings for irrigation layout
(3) Procure contract for construction of two water storage tanks, intake structure, sedimentation tank
(4) Supervise work,
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/15 |
An ecological portion of the Chee-Moon-Mekhong River, Huay (creek) Yang Wai has ,for generation, been providing water , fishes , vegetation and some energy for target population. Traditionally, the creek and its ecosystem has been an integral part ( ... )
al livelihood. Due to a few decades back of land encroachment for more cash crop plantation ,poorly planned irrigation for paddy fields and dredging project of the government, and limited capacity of community members have all contributed to the deteriorating of the ecosystem. Gradually losing its once intact vegetation, amount of fishes begin to dwindle and untimely water flow causing
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF-GEF/04/05 |
This proposal, ?Working Towards the Sustainable Management of the Commercial Fisheries Resources of the Lighthouse Reef Atoll,? has three objectives:
(1) To increase the effectiveness of the management of atoll resources through the training and ( ... )
ion of fishermen stakeholders in the monitoring of atoll resources, (2) To increase BAS?s efficiency of monitoring through the purchase of required equipment, and (3) To contribute to the effective management of Lighthouse Reef Atoll through the sharing of collected data with various stakeholder interest groups, for their inclusion in the development of proper management plans and initiatives.
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/30 |
This project seeks to protect springs, implement a plant nursery for native Cerrado plants, plant these in the spring areas, in the backyards and in thesurroundings of indigenous schools. Environmental education for the community emphasizing the ( ... )
ance of conserving wood and springs will also be a goal, for improvement in the quality and quantity of water available. In the long run, the fruit trees planted will contribute to the availability of food for the population. This project thus combines the need for use of these humid areas with their recuperation, reversing the negative impacts of
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/03 |
The project will be executed in the municipality of São João das Missões in Mid São Francisco River Valley and will target the expansion of the 'Xakriabá Cerrado Sustainable Use House' through the implementation of the 'Experimental Kitchen' ( ... )
nstruction of a handcraft workshop for soap manufacturing with sustainable use of Cerrado natural resources. A learning space for young indigenous leaders and all Xakriabá people will be created for potentializing use of the resources, stimulating sustained management of the Cerrado and promoting environmental conservation awareness. Supply of Cerrado foods for indigenous schools will also be
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/03/09 |
The recovery of food security in Indigenous Reservations is sought by this project. This will be accomplished by rescuing traditional knowledge about natural resources, by the production of a plant nursery, and fruit, nut and native potato ( ... )
station in the Tanguro village. A bilingual brochure will be developed, containing biologic, practical and traditional knowledge about how to manage and increase the area of the re-forested regions. The undernourishment in the Xavante community will be thus addressed, creating a model for other indigenous and rural areas in the
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/04/08p |
preparatory work for full project;consultation with Professor Jacek Herbich (University of Gdansk),botanist; visit to the Lower Vistula Landscape Park, consultation with Mr Pajakowski , who has experience in active protection of xeroternic grass ( ... )
n embankment of Vistula River near Swiecie;as an effect resignation of Pajakowski approach (sheep) as too expensive for so small area
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: Nam-04-11 |
This project aimed to employ local youth to sustain and restore a critical wetland on the Zambezi River. It will develop the area into a recreational site and environmental education initiative. CYDA has received a planning grant to thoroughly plan ( ... )
roject, particularly the construction
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/CWI/04/04 |
Ziwani ward is located in Pemba, Zanzibar. With technical support from the Government, a water supply project that would cover the whole ward was designed. Implementation of the project was phased. Todate, 95% of the project is completed and all ( ... )
people are supplied with piped water. Completion of the project was accelerated through community's our contribution and financial contribution from UNDP and the Government of Japan. The project aims at assisting communities at Ziwani Ward, Pemba to complete construction of their 250,000 litre capacity in order to regularize flow of water to 17,000
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/05 |
Project aims in establishment of 220km of marked bike-roads, using local parth,country roads , in some parts - normal roads linking the most valuable places of Suwalki region (Suwalszczyzna) - Wigry National park, Romincka Fores Landscape Park, ( ... )
a Valley, unique bridge in Stanczyki.Information billboards with maps in key places will be installed.From non-GEF funds watch-tower in Stary Folwark on Wigry Lake will be
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/UTH 02 |
The project was undertaken to demonstrate, train and disseminate Hydra form brick technology in rural areas and minimize environmental problems in the project areas by utilizing industrial waste and by-products for application in housing and allied ( ... )
ties. This would be a source of eco-friendly and sustainable livelihood for the local people. A demonstration cum skill building center was setup in the project areas. They undertook to organize a familiarization course especially for the youth so that they could learn the technology better and faster.
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/11 |
Lower section of Huaylaung Creek and its many wetlands constitute a portion of ecosystems of the Mekhong River Basin. For generations, the creek and its ecosystems have been playing life-supporting roles in term of food and water for household ( ... )
ption and agriculture for more than 5,000 families residing in the system, let alone the cash income from selling this natural provision to others outside the systems. As a general rule during the past four decades, development scheme such as short-sighted agricultural extension and government infra-structure have resulted in the degradation
of the creek and its ecosystems. Furthermore,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/02/10 |
Project Delayed.
Grand River South East is a fishing village having about 1500 households. It has also an active small planters community. The other economic operators are the Deep River Beau Champ Sugar Estates and a hotel known as Laguna. The ( ... )
e life is structured through the Village Council and a certain number of local organisations exist including: Women, Youth, the Ageing and Fishermen organisation.The current project has given itself the ambition of contributing in changing the mind set of people in the context of climate change and create conditions for the people to take actions at their individual level within their household
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/02/28 |
El apoyar técnicamente los proyectos ambientales en su desarrollo es clave en especial el apoyo organizacional, mesa de resolución de conflictos, así como sistematizar las lecciones aprendidas , los proyectos y el programa requieren una ( ... )
limentación de lo que ocurre en terminos de lecciones aprendidas buenas practicas así como errores que orienten al Consejo, Cordinación a otrros proyectos. A través de este proyecto se realizara un monitoreo y evaluación en terreno, de los proyectos seleccionados del concurso normal del ano
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/03/13 |
lUna de las potenciales de los proyectos es la posibilidad de ppoder motivar a otras comunidades a realizar acciones comunitarias en el tema ambiaental y en especial en los temas del GEF por ello se considera necesario sistematizar las experiencias ( ... )
mo poder apoyar a las comunidades de base en mejorar su gestión de proyectos y compartir aprendizajes por ello el proyecto realizará el acompanamiento y sistematización de los proyectos en el período