There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/28 |
Compile and publish educational materials on Butterflies, establish butterfly study groups in schools and an inforamtion centre in Matale district, Hold six educational camps in six ecosystems for students in selected schools in Matale district. ( ... )
district is home to the Knuckles Strict Nature Reserve - a mountainous reserve with rich biodiversity and cloud forests. It is recorded over 60 species of butterflies are found in this district and some of them are under threat of extinction.
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/01 |
Conservation of biodiversity through the promotion of environmentally friendly lifestyles in 3 selected eco-systems.
Main activities are - awareness raising of villagers and school children on the importance of sustainably conserving micro ( ... )
heds, home garden development (50) and growing & use of medicinal herbs and bufferzone protection with a natural fence of agave.
500 students of 2 schools and 265 families of 6 villages were the targeted beneficiaries of this project.
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/01/01 |
The project intends to enhance Agta capacity to identify, have recognized, assess biodiversity resources and sustainable manage their ancestral domains in Aurora Province. Moreover, this project recognizes the community's primary role as ( ... )
tories of resource management regimes evolved by the people who lived in such a close proximity to, and with such sensitivity to, the health of local ecosystems that threats and damage to the latter have translated into an alarming dip in population that has put them, together with other endangered species, well on the road to
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/04 |
Protection of surficial waters against pollutants from farms situated near Hancza Lake |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/22 |
Eco-development for the Kurpie region by restocking and reintroduction of local kinds of decorative plants and herbs at farmers gardens |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/19 |
Military testing grounds, despite destruction caused by military exercises,a very valuable areas of great potential biodiversity value - access was a long time not possible for normal activities, so parts of military testing grounds proved to be ( ... )
aluable.Changes in Poland since 1989 and final leave of Russian Army in September 1992brought back to Poland area nearly big as a tyotal surface of national parks.Some were taken by Polish army, some were transferred to Regional Forest Inspectorates.
Project is preparing standard protection programmes for valuable parts of testing grounds, securing effective protection of habitats and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/07p |
Project is aimed in enabling working contacts between Polish and Lithuanian potential partners from NGOs, National parks to discuss and work on new lithuanian-polish initiatives and projects on biodiversity protection.First meeting organized by ( ... )
a Hanczy" in November 2001 (see: POL/01/11p) proved that such a cooperation needs permanent frequent occasions (meetings, workshops etc) supported by e-mail communication is very necessary. GEF/SGP facilitates such a exchange with prospects for further activities/projects to be prepared for GEF and other donors funding.
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/06p |
Gatherind data for full project preparation; meetings with people of Malechewo, Borki and other thematic villages to jointly discuss planned project activities and small scale investment enriching planned walking paths, bike roads, horse riding ( ... )
linking all thematic villages in one
Sri lanka
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/39 |
Establishing community groups, awareness raising, participatory demarcation of reserve, plant nurseries, planting in watershed, home garden development and training on fuel efficient stoves, their installation and use. This project will concentrate ( ... )
g with tea estate communities who are living in estate housing. Their home garden area is limited but the community is keen on developing useful home gardens with fuel efficient stoves. This is also a community which is overlooked in general development activities.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/17 |
Long-term energy policy of EU and Poland is pointing in bio-fuel contribution from various agricultural crops where rape-seed oil is one of the most important as a part of strategic solution vis-a-vis threat of depletion of conventional fuels, but ( ... )
he main aim of pollution reduction.It is also a part of a long-term agricultural policy where in Poland many hectars of cultivated land should be devoted to afforstration schemes or other, non-agricultural activities.
Project of small scale agro-refinery has three main objectives: 1. Construction of small agro-refinery producing bio-fuel based on rape-seed-oil cultivated locally and feasible
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-02-63 |
The purpose of the project was the following :
- Making the villages self-sufficient in clean energy ( biogas ) and organic fertilizers which are the major input materials for environment and economic development;
- Improving health and sanitary ( ... )
ons in these areas.
Project's activities are : 1. To disseminate biogas technology in some villages of Sahel Seliem. 2. To produce clean energy. 3. To produce good fertilizers. 4. To reduce the harmful emissions of greenhouse gases which cause the increase of global warm phenomenon? 5. To motivate the association to produce clean energy. 6. To protect the health of mothers and children from
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/03/43 |
The Western Schraders Range is located along the Bismark Highlands/ Ramu Basin. "From PNG's highest summit to one of its richest lowland alluvial forests. The Ramu supports extensive areas of lowland rainforest (including swamp forests), some of ( ... )
is developed on ultrabasic parent rock. The only known locality of Lauterbachia (Monimiaceae)" (J.F. Swartzendruber 1993.Papua New Guinea Needs Assessment Synopsis Report). The primary objective of this survey is to measure the plant biodiversity and determine the vegetation types along an altutudinal gradient within the proposed conservation
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CWI/SRL/03/01 |
Rationale:water in many of the wells in the Kalpitiya Peninsula was unfit for drinking and that the residents of would not be able to obtain drinking water eventhough the supply mechanisms were in place.
Objectives: To remedy the problem of nitrate ( ... )
rite pollution in 25 drinking water wells in Nawakkaduwa in the Kalpitiya Peninsula.
To cahnge the present land management practices to organic agriculture including the use of diverse tree crops in the landscape design of 25 home gardens.
To restore some of teh lost mangrove vegetation in that area previously used for prawn farming and now abandoned.
activities: social mobilization of
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/15p |
Planning grant given for project preparation of black stork project (extensive consultations with forest inspectorates); some consultations were used for promotion of the another stage of all-Poland's bat project, what was rejected by GEF/SGP |
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/13 |
Although tree planting continues to be one of the major environmental initiatives in Mongolia, fruit tree planting by local communities is relatively new in the countryside. Having some experience in tree planting in urban areas, the Girls Scout ( ... )
nt has suggested to plant fruit trees in Bornuur sum.
This grant is given to support girl scouts? initiative to plant fruit trees in Bornuur sum with further intention to establish a community fruit garden with involvement of some local community members. This activity is expected to bring a lot of environmental and livelihood benefits, if the project is implemented successfully.
Over 2000
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/03/12 |
Mejorar la calidad de las familias asociadas a través del mejoramiento de las condiciones ambientales locales. Se pretende realizar los planes de manejo que permitan proteger el bosque de olivillo costero que es un tipo de asociación boscosa muy ( ... )
en la
Cote d'ivoire
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/98/G52/050 |
Le Programme PNUD/FEM de Microfinancements a permis l'exécution de plusieurs projets communautaires dans les domaines de l'environnement( Changement Climatiques, Biodiversité et Eaux internationales) et de la lutte contre la pauvreté. Les ( ... )
tés ont pu etre renforcées et des résultats pertinents, substantiels obtenus. Les résultats importants obtenus ne sont pas toujours connus et leur replicabilité a d'autres régions est incertaine. Une bonne diffusion des résultats a travers des supports appropriés, aiderait a mieux faire profiter du savoir-faire acquis par les ONGs et autres OCB a l'ensemble de la communauté. C'est pour
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/02/07 |
The COMPACT initiative works with communities who reside close to the World Heritage Site of Mt. Kenya. To promote the conservation campaign in the Mt. Kenya region, the organization Tree is Life, of the Nyahururu Catholic Diocese, will paint 60 ( ... )
in three towns around the northern side of Mt. Kenya. They will mobilize artists, invite them to a workshop to expound on COMPACT and its activities and build the capacity of the artists to paint environmental murals. The artists will then negotiate for good wall space in areas where there is high people traffic. The paintings will capture the theme of conservation, with the intended goal of
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/03/23 |
Buhoma Community Water Gravity Scheme for conservation of biodiversity in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (BINP) is a gravity water scheme drawing water from a source point within the parkmanaged area. The scheme is adjacent to BINP where the ( ... )
ered mountain gorillas (Gorilla Gorilla Berengei) and other primates are known to range.
Water is one of basic necessities of life an thus providing adequate safe water, promotion of good hygiene and sanitation of the population in proximity to the park is a key contribution to improved conservation management of Bwindi?s biodiversity. BINP is world heritage site and a home to many endemic and
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/22 |
With its origin in Khao Yai National Park,Lam Ta Khlong runs it course through various districts of Nakhornratchasima before joining the Moon River and Mekhong River. It has been supplying water for household consumption, agriculture, ( ... )
ies and fishery. At the location in Muang District of Nakhornratchasima where it has been densely populated, the Lam Ta Khlong is heavily polluted by chemical substance from agriculture , industries and community waste. Especially, the sensitive cultivated area is approximately 1,000 ha.The water quality index at 4-5 is not acceptable for use.
Emerging as a result of