There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/20 |
Bat and owl protection in the sacral buildings (churches) in Lubuskie Voivodship: existing breeding places investigation and protection and new creation to increase a population; information and education action for local community and priests. |
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/03/23 |
Ultima etapa de apoyo a un proyecto educativo de medicina tradicional y rezos mayas para fortalecer la sustentabilidad del proyecto.
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/22 |
This project takes place in the state of Minas Gerais, with two municipalities as the focal area; Pirapora and Buritizeiro. The town seats are across from each other on opposite margins of the São Francisco River. The proposal is to support use and ( ... )
ent of natural Cerrado resources in these towns, viewing improved nutrition and food security. Exchanges with other initiatives for the creation of Cerrado product basket are planned, for production, dissemination and
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/10 |
The project builds on the assumption that agricultural development strategies that reduce poverty must be pursued vigorously; otherwise the poor will be forced to encroach on the remaining areas of biodiversity, and there will be little local or ( ... )
al political support for holding them back. It consists in providing 5 families in the mountainous area of Thethi National Park with 3-5 beehives. A rotating fund will be created from the income generated from selling honey and other products and used by the locals for replicating the experience with other families in the
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/10 |
Pastureland degradation is one of the most pressing environmental problems in Mongolia. In fact, nature is very vulnerable to climate change effects which bring frequent droughts, practically every summer. In addition to climate change, domestic ( ... )
ock is a main made contribution to pasture land degradation.
The grant supports community actions on rehabilitation of 22 ha of pastureland and on cultivation of fodder in the rehabilitated area to control soil erosion using water from Hunheree River. The river itself has a problem with sand shift which threatens to block or fill in river channel with shifting sand.
The local community has
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/40 |
Project development Goal :
Betterment of life quality through restoration effort for healthy soil and environment.
Project Objectives :
1. To reduce local farmer dependence of chemical fertilizer and pesticide
2. To change current farming ( ... )
ces into environmentally friendly farming practices
3. To restore soil quality and balance to support local farming system
4. To increase the quality of local farming production
Expected output :
1. Adoption of sustainable farming system (organic farming).
2. Better quality of local farming products
3. Better quality of nutrients among farmers family and increased
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/03 |
The main objective of this project is to extend the bicycle roads build in Gdansk into surrounding gminas - creation the bicycle roads system with complex small infrastructure.It will enable conditions for wide propagation of natural and landscape ( ... )
of vicinity of Gdansk aglomeration and healthy life style through development of bike
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/22 |
Conservation and protection of sward environmental values in Bielinek Reserve |
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/03/04 |
Planning grant to develop a proposal to empower STACA to manage Billy Barquidere National Park and its crucial watershed as well as to provide sustainable economic development in the area. |
Sri lanka
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/34 |
Community training and awareness raising, exposure tours for students, plant nurseries, planting trees on the river banks, construction of metal structures to be filled with rocks on identified spots in the river, monitoring and follow up ( ... )
ties. The metal net structures are to be designed by experienced technical officers who will advise the NGO on the installation. The community will assist in the installation and maintenance of the structures. The idea is to grow clinging creepers on the structures so that they give the appearance of a natural bank eventually.
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/05 |
This project deals with the protection of the ?Nelli kele? medicinal reserve. Some of the main activities are:
Awareness raising of communities, erecting boards around the reserve for the promotion of biodiversity, sustainable use of natural ( ... )
ces for income generation, establishing CBO's and a micro- credit system for the communities.
Groups involved are Approx 150 school children, villagers of 75 families in the area.
The ?Nelli kele? medicinal forest to be identified and demarcated as a reserve unit and
Conserve the forest by the direct participation of the villagers in the area. Livelihoods o f75 families to be
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/22 |
Propagation of tuber varieties to 100 farmers, conduct baseline survey, awareness raising, three model school gardens on tubers, training 25 farmer families, production of value added food items with tubers, marketing, establishement of seed tuber ( ... )
publish booklet on tubers and their use and networking with partner organizations for promotion of tuber
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/24 |
Awareness raising of communities and villages who grow cardomons on mountain slopes, establishing CBO's planting trees along water streams, rehabilitating 25 acres which have been subjected to severe erosion, erecting stone embankments, establishing ( ... )
scheme for villages and stone paving in plots within the sanctuary eroded due to vehicle
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/21 |
Sustainable development model at the local level to protect the environment i the Grybow Gmina: creation of Ecology Education Center, permanent grasslands, bicycle roads, information footpath |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/03/31 |
The project is managed by Soroti Rural Development Association, a local CBO in Soroti district. It is involved in the promotion of sustainable community conservation activities to help alleviate the environmental problems in the area. The GEF focal ( ... )
ddressed are land degradation, biodiversity conservation and climatic change mitigation. Activities include biodiversity conservation through sustainable natural resource utilisation and management, diversification of livelihood options such as beekeeping, animal rearing and restocking, poultry breeding, conservation education, tree planting and fruit orchards among others. The area experiences
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/27 |
Conservation of bufferzone with awareness raising of communities, prevention of forest fires, soil conservation, planting hedgerows and digging trenches, home garden development, planting of jute as a fire prevention method and for income generation ( ... )
ies, training on jute processing. The community lives on the hill slope causing erosion through agricultural and other activities. The objective is to train the community on sustainable use of land, arresting of soil erosion and give an income through developing home gardens.
Sri lanka
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/32 |
Protection of river bank in 8 spots, planting trees on the river banks, community training and awareness raising, exposure tours for students, plant nurseries, monitoring and follow up activities. Strengthening of 3 CBOs, minimising of illegal ( ... )
ning, cultural activities and dissemination of information through banners and posters. The identified work is a felt need of the community as the erosion is eating into their lands and threatening the collapse of some housing along the bank. The community has built their houses on the reservation of the stream and they are eager to safegurad their properties by cooperating in this work.
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/17 |
Protect the watersheds of 3 reservoirs by planting trees and controlling soil erosion through the use of contour ridges, and planting; plant trees along the canals feeding the reservoirs; promote nature farming among communities, composting; hoem ( ... )
development; income generation for low income
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/OR12 |
The project aimed to attempt at the conservation of eco system and NTFP potential of Khaprakhol Block through involvement of local communities, government line department and PRI functionaries. It also initiated effort in the direction of ( ... )
nable forest based livelihoods of the local communities, which in turn contributed to the conservation of rich forest wealth in the region.
The project facilitated the development of NTFP & Medicinal plants based community level enterprises in order to secure sustainable livelihoods as well as conservation of eco system for forest dependent marginalized sections especially women. Ex-situ
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/33 |
Printing and distribution of promotional material on butterflies such as a Year calendar and other outreach material.
The original project to the NGO was to compile and publish educational material on Butterflies, establish butterfly study ( ... )
in schools and an inforamtion centre in Matale district, Hold six educational camps in six ecosystems for students in selected schools in Matale district. Matale district is home to the Knuckles Strict Nature Reserve - a mountainous reserve with rich biodiversity and cloud forests. It is recorded over 60 species of butterflies are found in this district and some of them are under threat of