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Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   DOM/03/16
Mejoramiento las condiciones de vida y reducción de la contaminación ambiental (CO2) por el de Keroseno, a través de la instalación de sistemas de electrificación solar con fines domésticos para cinco comunidades del municipio Altamira.
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   DOM/03/17
Aprovechamiento de una fuente de energía renovable a partir de la instalación de una micro hidroeléctrica de 18 Kw, para cubrir las necesidades energéticas con fines domésticos y productivos en dos comunidades (Piedra de los Veganos y Los ( ... )
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   DOM/03/23
Mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de lo comunitarios y protección ambiental a través de la electrificación con energía solar para familias y escuelas en 5 comunidades fronterizas tradicionalmente marginadas
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   TRI/03/011
The overall objective of the project is to make a fundamental step towards generating and using of renewable energy for and in the village, creating thereby necessary conditions for improving the living standard of the village. This objective ( ... )
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   IVC/98/G52/043
La Côte d'Ivoire a atteint l'auto-suffisance sur le plan de la production électrique. Cependant, force est de reconnaître que l'électrification rurale par extension des réseaux reste une opération couteuse. 25 % de la population ivoirienne ( ... )
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   NEP/03/03
Kathmandu is the second most polluted city in the entire world after Mexico City. Thus clean air is what all the Kathmanduties dreamt of. In order to decrease the level of pollution, the government has put on ban on Vikram Tempo and allowed zero ( ... )
Project Number:   TUR-02-21PU
The SGP grant will be used to publish posters of wildlife species, which are either protected via international conventions or national laws and legislation. There are also several other species, though, not harmful, without a protection status, ( ... )
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   DOM/03/20
Reducción de los efectos del calentamiento global a través del uso de una fuente de energía renovable para la electrificación de sus hogares; estimulando así el desarrollo comunitario a la vez que mejora la calidad de vida de los ( ... )
El salvador
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   ELS/98/G52/009
El presente proyecto consiste en la instalación de dos sistemas de generación de energía solar y bombeo de agua, en una comunidad rural de 630 habitantes que se localiza en el área de veda de la reserva natural más importante de El Salvador ( ... )
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   MEX/03/27
La incorporación de la tecnología solar fotovoltaica para apoyar los procesos de desarrollo sostenible, creación de empleo y la puesta en marcha de nuevos servicios de la comunidad. Contribuir con el medio ambiente con la incorporación de ( ... )
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   DOM/03/22
Protección y concienciación ambiental mediante la reducción de del uso de combustibles fósiles como el gas y cambiarlo ala energía solar para la electrificación de hogares, para mejorar las condiciones de vida de los comunitarios.
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   NEP/03/02
There are 134 Dalit households comprising so-called untouchable Kamis and Damais in Lekhani VDC. During the cool chilly winter in Lekhni, fire is the best friend for the Dalits. Fire is both their warm cloth and bed. They left the fire burning ( ... )
Land Degradation
Project Number:   UGA/03/19
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   JOR/02/19
Over the past two years, the National Energy Research Center has been implementing a project to train energy efficiency engineers whose role is to reduce energy consumption, thereby energy bill, within small and medium size industries. The Center ( ... )
Project Number:   INDO/02/39
Project development Goal and Objective: To develop a project planning and proposal on public campaign and development of community action concerning the health and environmental impacts of mercury (Hg) among the community gold miners and river ( ... )
Multifocal Area
Project Number:   KEN-GEF-03-002
The marine turtle in Kenya are under threat due to environmental stresses as well as their importance in meeting the socio-economic and socio-cultural requirements of Kenya?s costal communities. Local people are still exploiting sea turtles for ( ... )
Sri lanka
Project Number:   SRL/03/38
Conservation of home garden bio system and species in the natural environment, address the water scarcity problem through water conservation irrigation methods. The project proposes to demonstrate several methods of water conservation from the ( ... )
Project Number:   GUA/03/15
Project consists on the establishment, training on, and management of agroforestry systems that imitate ecological relationships that naturally occured on the Santa María and Zunil volcanoes Protected Areas, through the establishment and management ( ... )
International Waters
Project Number:   JOR/03/01
Over the coming two years, That An Nitaqayn Women Charity Society and the local community of Twal Al Janoubi/ Deir Alla district east Jordan Valley will be implementing this project which will contribute to the sound integrated management of natural ( ... )
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Project Number:   SRL/03/11
Conduct an exhibition and fair on World Environment Day including cultural activities, a dialogue, a procession a seminar and an essay competition among school children on Water Conservation. An Environment Day drama performance by a rural school, ( ... )
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