Project Title |
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Area Of Work
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Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/02/27 |
Colaborar con la reducción del CO2 por medio del uso de un sistema de movilización no contaminante, la creación e implementación de un proyecto piloto de ciclovías que se encuentre asociado a las lineas estructurales del programa de transporte ( ... )
de Santiago (PTUS), para mejorar en forma directa la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos del sector del barrio Yungay y de todos los habitantes de
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/03/37 |
Communication and information dissemination project on GEF/SGP multi-thematic areas-biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and protection and international waters ? to produce monthly newspaper supplement on
Al Ayyam daily local ( ... )
per headed under ?Environment and Development-Global Environment challenges? national priorities community solutions?.
The project will contribute to establishing a platform for useful and professional debate on different environmental and development and social workers and decision makers about the main concept behind environmental sustainable development. The supplement will also develop
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-02-68 |
Project's activities are : 1. To reduce the emissions of the greenhouse gases. 2. To form groups of women and youth in Atsa village and train them to promote the concept of usage renewable energy. 3. To organize environmental seminars to raise ( ... )
awareness towards reducing burning fossil fuel. 4. To reduce the consumption of electric energy. 5. To motivate the community to improve their ways in
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/UNF-GEF/03/07 |
The project aims at reducing the consumption of fuel wood by the communities living adjacent to the Mt. Kilimanjaro forests reserve through the use of stone made fuel efficient stove. The use of fuel-efficient stoves will reduce the consumption of ( ... )
ood by 75% per household. The use of this stone made cooking stoves will contribute in conserving the Mt. Kilimanjaro forests as 60% of the fuel woods used in Moshi town are believed to come from the forests around Mt. Kilimanjaro .This project will promote wide use of low cost fuel wood efficient stone made stoves through capacity building to locals on how to construct these stoves. This
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/MS12 |
This project aimed to improve the livelihood opportunities of the poor women by providing them employment assistance and management skills in creation of intensive biomass production plots yielding fuel wood, pulses, vegetables and fruits. It also ( ... )
to establish methodologies to enhance productivity of land by soil improvement, nutrient and water management and multi tier, diversifies biomass production systems.
Major objectives of the project were-
? To upgrade knowledge and skills of women about land, water and forest resource management
? To establish diversified biomass systems on wasteland to meet fodder, fuel, partial food, timber
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/03/25 |
Difusión de los resultados "COMPACT" para el desarrollo sostenible en Sian Ka'an
Difusión de las actividades de "COMPACT" a través de 36 programas de radio y 14 artículos para alentar la replicación de experiencias |
Sri lanka
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/07 |
The documentary film on the project was completed for use at the World Water Day programme in Kyoto.
The project on Analog forestry (SRL/01/27) developed and transformed home gardens and chena lands to forest gardens. Conservation forestry ( ... )
ques used to create buffer zones between those lands that are bordered by fragmented natural forests. The riparian areas of the streams that formed the Maragala Oya restored with their original vegetation while the gully vegetation of the 22 dead streams were also planted. A feeder stream was tapped to divert water through a vast irrigation network that would feed all dead streams within the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/21 |
Following the government?s Energy Conservation Educational Project in 1997, the target community realized the need for natural resource and energy conservation and subsequently
established the High Efficiency Stove Fund and Forest ( ... )
ation Group. This prompted the survey of the forest ,a source of food and household energy supply. It has been found out that the forest has been consumed incautiously leading to the scarcity of household energy and gradual exhaustion of other natural resources.
By encouraging learning process and building capacity for community-based
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/03/03 |
Dufuya Integrated project is located in lower Gweru area of Gweru District, Midlands Province. The project aims at building the capacity of local communities to restore, protect and sustainably utilise the wetlands which are being threatened and ( ... )
g exinct as a result of livestock paddling and unplanned utilisation. In addition to protection of the wetland, the community will also promote the use of renewable energy technologies through the construction of 5 biogas digesters and 300 fuel saving stoves. This will help in reducing tree cutting as well as carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
The community is working in close
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/45/03 GEF-RNE |
The project aims to develop/install a community-based micro-hydro power system as alternative source of energy to 135 Higaonon households in Brgy. Dumalaguing, Impasugong, Bukidnon.Brgy. Dumalaguing is an upland community (750 meters above sea ( ... )
and inhabited by Higaonons. Located about 20 kilometers from the center of the municipality of Impasugong (Bukidnon), 80% of the total land area is classified as timberland. Several creeks are found in the barangay and these drain/feed the major rivers systems of Tagoloan and Dumalaguing.In addition to providing clean/renewable energy source for the indigenous communities, the project shall be
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/02/16 |
In a unique natural area south of Jordan, Ad Disi Basin Villages Tourism Cooperative, which manages tourism in a large part of Rum Protected Area, will implement the ?Eco-tourism Pilot Project? in cooperation with the Wadi Rum Protected Area ( ... )
ment. The project aims at controlling the negative impacts on the significant biodiversity of the Rum and Disi fragile eco-system caused by camel and vehicle tours and desert camping, through improving the general conditions of the vehicles and camels, and restricting tour paths and un-organized camping, taking full consideration of the local community?s economic and social needs. The project
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/10-PG |
This is a found for will present a project for full grant to SGP Guatemala. |
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/51 |
Main idea of the project is eleboration of competitive, scientifically, economically and socially based project proposal on conservation and reproduction of two species included into Kyrgyz National Red book: gray Varanus and Uzun-Akmat grape
The ( ... )
omponents of the project are:
1. Clarification of property rights to peninsula and close land plots.
2. Ecological basis of possibility of reproduction of Varanus in the peninsula, growing Uzun-Akman grape and other Red Book species can be found in the peninsula
3. Economical basis of functioning the protected zone as an ecotourism object.
4. Basis of fundraising
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/03/46 |
The poject aims to conserve resident wildlife and will offer en route protection to the migratory species of birds and waterfowl by establishing private protected areas. The project area is situated on the Indus Flyway #4 of migratory birds. The ( ... )
t will involve loal communities for protection aginst poaching and hunting and will be supported by the wildlife department in declaring the area as a protected area and they will be engaged to build the capacities of the local residents as well as in carrying out wildlife
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/02/15 |
This project is of a community constituted by internal war displaced people. Project consists on the improvement and construction of ecotourism facilities. The people of community is participating in all activities of Maya agroecology school, ( ... )
ical lodging facilities, restaurant and organic agriculture. Income generated through this complementary activities will facilitate project sustainability.
With this project the participants hope obtein extra incomes and conserv the place with organic management and protect the natural biodiversity.
All participants are training in eco turist, management of the tourist, and organic
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/98/G52/019 |
En la costa Norte hondurena se encientra se encuentra el Parque nacional Pico bonito que con sus 107,300 hectáreas es el segundo parque más grande de Honduras, con una riqueza enorme de biodiversidad. Esta rodeada por más de 200 comunidades cuya ( ... )
ivencia, de alguna manera, de pende de los recursos de esta área protegiga. Las presiones humanas, las debilidades en el desarrolol y la falta de aplicación de leyes y políticas ambientales, aunadas con el bajo nivel de vida en las comunidades aledanas al parque amenazan los recursos valiosos de Pico Bonito.
La organización GUARUMA tiene su sede en la comunidad de las Mangas, enclavada en la
Cote d'ivoire
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/98/G52/049 |
Les forets tropicales regorgent plus de 8 000 especes de plantes dont plus de 95% sont médicinales. Ces plantes procurent nourriture, combustibles, fibres, mais surtout des médicaments a toutes les communautés qu'elles soient urbaines ou rurales. ( ... )
anisme d'exploitation de ces plantes ne permet pas leur régénération pour une utilisation durable future. Cette situation a créé en Côte d'Ivoire, l'appauvrissement et l'extinction de nombreuses especes de plantes, réduisant la chance des générations futures de bénéficier de cet impact, l'homme changer de comportement face a ces plantes. C'est en cela qu'un groupement d'ONG ( CETAF,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/12 |
Le projet est axé sur la sensibilisation et accompagnement des populations en vue de changer de comportement par rapport aux changements climatiques. Il est envisagé de renforcer les capacités des collectivités décentralisées, soutenir les ( ... )
tives d?autopromotion des populations.
A cet effet, le projet compte diffuser des équipements économes d?énergies afin de désamorcer les effets néfastes du changement climatique et la pression sur les ressources ligneuses.
Objectifs spécifiques - renforcer les capacités d?intervention des collectivités décentralisées par la formation et la mise a leur disposition des volontaires
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/34 |
Proveer energía eléctrica a los hogares de esta comunidad a través de sistemas eléctricos de energía solar y con ello reducir los efectos negativos del cambio climático usando una fuente energía renovable |
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/19 |
Protección del medio ambiente al sustituir el uso de combustibles fósiles y mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida, mediante el aprovechamiento de la energía solar de electrificación de hogares, junto a un plan de capacitación que genere ( ... )
ncia entre los comunitarios para promover la conservación de los recursos