There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/02 |
Balhash lake is a unique natural complex, national partimony of Kazakhstan. But its current state causes alarm: the reservoir is intensively polluted by industrial and domestic wastes, its water-ground resources are irrationally used, and that leads ( ... )
nization of the grounds. The problem is aggravated also with the fact that population has no trustworthy information about the situation.
The basic purpose of the project is to draw attention of the public and local authorities to decision of ecological and socio-economic problems of Ilie-Balhash region. Thus close cooperation with journalists is plannedm such as organization of a trip to
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/24 |
This project seeks to bring environmental education to the Paracatu (Minas Gerais state) rural communities through the use of bats, due to their great importance in maintenance of Cerrado flower diversity. Financial loss in the cattle raising is ( ... )
inked to this animal. The project hopes to build awareness in the rural population as to the importance of the bat in pollinating and dispersing seeds of the main Cerrado plant species. Working toward this goal, didactic materials on the subject will be created, conscience-building and orientation activities will take place, an assessment of the bat species present in the region will take place,
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/15 |
This project aims to prepare an environmental education resource pack for use in schools as an extra curricula information source.
The draft of the book will be prepared and discussed in workshops with selected stakeholders. An expert group will ( ... )
ated with the purpose of analyzing the final draft and issuing the publication
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/21 |
The main aim of the project is an active common Tern (Sterna hirundo) and black tern (Chlidonion hybrida) protection in Upper Vistula River due to observed (as in whole Europe) trend of strong decline of population of both birds (see: EU Bird ( ... )
ive 79/409/EWG) ? it is done through enabling the development of population by creration and construction of artificial breeding places. Information and education activities among local authorities.Project implemented in cooperation with Upper Vistula River Valley Ornithological Group
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/MS13 |
Parisar has been active in urban transport in Pune for a number of years, lobbying successive city administrations for improvements in the PMT. While many administrations over the years were reluctant to countenance politically sensitive issues ( ... )
s traffic demand management, or were less receptive to civil society organizations such as those of the grantee, the grantee gained experience in municipal traffic and transport advocacy, developed networks of partner organizations representing various stakeholders, and developed a suite of policy recommendations for the city. With a new, more sympathetic administration taking charge in June
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/40 |
El huracán causó severos daños a los apicultores de la región, se estima que un 35% de las colmenas se perdieron, se propone la reactivación de la actividad apícola en la Región de los Chenes mediante la adquisición de insumos básicos para ( ... )
ducción y control de enfermedades y garantizar la producción de miel y cera de abejas, La recuperación de las colmenas, y los tratamientos para el control de
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/08 |
Gobi region in Mongolia has no willow trees. If not the entire region, at least sum centres need some kinds of trees. Specially, willow trees grow rapidly. Willow trees are usually used for making some home appliences in the countryside. Therefore, ( ... )
t outcomes may support both nature and livelihoods in Erdenedalai sum.
The objective of the project is to practice a planting of willow seedlings in the Gobi region in order to establish a community garden in Erdenedalai sum and to contribute to mitigation of climate change effects.
Some 1000 two years old willow seedlings were planted in the stone made plot presented by
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/12 |
Conservación, reproducción y uso sostenible de la iguana Cyclura cornuta en la zona de Las Galeras, Provincia de Samaná, como mecanismo para proteger las poblaciones amenazadas de las iguanas a la vez con apoyo de las comunidades aledanas en ( ... )
anza, educando a la gente y abriendo una perspectiva comercial fomentándose el
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/03/02 |
El proyecto propuesto corresponde a una intervención de un proceso en marcha, puesto que el CIAT viene trabajando en la provincia Manuel María Caballero desde los anos 80, con el objetivo de mejorar las condiciones de vida de las familias ( ... )
das en esta provincia, así como: mejoramiento de la producción hortícola y frutícola de valles, desarrollo y transferencia de tecnología para el mejoramiento de los sistemas de producción foretales, agroforestales y pecuarios. En este contexto, el proyecto propuesto pretende realizar acciones dirigidas a la promoción y establecimiento de un Esquema de Cobro y Pago por servicios Ambientales
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/06/02 |
La región tiene identificado como problema principal la baja producción de sus cultivos tradicionales, debido a la falta de agua de riego que asegure la producción, la degradación de los suelos, la falta de asistencia técnica en el proceso de ( ... )
ción de los cultivos y falta de insumos agrícolas, lo que da lugar a la inseguridad alimentaria y la migración temporal de las familias.
En este sentido con el proyecto se piensa cubrir dos aspectos: construcción de pequenas infraestructuras de riego (captaciones de agua de vertientes para riego) y mejoramiento de la fertilidad de los
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/03/21 |
Investigación y desarrollo de la capacidad de esta especie vegetal de importancia ecológica y económica, y el establecimiento de un vivero para la producción de 60.000 plantas y reforestación de 9 hectáreas |
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ELS/98/G52/002 |
El proyecto Establecimiento y manejo de un apiario orgánico productivo para proteger el Bosque Nancuchiname, se desarrollará en el cantón El Zamorán, ubicado al sur de San Marcos Lempa, junto a la ribera oriental del río Lempa, a 80 kilómetros ( ... )
oriente de San Salvador, pertenece al municipio de Jiquilisco, departamento de Usulután.
El Objetivo principal del proyecto es: Establecer y manejar 60 colmenas en el bosque Nancuchiname. Se establecerá en el bosque con el propósito de aprovechar las condiciones que el mismo brinda en época de floración, dada la gran variedad de especies arbóreas que en éste se encuentran. Se
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/42 |
The main idea of the project is protection of wetland zone (20 hectares) in a mouth of Karakol River. Wetland plot of mouth the river is intensively using now and actually has lost own natural state. The red belly frog is the main species in the ( ... )
ted plot. Rest places of migratory are other important protected sites. The red belly frog is under the threat of disappearance because of it using in non-tradition medicine. The basic components of the project are:
- Community based inventory of flora and fauna in the protected site
- Creation of fence
- Planting natural wood and bush vegetations
- The propagandas and information
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/TN07 |
The project was designed to promote an understanding and acceptance of the need to protect, conserve and regenerate alternative indigenous species of fodder & fuel by local communities. This would help realize sustainable effort in the restoration ( ... )
groves and build the asset portfolio of the community for improved mangrove protection & management. The demonstrative model was also aimed to evolve communication package for replication of the programme and advocacy to influence development plans in Coastal Areas.
The project had two major components, one was social and community aspects and the other was the civil and engineering measures
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/13 |
Unsustainable agricultural practices such as heavy use of agro-chemicals and inorganic fertilizer have caused extensive damage to biodiversity in the Southern province.
The project activities mainly are establishing a resource centre to provide ( ... )
logy, knowledge and advisory services to the farmers for bio diversity conservation through sustainable agriculture.
Conduct training and awareness programs, Operate three demonstration farms, collection of information on organic agriculture and establish database, publish pamphlets, establish library, networking and strengthening
Land Degradation Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/35 |
The main goal of the project is rehabilitation of wood and bush vegetation on landslide prone slopes. The wood and bush vegetation is presented by relic walnut forests in Karakuldja district ( the project site). The wood and bush vegetation was ( ... )
ly destroyed as a result of cattle breeding, cutting down for fire wood and building materials.
Rehabilitation of the wood and bush vegetation will be carried out through the stopping of grazing on 80 hectares (the protection fence will be constructed), plantings of a walnut, almonds saplings (10 000 saplings). Planting of fast-growing willows and a poplar saplings (8000 saplings ) will be
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/03/01 |
The project integrates all three focal areas of GEF SGP. It has strong element of poverty eradication and promotion of sustainable livelihoods in rural areas. The project aims to demonstrate community level strategies that promote environment ( ... )
ly activities and stimulate community development.
The Community of Petronys village is situated in Ukmerge district, one of the poorest in Lithuania. There are 337 dwellers in the village, 103 of them are children under age of 18, and 74 are retired people. Most of the people do not have permanent employment and cultivate conventional mixed small scale farming for personal needs.
There is
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/24 |
Realización de estudio para evaluar la posibilidad de fijación de Carbono, para facilitar el acceso, al financiamiento para la instalación de la de una planta productora de electricidad y alcohol basado en el bagazo y jugo de la cana, ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/02/11 |
Ce projet a pour objectif global de contribuer a la sensibilisation du grand public de Casablanca sur la biodiversité au Maroc. Il vise aussi la conservation de l?étang d?El Oulfa, situé a Casablanca, et qui recele des richesses faunistiques ( ... )
sitant une préservation, notamment les oiseaux d?eau (Poule Sultane). Le projet consistera d?une part, a réhabiliter l?étang d?El Oulfa et a l?aménager pour qu?il devienne un parc écologique, et d?autre part a former une équipe d?animateurs et a concevoir un programme d?éducation a la biodiversité au Maroc pour les établissements scolaires, les associations et le grand public. Des
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/14 |
Project aims in sustaining of extrensive farming in Pentowo, village with enornous the white stork population which became theEUROPEAN VILLAGE OF WHITE STORK invented by the EURONATUR.Protection of white stork breeding grounds in the famous ( ... )
an White Stork Village in Pentowo is the main target of many donors assistancer;The ECOFUND supported the watch towr and equipment for sustaining the meadows for the white storks; GEF/SGO renovated the barn which became the information center for white stork, exibition, shop selling various items on nature protection earning money for sustainability (expenses for the center); they have a