There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/03/20 |
Designed to enable the proponents develop a better proposal through the use of front-end participatory processes. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CWI-KEN-03-02 |
Water is hard to find in Ol Kinyei Location of Narok District. Families have to move in search of water during the dry season, remove children from schools, and men migrate to far away places with animals in search of water. There are no rivers or ( ... )
les. Natural springs are the only dependable sources of water. However, the springs are uncovered, and get contaminated by human and animal traffic. This project would help in protecting and de-capping 7 natural springs in the area.
1. Undertake baseline data collection
2. Cap, protect and rehabilitate 7 springs
3. Plant indigenous trees and grass around the springs
4. Fence off
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2003, 2004 & 2007-024(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Shibderaz, Qeshm(Lat./Long. : 26.631419;55.568848)
Shibderaz Village is in the centrally-located southern coastline of Qeshm Island which is currently the only stretch used ?in the entire island by Hawksbill Turtles for nesting ( ... )
ying eggs. The coastline, therefore, represents an important ?and strategic Hawksbill hotspot. In 2002, the Bureau of Environment, Qeshm Free Zone Area (QFA), received reports ?of Hawksbill Turtles laying eggs near Shieb-deraz Village, Qeshm Island. Immediately the Bureau of Environment of ?QFA mobilized and deployed the help of the villagers as well as the Village Council to find out that this
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-12W |
The project entails a series of open air activities, that aim to increase the general public awareness on the value and vitality of water and water resources, as well as their strategic importance. The activities will be organised in the ( ... )
nment Week, the week of 2-7 June, including the 5th of June, World Environment Day.
The activities during the week are composed of, brief training for the Fishermen?s Cooperatives, conferences in the local public schools, a panel on Three Lakes surrounding Istanbul, and an open-air meeting with various activities that stress the value and functions of water resources on the World Environment
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/02-PG |
This is a found for planning one full project for SGP Guatemala. |
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/02/03 |
In the year 2000, the Monpa Selvwai Yoeser Tshogpa was formed for the execution of the Cane and Bamboo Management Project funded by the Small Grants Programme inorder to revive the age-old monpa handicrafts and regenerate the cane and bamboo ( ... )
ces. At the end of the project, the Monpas proved themselves that they can manage such projects. Therefore, they again approached SGP with the help of the Dzongkhag Administration, Trongsa and the Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park (JSWNP).
The rationale of the project was that naturally growing orchid species are also being threatened by the invaders freely and are encroached by people
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/12-PG |
This is a found for make a project for full grant. |
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/02 |
The project consists on planting of approximately 2 hectares of creolle red potato (a Mayan traditional variety Solanum tuberosum ) and approx. 2 hectares of a native species of green beans, that are desapearing locally due to the recent ( ... )
uction of improved varieties, these crops will be organically grown with the main purpose of soil conservation and improvement. To ellaborate the organic compounds needed, improved animal enclosures will be made in order to provide easy access to organic matter. All stakeholders will be trained on organic farming techniques and methods. Sustainability for project activities will be attained
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/04-PG |
This is a found for planning one full project for SGP Guatemala. |
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/09 |
This project consists on the training, advising and technical assessment of women and their families in the appropriate use of natural resources, through the ellaboration of compost and improved animal husbandry enclosures for cattle, pigs and ( ... )
y, for easy access to organic matter. They will also ellaborate organic fertilizers and pesticides to be used on the planting of native vegetables (yellow, white, ?salpor? and black corn, creolle potatoes, green and black beans (Zea Mays L, solanum tuberosum L. and Phaseolus
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/03 |
This project consists on the establishment of domestic orchards, with organic agriculture management, in order to recover local communities´ varieties of native vegetables, known locally as hierbamora, bledo, cebollina, tomate de árbol, chile ( ... )
n, quixtán y cicil (Solanum amricanum Miller, Amaranthus Sp., Whiteringia stramonifolia and solanum wendlandii Hook). The vegetable production will improve the participants diet and reduce the domestic expense on foodstuff. With this project activities' the stakeholders will learn also to manage their natural resources on a sustainable
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/29 |
Main goals of the project:
? Reconstruction of open meadows (sedge-bryophytes) in area of Nowy Lipsk and Jalowo island (breeding sites of valuable bird species: aquatic warbler, black grouse, and place of occurrence of rare plant associations); to ( ... )
e this goal-scrubs and trees have to be cut and grass must be mown;
? Creation of conditions for development of environmental education and tourism (improvement of educational-tourist infrastructure thanks to building 3 look-on towers, signing of natural paths);
? Creation of partnership model of cooperation between Biebrza National Park, local communities and NGOs (including natural education
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/07 |
This minigrant is aimed at cofinancing a range of activities that will be organized on 2 and 4 May 2003 by the Italian Embassy, Tirana Municipality and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, with two different themes on different days, ( ... )
tively ?the Ecological Day? and ?Cycling together, both demonstrative activities aimed at raising awareness of the general public on environmental friendly ways of living.
Prices will be offered by different ministries on the cycling
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: NAM-03-02 |
The project will be implemented in the Okondjatu area of the cattle farming Otjozondjupa region. Communal farming communties in this region rely heavily on wood as a source of energy. This area is not connected to the national power grid. Over the ( ... )
this relieance on firewood has exerted severe pressure on already sparse vegetation. Ths lead to linked problems of deforestation and desertification.
the project seeks to build 4 deomsntration biogas plants in carefully selected locations. From these sites, they intend to run educational and promotional activities aimed at promoting biogas as an affordable alternative source of household
Palestine, State of
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/03/46 |
The project aim is to establish the first Palestinian field environment center in Al Oja in Jericho aimming at encourging research on critical environment problems in such a historical and toristic location.
The project will contribute to the ( ... )
vation of biodiversity through promoting various eco-tourism and public awareness activities such as camping, bird watching, research, training, school visits, plants restoration, and environmental
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/LDK01 |
Project Strategy
This project aimed to provide people with disabilities equal opportunities for participation and decision-making by providing them an environment- as 'human capital'. They undertook to reduce the menace of paper waste in the ( ... )
ne Ladakhi environment, use it in an eco-friendly way by creating a market for handmade paper products and forming local marketing committees. They will provide training in recycling and identify government loans and schemes for beneficiaries. This way a Waste Management System will be put in place and an integrated movement for reducing environmental pollution, in general will be facilitated.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/08 |
The target area is a para-rubber plantation of about 1,212 rais ( 193 ha ) situated in Southern Thailand. Possessing half of this plantation area, the 76 members earn their living by producing then selling raw rubber sheet to middlemen who ( ... )
ransfer the sheet to drying or smoking plants. The drying and smoking process require a huge quantity of fire-woods emitting atmospheric pollution, both in the locality and subsequently the globe.
Being unable to control the quality and selling price of the rubber, these para-rubber farmers are of rather poor earning, with per capita income of Baht: 13,000 a year. To initiate the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/45 |
El proyecto incluye la conservación de la biodiversidad y la prevención del cambio climático a través de una trama, la promoción de la agroforestería, la aplicación de las técnicas de riego, árboles forrajeros de plantas solares y la ( ... )
dad forestal en la región, y así sucesivamente. Creación de parcelas permanentes de frutas y verduras, el maíz y los bosques, que se vieron rodeados por una extensa zona forestal. Gracias a este proyecto no se llevará a cabo la milpa tradicional, y si las parcelas funcionan. Así como la rehabilitación y la recuperación de los daños que dejó el huracán
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/46 |
Por el paso del Huracán Isidoro 16 parcelas que se encuentran en diferentes partes de la región (norte, sur, oriente y poniente) fueron afectadas , el suelo perdió su fertilidad por infiltración y deslaves, por lo que es necesario y urgente ( ... )
a fertilizar los suelos a través de la adquisición de herramientas y equipos, reparación de sistemas de riego, la adquisición de semillas, plantas y árboles, el establecimiento de 16 parcelas demostrativas de una parcela de una hectárea en cada uno de los promotores en 11 comunidades, la incorporación de estiércol, las legumbres y las mismas hierbas para la fertilización, plantación de
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/36 |
This project seeks to add to the activities implemented by other organizations working toward conservation of the environment. Collective structuring of the park will be the main focus of the activities planned. This will allow conscience-building ( ... )
local population about the importance of the Cerrado, identification of the current perception of this biome, delivery of information about environment, and consolidation of a partnership with the community with shared responsibilities in the structure of the park, whose creation resulted from a community initiative. The specific objectives of this project which will ensure its success are: