Project Title |
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Area Of Work
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2003-030(IRA98G52) |
Project Location:Kermanshah(34.3147820-47.0544430)- Sirangoli Naghade(36.9616710-45.3968810)
This project aims to combine internal and external monitoring for 5 SGP projects in the Zagros Area by adopting participatory approaches. The Development ( ... )
pacity Building Institute (Pooyeh) will undertake a participatory monitoring of the following 4 SGP projects.
1.IRA-G52-2001-010 (Goude Jashiri project)
2.IRA-G52-2003-027 (Parow project)
3.IRA-G52-2003-028 (Siran Goli project)
4.IRA-G52-2003-034 (Caspian Pony project)
Pooyeh Institute will undertake site visits, workshops and training session to assist these 4 project
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/20 |
Community effort to reverse degradation trend of Wang River, a tributrary of the Chao Phaya River of the Gulf of Thailand/South China Sea through resource inventory process,
water management training, watershed revegetation, less chemical ( ... )
lture, demarcation of conservation zone and making use of aqua plant for household
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/RJ13 |
The project mainly focused on creating awareness on need of water conservation and building water harvesting stuctures through people participation and involvement. This aimed at creating empowerment, promote skills and benefit the local ( ... )
ities. Priority was also given to the preservation of the quality of water resources, incluiding the supporting eco-systems.
The major purpose of constructing new water harvesting stuctures and reviving old stuctures was for improving water availabili and combating drought and flood problems and in turn leading to:
? Recharge ground water and water level in the wells.
? Make drinking water
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/02/11 |
Project aims at policy dialog and communities? awareness rising in all territory of Lithuania in the regions where new state protected areas will be established according to the MoE confirmed plan due to fulfilling the requirement of EU habitats and ( ... )
irectives (Natura2000 framework). The communities will be intensively informed about the Natura2000 establishment process according to the information strategy developed by the grantee. This project will further facilitate the smoothness of establishment and management of new Natura2000 protected areas. Numerous information events will be organized by the NGO for the local communities, local
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/01-PG |
This is a project for planning the present one full project for SGP Guatemala |
Trinidad and tobago
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/03/07 |
The name of the applicant organization is the Petit Curucaye Community Re-Leaf Bloc. This group was formed as one of eight Community Re-Leaf Blocs during the preparation of the Northern Range Community Forest Rehabilitation Project (NRCFRP) ( ... )
ed by The Tropical Re-Leaf Foundation (TRF) with funding from bpTT and UNDP Global Environment Facility-Small Grants Programme (GEF-SGP).
The specific objective of the project is to establish, over a 10 year period, a close canopy cover of forest and fruit trees on 40 ha of land that has been degraded due to deforestation by fires. Planting stock of hardy pioneer species, obtained from the
Phase 2
Project Number: DMA/UNF/02/12 |
The Morne Trois Pitons was first proposed as a protected area in 1952. The areas was designated a National Park under the national Park and Protected Areas Act in 1975. The MTPNP was enlisted as a Wlrld heritale List in december 1997 ( ... )
scribed in August of1998. The designation of the Park as a WHS once again brought into focus the traditional tensions existing between the Park managers and residents of thre adjoining communities which had previously utilized the raea in support of their livelihoods.
As a result of the enforcement of the laws under the Act traditional activities such as fishing, hunting, farming and logging
Viet nam
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/03/001/P |
The primary aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communities, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
activities of the project include conducting surveys on socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site, identifying proposed project objectives and activities and assessing their feasibility, and providing needed technical assistance in project design and writing project proposal which will be submitted to GEF/SGP for review and appraisal; and identifying possibilities for project
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/03/FP-04/31 |
Trees proposes to undertake a project that will initiate and implement an urban community based project comprising a pilot study to bulid the capacity of the public aimed at enhancing and instilling the significance of BD , natural resources and ( ... )
tems. The project will emphasize the publics role as stakeholders and caretakers of local and national BD and the activities they can engage in to conserve and sustainably use Malaysia's BD and its natural resources and ecosystems.
The activities of the propose dproject are;
- raising the awreness of the public on the importance of , and the impact their current practices have on BD , natural
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF-GEF/03/04 |
Cooperative members use several methods to catch lobster including shades, traps and diving on the reef. Shades and traps are used away from the reef and are less destructive to the coral habitat than traditional diving techniques. Increased use ( ... )
ps and shades would draw fishers away from the coral reef of the BBRRS WHS and relieve some of the pressure on the reef?s biodiversity. Training and capacity-building will help fishermen of Placencia, Independence, and Monkey River understand conservation issues and become more involved in conservation of the reef?s natural resources.
The goal of this project is to provide an opportunity for
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF-GEF/03/02 |
Planning grant to develop a proposal to explore training of dive masters and to establish an artificial dive site. |
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/27 |
El paso del huracán dejo muchos daños en las instalaciones del Centro de Educación ambiental donde se han elaborado los talleres, se pretende la restauración de los daños y así continuar impartiendo los talleres
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/03/15 |
SE pretende fortalecer la acción de la Asociación Gremial de Comunidades Agrícolas del liamrí como eje de desarrollo de las Comunidades Agrícolas afiliadas a esta oragnización. Considere el seguimiento a los proyectos cofinanciados por el ( ... )
LA y la articulación con los actores públicos de tal forma de articular y optimizar los aportes de los servicios públicos del
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/P05 |
Investigaciones pertinentes a fin de presentar la planeación del proyecto: Rehabilitación de Especies Autóctonas a su Habitat Natural,El objetivo es de justificar la creación de un Centro de Rehabilitación de Especies Autóctonas a su Habitad ( ... )
l (CREAHN) que tenga la capacidad de recibir, atender y readaptar a su condición silvestre a distintas especies de la región a zonas naturales protegidas de la misma. Estos estudios previos son indispensables para la planeación y alcances del
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/P06 |
Propuesta metodológica para orientar al Programa de acuerdo a las condiciones actuales, tanto a nivel mundial como a las circunstancias socio ambientales de la Península de Yucatán.
Para tal efecto se elaboró un marco teórico-metodológico ( ... )
evisar la experiencia del Programa y actualizarlo en forma participativa, a través de una la consulta a 87 organizaciones seleccionadas para tal efecto.
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/P03 |
Este proyecto busca comprender el impacto de 40 pequeños proyectos financiados por el PNUD-SGP, válido durante el primer semestre de 2003, en el marco de la sostenibilidad de los sistemas complejos. Al final de ella tendremos la matriz de ( ... )
ios e indicadores del desarrollo sostenible y apropiado revisado para 40 proyectos evaluados, así como los informes de evaluación de proyectos, donde se prueba la metodología diseñada.
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/15/02 |
El Pueblo Sirionó enfrenta el siglo 21 con una población y espacio reducida. Una cultura de cazadores y recolectores en la economía de mercado. El camino asfaltado que pasa dentro de 10 kilómetros de la TCO ha traído muchos cambios en los ( ... )
s 15 anos.
La falta de fuentes de empleo dentro de la TCO causa que los jóvenes salen de la comunidad en busca de trabajo, requebrando las redes de reciprocidad que sostiene las familias grandes y sobre todo, los ancianos jefes de los
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/02/43 |
Siran valley in Hazara Division of NWFP spaced over 641 square kilometres. The Siran River is the main water tributary for its discharge into Indus River/Tarbela Dam. The valley is adorned with 383 plants , 135 reported species of fauna , an ( ... )
nce of predominantly coniferous forests and vast alpine grazing pastures. During recent times due to multiple contributing factors, intense biotic pressure being the major one, biodiversity of the area has displayed a significant decrease. Among different components of the German sponsored Siran Forest Development Project (SFDP), 1992 ? 2000, participatory natural resource management concepts
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: DMA/UNF/PLN/02/08 |
Project will provide capacity building in organic farming methods and food processing for improved livelihoods. |
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/03/48 |
The project is located in Wabag, Enga Provice. The planning grant was awarded to the Niugini Wildlife Society, as the proposal was from one of its networking CBOs in the province. The proponent identified the Wahnes Parotia, Eastern Parotia, ( ... )
reasted bowerbird (Chlamydera cervini ventris) and the Rothschildi astrapia, currently endangered birds of paradise species in the proposed conservation area in danger of being destroyed by local farmers and subsistence gardeners. The NSC awarded the planning grant to the Niugini Wildlife Society to provide the technical and management support to assist the proponent to submit a complete