There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/03/14 |
Realizar una sistematización de las experiencias obtenidas tras 10 añs de implementación del Programa de Pequenos Subsidios en Chile |
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/37 |
La producción orgánica de miel, el aumento de la capacidad productiva y proteger el área de bosque alrededor de los apiarios. Aumentar el número de colonias y la producción de miel, 20 miembros capacitados en el manejo de la miel orgánica. ( ... )
encia en el grupo de evaluar y dar difusión a otros
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/28 |
Mejoramiento del proceso de destilación de aceite escenciales y plantas medicinales, mediante la sustitución de equipos y realjuste de los procesos que incrmente la eficiencia y la calidad de los productos y los ingresos de los beneficiarios de la ( ... )
presa en la comunidad de Zambrana, en la provincia Sánchez
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-03-004 |
Kenya lies astride the equator and has great potential to use solar power for lighting, refrigeration and water heating. Only about 4% of the country?s 4.5 million rural households have some form of electricity. The UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme ( ... )
red a community project to demonstrate that grassroot communities living far from the grid can benefit from solar electricity, and in many cases are ready to use soft loans for this purpose. This project is a step towards popularizing solar energy in rural areas.
This project is part of the main funded one and was launched for the Coordination of activities with all consortia members and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/05/02 |
La población de CharÃa se encuentra en una zona tropical conformada por serranÃas de bosque húmedo, a orillas del rÃo Bopi. La región cuenta con temperaturas de 23 grados y precipitaciones medias anuales cercanas a los 1500 mm. La producción ( ... )
¡tano y café de la zona cuenta en el mercado con precios bajos prácticamente fijos desde hace varios anos. Con la implementación del proyecto se busca darles valor agregado a estos productos con el fin de comercializarlos en el mercado local. Por otra parte, la construcción de la microcentral suministrará energÃa a la población para consumo doméstico y público, actividad que por si sola
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/39/02 GEF-RNE |
The project aims to undertake a conference-workshop to gather project implementors and partners in renewable energy to share learning experiences, problems encountered and solution made, and enhance their capability to manage their project.
A ( ... )
ive project, a framework was formulated for this activity which considered previous/similar activities funded by SGP such as Conference on Renewable Energy for the Visayas and Mindanao in 2000 and the research/documentation on the State of the Art of Community-Based Renewable Energy Projects undertaken by Sibol ng Agham at Teknolohiya (SIBAT) in 1998.
Three consultations shall be held for each
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/02p |
Consultations of NGOs in Poland using GreenNet network on NGO participation in Voivodship and National Fund advisory boards,lobbying on regional (voivodship) and national level to be included in decision-making process according to the law; ( ... )
ely GEF/SGP was negotiating joint contests with Voivodship Funds (Szczecin, Bialystok, Lublin, Olsztyn).Formal agreement was signed with Olsztyn,finally joint contest was organised with Szczecin (2004,2005) and in 2006 - Gdansk, Olsztyn,
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: UGA/03/28 |
The project addresses probems of land degradation and biodiversity loss especially indigenious plants and contributesto climate change mitigation through promotion of integrated sustainable land and natural resource management practices and ( ... )
ent energy saving technologies. It is a community environment conservation project managed by Soroti Environment Concern, a local CBO in the eastern part of Uganda. the area is dry and has various indigenious plant and wetland species plus fragile ecosystems. It is predominantly a peasant agricultural community practising subsistence farming.Increasing rural poverty, poor agronomic practices,
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/02/007 |
Este proyecto consiste en el Seguimiento y Monitoreo de 4 proyectos PPD ubicados en la Costa ecuatoriana.
Este seguimiento y monitoreo contempla:
- Acompañamiento
- AsesorÃa técnica y metodológica de los proyectos
- Aseguren el adecuado ( ... )
miento de los objetivos y metas
- Verificación del cumplimiento de las metas establecidas
- Observación directa
- Talleres de campo de dos tipos: capacitación en los temas desarrollados por el proyecto y de Intercambio de experiencias con proyectos similares
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/02/008 |
Este proyecto consiste en el seguimiento y Monitoreo de 6 proyectos PPD ubicados en la Sierra y AmazonÃa
Este seguimiento y monitoreo contempla:
- Acompañamiento
- AsesorÃa técnica y metodológica de los proyectos
- Aseguren el adecuado ( ... )
miento de los objetivos y metas
- Verificación del cumplimiento de las metas establecidas
- Observación directa
- Talleres de campo de dos tipos: capacitación en los temas desarrollados por el proyecto y de Intercambio de experiencias con proyectos similares
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/02/06 |
Planning grant to carry out the consultative process to develop the Monkey River Forest Inventory and Ecotourism Project |
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/03/01 |
The Village of Monkey River lies on the southern coast of Belize and consists of about 30 families clustered on sandy beaches at the mouth of Monkey River. It is isolated and lies in a remarkable natural setting with abundant flora and fauna, ( ... )
t for ecotourism. I
Up to now, residents of the community have earned their living mainly through fishing. Over the past few years residents of Monkey River have become concerned about the protection of the natural resources in the area including the endangered black howler monkey after which the village is named. In late 2001 Hurricane Iris destroyed the village and much of the surrounding
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/02/26 |
En Santiago el gran problema ambiental dado la cantidad de vehÃculos motorizados y la geografÃa de ubicación de la ciudad es la contaminación atmosf´rica, Ciudad Viva es una ONG que trabaja en el ámbito urbano que se ha relacionado con el uso ( ... )
espacios publicos y la promoción del uso de la bicicleta. Esto se trabajará a p través de una metodologÃa participativa, capacitar y empoderar a organizaciones locales de base en temas de transporte urbano y su impacto en las emisiones de gases invernadero, e involucrarlos como lideres en acciones para reducir las emisiones, en base a iniciativas que además mejoran el nivel de vida y la
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/02/40 |
the city generates approximately 400 MT per day of solid waste. It is also estimated that not more than 50 percent of it is collected by the municipal system and the remaining stays scattered in the urban area mainly ending in open plots of land and ( ... )
streets. Multan does not have an adequately planned and appropriately designed landfill site. The urban landscape of Multan is characterized by a large number of low lying areas created as a result of brick kilns located earlier within the area now fully urbanized and built up. It is a regular practice in Multan to allow voluntary garbage dumping in these areas as an alternate to earth filling.
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/11 |
Ecotourism is a new tourism type in Mongolia. As it is a nature friendly activity, SGP has to experience it. The number of individual tourists and eco-tourists coming to Mongolia every year has been increasing more rapidly than that of collective ( ... )
t groups. In this situation, some herder families set up extra gers during tourist season in summer in addition to their own and receive individual tourists at lower prices and costs. They often ask the Government for support, the government can not support at the current stage of transition.
This grant project attempts to work out and experience a community participatory ecotourism model/best
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/33 |
Implementation of agroforestry systems and strengthening of existing agroecological experiences in the Bico do Papagaio region (state of Tocantins). An alternative commercialization and fair trade intitiative, with the creation of spaces for ( ... )
tion and dissemination of knowledge on the subject of agroecological practices is planned with the recovery of Cerrdo biodiversity as the main objective. A new technological model, adapted to the region, is sought in an effort to reach environmental, social, economic and cultural sustainability. The activities planned include: meetings and workshops for preparation of the local smallholders;
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/16 p |
NGO Training on biodiversity protection in Warmia-Mazury Lake District with 90 participants from local NGOs, CBOs, local government, forest inspectorates.Presentation of GEF/SGP biodiversity portfolio, discussion on potential projects on ( ... )
ersity protection in the region. Examples from other GEF/SGP countries just to reming a global character of
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/03/10 |
Conservar, defender y monitorear y mejorar el ecosistema marino y fluvial de los de CoihuÃn, a través del manejo sustentable de la pradera de gracilaria chilensis spp. |
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/06-PG |
This is a found for planning one full project for SGP Guatemala. |
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/15-PG |
This is a found for planning one full project for SGP Guatemala. |