There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/13 |
This minigrant is given with the purpose of organizing an activity on June 5th, World Environment Day. A festive activity involving school children will be organized on this day in Tirana. |
Trinidad and tobago
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/03/09 |
The Junior Environmental and Sustainable Development Initiative (JEDI) project will be a dynamic instrument that would continue the work of the previous expanded response by working through and with youth at the grassroots and national level. It is ( ... )
friendly in its concept and design utilising innovative learning modules with a mixture of theory and practicum.
Data obtained in a feasibility study conducted by IFGL indicated that there is need for an educated and mobilised youth force that would be able to be used as a resource in their communities as youth advocates/practitioners in environmental conservation and sustainable development.
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/33 |
The basic of ideas of the project is counteraction to the tradition to make sepulchral fences and monuments from a juniper and also introduction of new custom to plant trees in cemeteries. There is no tradition to plant trees and gardens in ( ... )
ries among the Muslims of the south of Kyrgyzstan. The basic components of the project are:
- Creation of nurseries of a juniper in three ayil okmot of Uzgen and Suzak districts.
- Creation of 3 workshops on manufacturing gravestones and fences made of cheap alternative materials (a marble crumb, cement, metal) in the same ayil okmots where nurseries of a juniper will be created.
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/02/04 |
The conservation of biodiversity by declaring some environments protected areas has often attracted a myriad of responses from communities living on the fringes of the protected area or those who sometimes are inclined to be ( ... )
ted to create space for conservation of flora and fauna. These responses have ranged from clandestine activities such as poaching in the protected area under the cover of darkness, destruction of fences erected to demarcate human settlement and the protected area, to outright acts of defiance of regulations which includes violent confrontation with the authorities.
Karamba Ward in which the
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/03/02 |
This project aims to regenerate Karsa Yungma water catchment. This would sustain and revive volume of drinking water for Pang Communities and the main Nagor village communities. The regeneration of Karsa Yungma Water Catchment area will bring about ( ... )
hange in the lives of people of 34 households of Pang village.
As per the 1st and 2nd Progress Report of the project, most of the project activities has been carried out as the following:
1. Rural Water Supply survey;
2. Community planning and management course;
3. Water caretaker training for maintenance and sustainability;
4. Establishment of Nursery;
5. Materials for catchment
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/01 |
Increase of Kestrel quantity amount in Poland by creation more breading places, information and education campaign |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/02/02 |
The Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag is charged with the dual function of maintaining law and order and also planning and implementation of the rural development activities within its jurisdiction. Since the 9th Five Year Plan has been fully bottom up ( ... )
ch with the devolution of planning and implementation authority to the Geog (block of a district) to be managed by the Geog Yargey Tshogchung (Geog Development Program) involving community organizations.
74 households had been affected by the two rivers Kholongchu and Nagpolachu, had joined together to propose for a project proposal inorder to save their paddyfields.
Bumdeling valley,
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/09 |
Wildfowl and rare plants refuges protection and conservation on the area of Krepskie Swamp |
Phase 2
Project Number: DMA/UNF/03/01 |
Establishment of the MTPNP and subsequent declaration of the same as WHS severely restricted activities such as hunting of wildlife and harvesting of forest resources from the National Park. Stringent prevention of hunting sea turtles has also ( ... )
ed the La Plaine's community access to these resources. This created a demand for pork and smoke pork which was siezed upon by the La Plaine Hi Grade Development Group.
The LPHGDG consist of six members all of whom are women from the La Franchette hamlet of La Plaine. Some of them are members of the National Pig Producers Cooperative so in the event of over production there is already a
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/48/03 GEF-RNE |
The project aims to undertake community-based activities for the protection and conservation of the biodiversity of the forest around Lake Danao through conscious community participation while contributing to the worldwide efforts addressing ( ... )
nmental protection. The project site is within the Lake Danao National Park (2,193 hectares) and one of the three (3) important watersheds of Ormoc City.The area shall also serve as an outdoor living laboratory, which could help people understand their environment and give clues to ecological processes not yet fully understood. Viable and different ecosystems present shall serve as a research
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/RJ08 |
The project was undertaken with a view to protect and enhance the biodiversity of the parched Chittorgarh district through an integrated resource management strategy for biodiversity conservation and enhancement. The project aimed at renovating the ( ... )
orated traditional rain water harvesting structures to conserve rainwater, increase the availability of water, recharge the water bodies of the surrounding area, reduce sedimentation in the pond, improve fertility of lands and help in the protection of endangered local trees. The ultimate rationale behind choosing this project was to protect the endangered livelihood specific trees, reducing the
Palestine, State of
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/03/45 |
Conserving biodiversity through working in parrallel directions; to reinforce the implementation of the environmental law by involving decision makers as well as the school pupils and teachers to develop their understanding of the conservation ( ... )
s and to utilize the potential resources (natural and man-made) using an interactive educational methods.And arranging a follow up mechanism for pupils in the selected schools through introducing out-door activities and promoting pupil-to pupil method to insure dissemination of information to the rest of the school pupils. Throughout the project, environment school clubs will be established to
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/03/06 |
At the GEF, non-motorized transport is a key component under climate change focal area. It is facilitated through Operational Programme No. 11, Promoting Environmetally Sustainable Development. GEF observes that transport sector is significant in ( ... )
of production of greenhouse gases (GHS). GHS emissions from the transport sector are expected to grow inthe coming few years from 5% to 30%. This Workshop was organized for Members of Parliament and policy makers with a view to sensitizing them about the importance of non-motorized transport in improving rural mobility and reducing pollution
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/03 |
East Kazakhstan, Rudny (Ore) Altay is one of the components of the Altay-Sayan transboundary biospheric territory. Large forests of the Rudny Altay make up to 50 % of all the woods of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The flora contains a lot of ( ... )
nal, melliferous, food, decorative, technical and fodder plants. Therefore preservation of the genofund of flora has both the scientific and practical significance.
Increasing anthropogenous pressure breaks equation of natural populations, reduces flora and its natural renewal. Therefore it is necessary to implement explanatory informational campaigns and actions focused on population of the
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/01 |
The river Ili is one of the basic water arteries of Kazakhstan. Industrial and household wastes pollution of the river, felling of the trees along the ruver coast, and other negative factors of anthropogenous impact have led to that the ( ... )
nmental situation in Ili-Balkhash water basin is rather a critical one, and it can lead to irreversible destruction of the environment of the region as a whole.
The project is directed on awareness raising of the local community about the problems of the river Ili pollution and changing ecological consciousness of the local population. To reach the goal a number of actions on clearing and
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/25 |
ichens as a useful tool in an ecological education and monitoring of the state of environment.
Inventory and monitoring of endangered lichens sites in Romnicka landscape Park (Romnicka Promeval Forest), Suwalki Lanscape Park, Romnicka Primeval ( ... )
(Russian side), Wisztyniecki regional park (Lithuania);;
preparation and development of of lichen's monitoring, preparation of educational paths dedicated lichens; popular publications on lichens; organisation of workshops for foresters and school teachers;
organisation of international conference(evaluation of trillateral project Poland Lithuania
Papua new guinea
Biodiversity Biodiversity
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/03/37 |
Whoty Conservation Project was initially awarded with US$1518.99 planning grant to complete a full project proposal and Niugini Wildlife Society,one of the credible NGOs in the highlands was approved by the NSC to provide technical and management ( ... )
t. The project is located in one of the densely populated provinces, Simbu Province and pressure from the population is mostly focused on the scarse pockets of forests that exist. This project site consists of limestone caves, beautiful birdwatching views and bush walking tracks. The objective is to conserve the area for eco tourism
South africa
Phase 2
Project Number: SAF/03/06 |
The project supports two pilot areas in Limpopo, South Africa. These communities are bordering the Kruger National Park and the Mdluli Game Reserve. It has been designed to add community land for the conservation of wildlife and sustainable use of ( ... )
resources. The aim of the project activities with the Huntington Community, Kruger National Park, will be to failitate signing an agreement between the South African National Parks and the Huntington Community. They will assist the community, at the same time developing capacity, in appointing board members for the community management board and participatory conservation management
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/28 |
Protection and increasing of the variety of trees and bushes in the private forests in Babia Góra Region. Tree planting and restocking (forest nursery). |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/18 |
Water Chestnut station protection in the Nowokuznicki Pond: eutrophication prevention, buffer zone and their development plan designation, information and education actions |