There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/03/47 |
Project Objective
The primary objective of the project is to develop sustainable programs and activities for protecting the Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) and conservation and land use management of the Green Sea Turtle nesting beach habitat in ( ... )
oject area through interventions based on the concept of environmental stewardship and participatory management.
Sea Turtles ? Global Significance
A thorough literature review process preceded the process of meetings and consultations with project stakeholders and relevant experts to assess the global significance of sea turtles (particularly green sea turtle, globally and in general in
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/38 |
Strengthening of the Cidelândia Environmental Organization Fórum (FAMEC) is the purpose of this project. This will be accomplished by means of promoting agroforestry systems implemented in the Galiláia community and its surroundings. The native ( ... )
ping activity will be used in this promotion. The expected results include strengthening of small farmers through public policies in their favor, improving quality of life in rural areas. Cidêlandia is in the state of Maranhão, in the transition between the Cerrado and the Amazon. More specifically, the project hopes to accomplish: monthly planning, monitoring and evaluation meetings;
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/PUN01 |
Enhance public opinion about the importance of wetlands.Publish target-specific resource material in English, Gurumukhi and Hindi.Produce interactive CDs for public education.Development and publication of resource material (training manual, charts, ( ... )
, pamphlets).Development and production of CD. Training (NGOs, officials, teachers) and Awareness Camps (youth, general public) distribution of resource material and
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/11 |
Restauración de la biodiversidad y los suelos en áreas vulnerables y degradas mediante el establecimiento de sistemas productivos sostenibles, reforestación y conservación de suelo, en la comunidad de Pinos del Eden, la Descubierta |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/03/04 |
Mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes de la localidad de Machuca y sus sectores aledanos a través de la incorporación de energía eléctrica generada con recursos renovables. Además se busca apoyar el fomento productivo local potenciando ( ... )
ismo incipiente producto de los atractivos naturales de la localidad y la infraestructura etnoturística
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/21 |
This project seeks to bring together a group of agroextractivists from the Riachão Valley, in Northern Minas Gerais state. This group has been struggling for over 10 years in the defense of this area. With the Macaúba coconut management ( ... )
ences, this project seeks to enhance the Macaúba nut processing and improvement system. The products will be high quality edible oil, soap, animal feed and charcoal. The results may be replicated in the future, since the area has the most abundant Macaúba population in the state. A market study on the economic feasibility of the Macaúba nut, identification of channels for commercialization of
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/02/15 |
The Rural Women Development Society has been implementing a project in Deir Yousef/ Irbid governorate involving women in natural resource management through supporting income-generating activities that improve local community livelihood including ( ... )
ion of traditional home gardens and domestic water harvesting techniques. The ?Improved Livelihoods and Land Degradation Control in Deir Yousef? project will build on the efforts made so far by the community and increase the beneficiary base to include more community members specially women. The project will also conduct public awareness activities that strengthens the community?s appreciation
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/11 |
The project aims at improving the administration of taniferous and aromatic plants. In order to reach this objective, the project will first identify the current state of these plants in the area, based on the scientific survey conducted in 1988. ( ... )
oject also aims at raising public awareness of local authorities and businesses on the issue and to take appropriate mitigation measures for protecting the plants fund, thus providing protection also for other rare and endangered plants, such as Ulmus, Agrimonia, Dictamnus, Punicum,
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/03/08 |
This practical environmental project developed by the Kaulakiai community initiative seeks to improve the water quality of the Liolinga Pond, which lies in the middle of the village, and which is very important for local people for recreation and ( ... )
tic purposes. Liolinga stream runs into Dubysa river, so joining the Baltic Sea at the end.
There are about 1000 inhabitants in Kaulakiai, and this village is famous for the tradition to take care of the surrounding environment, especially of the house yards and the village center. However, on one of the shores of the Liolinga pond there are many houses that do not have proper conditions for
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-02-61 |
Project's activities are :
1. To decrease electricity consumption.
2. To improve energy efficiency.
3. To minimize the negative impact of climate changes on global environment.
4. To raise the people's public awareness. 5
. To provide 15 ( ... )
cancies for electric technicians.
6. To install the saving energy lamps in public service areas and disseminate the idea.
7. To execute a model project that can be applied in other
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/03/04 |
Venta village is situated in Akmenë region, in the territory of Venta National Park. The village was founded on 1950-1960 with a plan to connect it to the Venta town that is why buildings were not supplied with sewerage and was not adapted to keep ( ... )
ock. As there are no dung-yards, villagers keep dung near the cattle-sheds. After rain all dirt drifts to the Venta River and also to the bore-wells. After chemical analysis of water in gutters and bore-wells cleared up that some of them are polluted and exceeds the norms by up to 200 times.
Main objectives of the project:
1. To arrange surface waters collection gutters;
2. To construct 2
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/02/15 |
Grant to prepare technical project for the construction of the manure collection equipment and improvement of sanitation of household in order to be able to develop full-size project to improve environmental conditions in the valley of the Venta ( ... )
Palestine, State of
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/03/40 |
capacity building and public awareness project to protect the native biodiversity resources (fauna and flora) by reducing the threats and damage of the random touristy activities at selected hotspots in the three locations in Bethelehem- Dair Mar ( ... )
nd Irtas village-and Jericho district. The project will also bring the concept of eco-tourism to the awareness of the tourist industry, educational schems in particular and the community in general through conducting traininag for tourist guides and launching awareness
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/03/09 |
The Maasai Steppe in Northern Tanzania is one of the World's richest remaining refuge for wildlife and an area of global biodiversity value. Maintaining a corridor between Manyara and Tarangire National Parks is crucial to ensure the future ( ... )
ical and economic health of this ecosystem. The project aims at making a contribution to the conservation of a key wildlife migration corridor in an area of global biodiversity value, which is linking two National Parks; Tarangire and Lake Manyara National Park. In addition, the project intends to build the capacity of pastoral communities to participate in innovative conservation and
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/14 |
This is a minigrant given on the purpose of nomination of Butrinti Lagoon as a Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar site). A ceremony will be organized with main authorities and major stakeholders where the ?Ramsar diploma? will be given to ( ... )
banian government. GEF/SGP Albania promotional materials will be distributed during the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/03/FP-06/33 |
The primary aim of the project is to build the capacity and raise the awareness of a range of urban Malaysians to assess their energy uses and motivate them to reduce their use to sustainable levels so that their green house gas emissions are lower ( ... )
eir climate change ecological footprints are reduced.
It will complement and supplement some of the work of the Malaysia Energy Center as well as various ministries. Although there is some interest in sustainable energy usage among some urban Malaysian households, there are almost no working examples. Even then, it should also be made clear that energy efficiency, even in the household contexts,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/46 |
Main idea of the project is propagation and introduction of a set of energy and heat efficient technologies in At-Bashy district, which the most high mountainous administrative district in Kyrgyzstan. The set of technologies ( ... )
- Traditional dungangs` (Chinese muslim people) heating system "Kan" (smoke duct is placed into under floor space and provide more heat capacity than usual Russian type stoves)
- Elementary heat isolation of houses (closing the roof by frontispieces, double window frames and doors, isolation of the ceilings by ash, closing cracks
- Constructing of biogas units
- Planting fast growing
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/03/35 |
Planning Grant aiming at assessing the needs and requirements to increase the efficiency of the solar water heaters to provide sufficient capacity of heated water in the summer and winter seasons to substitute the common climate detrimental ( ... )
The grant will contribute to the development of pre-project survey on finding climate friendly alternatives mainly solar water heating system, which will eventually improve the livelihood conditions of the target
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/05 |
Le projet appuie les actions de conservation réussies et celles en cours dans le Delta Intérieur du Niger (DIN) en renforçant les capacités des populations par l?IEC fortement soutenue, d?une production/diffusion d?un gadget de supports ( ... )
riés, de promotion de Biodiversité
a travers la vente des gadgets (cartes postales, cahier d?écolier, bulletin), le projet envisage de développer les activités génératrices de revenus ou des pour les femmes qui vivent des ressources de la Biodiversité du DIN.
Objectifs spécifiques - Renforcement des capacités des populations endogenes et exogenes sur l?importance et la nécessité
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/11 |
Mobilisation des populations pour lutter contre la dégradation de leur bassin afin de promouvoir la biodiversité. Le projet se réalise autour des activités clés dont la sensibilisation, animation, la gestion concertée du bassin de la riviere ( ... )
a », aménagement des berges fluviales et fixation des sols, valorisation des résidus agricoles, élaboration d?une convention locale de gestion des ressources etc?
En marge de ces activités, l?association se propose d?appuyer les femmes et promouvoir les activités génératrices de revenus a travers l?amélioration de la production, sa transformation et la vente de produits de