There are 27,190 projects available.
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Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/02/26 |
Fortalecimiento de la capacidad administrativa y financiera de la comunidad Nohbec para gestionar el registro, aserradero y la preocupación de procesamiento de la madera , de acuerdo con la certificación forestal sostenible SmartWood .
Noh Bec ( ... )
formada por 216 socios. Su territorio es de 24.120 hectáreas , de las cuales se definen 18000 como área de producción forestal permanente y 700 hectáreas como zona de reserva. Los asociados de Noh Bec decidió asociarse como una empresa comunitaria para mejorar la gestión sostenible de los bosques y , al mismo tiempo , para mejorar la eficiencia de su actividad.
Noh Bec cuenta con
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/02/29 |
The project will contribute to adopting sustainable transport modalities and promoting their use by rcollecting data and conducting field monitoring on the concerntration of the following elements CO2, NO2, SO2 and Hydrocarbons in the ambience air ( ... )
ee different locations (crowded, less crowded area) for 24 hours in three consequent days and raising public awareness and developing capacities of the concerned paties through organizing workshops conducting training for drivers, producing guiding posters and stickers and staiing advocacy activities with the revelent government ministries. Training and awareness activities will be further steps
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-01-11 |
Popular bird monitoring activities in Turkey have been considerably developed in recent years particularly due to several actions of the Society for the Protection of Nature (DHKD). However, in South Eastern Anatolian Region, in spite of its ( ... )
ance and riches for bird life, deficiency of bird watcher handicap among other things to obtain data required for protection of areas with a certain capacity for natural life.
The project aims to introduce bird watching especially among young people as well as to enhance the capabilities of already existing birders in the region. Therefore the results of the first waterfowl counting in the
Viet nam
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/02/003 |
The results of the GEF/SGP country programme review show that to deal with the limited capability and experience of the NGOs/CBOs in Vietnam in project management, GEF/SGP has paid special attention and given priorities to building the capacity for ( ... )
P partners and key stakeholders in project management over the past three years. This task has been performed through the following modalities:
Holding workshops on project implementation and management with the participation of the project management teams. The workshops were evaluated as very successful by the workshop participants. They have significantly contributed to enhancing project
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/02/26 |
Development of a full project proposal through: (i) in-depth multistakeholder consultations with local rural farming communities who are willing to participate in the project; and (ii) conduct a participatory rural appraisal approach towards ( ... )
tanding the physical and socioeconomic factors, cropping patterns, seasonal activities vis a vis its biodiversity and natural resource history and prospects including practices of local farming communities in food production and the cultivation of varieties of endangered or wild races of rice plants, medicinal herbs and fruit
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/02/01 |
The project is aimed at supporting community-based biodiversity conservation through human and technical capacity building for the BFCA and its member cooperatives. Specifically the project will provide for:
1. Information and Communication ( ... )
logy (ICT) infrastructure and staff development,
2. Increasing public awareness and knowledge on the vale, conservation and sustainable use of coastal marine biodiversity,
3. Strengthening international collaboration on community based approaches to coastal marine biodiversity co-management,
4. Establishing a surveillance enforcement & assessment supports (SEAS) programme, support
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/MET./02/07 |
The project will build the national capacities in the field of cleaner production, which will form the basis for a National Cleaner Production Center that will ensure a wide-scale and sustainable application of CPC services to the Industry. Partner ( ... )
ations in this project include: GCEP, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Chambers of Industry in Amman and Zarqa, RSS, JUST, representatives of the private sector as well as the technical team of the Jordanian Network of Environmentally Friendly
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/01/35 |
The apple Woolly aphid was controlled through classical biological control based IPM in 1986 by introduction of a natural enemy Aphilinus mali from Switzerland into Murree Hills.
Because of extensive spraying against codling moth Cydia pomonella ( ... )
1978-80 in Murree hills and during 1988-90 against San Jose scale Quadraspidiotus perniciosus in Swat valley woolly aphid Eriosoma lanigerum became a serious pest on apple. In 1986 a parasitoid Aphelinus mali was imported from Switzerland and about 10,000 adults were released in two heavily infested orchards in Murree. Two weeks later it was recorded parasitising up to 8% aphids in the orchards
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/02/24 |
This has been a Capcity Building Workshop to train the project Coordinators, Government officers involved in the GEF/Small Grants Programme. Few of the many topics covered were;
(i) Background knowledge of GEF and Small Grants Programme and the ( ... )
ic areas.
(ii) Project design/proposal writing inclued activity planning, activity achedule, budget and management.
(iii) Monitoring and Evaluation
(iV) Report writing etc.
The project was successfully
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/GUJ06 |
The project intends to build the capacity of the farmers in the field of organic farming and bio manuring. It comprises the preparation of training module for producers; demonstration on some selected farm, pilot testing of training module at field ( ... )
with respective target groups, and to publish a set of booklets on crop technologiy.
The project has successfully completed. As a result of the project the benefits not only received by the community by organic farming and composting but organisation has also opended a marketing channel for bio-compost at a very minimum rate so as to promote thebio-compost and also improve the crop and soil
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/10/01 |
This project intends to conserve and protect Balayan Bay through community-based coastal resource management activities. The marine resources in the municipality of Balayan are relatively poor, with 0-20% coral cover, no mangroves and only small ( ... )
s of seagrass. However, fishes in the dive sites are in abundance with schools approximately 200-300 fishes each usually belonging to the families of Lutjanidae, Carangidae, and
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/12 |
Food security for the Krahô Indigenous people will be improved through beekeeping and solar dehydration of native fruits. Generation of income through the commercialization of these products is also sought. The Krahô couples will be trained for ( ... )
activities, plant nurseries will be installed, environmental education materials will be produced, and the results will be shared with other
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/07 |
During the past 15 years the project location which is a portion of a sub-basin of LowerMekhong Basin (Mae Kok Sub-basin)has been degraded through a community economy scheme of the government. Merely allocating lands for indigent ( ... )
tion, the scheme had not prepared nor built the capacity of the population on the area management. This has resulted in deforestation, siltation in many tributaries ,water shortage for agriculture and sudden flood. Depending upon the provision of the area now providing less, communities are living under pressure. The income is far less than the outgo.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/13 |
Creation of bicycle roads system connecting Warsaw, Plock and Wloclawek. Adaptation of the small village schools for ?Green Schools? serving as educational centers and hostels for arriving tourists |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/05p |
Project preparation - cost of energy audit and consultations concerning hydroponic waste water treatment plant; site visits to other places with demonstrated solutions. |
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/02/14 |
El pueblo de Limones se encuentra en el sur de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Sian Ka'an. El ejido de Cafetal es vecina de la reserva. Está situado en la carretera principal que atraviesa el Estado de Quintana Roo Norte-Sur y la carretera Mahahual, ( ... )
to central del desarrollo del turismo en el sur del Estado.
En el pueblo de Limones se venden cerca de la carretera de todo tipo de plantas ornamentales. Algunos de ellos no son legalmente vendidos (extracción ilegal).
Este es el contexto para el inicio de este proyecto para apoyar el establecimiento de centro de capacitación en el cultivo, manejo, conservación, uso y comercialización de
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/02/09 |
Establecimiento de un centro de información que sirva como instrumento educativo para docentes, estudiantes y comunitarios, así como la creación de capacidades a escala local, para generar mayores niveles de concienciación pública sobre la ( ... )
ancia de conservación de la biodiversidad y el medio ambiente de la región suroeste del
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/02/07 |
Projet pour la visibilité du Programme consiste a organiser un chantier de coopération internationale a Bamako du 03 au 25 Aout 2002 . Le theme porte sur la protection de l?environnement en collaboration avec 25 jeunes d?Angers (ville jumelle de ( ... )
en France) et des jeunes venant de Bobo-Dioulasso (autre ville jumelle de Bamako au Burkina Faso). Avec comme principale activités :
- Confection de 300 poubelles
- Sensibilisation des familles des quartiers bénéficiaires sur l?utilité et l?intéret de ces poubelles.
- Organisation d?une journée de réflexion sur la problématique de l?environnement dans le district de Bamako.
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/02/08 |
Churiya hill is one of the youngest and fragile landscapes in Nepal. It lies in the confluence of mid hill and the Terai; and runs from east to west through out Nepal. Steep land slopes with diverse flora and fauna, intermittent gorges, large spans ( ... )
er and temporary seasonal streams are the characteristics of the landforms.
The recent IUCN publication "Conservation Status-Churiya Area of Ilam District" showed that this area is rich in NTFPs and also pointed out these resources are over used. In the recent years the Churiya has come under tremendous pressure of encroachment. Gradual migrations from the mid hills coupled with the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/01/10 |
La contaminación atmosférica por gases tóxicos que contribuyen al cambio climático, tiene a nivel local, un efecto nefasto en la salud humana y el ambiente, sobrepasando largamente los límites permisibles en algunas zonas. Los consumidores ( ... )
zados requieren tomar conciencia, capacitarse e identificar formas de promover cambios de actitudes en la sociedad civil, a través de su poder de compra de servicios y productos.
Por lo que el proyecto pretende concientizar a la población para transformar las modalidades de consumo y el ejercicio del poder de decisión de los consumidores responsables, como forma de prevenir o atenuar los