There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Land Degradation Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/01 |
Main idea of the project is preservation mountain and forest ecosystems that contain big variety of birds, animals and plants from land degradation and landslide risk by rehabilitation of forest and planting saplings on mountainside and stopping ( ... )
ing in landslide prone plot. Under this project will be demonstrated alternative livelihood to local
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/11 |
Rational management of the biologic diversity and reduction of soil degradation and desertification processes are the main objectives of this project. This will provide an economic and environmental alternative for sustainable occupation of the ( ... )
o, in the São Francisco Agrarian Reform Settlement. 30 ha of agroforestry systems will be implemented to the benefit of 30 families, reversing the current trend of land occupation toward a more rational and sustainable model. The qualification process in the settlement will, through a continuous process, show evidences of the mid and long-term feasibility of this alternative model. This project
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/02/10 |
Ce projet met l?accent sur l?agro biodiversité en cherchant a freiner la dégradation des terres, favoriser la régénération naturelle des especes menacées et renforcer la capacité des population a mieux gérer les ressources.
La zone de ( ... )
ké est caractérisée par des dunes de sable et des plaines argileuses ; la végétation est tres limitée et la pression anthropogénique sur ces ressources mene a leur raréfaction. Les especes menacées visées par le projet étaient le doum (hyphaene thebaica), le balazan (acacia albida), le jujubier (ziziphus mauritiana), et le baobab (adansonia digitata). Le doum, dont les noix sont
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/98/G52/008 |
El proyecto consiste en el establecimiento de 11 parcelas agroforestales que serán manejadas por las familias de los once miembros de la organización, para esto se proyecta la producción de unas 8,000 plantas de ranbutan y el aguacate y de ( ... )
es maderables como el laurel, la caoba y el cedro. La mayoria de las plantas serán utilizadas para el establecimiento de las parcelas y otra parte será destinada a enriquecer los huertos caceros de las viviendas del grupo. Algunas parcelas son pare del bosque bajo manejo forestal asignado al grupo mediante convenio de usufructo firmado con la
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/04p |
Project preparation - project is aimed in preaparation of coalition of NGOs and Chelmski Landscape Park, Biebrza National Park services to implement programme of aquatic warbler active protection according to the national programme established by ( ... )
nistry for Environment; consultation with all stakeholders, designing a full
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/02/004 |
El proyecto busca caracterizar y reproducir especies nativas forestales para la protección de fuentes de agua y para la implementación de sistemas agroforestales. Se plantea además el rescate y reproducción de cultivos andinos destinados ( ... )
palmente hacia la seguridad alimentaria de las familias participantes, con un enfoque agroforestal.En lo socio-organizativo, se busca consolidar la organización mediante el aprendizaje de mecanismos de gestión y negociación y el mejoramiento administrativo, potenciando la participación de
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/08p |
Preparation of the all Poland project of active protection of common kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus) based on the experiences / lessons learned by Salamandra from the first project stage implemented in Poznan. Wide consultation with potential ( ... )
ipants who showed interest about methodologyand all organisational, very complex issues. PTOP Salamandra took responsibility for coordination of work of several NGOs and administrative as well as research institutions which declare their contribution in active protection of this endangered small predator.
In 1960s it was the most popular small predator in rural landscape. In 1980s and 1980s
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/04 |
Under the support of Operational Phase 2 , year-2, the foundation had implemented a climate change project with three villages in Chiangmai Province. The project demonstrated the use of renewable energy from solar and biomass as well as ( ... )
nable use of fire-woods in food and traditional medicine processing. The outcome, though not all successful, has led to the emergence of learning process, recognition of local knowledge, development of alternative energy consistent with local livelihood, production system , management of natural resources by CBOs as well as dialogues amongst community networks. As an organization long
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/02/05 |
This project is designed to link bio-gas, slurry, vermicomposting, agroforestry and practicing improved livestock farming. The project is implemented in two VDCs of two districts- Methinkot VDC of Kanvepalanchowk and Gagalephedi of Kathmandu ( ... )
ct of Central Development Region.
The project has aimed to promote adoption of energy conservation and energy efficient technologies particularly bio-gas in the project areas. Of the two VDCs, Methinkot lies adjacent to Shivapuri Wildlife National Park and in the outskirts of the Kathmandu valley. Though this VDC is near to Kathmandu, the VDC lags way behind in basic facilities. As the place
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002-PG001(IRA98G52) |
This is a pilot project in five villages for the conservation of the endemic scrubs in the region. The project will introduce alternative environment friendly energy sources to decrease the pressure on scrubs used for heating and cooking. This will ( ... )
crease soil erosion and protect water resources in the long run. This will be a pilot project in five villages of the region. To plan the activities for the project initial socio-economic, geographical and environmental surveys should be conducted. The planning SGP grant is to support these
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002-015 (IRA98G52) |
Project location:Bozghoush , West Aarbaijan (Lat/Long:37.420054-47.709503)
The overall goal of the project is the protection of four endangered plant species through local community (local herders and ?Yourds?) participation and improvement of soil ( ... )
ty. To this end, the project will map the natural habitats. The community will be involved in a collaborative rangeland management to increase the vegetation in the 3-4 selected sites by diffusion of seeds and plantation, protection of rangeland by placing physical barriers and using farmlands instead of pasture grazing.
The community will also be trained in soil
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/02/02-PG |
This is a found for make a project for full grant. |
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/02/01 |
La mare de Benzana lieu de séjour des éléphants du gourma est souvent soumis a un assechement mettant en péril la vie des animaux et meme des hommes. C?est pour palier a ce probleme d?eau pour les éléphants et procédé a la restauration de ( ... )
ns parcours des pachydermes que le présent projet est élaboré . Afin d?atteindre les objectifs le projet réalisera les activités ci-apres :
- Réaliser un forage équipé
- Protéger la mare contre l?ensablement
- Forage équipé positif disponible au niveau de la mare de Benzana
- 4 abreuvoirs de 50 m3 construits
- 200ha ensemencés en graminées et especes ligneuse les dunes au nord
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/02/08 |
Ce projet a pour objectif d'améliorer les systèmes d'exhaure et d'irrigation dans l'oasis de Baghdada. Baghdada est une oasis située dans la région du Tagant au centre de la Mauritanie. Pour avoir accès a l'eau, les exploitants de cette oasis ( ... )
vent deux systèmes d'exhaure : un système traditionnel (sheylal) très rudimentaire et un système de pompage avec groupe motopompe alimenté par du gasoil. Deux problèmes principaux se posent au niveau de cette oasis : le niveau de pollution a cause du CO2 émis par les GMP ainsi que les pertes d'eau liées au système d'irrigation ce qui a pour conséquence une baisse de plus plus importante
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/34 |
Upgrading habitat conditions for amphibians. Creating biotop-shaping schemes. Protection of migrating animals. Education of local society, active protection. |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/30 |
Protection of especially valuable for amphibian reproduction water basins by preventing local people to use them as a trash dumps. Including water basins in local spatial management plans and local people education.
Improvement of conditions of ( ... )
uctiveness of 14 species of amphibians in Slaskie Voivodship with active participation of schools , teachers and local administration (units responsible for nature
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/TN05 |
The Palni hills, an eastward spur of the Western Ghats, one of the 25 Biodiversity Hotspots of the entire planet, have a considerable number of endemic and highly threatened plant species like Sonerilla pulneyensis, psydrax ficiformis etc. This ( ... )
t was mainly undertaken to provide necessary information inputs to enable the ordinary people to understand the urgency of environment problem and motivating them to take necessary actions for the same. It was a clear eco-restoration work where professional reforestation, with the permission of the Forest Department was undertaken. All the trainees made contribution, which was assessed by the
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/02/18 |
To produce a video documentary on the project after completion of project activities of the
Integrated Eco-cultural Resource Management in Pidurangala & Talkote Villages of the Sigiriya World Heritage Cultural site. Activities of the project were ( ... )
tat restoration and enrichment, development of nature based enterprises, village forestry, mixed home garden development, biodiversity monitoring and development of watershed in one village for irrigation purposes.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/01/10 |
The goal of this project is to minimise waste production within Kampala and so reduce the generation of greenhouse gases from landfill sites and burning. The project will work with market vendors to sort organic waste, which will be composted by a ( ... )
ity group. Plastic waste will also be sorted and sold to recyclers. Key partners for the implementing NGO include Kampala City Council, the Market Management Committee, and Living Earth, which will provide technical assistance in waste
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/02/06 |
An Integrated Biogas Programme for Environment Conservation and Sustainable Development has been implemented to promote bio-gas in 4 VDCs of Makawanpur district- namely Hatiya, Harnamadi, Churiyamai and Padam Pokhari. The project consists of three ( ... )
bjectives namely
1. To support rural communities in construction of toilet attached bio-gas plants
2. To enhance sustainable livelihood of rural people by supporting them to implement activities related to socio-economic development
3. To enhance the capacities of rural communities and stakeholders in order to effectively addressing global environmental problems
These VDCs have huge