There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/06 |
Conservation of xerotermic grassland in Warta and Notec Valleys by creation of 2 reserves, 5-6 green lands, sheep farming introduction |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/14 |
Restaurar las condiciones de operación de "Radio La Voz del Mayab Ecologica XHIPM-FM 102.30 MHz. Vocero del PPD-PNUD como consecuencia del impacto que el huracán Isidoro que tuvo en los equipos de transmisión (torre, antena, cableado, equipo de ( ... )
ación de torre, bocinas, y equipo en
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/03/21 |
Ziika Tropical rain forest is one of the few surviving lake forests in Uganda. It is agood forest for research into mosquitoes, mosquito borne diseases and other natural science related activities. The project aims at ensuring the long term ( ... )
vation of the forest and promotion of collaborative management. It is managed by Uganda Wildlife Society, a local NGO in the central part of uganda. The area has one of the major spiritual sites of the Buganda Kingdom with "Bemba" cavebeing an important site for spiritual worship.The forest also has a lot of fauna and flora such as 120 bird species, 32 mammals, 51 butterfly species and 135 woody
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/03/24 |
The project is situated in Nakitoma,Nakasongola district in the central part of Uganda and implemented by the Rhino Fund, a non governmental organization responsible for breeding and reintroducing the rhinos. Rhinos are valuable due to popularity of ( ... )
orns, which are used for making many products such as sword handles, aphrodisiacs which also fetch high prices on the world markets. The demand for these items is higher than the rate at which rhinos can reproduce only reproduce one sole offspring once every two or three years. Their survival therefore depends much on the developmentof management and control systems that guarantee a conducive
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-03-03Pu |
The lecture notes for the ?Dendrology and Forest Ecology School? that the Research Association of Rural Environment and Forestry traditionally holds every year at least once between May and June.
Dendrology (Tree-science) and Forest Ecology ( ... )
is organised to serve one of the main objectives of the Association, training and education. The school aims to provide the awareness that natural entities and processes are one of the most important pre-requisites for the sustainability of nature, through drawing specific attention on dendrology and forests. The lecture notes of the school were out of print and there was a re-print
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/044 |
Project development Goal :
To improve market access and strengthen GEF-SGP Indonesia partners? capacity in sustainable community-based natural resources management.
Project Objectives:
1. To develop partners? skills and capacity in planning ( ... )
ing strategy, business development plan, and outreach strategy for their products.
2. To increase market access for partners
3. To strengthen network among GEF-SGP Indonesia supported CBOs/NGOs and larger network of community-based natural resources management
4. To improve program coordination and program implementation services from National coordinator to partners
5. To discuss and
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/12/01 |
The project intends to undertake community-based activities for the protection, conservation and management of 100 hectares forest areas in Mt. Isarog thru depletion of forest resources, land degradation from logging and land conversion, and loss of ( ... )
nd animal species. This project complements the ongoing UNDP GEF-Medium sized funded project "Sustainable Management of Mt. Isarog Territories (SUMMIT)" where the PO proponent is one of the partners with CARE-Philippines as the project manager.
The continuous growing of population in the barangay had generally afftected the forest zone of the area. Most of the residents migrated to the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/09 |
The project aims at celebrating the Earth Day, already a tradition among the environmental NGOs in Albania. This minigrant consists of an artistic performance with the participation of the Artistic Lyceum, the Ballet School and the Cultural Center, ( ... )
at raising public awareness on the protection of the global environment.
The activity will last approx. 90 minutes and the message will be transmitted through banners, billboards, balloons and
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/01/14 |
Development of a full project proposal through: (i) in-depth consultations with local communities of Orang Asli villages who will be involved in the project as pilot sites; and (ii) study visits by Perak Consumers' Asosciation and other NGOs to the ( ... )
elected villages along the Main Range in Perak in order to formulate appropropriate sustainable development and sustainable livelihood strategies (e.g. organic farming and sustainable community-supported agriculture, small income generating activities, 'green consumer' lifestyles, etc.) and action plans that best meet the needs of the local
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/01/11 |
Demonstration ,capacity-building and awareness raising of communities on rehabilitation of water ecosystems. The main activities include monitoring water quality, establishing garbage banks, producing natural fertilizer, training on fishery laws, ( ... )
sing vegetation. Target population are residents of 36 villages in the lower section of the Huay Luang Creek
( Phone Phisai and Sangkhorm District
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002-014(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Tehran(Lat/Long:35.683477-51.435242)
The project aims to promote community participation toward an environmentally sustainable transportation plan. A small local community of 2 schools (different gender) has been selected as a ( ... )
The barriers for using public transportation will be identified and analyzed. A specific and practical model to promote public transportation will be established and extended to 5 schools in Shahrake-Gharb District. A group of students will be trained as ?Urban Environment Pollution Local Watch? to support the project and link the Local NGO with the neighborhood. The awareness of the pilot
Sri lanka
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/02/05 |
A planning grant to develop and promote the paddy husk stove in order to research and further develop the stove that has been proposed with further assistance from the university and other institutes. To manufacture several models of paddy husk ( ... )
to give to users and get a feed back. Based on these observations the NGo has to develop a stove that has overcome most of the problems encountered by the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF/11/02 |
The project will be a detailed study of the technical aspect, development, hydrology and engineering and the power demand projection for the household and other livelihood application of the mircrohydro power that will be generated from the two ( ... )
will be done. It will also involve the gathering relevant socio-economic data and information on the available resources, development of appropriate watershed/ conservation program and other strategies to address other needs of the community.
1. The detailed Socio-Economic Study will include:
a. matching the hydropower potential with its usage for appropriate end-use or energy
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/02/19 |
Establishment of an island wide NGO/CBO Network for conducting an identified Rio+10 follow up programme to promote best practices and to create better policy environment for sustainable development in Sri Lanka. To compile and publish a document to ( ... )
sented by the NGO sector at the WSSD World Summit - document titled 'State of the Environment and development in Sri Lanka - 2001 Report. To present the NGO report at the WSSD in Johannesburg in order to strenthen civil society participation on WSSD process and as an effort towards capacity building of partner organizations.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/02/24 |
Contribuir a la formulación e implementación de una propuesta medodologica de desarrollo integrado con enfoque territorial, que potencie la coordinación intersectorial, la cooperación publico privado y la participación ciudadana, generando ( ... )
izajes y estrategias para procesar conflictos, superar obstáculos y aprovechar oportunidades para un desarrollo regional más sustentable en la región de Los
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/02/29 |
Contribuir a deterer y revertir el proceso de desertificación que afecta a la IV región, apoyando a las comunidades Agrícolas para que puedan acceder con igualdad de oportunidades a los diversos instrumentos de fomento con que cuenta el sector ( ... )
o e iniciar un proceso de recuperación ambiental y productivo de sus
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/19 |
The Capercaillie cock (Tetrao urogallus), as a typical forest bird in Albania, is listed among the poorly monitored species in Europe due to lack and difficulty of its inventory. In the last 25 years its population has more than halved mainly due to ( ... )
loss and human disturbance. This project aims to design a National Action Plan for the protection of this species and other species sharing the same habitat.
The main activities of the project include the study of the actual state of the Capercaillie cock in Albania, raising public awareness of the importance of the species and its natural habitats, population surveys, training of experts on
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002-004(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Gowater Bay, Chabahar(Lat/Long:25.2420460-60.6445310)
The project aims to achieve a sustainable model for management and conservation of the mangroves through a strategic management plan drawn with the participation of the local ( ... )
ity and government officials. Its activities include awareness raising, social mobilization and empowerment of the local communities, introduction and enhancement of alternative livelihood methods, advocacy and outreach, plantation of mangroves, establishment of a nursery and finally a trans-boundary proposal with
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/MS07 |
The project was proposed for the documentation and practices adopted by Social Development and Research Institute and Prayas, and experimentation on the major Low External Input, Sustainable and Intensive Cultivation (LEISIC) Practices mainly in ( ... )
melioration and crop tending; setting up demonstration and awareness of LEISIC practices for women and tribals and providing livelihoods? security to resource-poor sections of the society, by adapting suitable LEISIC techniques. The project consisted of two components: Demonstration on farm productivity, effectiveness of Low External Input Techniques (LEISIC) techniques at farmer fields and
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/02/15 |
Training of selected beneficiaries in food processing, cane crafting and hand made paper; improve micro credit facilities; forest conservation activities and schhol awareness programmes. Awareness training for 500 children in 10 schools around the ( ... )
reserve. Training and income generation of the women of the area is the main objective of the project. They will be trained in food processing mainly to use produce form home gardens such as lime and papaw which are in excess during the season and are