There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/25 |
The basic idea of the project is the decrease of a level of CO emissions (15%) by reduction of consumption of fuel, through installation (30 free of churge and 270 paid)of the invented electronic ignition device and its propagation for ( ... )
entation. All 300 cars will carry label with notification about using this installation.30 cars will be regularly checked by independent comission for CO
Phase 1
Project Number: DMA/UNF/02/02 |
A six phase project aimed at the transformation of the village of Cockrane into an Eco Village in order to increase awareness of the Morne Trois Pitons National Park World Heritage Site biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods, while ( ... )
ng the villagers to enjoy an improved standard of living by encouraging visitors to the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/01/12 |
The project aims to reduce the desertification threat within the communities of Nalukonge and Kayebe. Loss of biodiversity and physical degradation of the soil are evident in these areas. High termite activity has prevented the success of soil and ( ... )
conservation practices, such as planting trees and grass. It also reduces farm yields and damages buildings. The project seeks to control termite activity by popularising seed dressing protection techniques using newly recommended termiticide, developing modern termite management techniques, and creating awareness among the rural communities. Establishment of bye laws, policy advocacy, and
Palestine, State of
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/02/25 |
The project will contribute to preserve the Palestinian rural environment by promoting organic and mechanical pest control and raising the awareness and qualifications of the farmers concerning the dangers of chemical pesticides and on the use of ( ... )
c mechanical alternatives. Also, It will start a campaign for lobbying and advocating with the related line ministries and agricultural NGOs on the dangers of chemical
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/02/06-PG |
This is a found for make a project for full grant. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DMA/UNF/02/04 |
to make communities aware of the importance of biodiversity preservation and environmental protection to allow for earning a livelihood that is SUSTAINABLE.
To highlight the COMPACT Programme as a way to demonstrate that phylosophy.
The ( ... )
t objectives :
To carry out community mobilization programmes in the nine targeted communities.
To create avenues for community involvement in environmental preservation, biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods.
To organise and manage cultuiral groups to hel with income generatiomn for the people in the communities.
Project activities include:
Creation of murals in trageted
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/11/01 |
The project intends to undertake community-based activities for the protection, conservation and management of the resources and strengthen communities around Lake Buhi. There are five comprehensive integrated components which compromise the whole ( ... )
1. Continuous research and environmental scanning and documentation on biodiversity, livelihood systems;
2. Conscientization/awareness, lake and environmental education and training for community development and community mobilization;
3. Strengthening and consolidation of the SCSIs and other grassroots formation;
4. Establishment and consolidation of the community-based resources
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/15 |
Project development Goal :
To conserve Moonson Forest in Lore Lindu National Park
Project Objectives :
1. To increase community welfare through creation of alternative environmentally friendly economic activities
2. To reduce environmental ( ... )
3. To restore moonson forest with community participation
4. To stimulate the emergence of commitment on sustainable nature resource management through community based activities
Expected output :
a. Emergence of sustainable environmentally friendly alternative income generating activities so that increasing community welfare
b. Reduced environmental degradation on moonson forest
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/27 |
Project development Goal :
To produce Participatory Management Plan of Pinjan Tanjung Matop Protected Area
Project Objectives :
1. To provide comprehensive data and information as a baseline data,
2. To increase stakeholder participation ( ... )
ntribution in all project steps,
3. To develop comprehensive action plans.
Expected output :
a. Compilation of data and baseline information,
b. Increasing stakeholders? participation and contributions in the project activities,
c. Action plan.
Activities to be conducted :
A. Socialization of the concept to develop participatory management plan for protected area.
B. Field survey
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/02/05 |
Winner of the World Environment Day Award for "101 Actions Pour L'Environnement": Special July Prize 2002.
The primary objective of this project is to develop and organise a comprehensive training course over six months for Community Leaders. The ( ... )
aims at empowerment and integration of Community Leaders, so as to enable them to understand the fundamentals of community care and to make use of management tools to provide an efficient service at field level.
The course will be run in 12 modules which encompass the general principles of community services management, community based environmental education as well as project development
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/23 |
Project development Goal :
Sustainability of community-based forest management with integrating aspects of economy, ecology and social
Project Objectives :
1. To increase population of a super local cultivar of durian in the community forest ( ... )
2. To increase skill and capability in order to recognise and utilise medical plant spesies and cow husbandry management as well
3. Raising awareness and developing skill on conservation effort of super local cultivar of durian
4. Increasing income through cow husbandry and cultivating of local cultivar of durian.
Expected output :
1. Population of super local cultivar of durian exsisted
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/14 |
Project Development Goal :
To conserve biodiversity in Togean Islands and to increase community participation in project process, in order to increase project sustainability potential.
Project Objectives :
1. To increase community awareness ( ... )
derstanding on the importance of environmental conservation
2. To increase community capacity in nature resource management in Togean islands
3. To restore and maintain biodiversity through implementation of community based nature resources management model
4. To provide opportunity on development of environmentally friendly economic activity in order to increase community welfare
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/GUJ07 |
The project area is geographically positioned such that seawater ingresses and recedes through creeks and estuarine zones during tides leaving the inundated areas saline. On the other hand, a wide expanse of mud deposited by the tides used to ( ... )
t a thick mangrove forest. But these mangroves have been coming under the axe for fuel and fodder in the absence of an alternative. This has increased saline water ingression and as a result, about 75% of the cultivable land has already been lost to the sea. About a decade ago, the village had a dairy co-operative society but unavailability of fodder from their salinity prone lands reduced
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/02/10 |
Nepal as a signatory nation to CBD (1992) and member of WTO (1995) through its TRIPS has to register and patent for all biological products and process. By 2006, Nepal has to protect her bio-resources, local knowledge, skill and technologies. ( ... )
ity Bio-diversity Registration (CBR) for that purpose is equally concerned with the documentation of local species along with the associated knowledge and practice. CBR refers to "A record kept in a paper or electronic format by community members, of the genetic resources (landraces) in community, including information their custodians, passport data agroecology, cultural and use values."
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/02/07 |
Plant genetic resources can broadly be considered to have direct, indirect and optional values. These values may be in terms of ecological, soci-cultural, religious or quality traits and it may be for farmers and society. To date, these resources ( ... )
intained in the marginal environments by poorer farmers. In the process, of modernisation, these local resources are becoming vulnerable day be day. For generations, these resources have been the basis for people's livelihood particularly living in the diverse and complex agro-forestry ecosystems. But with exceptional cases, these are not well documented. To capture these resources along with
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/26 |
Project development Goal :
To facilitate a cooperative process among stakeholders to save 10 % of remaining forest in Sumba land.
Project Objectives :
1. To conduct participative management plans among stakeholders to develop interaction ( ... )
2. To produce comprehensive proposal and action plans.
Expected output :
a. Agreement among KMPH, SBKSDA and Community consist of understanding of zone condition based on field survey and informal discussion,
b. Blue-print of water resources management system and spatial planning for traditional kampung in context of Interactive Zones Management,
c. Reporting of process as a
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/21 |
Project development Goal :
To conserve Gunung Palung National Park through community based sustainable nature resource management
Project Objectives :
1. To raise and strengthen community awareness on the importance of nature resources ( ... )
2. To increase community income through development of alternative income generating activities such as fish and plant farming so that reducing community dependence on forest?s wood product
3. To gather collective support from all stakeholders through facilitating meetings
4. To conserve biodiversity through conduction of ethno botanical study and development of participatory community
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/MS09 |
The project aim is formation and capacity building of Village level institutions for better management of resources & for propagation of medicinal plants, set up a Nursery, train selected farners for cultivation & Propagation identified, rare & ( ... )
nous medicinal plant species and explore linkages for long term processing and marketing of the empowerment of participating tribal communities.
It also emphasised to create awareness and motivation of farmers through training, group discussion, meeting and camps etc. to create and develop awareness among the local people about the availability of medicinal plants and poor status of wild
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DMA/UNF/02/03 |
Part of COMPACT communications strategy to educate communities about the COMPACT concept, and help them develop plays, skits, and projects that allow further sharing of the concept.
The goals of the project included: to make comunities aware of the ( ... )
nce of biodiversity preservation and environmental protection to earning a livelihood that is sustainable, and to highlght the COMPACT programme as a way to demonstrate that phylosophy
The objectives included:
conducting community mobilization programe in 10 targeted communities, strengthen the community involvement in environmental preservation, biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods.
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/02/12 |
The project aims at protecting Biodiversity in Al Wahadneh area through promotion of sound natural resource management practices mainly related to agricultural practices. This will be partly achieved through establishing a revolving loan fund that ( ... )
omen from the local community to implement small income-generating activities such as bee keeping, kitchen and medical herb planting and packaging and food processing. A comprehensive training and public awareness component which aims at improving local community knowledge of proper measures to address environmental problems in a sustainable manner will also be conducted. Al Wahadneh Community