There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/06 |
Situated as an integral part of the ecosystems of the Gulf of Thailand/ South China Sea, the
project location is a lowland for paddy, rubber plantation and orchard totaling about 190 ha
where chemicals has been heavily applied. ( ... )
n-off of the chemicals into the Thale Noi and Songkhla Lagoon results in the extinction of about 20 water species. Adverse effect on human health was witnessed. The proposed activities by target communities to produce and apply organic farming, produce chemical-free feed, increase vegetation for carbon sink and apply renewable energy in daily life would
Phase 2
Project Number: DMA/UNF/02/13 |
Background:- The large stakeholders have a financial intrest in and benifit from the WHS and preently participate in different roles in the utilization of its assets. These organizations also ahve certain resources and management capability that can ( ... )
ute to the WHS development.
work in COMPACT is focussed on the communities neighboring the WHS. It is necessary as part of the national collaborative approach to the WHS to include the other stakeholders in isues relating to the WHS.
To complement the initial baseline assessment through a wider consultation with major stakeholders of the WHS, including the private sector. This meeting will be
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/07 |
This planning grant will be used to assess the feasibility to construct a small hydropower plant in the village of Strelca, Korce, in order to fulfill the needs of the local community. This will be achieved through site visits of hydrologists, ( ... )
engineers and botanists in the framework of this project. During these site visits, this project will assess the potentiality of the landscape, the water resources and the willingness of the local community to
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/2p |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/02/MS03 |
Project purpose is natural resource management through baseline susveys, formation of stakeholder groups and biosamitis, development of nurseries/seed banks and biodiversity education centres.
The project involved local communities in the ( ... )
nable use of natural resources by making them stake holders in the process of biodiversity and natural resource conservation. The activite undertaken were Formation of biodiversity samities, training of samiti representatives on natural resources management and biodiversity issues, development of nurseries, seed banks for important species, establishment of biodiversity education centers for the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/19 |
Creation conditionsn for development and use of alternative local sources of energy through establishement of small plantations of fast growing willow and replacement of coal by biomas (willow chips, and wood waste in the first period of time) in ( ... )
in Barcice.
Activities undertaken:
- estabkishement of small. family willow plantation in the Lower Vistula River Valley;
- modernisation of heating system in school in Barcice (installation of a modern boiler for biomas);
- 22 field workshops with demonstration for over 200 farmers on establishement of willow plantation and management (pest control, harvest);
- seminar "Biomas as
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/UP07 |
The project aimed at enhancing perception of local communities about the importance of medicinal herbs? cultivation & to create awareness for biodiversity conservation. The activities included baseline survey & documentation of medicinal herb ( ... )
s in local region; establishment of mother- nursery for growing medicinal herbs; formation of Kisan Mitra Samoh (KMS), processing, packaging & marketing of medicinal plant products; publication of a booklet ?Herbs for Wealth? and also enhancing the growth and conservation of different native plants and medicinal herbs species.
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/02/10 |
Awareness programmes & nature excursions for schools, income generating activities for communities, designing and printing of nature posters and cards, promotion of solar for domestic use, waste management and composting. Aareness raising for School ( ... )
n of three villages on bio diveristy and energy conservation espeacially on energy saving devices and renewable energies. The programme was mainly for students living around forest reserves to enhance their knowledge and appreciation of the natural environment. One of the objectives was to raise awareness of parents and the wider community through school
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/28/02 GEF-RNE |
This is a 3km strip of sand bar, with the seaward side covered with mangrove forest. It was the site of an extensive mangrove planting project.
The project intends to develop a community-based management plan for the conservation and ( ... )
tion of resources in and around Snake Island and Honda Bay, specifically covering three (3) coastal communities, Maryogon, Salvacion, and San Rafael. Emphasis shall be given on the active participation of the coastal communities that are dependent on the Island and Bay for income.
The objective of this project is to enrich the biodiversity status of the Snake Island with emphasis on the
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/33/02 GEF-RNE |
The project involves biodiversity conservation within and adjacent to the Rajah Sikatuna National Park in Sierra Bullones through developing community-based ecotourism opportunities and biodiversity monitoring while building the capacity of local ( ... )
nts and officials to manage the various ecosystems and resources.
Bohol is one of the critical biodiversity locations in the Philippines. The forested karst limestone areas were recognized in 1987 when the national government established the Rajah Sikatuna National Park (is now a protected landscape). Through the years, however the DENR has provided minimal allocations for preservation and
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/02/04 |
The project of "Biodiversity Introduction in the Tozeur Monoculture Palm-Groves " has a principal objectives to found the bio diversity in the oases target in:
- Diversifying the varieties of date palms
- Introducing species fruit-bearing ( ... )
tones and adapted to the conditions of the area
protection of the palm plantations against the stranding by installing breezes winds containing common varieties and of pollinating of date palms
- Sensitizing and mobilization of the local communities
Tfe specific objectives is to
- Improve of the report/ratio varieties communes/Deglet Nour. The objective of the project and to pass from
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/36 |
Active protection of amphibians, bats and owls at the protected areas of Euro-region Niemen.
Creation of conditions enabling development of population of insects, amphibians and bats in Wigry National park, Suwalki Landscape Park and Primeval ( ... )
Romnicka landscape Park in Poland and Wiejskiej Regional Park in Lithuania.
Establishement of exchange of experiences, good practices in active nature protection between Lithuanian and Polish naturalists oranised in services of protected areas and civic organisations in border region EuroRegion
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/02/07 |
Project aimed to protect rare plants in Verkiai Regional Park, which was situated near capital Vilnius, and to increase population of them. Project aimed to redirect tourists? flows from the habitats of rare plants. Project's activities also ( ... )
ed educational work with local residents, tourists, schoolchildren and students, and cooperation with experts of the Institute of Botany, and management of the Regional
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/02/01 |
Recommendated by the Project's Evaluation Report, the grantees requested for an additional grant by NSC for a grant of US $ 15,000 to install 1520 improved stoves.
This project is categorized as one of the best projects in Bhutan according to the ( ... )
l Programme Review Report (BPR). The project demonstrated tangible community development and conservation benefits, strong community committment, very good potential for sustainability, high level of cost-efficiency and solid link to improvement of the global environment in Climate Change focal area.
The capacity building component has been the thrust of the project and this feature has been
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/15 |
This projects seeks to recover degraded areas by reforestation of native forest and fruit species for the beekeeping activity in the Bico do Papagaio region, in the state of Tocantins. Environmental education and commercialization of the products ( ... )
so planned activities. Higher family income and conservation of the regional native bee species are the expected
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/02/23 |
El proyecto consiste en la recopilación de toponimias de comunidades inmersas y aledañas a la Reserva de la Biosfera de Sian Ka?an, así como de los nombres de animales, plantas y otros elementos de la biodiversidad con arraigo a los usos y ( ... )
bres de la región. Se abarcarán los significados de cada palabra en las épocas prehispánica, de la guerra de castas y actual, dado que en la zona de Carrillo Puerto existen nombres de iglesias, pueblos etc., en la cual se manejan nombres de animales y árboles sagrados, por citar algunos: la iglesia ? Balam Nah?, o el sitio
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/16 |
This minigrant is given with the purpose of enabling the broadcast of a TV spot produced by GEF/SGP on World Environmental Day. Broadcasting will be done through national and local TV Stations, selected in such a way in order to cover most of the ( ... )
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/02/36 |
The objective of the Building and Construction Improvement Programme (BACIP) has been to promote measures that will enable the extremely remote communities of the Hinduhush, Karakoram and Himalayan mountain areas in Northern Areas and Chitral region ( ... )
stan and to make sustainable improvements in their living conditions. This should not only allow them to optimize their investment in built-environment-related aspects but also result in improving their quality of life. As the region moves from being extremely underdeveloped and traditional to being more modern and relatively more developed, the strategic objective of the programme is to develop
Palestine, State of
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/02/31 |
Capacity building project for 25 school teachers focusing on the importance of the biodiversity conservation for sustaining and protecting the threatened and indigenous species in Hebron. Teachers will act as catalysts to lead a process of change ( ... )
derstanding and behavior of the school pupils and other teachers and initiating collective effort to conserve significant species in the area.
The project will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in Hebron area by conducting training, field visits and producing public awareness
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/31/02 GEF-RNE |
The Small Grants Programme has been making great impact to communities all over the Philippines. They have long articulated its goal of sharing these best practices and lessons learned on various project sites to ensure adequate and accurate ( ... )
ication with various stakeholders such as donor communities, the academe, government partner-agencies, the media, and the general public.
While written project documents have always been regularly comprehensively prepared, there is a great need to make these reports readily available to a wider audience. As ICT is rapidly gaining momentum, many people around the globe and in the country could