There are 27,190 projects available.
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Costa rica
Phase 2
Project Number: COS/02/47 |
La región fue fuertemente afectada por la crisis actual del café convencional, donde los precios venían experimentando una continua caída. Ante ello, la reacción de respuesta de los productores se tradujo en la conformación de una Asociación ( ... )
rácter productivo diversificado que condujera la producción al mercado local.
El objetivo del proyecto consiste en consolidar la capacidad de la asociación para llevar a cabo una producción constante, procesamiento, y comercialización de productos orgánicos, garantizando así, tanto la seguridad alimentaria de las familias involucradas, como la sostenibilidad ecológica y económica de la
Costa rica
Phase 2
Project Number: COS/02/48 |
La Fundación Neotrópica desarrolla desde 1985 proyectos en la región sur del país con la finalidad de contribuir con el uso inteligente y equilibrado de los recursos naturales. En este sentido, contribuye con aquellas comunidades aledanas a ( ... )
protegidas en la búsqueda de opciones económicas amigables con el ambiente.
Con la presente propuesta la Fundación Neotrópica desea contribuir con el asentamiento campesino de Los Angeles y el caserío de La Virgen, dado que dichas comunidades han presentado limitaciones de empleo, con fincas en su mayoría no aptas para el desarrollo agropecuario que requieren de un manejo intensivo y con
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/02/04 |
The Primary Objective of the project is to raise awareness and action for environmental protection, by using global and national environmental themes as a source of inspiration for creative training projects that will:
· Improve the income levels, ( ... )
of environment and quality of life of people from ?vulnerable groups?
· and Help the children of these communities to re-engage with learning through new creative experiences
The specific objectives of the project are to:
(1) Train 18 out-of-school youth in environmentally-aware craft production through a year-long full time course - to build the necessary skills for participants to
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/RJ07 |
The projects? objective was to generate awareness among the people on issues of biodiversity, developing pastures and plantations so that degraded biodiversity could be balanced. Developing a good database on the local crops, their seeds as a gene ( ... )
nd forming a community based system to manage the natural resources through capacity building were the other focused areas.
The major activities to achieve the set objectives were capacity building, strengthening VDCs, training and exposure programmes of VDCs, exhibition on biodiversity and awareness campaign. Physical activities were: development of pasture land, nursery raising, plantation of
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/02/07 |
The project will use organic farming techniques and methods to diminish agrochemical runoff into two tributaries of the Manchón Guamuchal RAMSAR site, and at the same time conserve four species of native vegetables and its local landraces, using ( ... )
onservation techniques.
The participants will have training, organic seeds, extra incoming and better nutrition. All participant are training in organic agriculture and management organic of the species of the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/02/59 |
The project supported 2,000 rural farmers in the coastal savannah and transitional zones of Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana to cultivate 1,600 hectares of pysic nut fruit to assist the production of biodiesel oil. The project also supported the ( ... )
ishmnet of a medium scale industrial plant for processing of physic nut into
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/20 |
The main problem for bike roads is a gap between town system and country network; the most sensative, expensiveand difficult in construction is departure from the town network, linking town network to the country network.
Project is targeting a ( ... )
l element of bike road system, departuring safely from Wloclawek and linking this network to adjacent landscape parks and further - linking Wloclawek through system of bike-road passin by landscape parks with
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/02/05 |
Date-palm tree genetic diversity conservation and socio-economic valorization through community education and involvement and the creation of a food-processing unit
aim objective of the project is the conservation of the genetic diversity of the ( ... )
alms by the valorisation of the non-marketable varieties and creation of sources of income to deaf-mute in Tozeur.
Specific objectives
- To instigate a centre of transformation of dates with using of deaf-mute for its operation.
- Manufacture of various products starting from dates of commercial low value and sale in the hotel complexes of the area.
- Sensitizing on all the levels
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/28 |
In spite of solar heating installation?s acceptable price and relative effectiveness they did not become wide spread in Kyrgyzstan. One of the reasons is distrust of majority of population especially of rural people in efficiency of these ( ... )
lations. They do not believe in print and video products; it is very important for them direct contact with people who use solar installations and opportunity to examine it by own.
The squatter areas ?Archabeshik? appeared in the beginning of 1990?s as a result of territory capture by population who wanted to build houses in country capital. Even the capture was illegal authorities had to yield
Land Degradation Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/22 |
Barskoon village is one of the largest settlements (7000 people) on the south coast of Issyk-Kul Lake located nearest from natural juniper forests and flood-plain brush-wood vegetations. The main sources of income for population are cattle-breeding ( ... )
ant cultivation. Because of high price on the coal and stoppage of gas provision sharply increased legal and illegal deforestation of brush-wood vegetations. Even elm and poplar wind-proof belt were cut down for household needs.
The main idea of the project is reduction of anthropogenic press on natural juniper forest and flood-plain brush-wood vegetations through fast growing trees planting
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/RJ06 |
The Project intended to address the livelihood needs of the peoplle in the village Semlia through conservation and regeneration of natural resources, to promote diverse cropping patterns, revive the local species of fodder and forest trees and ( ... )
ty building of NGOs/GOs working in jaisamand catchment area.
The project inclined towards the adoption of Soil & Water Conservation measures viz. gully plugs, continuous contour trenches, and farm bunding in the selected area of Jaisamand Lake. It also involves livestock and agriculture development, improved composting techniques and mixed cropping/inter-cropping practices, formation of Self
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/02/20 |
The Aral Sea is the region of ecological catastrophe caused by humans? thoughtless plans and actions. Kyzylorda city is situated close to the epicenter of the ecological catastrophe. Local population morbidity (lungs, intestinal and infectious ( ... )
es) is critical. Infantile mortality rates are very high. The current state of affairs with provision of Kyzylorda population with hot water is catastrophic. Besides, due to high tariffs on electric energy and relative high cost of coal supplied to the region as stove fuel, local population encounters great problems with boiling water for cooking and with heating it for washing, laundry and
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002, 2004 & 2007-012(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Dena,khafr,Esfahan(Lat/Lonh: 39.9951120-51.4839940)
The Zagros Mountain Range extends from Azerbaijan and Kurdestan Provinces to Hormuzgan Province. It is about 900 km long and more than 240 km wide. It consists of numerous ( ... )
el ridges, the highest being the east-west crest of 47 peaks of Dena with the altitude of more than 4000km. The aerial length of this crest is more than 80km long. The Peaks of Dena are the most sensitive and fragile natural ecosystem, located on the borders of Fars, Kohkiloyeh-Boyerahmad, Isfahan, Chaharmahal-e-Bakhtiari Provinces in the south-west of Iran.
The Zagros Mountain Range is an
Sri lanka
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/02/07 |
Dendro power pilot project for electrification of 100 off-grid households. Proposed activites are feasibility study. Community mobilization plant procurement installation and commissioning; Project objective is to demonstrate the viability of using ( ... )
power technology to supply electricity to remote communities and create an enabling condition for wider adaptation of the technology. The fuelwood used will be mainly Gliricidia Sapium, grown in home gardens and small farmer based
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/22 |
El objetivo es restaurar la confianza en los recursos naturales para implementar alternativas que permitan elevar el nivel de vida agroforestal. El uso de los recursos tradicionales, como la madera, la goma de mascar, la miel y el maíz, tiene que ( ... )
r la gestión frente a un mercado global en un planeta cada vez más contaminado. Es la tasa de urgencia y rescate de otros recursos forestales que respondan a las demandas del mercado, como las frutas exóticas, medicinales y plantas ornamentales en el proceso de extinción. A través de la producción y comercialización de las especies forestales y cultivos agroforestales rentables. Formación
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/P01 |
Este proyecto pretende generar un proceso de desarrollo participativo promoviendo una visión estratégica que permita a los diversos sectores de la sociedad, la iniciativa privada, las autoridades, las organizaciones sociales y la misma comunidad ( ... )
tar esfuerzos de manera ordenada y sistemática que ayuden al desarrollo continuo y sustentable a mediano y largo
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/02/21 |
Develop 1 1/2 acres of land by growing varieties of trees of medicinal and water retaining value, label all varieties in order to be of educational value to visiting school children, grow live fence, undertake soil prevention measures, distribute ( ... )
efficient stoves and raise awareness of communities on biodiversity conservation. Home gardens were to be developed while an attempt to address issues of lack of access to water in this dry zone village will be made.
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/02/002 |
Ly Nhan is one of the districts of Ha Nam Province, a province in the Red River Delta of Viet Nam. The district is situated in the low-lying area between the two rivers of Red River and Chau River. The communes by the riverside often have 5 to 6 ( ... )
affected by the annually seasonal flood. With the special location of the area, the agricultural ecosystem has been established and developed with a unique agricultural structure of a diversity of plants and animals which suits well with the physical conditions and the application of traditional cultivation techniques of the low lying area and the annually seasonal flood.
Ly Nhan has a rich
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: VIE/01/003 |
Ao Chau is a natural fresh water lake situated in Ha Hoa District, Phu Tho Province. It contains high biological and landscape value. The lake is the home of 49 fish species of high economic value. The capacity of about 15 million cubic meters of ( ... )
ke significantly supports the socio-economic development of the district.
However, the lake faces the problem of water pollution due to the solid and liquid waste of the community households and animal husbandry activities, and the uncontrolled use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers in agricultural production. Biological resources of the lake have been threatened by the water pollution and
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/01/006 |
Cunninghamia Hagata, which was firstly discovered in Nghe An in 1964, belongs to the family plant Taxodiacea. It is listed in the Plant Red Book (1996) as a critically threatened species which requires immediate protection measures. Cunninghamia ( ... )
grows in the dense evergreen tropical forest at the average altitude of 1,200m-1, 400m. It has a highly economic and scientific value.
However, this species is under the threat of extinction due to deforestation in the area. The community, especially the H'Mong people living in the area has adopted slash and burn cultivation practice for years. The forest has been cleared for agriculture