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Viet nam
Project Number:   VIE/01/008
Van Long nature reserve is located in Gia Vien District, Ninh Binh Province. The Reserve is home of the Delacour's langur which is listed by the IUCN - Primate Specialist Group as a critical endangered species and on the list of the 25 world's TOP ( ... )
Viet nam
Project Number:   VIE/01/001
Cam Son is a reservoir which was constructed in 1966 in Bac Giang Province, a mountainous province in the north of Viet Nam. The reservoir provides water for four districts in the province. After 30 years of use, the reservoir ecosystem has ( ... )
Viet nam
Land Degradation
Project Number:   VIE/01/002
Coastal sandy areas in Ha Tinh Province, one of the poorest provinces in Viet Nam, have faced with the problem of soil degradation and desertification in recent years. The rate of flying and moving sand to encroach on the land is about 3m on the ( ... )
Viet nam
Project Number:   VIE/01/005
Parashorea chinensis Wang Hsie belongs to the plant family of Dipterocarpaceae, which is a typical plant family of tropical forest in South East Asia. It is listed in the Plant Red Book (1996) as a threatened species which requires immediate ( ... )
Viet nam
Project Number:   VIE/01/007
Shorea falcata Vid. belongs to the plant family of Dipterocarpaceae, which is a typical plant family of tropical forest in South East Asia. It is listed in the Plant Red Book (1996) as a critically threatened species which requires immediate ( ... )
Viet nam
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   VN/02/001
Viet Nam is an agricultural country with 80% of its population living in the rural areas. The agricultural sector contributes nearly one third of the national GDP. Recognising the importance of the role of agricultural economic development in the ( ... )
International Waters
Project Number:   JOR/02/02
The planning grant was used to conduct a field study to collect information and initiate contacts required for establishing a central organizational unit to supervise glass boat operations in the Gulf of Aqaba. The study identified environmental, ( ... )
Multifocal Area
Project Number:   PHI/23/02 GEF-RNE
The project aims to undertake a consultation-workshop and other related activities to assist SGP to draw up/develop parameters and identify community-based ecotourism activities which may possibly receive funding from SGP. Participants of the ( ... )
Project Number:   SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/02/ASM03
The objective of the project is to develop a nursery of medicinal plants having patent pharmacutical importance in drug industries, their commercial exploitation and economic upliftment of society. The project is designed to develop a nursery of ( ... )
Sri lanka
Project Number:   SRL/02/20
Development of 20 farmer plots with pond, live fence and the growing of new rush/reed varieties; development of 20 home gardens with composting units, vermiculture and organic vegetables; production of rush/reed goods such as bags, slippers, ( ... )
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   MAU/98/G52/02/07
Il s'agit d'un projet engagé en collaboration avec une ONG nationale mauritanienne nommée Tenmiya. Tenmiya se charge de la construction et/ou de la réhabilitation d'infrastructures scolaires et des unités de santé (14 au total). La ( ... )
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   EGY-02-89
Project's activities are : 1. To address issues of global concern that are related to conservation of Biodiversity and protected areas from an Egyptian prospective. 2.To establish a sustainable program to raise the capacity of local energy ( ... )
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   EGY-02-90
Project's activities are: 1. To sustain the infra structure of proper usage of energy resources which positively affect the economy development. 2. To establish a sustainable program to raise the capacity of local energy engineers and gives them the ( ... )
Project Number:   MLI/02/08
Diffusion des publications en langue vernaculaire sur les résultats du projet de Conservation des plantes a usages multiples par la valorisation des connaissances écologiques et le savoir-faire (les utilisations) traditionnels des communautés ( ... )
Project Number:   BZE/UNF-GEF/02/04
Friends of Nature (FoN) grew out of the Community-Based Organization (CBO) known as Friends of Laughing Bird Caye (FOLBC), which came into existence in 1991. The organization is made up of representatives of five communities: Hopkins, Seine Bight, ( ... )
Dominican republic
Project Number:   DOM/02/06
Mejoramiento de la rentabilidad de los ecosistemas cafetaleros y de las condiciones de vida de los productores, como mecanismo de conservación de los recursos de biodiversidad, a partir la diversificación de los componentes del sistema y ( ... )
Project Number:   GUA/02/01-NOR
Project seeks to introduce new productive activities for the people, and improve the income of the participants. Beside, seeks to preserve the nine springs located around of the community, and to protect the biodiversity in the area. To run the ( ... )
Project Number:   GUA/01/03-PG-NOR
This project seeks to preserve nine springs located around of the community, using at least 4 different species of native fruit trees. At side, the community has the purpose to achieve a balanced diet through the diversification of their food ( ... )
Project Number:   MEX/UNF/02/08
Proporcionar a los habitantes de cada una de las cuarenta comunidades indígenas mayas de los municipios de Felipe Carrillo Puerto y José María Morelos, Quintana, Roo, una visión mas clara de la Ley de Justicia Indígena del Estado de Quintana ( ... )
Project Number:   TUR-01-13
The Palas Lake is one of 97 important bird areas in Turkey, and was declared a natural SIT site in 1993. The lake, which is located at 40 km. northeast of Kayseri is surrounded by mud plains, salicornia steppes, freshwater areas. Small islands are ( ... )
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