There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-PLN-02-003 |
Kenya Sea Turtle Conservation Committee (KESCOM) will conduct an evaluation and needs assessment for the existing Turtle Conservation groups prior to the stakeholder workshop of 16th October, 2002. The workshop will be a brainstorming session on ( ... )
in sea turtle conservation projects to be funded by
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/CHT01 |
Project aimed at collection, characterization and ex-situ preservation of indigenous land races of rice seed and other food crops in three clusters of villages in Chhattisgarh; re-enforcement of existing processes and/or initiation of ( ... )
ity-based grain banks and public distribution system based on women's organizations; generating popular discussion on the importance of indigenous biodiversity systems; development of a larger project that can advocate on food security issues at the level of the Chhattisgarh state or other areas/ regions/ sub-regions with a large forest and concentration.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/MET./02/06 |
The project will increase environmental awareness at the local community level in Al Hashimiyeh area, which is a crowded area characterized by very high levels of environmental pollution as a result of three major sources of pollution; the oil ( ... )
ry, the waste-water treatment plant and the thermal power plant. To that effect, the project will conduct an awareness campaign targeted to schools, women, NGOs and will initiate contacts with decision-makers to investigate possible means of minimizing pollution on the local
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/02/15 |
The project aims to address climate change by reducing carbon emissions, and to halt the loss of biodiversity and land degradation caused by forest clearance for cultivation, grazing and firewood. The project aims to tackle these problems by ( ... )
ing biogas, fuel-efficient stoves and tree planting. Slurry from the biogas plants will be used as fertiliser on demonstration vegetable plots. These activities will contribute to improved soil fertility, household health, and income security for the local
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-02-71 |
Project's activities are :
1. To reduce the emissions of methane and carbon dioxide gases which produced from human and animal wastes.
2. To modify the pens which exist inside rural houses.
3. To produce clean energy (methane gas) and use it ( ... )
d of fossil fuel.
4. To improve the environment inside rural houses that positively affects the health of women and children.
5. To provide good organic
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/01/14 |
This project looks into safely treating the 2000 to 3000 tons of horse manure produced annually by preventing nutrients and bacteria present in the manure to pollute watercourses, and the main objective is to ensure safe disposal of horse manure ( ... )
h composting and promote application of composts to growing crops. GEF/SGP grant will mainly be used forthe provision of expertise, training sessions and materials and
Trinidad and tobago
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/02/03 |
The project addresses the establishment of a nursery for production of indigenous forest species. Initially, the seedlings will be used in rehabilitation of abandoned quarry sites located at the foothills of Trinidad's Northern Range mountain ( ... )
which is a priority area for biodiversity conservation.
The specific objectives that this project will achieve are:
1. To establish the nursery;
2. To ensure effective re-vegetation of the areas that have been defoliated by quarry operators and / or spontaneous development in communities across the country;
3. To provide quarry operators with a continuous stock of re-vegetation materials
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2001 & 2002-007(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Bent/Dahan villages Sistan (Map Nikshahr)(Lat/Long:26.097252-61.748657)
The project is a model of integrating human development activities into environment protection programmes. A number of Dahan Village Community Organizations ( ... )
kshahr Urban District (Sistan Baluchestan Province) will be trained to propagate the endemic endangered species of plants to combat desertification and generate household income. The project will also involve the empowerment of the local community in the planning, implementing, monitoring and reporting of such projects through training and workshops. Part of the project budget ($US 5,800) will
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/02/02 |
Through the use of agro-forestry systems, this project will rescue three species of endangered trees, with particular emphasis on the Guatemalan fir (Abies guatemalensis) an endemic species. Additionally, the agro-forestry systems will be managed ( ... )
organic farming methods that will contribute to diminish agrochemical pollution on the basin head of the river Suchiate, borderline between Mexico and Guatemala.
With this project the participants will have better soils, extra incoming and seeds.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-02-75 |
Project's activities are : 1. To build communities able to determine, plan, sustain environmental situation improvement process in schools. 2. To build a base of active people (students and local leaders) who can recognize problems of local ( ... )
nment and interfere to deal with them. 3. To improve the environmental level in some schools that affects the student's health and the educational
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/06 |
The main idea of the project is to give to local people alternative and autonomous energy sources (3 bio-gas and 1 mini-hydropower station for heating, preparing food and illumination instead of wood. The houses (22 families) will be ( ... )
solated in order to increase energy efficiency. Plantation of rapidly growing trees (15000 saplings) for construction needs and bonfires to save river-plain forest is also under this
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/02/11 |
The project will establish organic managed plots of native vegetable and fruit trees, in order to recover the original occurring biodiversity as means of establishing a biological corridor between the Southern slopes of three volcanoes (Santiaguito, ( ... )
aria and Zunil) that have the higher index of biodiversity in Guatemala, and at the same time will diminish the agrochemical runoff pollution of the Samalá river. Over two years.
All participants are training in organic agriculture, monitoring and evaluarion of the projects. The participants dividing the production in three parts, one part for seeds, one part for sale and with this obtein extra
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/02/12 |
El ecosistema de Montaña es un sitema fragil en terminos de las espcies animales y forestales, la comunidad presente en estos ecosistemas son comunidades mas bienurbanos lo cual genera varios desafíos en lo que será la iniciativa El proyecto ( ... )
e contribuir al conocimiento valoración y protección de la flora, fauna y paisaje de las cuencas fluviales de los ríoa Blanco Juncal y Aconcagua, en el entorno natural de la Villa Río Blanco.Esto permitirá a la comunidad poder mejorar su gestión en terminos del turismo que realizan en la zona esto especialmente a los
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/07 |
Desarrollar la infraestructura que permita la reproducción, incubación y crecimiento del cocodrilo moreletii bajo condiciones de cautiverio con fines de desarrollar un aprovechamiento sustentable, además de realizar un estudio sobre ( ... )
ión de cocodrilos en la zona para definir la situación actual en la que se encuentra la
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/02/20 |
Realización de un diagnóstico, un diseno y un plan para construir un sistema hidroeléctrico comunitario que proporcionará electricidad a la comunidad La Angostura, Jarabacoa, usando una fuente de energía renovable para contribuir a mitigar los ( ... )
s adversos al
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/02 |
European Souslik reintroduction and protection in Opole region- habitats protection in cooperation with local community, NGO, authority and private companies |
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/01/010 |
El objetivo es evaluar, manejar y conservar los recursos florísticos de la Microcuenca Susuco.
El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad conservar y manejar adecuadamente los recursos naturales existentes en la microcuenca Susuco perteneciente ( ... )
tón Sozoranga, ya que en la actualidad debido a técnicas inadecuadas de uso y aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales, se puede observar que existe pérdida de la vegetación natural, bajo rendimiento de la productividad agrícola, perdida de la fertilidad del suelo, presencia de plagas y enfermedades, contaminación ambiental y disminución del caudal de agua. Por tal razón la presente
Trinidad and tobago
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/02/07 |
The conference aims to promote an understanding of the issues and the necessity for government and civil society to partner together in achieving sustainable development. Multi-sector collaboration is essential and this conference aims to emphasize ( ... )
d investigate how the partners can work together to find solutions to the issues.
Themes addressed in the conference include:
a) Climate Change- informing government and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on the status of the regional response;
b) Partnerships in Protected Area Management- building awareness and partnerships to work together to create sustainable livelihoods;
c) Involvement
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/02/16 |
Projet de renforcement de capacité des femmes dans le domaine des energies nouvelles et renouvelables. Ce projet envisage l?initiation des femmes de la commune de Mopti a utiliser les cuiseurs solaires.
Toutes les sources de bois de chauffe a ( ... )
et Fatoma ont été consommé dans le passé ; aujourd'hui les populations sont contraintes d'acheter du bois importé des forets de Youwarou, Boré et Bandiagara par des pirogues et des camions, ou d'utiliser des bouses de vache pour cuire les aliments. Le projet visait a faire la promotion des cuiseurs solaires parmi les femmes dans la zone.
Stratégies de mise en oeuvre
Avec le premier
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF/06/02 |
The Project aims at contributing to the upliftment of the economic status of the residents of the community, especially the members of the cooperative through the following: 1. the provision of the best quality of transportation services to foreign ( ... )
mestic tourists going to Port Barton, San Vicente, and El Nido, Palawan from Sitio Sabang, Barangay Cabayugan, Puerto Princesa City and vice versa; 2. putting up of a trading business on spare parts for motorboats and other vehicles; and 3. helping in the conservation, preservation and protection of the environment within the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park (PPSRNP). Total grant