There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-01-10CO |
As in SGP Turkey, one of the priorities for the year 2002 have been placed on promotion of the programme and public awareness on SGP focus areas. production of a series of short documentary films on SGP programme and its projects have been foreseen. ( ... )
rt film on SGP programme includes the presenation of SGP, what makes it special among other funds with the mandate of "local action for global benefit". The short documentary films on projects are grouped to three: 1) Biodiversity conservation through SGP, 2) public participation in SGP projects and 3) sustainable livelihood emphasize in SGP
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DMA/UNF/02/05 |
Documentation of COMPACT activities to ensure programme continuity as well as to generate tools for communications and out reach.
To photograph and video tape event/activities carried out by the COMPACT programme.
To produce a 30-second radio ( ... )
as part of the communication strategy of the COMPACT programme.
To produce 800 rhree-fold 81/2 *14 brochures disseminating information on the COMPACT project in
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-99-003 |
The purpose of this project is documentation, information sharing and lesson learning focusing on UNDP GEF SGP projects in Kenya. Information, experiences and lessons from the projects will be documented and shared with participating communities, ( ... )
communities in similar situations, policy makers, other development partners and the wider community both at the local and international level. Project documentation and dissemination will be carried out using various multimedia methods ? including video, photographic and printed matter and workshops/meetings.
Under this project, short (10-20 minutes) video documentaries will be produced. Other
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/01/16 |
The project is about the introduction and utilisation of energy saving lamps (ESLs) as a domestic energy saving option in Rodrigues. ESLs typically use a fifth of the electricity consumed by incandescent lamps (bulbs) and deliver the same light ( ... )
ESL's last 10 time's longer as compared to incandescent bulbs. This will help cutting down (i) on the electricity bill of a whole village in a first phase and would be extended to the whole population of Rodrigues in the 2nd phase. (ii)GHG emissions associated to power generation. GEF/SGP funds will be used to implement an intensive awareness campaign in favour of this end use
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-01-026 |
This project will be located in Kaloleni area of Kilifi district. The community will construct household earth dams in their compounds to harvest surface flood water and to cater for kitchen gardens, household water usage and planting trees. The ( ... )
bjective is to green this dryland part of
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-02-007 |
The Magadi Area of Kenya is a sparsely populated and inhabited by the Maasai group who are mainly pastoralists with some limited farming in Nguruman area. The area has limited communication, poor marketing of livestock and farm produce due to lack ( ... )
ormation. To improve the livelihoods of farmers and pastoralists, the E -Centers will address these problems by providing information about markets, prices of goods, streamline communication between buyers and sellers, and in general encourage the use of modern technologies in this community.Project Activities
a) In liaison with local experts, lead the training in Renewable Energy (RE),
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/OR09 |
The project emphasizes to save the fast degrading biodiversity in the Gandhamardan Hill ranges by promoting eco-development activities in selected villages around the Gandhamardan Hills with focus on land, water and other natural resource ( ... )
pment so that sustainable livelihood mechanisms can be ensured and thereby reducing the pressure on the already degrading forests. The project also incorporates to initiate a campaign to advocate for declaring Gandhamardan as sanctuary through formation of a ?Conservation and Livelihood Network?, capacity building of leaders of the network and leaders of other people?s institutions.
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/02/05 |
The aim of the project is to putt in a good order slopes of the river Kupa, which flows through Kupi?kis, and to clean river?s bed. Educational and explanatory work in a form of seminars, trainings and informational publications will be carried out ( ... )
l. It would increase environmental awareness of Kupi?kis community.
The result of the project would be cleaner water in the river. A number of water animals would increase as a result. The riversides will be planted by trees and bushes which will enrich the ecosystem with birds.
16 NGOs and a big part of the city community will take part in the project?s implementation. It is foreseen to give
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/03 |
This project will be implemented in Cidade de Goiás, state of Goiás. An integrated system will be created, in which an ecological garden will be irrigated by the affluent of a fish tank. The fish will be fed with subproducts from the settlement in ( ... )
n to native Cerrado fruits from the region. The products from the garden and the fish tank will be processed according to sanitary regulations and sold at the town fair. Integrated management of ecosystems, including water and biodiversity, as well as applied research on fish farming with the use of alterantive sources of feed will result from this porject. the quality of life for the APASD
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/10p |
preparation of partial energy audit for thermorenovation of a center for handicapped people and review of planned works; audit and review were completed by Mr.Jerzy Bzowski;his recommendations were negative, main factor - the gaps in ( ... )
ntation of buildings, some parts were constructed illegally, having no formal document of approval by local governmental appriopriate services;it was the groudn for rejection of project.Also the main idea and projected works did not found approval from Mr. Bzowski as not so concise and effective from ecological and financial point of
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/02/09 |
Through the use of organic farming methods and techniques this project will enrich the natural shade of previously established small coffee plots, in order to conserve and bring back native species of fruit bearing trees and vegetables (10 species ( ... )
al) and at the same time provide a replicable example of environmentally conscious coffee plantation diversification, on the Southern slopes of the Pecul volcano protected
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/32 |
Coal to biomass convertion and solar collector instalation as a one heating system in 2 buildings (ambulance building and training centre (NGO meeting place for seminars,workshops). Thermal modernisation of the buildings (finally DSM instead of ( ... )
romotion of renewable energy (planned seminar for local governments after full implementation of
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/02/25 |
Development of a full project proposal through: (i) in-depth multistakeholder consultations with local farmer and local communities involved in the project; (ii) scoping study on the natural resources in and around Bukit Larut; (iii) checklist of ( ... )
and criteria to develop an ecotourism based conservation, sustainable use and management plan of Bukit Larut's biodiversity, natural resources and ecosystems; and (iv) networking with government
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/16/01 |
A partir de la creación del Parque Nacional Arera Natural de Manejo Integrado Madidi en el ano 1995, la comunidad de San Miguel -comprendida dentro de los límites del área-, entendió que su área de uso tradicional de recursos naturales tenía ( ... )
diferentes a las de forma tradicional por un lado y, por otro, percibió que varios de sus comunarios prestaban servicios de guiado a empresas turísticas de la población de Rurrenabaque; de tal manera que al comprobar el potencial y condiciones naturales disponibles, decidió que el ecoturismo era una opción factible para compatibilizar los criterios del área protegida y la forma tradicional
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/02/01 |
The population of the village is 300 people. There were only two not destroyed public buildings: the school and the Culture house. The Culture house was not heated and out of order. The old boiler used to use coil as a fuel. Equipping a new boiler ( ... )
ext to the building ensured the effective use of energy, which will ease the living conditions of the community. New boiler uses straw and wood waste. The building is being used for cultural and sports activities, library, funerals, religious meetings new branches of business now.
The project was o-financed by UNDP ?School self-support?
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-03 |
Eregli Marshes is an Important Bird Area (IBA) and also one of the remaining two homes to endemic and endangered fish species, Phoxinellus anatolicus. Several important waterfowl species such as the White Pelican, Spoonbill, Greater Flamingo, Pigmy ( ... )
nt, White-headed Duck and Dalmatian Pelican (irregular breeder) use the area for breeding purposes. The wetland is also a nesting area for White Pelicans on migration and a wintering area for some birds like Crane and Ruddy Shelduck.
Due to its importance, the area has been declared a NATURAL SIT (1992) and a NATURE RESERVE (1995). However, unsustainable water use is still threatening the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/02/03 |
Through the provision of solar generated household illumination to 25 rural homes and 3 public use buildings, the community of Agua Caliente, will save the equivalent of US$600.00 per year on oil derivated illumination devices and/or means (kerosene ( ... )
oil wax candles, e.g.), equivalent to 1,666.24 Kg of kerosene saved per year. The photovoltaic systems used in this case will produce a total of 8.54 Kwh/day, benefiting a total of 156 people on this community, using the 30 systems that will be
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/13 |
Project development Goal :
To conserve Rawa Aopa conservation area through community based sustainable nature resource management
Project Objectives :
1. To increase community welfare through effective post harvest management
2. To increase ( ... )
ity capacity in post harvest management utilizing Solar Thermal Dryer
3. To increase land productivity through effective plant management
4. To reduce land conversion due to increasing land productivity
Expected output :
a. Increased farming product?s price so that increasing community?s income
b. Increased community?s capacity in post harvest management especially by utilizing STD
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/MS10 |
The project intends to create a model for reorienting the modern agriculture system by putting women at the forefront. It includes selection of young, enthusiastic women beneficiaries in the villages to act as a motivators and animators, awareness ( ... )
tion among the women about indigenous crop varieties, mixed cropping, herbal medicines, soil and water conservation measures to enhance biodiversity on the farms of poor beneficiaries to achieve food and economic
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/25/02 GEF-RNE |
The project is a community-based watershed protection and conservation of Mt. Magdiwata Forest Reserve Area thru strengthening the participation of the people's organizations and indigenous peoples. Mt. Magdiwata is a biodiversity rich area and an ( ... )
ant forest reserve in Agusan del Sur.
One major problem of the community is the sustainability of the quantity and quality of its water supply. It is being threatened by the denudation of the watershed particularly in the surrounding areas of the spring. There is a need to plant and conserve the 50 hectare area of the water source.
The project aims to strengthen the participation of the