There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/01/12 |
Demonstration activity on the use of renewable energy by channeling falling water ,in stead of resorting to electric/combustion engine ,to drive rice-milling machine, . There are also capacity-building for communities. There are 200 families from ( ... )
illages in the Inthanon National Park to be the direct beneficiaries of the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/13 |
The main idea of the project is preparing short training video lessons for young people and children. Lessons will be based on informational dialogs of main heroes of children?s pictures with using different animation technologies.
Not all ( ... )
ments in Kyrgyzstan covered by National TV. A lot of local TV companies work in small towns, project suppose to distribute film-holders to them. Also it is supposed distribution film-holders among NGOs which are occupied with informational advocacy and training seminars.
In the course of project implementation it is intended obtaining of the following results:
Raised public
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/12 |
Public and ecological NGOs awareness on local environment problems and their connection with global problems decreased it is a result of common degradation of Mass Media in Kyrgyzstan. The price on newspapers and printings become prohibitive for ( ... )
ty of rural population because of economic reasons. It allows becoming TV the main source of information. TV broadcasts very seldom devoted to environment problems. The project partly solves this problem through preparing quarterly TV broadcasts on Kyrgyz and Russian languages. Their themes will be devoted to GEF activity on the global level and to GEF/SGP activity in Kyrgyzstan. There will be
Land Degradation Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/08 |
The main idea is to make project proposal for creation foundation that will support ecosystem conservation and reduce land degradation along the cattle-road in mountain range Suren |
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/03 |
This project will aim at preventing further damage to the protected area of Rrajca and provide evidence of the values of this area. Raising awareness of the general public and the local authorities on the necessity for the protection of the area ( ... )
ducing the pressure of the community on the environment and providing new alternatives are some of the main goals of this project. A project proposal on the enlargement of the surface of the protected area will be drafted. This project also aims at creating a buffer zone through improving the forest vegetation around the protected
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/01/09 |
The Rwoho Forest Reserve has particular importance for biodiversity, providing a home for species found nowhere else in Uganda?s protected areas. The Reserve is threatened by unsustainable human activities, including clearance for cultivation, ( ... )
g and firewood collection. The goal of the project is to encourage conservation of the forest through raising awareness, promoting new sources of wood, and developing alternative income opportunities such as beekeeping. Recovery of forest biodiversity will be promoted through enrichment planting with indigenous tree species. The GEF focal areas being addressed are biodiversity conservation and
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/02/27 |
Este proyecto se llevará a cabo en las comunidades más pobres en una de las regiones más marginadas del Estado de Quintana Roo, la región de los Chenes.
Las principales actividades del proyecto son:
Promoción de la salud a través de la ( ... )
e de la medicina maya tradicional y el consumo de verduras y la miel producida localmente de forma tradicional y / o orgánicamente. Información sobre la biodiversidad que se utilizará en la artesanía de producción. Para apoyar a los grupos para fortalecer su organización
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/02/01 |
Sandaraja Wana Arana- forest conservation and social development project. Conservation of the forest by promotion of eco-tourism and promotion and sale of village products; preserving the flora and fauna through removal of invasive plants, planting ( ... )
es for fuelwood, prevention of illegal felling of trees and educational awareness
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/02/27 |
SCEP is anticipating the publication of a locally designed and produced monthly tok pidgin newsletter which will feature Environmental awareness, related local, national news and events. |
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/09/01 |
The project intends to undertake activities for the protection, conservation and management of the biodiversity in La Mesa watershed. It shall include the establishment of a natural and self-sustaining field biology anf laboratory for school ( ... )
en and teh geberal public on biodiversity
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/02/MN02 |
Spreading Environment Education among teachers by organising training seminars and workshops at primeary and secondary level schools.
Some of the environmental problems the project area faces is water shortage, deforestation and neglect of ( ... )
g land, and these are leading to larger environmental issues concerning survival of the inhabitants in that area. The NGO, therefore, undertook to conduct capacity building programmes for teachers by developing resource material and organising a 4-day Teachers' workshop on Environmental Education Programme in Schools (upto the secondary level). Also, there will be recommendations for deciding
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/17 |
This project consists in theoretical and practical education of target groups on environmental issues and specifically biodiversity; giving alternatives for sustainable natural resource use through introduction of values, legislation and criteria. ( ... )
groups consist in youth, students, members of environmental NGOs, representative of local authorities, municipalities, etc.
Activities of this project include: surveys on the level of knowledge on the environment, trainings with different stakeholder groups, demonstrative activities on the 5th of June, putting up tables with messages for environmental
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/27/02 GEF-RNE |
The project is a community-based watershed protection and conservation of traditional rice varieties and vegetable crops covering ten communities. This effort to save and utilize TRVs and vegetable genetic resources among the farmers is geared ( ... )
s crops improvement purposes and increasing production.
This project will promote the systematization of genetic resource conservation by farmers in the island which has long been restrained due to skills and fund inadequacy.
The main componnets of the projects shall be conservation and retrieval of seeds which includes network building for seed exchange and propagation, adoption of 40
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/02/17 |
Projet de renforcement de capacité sur les études d'impact environnemental.
Auparavant, les préoccupations environnementales ne concernaient en général qu?un nombre tres restreint d?activités et de développement de la plupart des projets ( ... )
ainsi qu?a été réalisé sans qu?intervienne la prise en compte des questions environnementales dans le processus de prise de décision. Le développement des projets ne peut donc s?accomplir de façon durable qu?a travers un diagnostic environnemental fait aux différents stades d?évolution. C?est pour cette raison que le présent séminaire a été initié dans le but de renforcer les
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/26/01 |
La empresa con el seguimiento y evaluación de los proyectos permitirá contribuir, bajo la modalidad de alerta temprana, al cumplimiento de los objetivos y metas de cada uno de los proyectos y permitirá conocer con la mayor precisión posible los ( ... )
ados, efectos e impactos logrados (deseados o no.
La sistematización permitira ordenar las experiencias desarrolladas, analiza el alcance de la propuesta y en base a ello extrae lecciones a
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2001&2004-006(IRA98G52) |
Poroject Location:Noor(36.5957130-52.0257570)-Sari(36.5790700-53.0529790)-Tehran(35.7096480-51.4215090)-Semnan(35.6069940-53.3990480)-Shiyan for Tehran(35.7745760-514966460)-Eghlid(30.9292440-52.706909)-Shiraz(29.6390470-52.35256350)
The project ( ... )
for the capacity building of NGOs in participatory approaches. This project was initially designed for 7 workshops (4 funded by Department of Environment and 3 by SGP) to provide training for 100 NGO members and equipment for networking. Based on the feedback from the first 3 workshops (funded from the co-funding by Department of Environment, DOE) on the Basics of Participatory Approaches it
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/01/03 |
This project aims to assist the Technical-Administrative Coordination of the SGP Brazil in its evaluation of the program as a whole and its individual projects, as well as offer technical support for production, processing and commercialization of ( ... )
ts and services originating from sustainable use of Cerrado biodiversity. Interchange among experiences will also be promoted. Dissemination of the evaluation results to grantees, similar programs, government organizations, and others, is planned. A study and research about the program will be carried out. Training will be offered to the Technical-Administrative Coordination team in conflict
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/29/02 GEF-RNE |
Ten years passed since the pilot implementation of the Small Grants Programme in 1992, the UNDP GEF/RNE SGP is organizing its first ever Stakeholders' National Conference last December 03-05, 2002 to build on the gains of the programme through its ( ... )
rs of existence from the pilot phase in 1992-1995 to its operational phase in 1996-1998, all the way to its second operational phase from 1999 to the present.
One of the ways or means being considered to build on those gains is by creating a network of past and current SGP grantees and partners that would institutionalize the partnerships forged among them through the years. Among other
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/16/02 GEF-RNE |
The proposed project is a biodiversity conservation undertaking through the promotion and institutionalization of ecotourism programs and projects and setting-up of an island-wide network that will serve as support mechanism for environmental ( ... )
vation and management.
The project intends to assist local stakeholders develop and institutionalize Sibuyan ecotourism programs and activities that will support and complement the existing tourism and visitor management strategies of NIPAP aimed at preserving and protecting biodiversity of the Island, particularly the Mt. Guiting-Guiting.
It will initiate and undertake activities that will
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/21/02 GEF-RNE |
The project will undertake a community-based conservation of coastal and marine resources of Siquijor including support system to enhance the living conditions of the coastal communities.
The biodiversity significance of the project sites has ( ... )
stablished by the resource assessment undertaken by the SCFHPI with the Siliman University.
The project will rehabilitate and protect the coastal and marine environment of Siquijor Island with its primary objectives:
1. Organize and strengthen fisherfolk communities in selected barangays;
2. Assess and evaluate the biological and ecological condition of their coastal and marine environment