There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/09 |
The project location is situated in a plain area of northeast Thailand where community members earn their living mainly by growing rice , horticulture and small-scale fishing. Energy supply is from grid, canned natural gas and firewood from ( ... )
al area of paddy fields and garden. So far, there had been no initiative to launch reforestation for energy nor other type of energy conservation project. Natural resources have simply been consumed on a day-to-day basis. Average Per Capita income is Baht: 10,000:/year.
Trained on agricultural product processing and traditional therapy as an off-season occupation and supported by the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF-05/02 |
Community-based renewable energy systems have been proven viable in rural off-grid sites and are compatible with community resource protection and management. The development of appropriate energy resourcs is deemed applicable in the resource-rich ( ... )
for meeting the community and household needs for livelihood and electrification.
The objective of the consultation is: a. To raise awareness of the COMPACT stakeholders on the community-based RE projects, and its relationship to biodiversity conservation; b. To conduct reconnaissance/survey of several potential hydro sites; and c. To help the stakeholders develop good proposals for the SGP
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/01/04 |
L?objectif global de ce projet est d?augmenter le nombre d?actions initiées par les associations locales en matiere de conservation et de préservation de la biodiversité dans les zones humides du Maroc (un minimum d?au moins 20 projets seront ( ... )
s par des associations locales). Il permettra ainsi de consolider le pipeline de projets présentés au PMF/FEM ou a d?autres bailleurs de fonds dans les deux années a venir et de renforcer le mouvement de protection de ces zones. Les actions consisteront a : former un pool organisé de 16 formateurs marocains sur la problématique des zones humides et sur les solutions a mettre en place
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/01/11 |
Le but recherché a travers le présent projet est de renforcer l?action de 15 associations de la région de Souss Massa en matiere de gestion de 11 Sites d?Intérets Biologique et Ecologique du sud dont le Parc national de Souss Massa. Les ( ... )
pales activités de ce projet consistent en l?organisation de formations dans le domaine de la gestion des aires protégés et de l?écotourisme ; la production d?un document d?information sur les aires protégées de la région (potentialités, contraintes, perspectives), l?appui a des initiatives communautaires de développement de l?écotourisme; la mise en place d?une cellule d?Education
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/01/07 |
Ce projet a contribué au renforcement des capacités d?intervention des associations membres du réseau national de lutte contre la désertification (RIOD) en matière de mise en oeuvre de projets communautaires de préservation des ( ... )
stemes des zones arides et demi-arides. Les principales activités réalisées dans le cadre du projet sont la réalisation d'une étude d?information sur les zones arides et semi-arides au Maroc et d'un module de formation sur la désertification, l?organisation de visites d?échange d?expériences et de formation sur le montage de projets et les techniques de lutte contre la désertification,
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/02/002 |
El proyecto contempla dos grandes ejes; la reposición con especies nativas maderables y frutales en las fincas de los nativos de la comuna 5 de Agosto, con fines de recuperación del bosque y fuente alimentaria y la implementación de 2 piscinas ( ... )
da uno de los 60 socios fundadores con el fin de explotar en ciclo cerrado peces nativos y de esta manera contribuir a la alimentación de los participantes y disminuir la presión de pesca en enteros aledanos y el río
Biodiversity Biodiversity
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/16 |
Kinds of fruit-trees and bushes (Crataegus knorringiana Pojark and Ribes janczewskii A.Pojark) included into Red Data Book of Kyrgyzstan like rare and endemic species of Tien Shan and Pamiro-Alay are destroyed because of overgrazing and cutting for ( ... )
od and harvesting by the local population. Cuttings provision of wild currant for stocking to cultural varieties is the additional reason of Ribes janczewskii A.Pojark disappearance in the natural habitat.
The main purpose of the project is reduction of endemic species disappearance through reproduction of them in the nursery, selling of grown cuttings and their further planting in the buffer
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/03/36 |
This research project aims to document the impact of deforestation as a result of unsustainable management practices and burning of grassland by small holder farmers. The project site being in the Ogotana area, Sogeri, Central Province is convenient ( ... )
whole area is of Savannah & grassland vegetation. In closely collaborating with the local people, the research anticipates to demonstarte through activities the long term effect of deforestation and the quality and quantity of water. The whole popoulation in Port Moresby city also depends on the water sourced for the Sogeri Plateau. Historically, this project continues from the initial GEF
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-PLN-02-001 |
The Smart Dolphins Geneva will conduct a search and research for "search engines" on environmental issues to which the GEF/SGP will be registered |
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/02/06 |
The purpose of the project is to implement a pilot study in partnership with communities which will investigate the ability to utilize satellite imagery, field observations and archived non-georeferenced Department of Wildlife and National Parks ( ... )
m Animal Control Records to provide long-term data for the generation of a spatially and temporal explicit understanding of the variation in wildlife conflict. this information will be used to provide communities through participation with knowledge of the problem, spatially explicit maps, which identify "hot spots" of conflict and related ecological factors, land use recommendations, mediation
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/01/13 |
Pérdida de la fauna silvestre en las lagunas de Conín, Arín y Reparin debido a la destrucción de su hábitat y la falta de conciencia de la población y autoridades de la zona.
El proyecto tiene por objetivo restaurar el hábitat de las áreas ( ... )
tres que se encuentran en peligro de extinción, mediante la reforestación con especies nativas y la creación de un Área Protegida Municipal en cada localidad para el bienestar de las comunidades involucradas.
1.- Diagnóstico y estudios.
2.- Forestación y Reforestación.
3.- Capacitación y Educación Ambiental.
4.- Señalización.
5.- Promoción del
Burkina faso
Biodiversity Biodiversity
Phase 3
Project Number: BKF/02/005 |
construction de seuils pour barrer le cours du fleuve,revégétalisation des berges en vue de l'accroissement et de la pérennisation de la rivière Boumbourou de Tin qui abrite une forte population d'animaux aquatique dont des caïmans |
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/02/006 |
Project description. Sous les effets des feux de brousse, des coupes abusives du bois, du braconnage et des secheresses, les zones villageoises d?intéret cynégétique de Koumbili connaît une dégradation de ses ressources biologiques animales et ( ... )
tales. Il s?en suit une migration des animaux des zones villageoises d?intéret cynégétique vers le ranch de gibier de Nazinga en raison du manque de points d?eau permanents et de l?insécurité causée par les braconniers. Par ailleurs les populations locales privés des ressources foreestieres qu? elles exploitaient jadis, vivent dans une pauvreté. Face a cette situation, le groupement
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/5p |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/09 |
Restoration and on-farm conservation of neglected cereals in Lower Vistula River Valley-encouraging the local farmers for participation in the project by neglected cereals cultivation promotion |
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/02/09 |
It has been noticed that migrating fish gather in the River Venta near Vieksniai in spring and autumn. Salmon and other fish traveling to their spawning grounds in spring fail to overcome barriers ? a 3.5m high Vieksniai watermill dike and Rudikiai ( ... )
tyne) mill embankment, which is somewhat higher. Although the region is rich in its natural resources, tourists do not come there often. Venta Regional Park lacks tourism infrastructure and information as well.
The goal of the project is to restore fish populations and to increase the stocks of rare fish in the Venta River, to improve conditions of migration and spawning by establishing fish
Phase 2
Project Number: BO/17/01 |
El Museo Nacional de Historia Natural en colaboración con educadores y científicos del Centro para Biodiversidad y Conservación del Museo Americano de Historia Natural (AMNH-CBC), ha formado el ano 1998 una alianza con organizaciones e ( ... )
uciones de conservación y desarrollo del país denominado COBIMI (Conservación de la Biodiversidad para un Manejo Integrado), con el propósito de enlazar la experiencia y los conocimientos de las comunidades, los científicos y los agentes de extensión y conservación para posibilitar una planificación de desarrollo local y regional efectiva y un manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales.
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/02/RJ03 |
The objective of the project was to study the existing Orans in Alwar District and revive and strengthen the traditional system of biodiversity management. The NGO used a process oriented learning approach rather a top-down system of project ( ... )
entation. The focus was to build sustained performance improvement rather than time bound completion of the project. The project revived the traditional 'ORAN' (sacred groves) system which is an in_situ conservation technique to preserve endemic, endengered, threatened species, medicinal plants and wild variety of cultivaters in integrated. Water harvesting structure or Johad were constructed
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/03 |
Once an intact watershed area of Bangpakong River draining into the Gulf of Thailand / South China Sea, the soil in the project location,during a few decades ago,has been degraded through
plantation of commercial mono-crop. To ensure an ( ... )
ed yield after the soil begins to lose its fertility, chemical substances have been excessively applied adding up to the cost. Worse is low selling price of the product prompting the communities to expand the cultivate land into the forest. Consequently, soil erosion and run-off of excessive chemical occur and affect water-related ecosystems.
Realizing the degrading
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/02 |
This project seeks to generate income through fruit pulp production for the recovery of degraded areas. Green gardens and the production of natural medicine for Cerrado plants are also planned. The project further predicts awareness-building ( ... )
ties on the importance of environmental conservation, rescue of the cultural identity and citizenship of the local families, promotion of improved livelihoods for the poor communities in the surroundings of Araguaína, state of