There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/05 |
The project consists of planting 2,000 sapplings of autochthonous trees in the degraded soil of the Darsi commune, Lushnje. Besides, in the framework of this project, several meetings with school children, tackling issues of biodiversity and the ( ... )
ance of forests will be organized. The publication of 2 leaflets and a 70-80 pages brochure covering local environmental problems and the organization of two seminars, are some of the planned activities of this
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/18 |
The basic idea of the project is the reconstruction of village bath-house and transfer its heating system to biogas . The biogas installation will work using poultry farm and cattle wastes. Processing capacity is 400 tons of poultry dungs. In ( ... )
on and the problem of increasing of efficiency of manure as fertilizers will be solved as
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/98/G52/005 |
Este proyecto pretende contribuir a conservar, recuperar y aprovechar racionalmente los recursos naturales, haciendo más intensiva y sostenible la producción ganadera, para mejorar los ingresos y condiciones de vida de las familias de la Biosfera ( ... )
Las actividades principales de este proyecto son; introducción técnica de pasturas que hagan más productiva la ganadería, como la introducción de cercas vivas y pasturas mejoradas. Introducción de árboles maderables dentro de potreros y árboles forrajeros en las cercas vivas. También hay un componente de mejoramiento de guamiles.
El número de beneficiarios es de 17
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/02/13 |
The project will work to recover 8 species of native edible vegetables that have been severely affected by the use of herbicides and other agrochemicals, through the training on organic farming techniques and methods. The experience will be ( ... )
ated on neighboring communities through experience exchanges with practical emphasis to widen impact on diminishing water pollution on rivers with short watersheds that drain to the Pacific Ocean. Both projects GUA/02/12 and this one complement activities and results to establish local landraces of native
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA-CWI-03-02 |
This project aims to attend the diminishing of pollution with non-organic garbage at one of the main touristic centers on the Lake Atitlán protected area, in two ways, the first one is to amplify the activities of the implementing community ( ... )
tee?s recycling and collection center with the addition of new plastic garbage processor in order to facilitate the recycling of plastics; and the second one is directed towards a formal study to establish means to provide sustainability to the whole process and collection and recycling center, through the analysis of feasibility and options to achieve this with the commercialization of recycled
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/02/08 |
Saneamiento de la contaminación ambiental en comunidades marginales aledanas al río Ozama mediante la implementación de un sistema de recolección de desechos sólidos y saneamiento de dos canadas de los Barrios Katanga y Vietnam en Santo ( ... )
o, unido con la capacitación y organización de los moradores para desarrollar mecanismos de coordinación permanente y la promoción de una instancia de manejo de este sistema gestionada y administrada por la
Land Degradation Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/09 |
The previous brush-wood vegetations were destroyed under the influence of uncontrolled grazing and firewood provision. Species composition of herbaceous vegetation considerably becomes poor because of grazing, mowing, tillage expansion ( ... )
e-year-round. Inhabitants of Akman village wittingly cause fire for soil fertility increasing. Such actions allow further destruction of landscape and habitats of plants and animals included into the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan (steppe tortoise (Agrionemys horsfieldi), wood snake (Coluber), several species of almond).
During the project realization the follow results are expected to be
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/20 |
The uncontrollable building around Bishkek city aroused as a result of unauthorized land capture. Infrastructure and city services are not developed in these areas in particular the regular waste collecting are lack. Populations get rid of waste by ( ... )
g it and setting fire. Low-temperature waste burning allows greenhouse gases emission and persistent organic pollution (dioxide) as well.
The main purpose of the project is organizing waste collecting (plastic package, paper, and sawdust) and further processing to building materials.
In the course of project implementation it is intended obtaining of following results:
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/KER03 |
The project intends to restore the degraded Mangrove areas through field appraisal and preparation of maps, mobilization and awareness programmes, seedling collection and establishment of nursery, regeneration and protection of the area, land ( ... )
ation and planting operation, establishment of a mangrove ecosystem resource
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/GUJ05 |
The project aimed to assess the impact of invasion of Prossopis juliflora on habitats on Banni grasslands and to generate awareness among local people about the loss of biodiversity and the impact of invasion. It also aimed to regulate the ( ... )
flora and promote grassland in Banni on a sustainable basis.
Project Goal
To develop and recommend mechanisms for regulating the Prosopis Juliflora invasion by people's participation
To undertake demonstrative implementation of recommendations.
The project was completed successfully. The approach followed was to discuss cost benefits of regulating P.Juliflora with village sarpanch and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/01/007 |
El proyecto busca incrementar y manejar adecuadamente la cubierta vegetal de las Vertientes de Agua de las Microcuencas Mangalilla y Arenal.
La propuesta de proyecto se orienta a buscar un retorno al equilibrio del ecosistema. La intervención del ( ... )
n la zona desde hace algunos anos sobre programa de riego se complementan con este proyecto que permitirá implementar acciones de capacitación y acompanamiento al desarrollo de alternativas para diversificar la producción, buscando disminuir la presión sobre el bosque mediante el incremento de la cubierta vegetal en la zona de zona de amortiguamiento donde los pobladores tienen sus sistemas
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/15 |
The basic idea of the project is the creation of nursery for the ill, weak, injured marals.Existing area of the nursery
(5 hectares) is not enough for proper ratio between male and females in the herd, lack of natural pastures and habitat makes ( ... )
rs strongly dependent on man. Enlarging deer`s nursery for 50 hectares allow to overcome these difficulties.
Recovered animals can be liberated after being in nursery. In addition, if there is appropriate sex-age balance in the herd the posterity is possible and further reacclimatization of the deers becomes real in places where marals lived
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/19 |
The project territory is exposed to strong antropogenic load because of close location to coal mines of Kokjangak town and relative proximity (38km) to Jalalabat city. It has an effect on previous natural ecosystem of walnut forests and on landslide ( ... )
The main idea of the project is rehabilitation of inhabitants of endemic and included into Red Book species of flora and fauna which are components of natural walnut forests.
In the course of project implementation it is intended obtaining of the following results:
-conservation and reproduction of species of plants included into Red Data Book of Kyrgyzstan, part of which
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/02/06 |
The western side of Mt. Kenya is very dry and receives only 150 mm of rainfall per annum. It is difficult to do any farming under such conditions, and so the villagers depend on livestock for their livelihood. During months of severe drought, ( ... )
ers resort to illegal logging and charcoal burning in the Mt. Kenya forest to supplement the little they have. This project is designed to reduce the illegal activities in the forest by re-excavating and de-silting an earth dam to create approximately 18,000 m3 of water storage. It will be used to water the livestock as well as enable some families to establish kitchen gardens. Trees in the
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/UNF/02/05 |
Project aim to involve local communities to restore degraded areas of the half miles trip area on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Kidia Tella and Mowo Villagers for sustainable utilization of forest resources in order to conserve biodiversity. |
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-02-010 |
The Robinson (Kinyaole) Island Giriama community today faces poverty due to the lack of income and employment opportunities as well as education. There are no primary and secondary schools on the island or in the immediate surrounding (the nearest ( ... )
y school being 5 km away). Moreover, Robinson Island has no health facilities, nor does it have access to piped water and electricity. A telephone land-line connection is missing and mobile network coverage is rather weak.
Despite harbouring a wealth of natural resources (marine, estuary, mangrove, and sand dune habitats with a diversity of marine life and many bird species), very low income is
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/04 |
Project continuation and extension on Parseta and Wieprza Rivers, cooperation with Lithuanian organizations |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/11 |
Extension of the project ? Sola River protection?, renaturalisation of alluvial forests, increasing awareness of local community on environment friendly methods of flood prevention |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/06p |
during preliminary collection of necessary datas and negotiated agreements the original idea of this project was changed due to not received documents concerning planned center; new concept was coordinated with "Biebrza waste management program". |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/14 |
Modernization of local coal fired boiler plants, replacing coal boilers with biomass fired boilers; solar heating system installation |