There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/01/34 |
To document the process and key lessons emerging from (a) Conservation of Biological Diviersity with Community Development, Torghar, Balochistan (b) Conservation and Management of Wildlife and Other Common Property Resources in Khunjerab Buffer ( ... )
Hunza, Northern Areas, (c) Smokeless Stove Project of Escorts Foundation in Chunian and Pattoki Tehsils, District Kasur, Punjab and d) Revolving Fund for Tree Plantation in Mitha Tiwana Diistrict Khushab,
Trinidad and tobago
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/01/07 |
As Trinidad and Tobago begins to experience a measure of economic growth and increase in wealth there seems to be an increase in the breakdown of the social fabric and environmental sustainability of this great twin Republic. Also, considering that ( ... )
ntinued degradation of the environment will impact negatively on the future generations, i.e. the youth of the country, the project attempts to bring young people to the centre of an expanded response to the environmental conservation and sustainable development of Trinidad and
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/01/03 |
Le projet a contribué à la réduction de la surexploitation de la palourde par les femmes ramasseuses. Il a contribué à la mise en place des activités suivantes :
? Mise en place d?activités d?élevage de la palourde au niveau de 4 ( ... )
? Formation pratique des femmes aux techniques d?élevage.
? Formation des femmes aux techniques de gestion des coopératives.
? Organisation de la commercialisation de la palourde par les femmes.
? Evaluation des retombées socioéconomiques et environnementales de l?élevage de la palourde.
? Capitalisation et diffusion des résultats du projet.
Le projet a été mené en
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/17 |
The objective of this project is to identify and list the caves in the state of Tocantins, taking photographic records of their fauna and flora. Conservation of the caves and their surroundings is also planned. Archeological site and critical area ( ... )
vation will be promoted, as will environmental sensitization for adequate environmental use of the caves. Possible solutions to disturbances in these areas will be identified. Most of the population in the state is not aware of the caves ant their potential. The caves which are known suffer vandalism and depredation due to a lack of knowledge about their value and importance in the ecosystem, in
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF/01/09 |
The Municipal Council of Meru has been dumping garbage in the Imenti forest of Mt. Kenya for several years. A feasability study will be conducted to determine alternative and suitable sites for dumping and managing garbage. |
Trinidad and tobago
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/01/13 |
This preparatory phase would comprise assessment of the current state of agriculture in the villages of Toco and Mission, identification of stakeholder participants, identification of appropriate organic farming methods, identification of technical ( ... )
nding support to support the project and preparation of a project proposal for
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/98/G52/2101/004 |
The spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus) population in the Cusewijne River and other locations in Suriname is under threat from intensive hunting pressure in response to the market demand for their skin and meat. A management programme is proposed ( ... )
dresses sustainable harvesting practices in which local communities can participate in the regulatory aspects, and also benefit economically. To this end, a survey to determine the current status of the population will be implemented by the local community of Bigi Poika. The objectives of the 5-month survey are to:
a) determine the ecological feasibility of sustained exploitation of the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-01-031 |
The Geneva based Azimuths Productions will produce a video documentary on the Nairobi Dam/Athi River initiative. The video will be distributed to all their global networks as well as the media houses in Kenya. The video has been availed to UNDP NY. |
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/01/04 |
After the successful implementation of the Environment and Community Forest Protection Project, SADIKA is once again committed to protect the forest bio-diversity and ecosystem in Salyan district. This time the Dhanbang VDC of media darling Salyan ( ... )
ct where insurgent activities is high, is selected to implement the Forest and Environment Conservation Project. The forest ecosystem of this VDC represents the sub tropical to lower temperate forest types with scattered riverine forest. The people living in the vicinity heavily depend on forest produces for their subsistence livelihoods. SGP?s intervention focuses mainly on facilitating the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/11 |
Formation des communicateurs sur les themes du FEM et renforcement de la conscience environnementales des populations a Bamako , Segou , Koutiala , Narena , Diéma , Koulikoro , Djénné, Tombouctou.
Objectifs spécifiques - Familiariser les ( ... )
eurs de radio de proximité et autres communicateurs avec le PPS/FEM et ses themes prioritaires
- Sensibiliser les communautés de bases sur la nécessité de conserver la biodiversité, de protéger les eaux internationales de réduire les facteurs de changements climatiques
Activités - Formation des communicateurs ;
- La mise en ?uvre d?activité
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/00/24 |
Renforcement des membres du Comité et des ONG/OCB partenaires, en gestion axée sur les résultats.
Objectifs spécifiques La présente session de formation a pour objectif principal de renforcer la base de connaissances des participants en ( ... )
e de gestion par les résultats.
Activités - concentrer le contenu de la formation sur des exemples concrets, liant ainsi les dimensions pratiques aux dimensions théoriques
- Un cahier du participant sera produit par le consultant et les outils développés seront simples et pratique, permettant ainsi aux bénéficiaires de les utiliser apres la
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/01/03 |
Formation des partenaires en genre.
Description: Le genre est un concept social et nouvelle approche de développement, il fait référence aux caractéristiques sociales qui différencient les hommes et les femmes a partir des facteurs ( ... )
iques, économiques, religieuses, ethniques et culturels
Objectifs spécifiques : L?objectif recherche dans cette approche de développement vise un développement équitable et durable ou les femmes et les hommes participent a la prise de décision .
Pour l?atteinte de cet objectif, il faut accroître le pouvoir des plus déminus et des femmes et transformés les relations non
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/17 |
Ce projet le renforcement de la capacité des populations pour mieux garer leurs ressources naturelles.
Objectifs spécifiques - Former les ressources humaines au sein des population de la commune ;
- Impulser une prise de conscience des ( ... )
tions en faveur de la préservation des ressources forestieres ;
- Contribuer au maintien et a la formation des especes forestieres dans la zone
Activités - L?animation ? sensibilisation
- La formation en vie associative
- La formation en études d?impacts environnementaux
- La formation sur le code forestier ;
- Les visites d?études et d?échanges ;
- La mise en place d?un cadre
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/P07 |
Generar un espacio de alianza entre la sociedad civil organizada en la Península de Yucatán, el país y la región mesoamericana, para contrarrestar el impacto negativo de la iniciativa del Plan Puebla Panamá. |
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/01/009 |
El proyecto busca fortalecer las capacidades locales para la protección de la biodiversidad forestal y faunística, mejorar las relaciones de equidad e institucionalizar las actividades de protección.
Los componentes y actividades son:
( ... )
ción de la biodiversidad asociada a bosques, páramos y seguridad alimentaria
Protección de la biodiversidad forestal y faunística
Refuerzo en el diseño y replicación de sistemas agroforestales
Fortalecimiento de la gestión de los actores locales y las relaciones de equidad
Phase 2
Project Number: SIA/UNF/01/07 |
Este proyecto es la capacidad cada vez mayor en cuanto a la gestión de los animales y plantas de la fauna de una manera legal y sostenible. La CBO ya cuenta con la experiencia de 3 años en los que, con el apoyo técnico de una ONG regional llamado ( ... )
De la capacidad aumentó el objetivo es tener un plan de gestión y todos los permisos de la SEMARNAT para comercializar legalmente las plantas y animales que se dejaron.
En la CBO participan por igual a hombres y mujeres, incluyendo, también, a los jóvenes.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/08 |
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo mejorar las capacidades de los sujetos locales (individuales y colectivas) en la gestión de su desarrollo humano y regional. Fortalecimiento institucional de la Organización, lo que permitirá dar un mejor aporte ( ... )
asesoramiento y formación a las personas y las organizaciones locales en su gestión para el desarrollo regional, la formación y asesoramiento directamente a las personas y organizaciones que ya están vinculados a algún tipo de acción en favor del desarrollo regionalmente. Compromete a los esfuerzos de los gobiernos, instituciones académicas, organizaciones civiles y sociales, autoridades
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/09 |
Consolidación del centro microempresarial responsable de manejar los deshechos sólidos en los barrios 24 abril y las Canitas, de la ciudad de Santo Domingo, mediante la capacitación del personal, el equipamiento y establecimiento de una ( ... )
tura administrativa que permita su desarrollo de manera permanente con márgenes de beneficios
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/01/27 |
The primary source of energy in Chak Pansial and surrounding villages is fuelwood, which is used for cooking throughout the year and for heating for three months from November to February. Fuelwood is mostly collected from people's own lands, and ( ... )
few people need to buy it. However, in the last decade or so, fuelwood supplies have seriously depleted, and it is becoming apparent that more and more families will have to resort to buying fuelwood or other heating fuels in the future. The cost of fuelwood in the area is currently about Rs. 60 a maund, depending on the season, the type of wood etc. Local use estimates suggest that one
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/01/26 |
Large amounts of fuel wood are consumed in the area for utilization at home. As a result fuel wood is becoming more and more scarce in the area. The women now have to travel farther and farther to fetch fuel wood for domestic purposes. The Smokeless ( ... )
s fuel-efficient and it uses half as much fuel-wood as compared to the traditional stove. With the introduction of Smokeless stove in the local community, gathering fuel wood from the area will continue, however, the total amount collected in any given time period will be targeted to be lessened so that the pressure for fuel wood in the area is released and scarce forest reserves are