There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/01/MN01 |
The project basically dealt with Awareness and motivation for regreening a portion of the PATKI RANGE of the sub-Himalayan region.
The project proposed to organise student?s vocational training, camps, study tour etc. to spread the environment ( ... )
ion, conduct teachers training, seminar and adult education for functional literacy and motivate socio-economic and environmental awareness through seminars, campaigns and demonstration in the project
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/07 |
Protection and preservation of regional biodiversity. Creating pro-ecological behaviours among local people and inclusion them in protective activities planned by PTOP Salamandra. Management of small lakes and ponds gives a chance to protect ( ... )
ing biodiversity in area of well developed agriculture of industrial
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/01/07 |
The grantee will organize an environmental awareness campaign that involves the Department of Forests and Rangeland, schools, and the local community members in the two villages where the project is operating. Other components of the project ( ... )
e land protection measures such as construction of stone walls, tree stone basins, efficient irrigation systems, rain collection cisterns, bee-keeping and flowering trees and shrub planting. The project is technically assited by the Watershed Management Project of the GTZ implemented at the Ministry of Agriculture and will also be supported by the Water Efficiency and Public Information For
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-037.00-L |
This project aims to strengthen the cooperation mechanisms already initiated between and among people's organization for the protection of Mt. Banahaw. Through the project, LABB shall continue to mobilize the local communities through training, ( ... )
zing, education and technical support to enable them to continue their initial endeavors for community-based resource conservation. Moreover the project shall also continue to facilitate organized actions towards the resolution of major community issues and concerns regarding resource use and
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/UNF/01/03 |
This project on environment conservation education is implemented by the WCST and hosted by the Marangu Teachers Training College. The project's main objective is training and awareness rising in environment conservation in schools and communities ( ... )
around Mt. Kilimanjaro. Also the project aims at promoting conservation education through student teachers who upon their graduation will then transfer the knowledge to primary and secondary school of their duty stations.
Other objectives of the project includes raising the awareness that Mt. Kilimanjaro is a World Natural Heritage Site to local communities and their role in conservation
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/01/08 |
Planning grant to devleop a proposal to provide environmental education about the Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve and its ecosystems in formal settings and also as community outreach based upon efficient communications and a strong organizational ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/01/06 |
Environmental capacity-building to be developed between CERMO and small farmer organizations is the proposal of this project. Environmental problems caused by conventional agricultural practices will be the focus. These conventional practices ( ... )
ally exhaust the soil and the resources. Alternative practices offered by CERMO will leverage small farming by adding environmental conservation techniques. A participative assessment of the main environmental degradation causes in the agroecosystems will be carried out. This will help to improve the use of local native flora and fauna through the implementation of agroecology in the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/01/17 |
In the absence of adequate urban mass transport systems in Pakistan, three wheeler rickshaws and mini-buses carry the major share of commuter traffic. The rickshaws use a 1950?s technology of Italian origin ? Vespa ? for automotive power. It is a ( ... )
roke, 175 cc engine that runs on a mixture of petrol and Mobil oil. The vehicle is being produced in Pakistan now, since copyrights have been abandoned by Vespa. Many local manufacturers produced virtually the whole of the vehicle with the exception of some components like the carburettor. The Auto-rickshaw, as it is called in vernacular terms, is a cheap commercial transport vehicle, price
Palestine, State of
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/01/21 |
The project will contribute to raise school students environmental awareness of the importance of conserving biodiversity through identifying native plants species particularly those threatened or endangered of national and/or global significance ( ... )
monstrating the effect of chemical agricultural practices, and the human and political aggression on the conservation and the preservation of the
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-040.00-M |
The project aims to provide local communities with new knowledge and skills on sustainable farming and reinforce traditional knowledge, methods and skills for biodiversity conservation and watershed management in Aroman, Carmen, Cotabato. The ( ... )
ives of the project are: establish nurseries for indigenous fruit trees and vines; document/reserach on indigenous knowledge/systems and biodiversity conservation; enhance traditional forms of cooperation and community relations; and conduct workshops/seminars/trainings on sustainable agriculture and biodiversity
Phase 1
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP1/01/UP06 |
The project is intended to conserve and demonstrate the rich bio-diversity of the region and to preserve the economically and ecologically important endangered flora. The objective was to form village level institutions and generate awareness among ( ... )
ople for conservation of environment and meaningful sustainable use of natural resources and to collect, demonstrate and disseminate information, literature and technologies related to the Himalayas in the form of a museum, library and technology demonstration center and to promote the propagation of the important endangered flora and scientifically document the traditional
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/01/02 |
As the cost for establishment of the Centre was beyond the ceiling approved under the Small Grants Programme, it was agreed to provide support by phases. The first phase amounted to Tshs. 37,425,000/= was paid through UNDP TRAC Resources. The ( ... )
is established as an instrument that will promote systematic dissemination of biogas technology in Tanzania and Africa at
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/05-PG |
To establish community orchards of native medicinal plants and recover their natural ocurring populations through training for in-situ and ex-situ planting for women of three communities on the buffer zone of the Atitlán Lake protected area |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/05 |
Project will promote natural medicine through seed collection, planting and production of native species of medicinal plants, under organic farming methods, at the multiple use zone of the Lake Atitlán protected area. The project activities and ( ... )
will complement an on-going project of community pharmacies (funded by another NGO) on five communities. The medicinal plants orchards will be established on small plots owned by 60 indigenous women. Project activities include training on organic farming techniques and methods for solar dehydration and processing of the plants produced for their commercialization on the communities
Phase 2
Project Number: SIA/UNF/01/02 |
Para consolidar dos organizaciones de base comunitaria. Apoyar la creación y la gestión de las Unidades de Gestión Ambiental ( UMA en español ) . Apoyar la creación de una Organización Civil de los curanderos tradicionales. Para obtener un ( ... )
para cada organización financiada COMPACT , así como el desarrollo de un programa de divulgación .
El proyecto presentado por una ONG regional es apoyar 3 CBO y una ONG basada en la comunidad en la región en 3 comunidades que están totalmente maya. Tres Reyes, Dzula ( 2 CBO en la misma comunidad , uno de mujeres y otro de hombres) y Chunyah .
Uyolche trabajó durante 3 años (
Phase 2
Project Number: SIA/UNF/01/03 |
Para obtener un alto estándar de calidad en la producción de miel. Capacitar a los promotores a fin de tener una diversificación productiva, y una buena promoción y comercialización del producto.
Los principales objetivos son:
Poner en marcha ( ... )
estratégico a través de la integración de la creación de capacidad, control de calidad y de comercio justo para la actividad tradicional de la producción de miel en 23 comunidades de la región.
Con el fin de llegar a la apicultura orgánica se trabaja con 250 productores de la región a través de 23 promotores elegidos por ellos de que se extienda el conocimiento y las técnicas de la
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/16 |
El actual proyecto se propone obtener el decreto de nuestras tierras como Reserva Ecológica Ejidales agricultores, en un área de 1.200 hectáreas, que serán parte de los espacios naturales protegidos del Estado de Tabasco, se compone de una zona ( ... )
o de 500 hectáreas de humedales, donde la agricultura es para el autoconsumo (140 hectáreas de temporal) y la ganadería en 120 acres máximo. Se proponen área designada para el establecimiento de venado cola blanca de la
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/01/014 |
El objetivo del proyecto es contribuir a la conservación y preservación de la biodiversidad asociada a los humedales de la Cuenca del Rio Nangaritza.
Empezar con una caracterización exhaustiva del estado actual de conservación del humedal. ( ... )
ariar y categorizar las especies vegetales y animales, ayudar a las que se encuentran amenazadas para su repoblación (solamente flora); rehabilitar ambientalmente los ecosistemas en los que realizan importantes fases de sus ciclos vitales, así como las microvertientes que alimentan el humedal.Efectuar una capacitación comunitaria que genere en ellos actitudes de conservación de los Recursos
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/01/05 |
En la actualidad existe un proceso paulatino de extinción del recurso genético más importante y endémico en la ecorregión andina: la alpaca raza suri de color debido a la demanda creciente del mercado por la fibra de alpaca de raza huacaya de ( ... )
lanco. El proyecto está orientado a recuperar, conservar y manejar esta especie endémica ?alpaca raza suri de color- del ecosistema andino con participación de los criadores de camélidos asociados en el ACRICAN - ILLA, revalorando el rol de la mujer en el proceso de la crianza y la transformación de la fibra de
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/01/10 |
The results of the Mini grant project will be to create a bank of data and make its analysis, which will serve as a background for project baseline calculations and justification for the full project proposal for SGP for the next year. Bank of data ( ... )
1.Data of farms and farmers (sociological questioner).
2.Data of structure of land using.
3.Data of the land productivity.
4.Data of farmers' income.
5.Data of government policy and private investment