There are 27,190 projects available.
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Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/18 |
Este proyecto consta de dos fases, la primera tendrá una duración de 6 a 8 semanas que adquirir e instalar el sistema de producción de prototipos de cangrejo blando (Callinetes sp), en las instalaciones de la cooperativa. Durante este tiempo ( ... )
construidos y probados instalaciones de manejo y proceso de producción. Entonces comenzará la segunda fase que consiste en la formación de todos los miembros de la cooperativa en la que se proporcionará asesoramiento técnico durante al menos 3
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/00/005 |
El objetivo del proyecto es: la protección y salvaguarda de áreas de manglar
Los objetivos específicos y sus actividades correspondantes son:
Gestionar concesiones definitivas
Repoblamiento de mangle
Recuperación ( ... )
l de especies bioacuáticas
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/01/16 |
A brief review of GEF/SGP activity was prepared in February 2000, which reflected the results of the First Operational Phase projects and GEF/SGP activity for 1997-2000. The review included a comparative analysis of GEF/SGP strategic objectives in ( ... )
nd 1999, and an evaluation of the project characteristics from the First and Second Operational phases. Important components of each project, such as monitoring, evaluation, communications & outreach activities were analysed. From this analysis, two main GEF/SGP strategic directions were identified:
1) expansion of the GEF/SGP presence in Kazakhstan by increasing the number of projects and by
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/01/03 |
One of the biggest probles that face off-grid rural based institutions namely schools and health centres is electric power. Lack of power limit the period of study for students. The result of this is poor avademic performance. Attempts to use ( ... )
owered generators have quite often been short lived due to costs. For environment activists, this option is not acceptable because it pollutes the atmosphere. The main objective is to Demonstrate how solar power can be used as a non-grid electrification option to rural
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/08/01 |
En Samaipata, Capital de la Provincia Florida, en los ultimos anos creció la importancia del Turismo como parte de la economía local. Dentro los atractivos más importantes están el Museo Arqueológico "El Fuerte" declarado Patrimonio de la ( ... )
dad por la UNESCO, asimismo, el clima y los paisajes acogedores del pueblo y su entorno y el Area Protegida del Parque Nacional Amboró.
En la actualidad varias comunidades vecinas al Parque Amboró, tienen una importante afluencia de turistas los cuales llegan a través de agencias de turismo y/o en forma espontánea; sin embargo hasta el momento los pobladores de las comunidades no tienen
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/06 |
El proyecto tiene como objetivo restaurar la confianza en nuestros recursos naturales para implementar alternativas agroforestales que nos permiten elevar nuestro nivel de vida. Promover la silvicultura y la agrosilvicultura alternativa. El objetivo ( ... )
rimentar la producción y comercialización de las especies forestales y agroforestales, cultivos rentables, con el fin de elevar el nivel de vida y aumentar el valor añadido de los recursos naturales, compartir conocimientos con los productores de la región. Los agricultores se actualizarán en la gestión agroforestal mediante el establecimiento de parcelas de producción intensiva y
Viet nam
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: VIE/01/012 (P) |
The concept of the proposed project meets the goal of GEF/SGP by reducing greenhouse gas emission from paddy rice cultivation through innovative water management regimes with intermittent irrigation technical practices. The associated benefits also ( ... )
e reduction of water and electricity use for paddy rice production and yield increase. The proposed project aims to focus on transferring technology on water management regimes with intermittent irrigation technical practices and building technical capacity for the local community. It will also give priority to awareness raising on environmental protection and climate change issue for local
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: VIE/01/010 (P) |
The concept of the proposed project aims to contribute to conserving indigenous fruit tree species and varieties of Ly Nhan District through developing an on-farm conservation model, which encourages farmers to participate in the agrobiodiversity ( ... )
vation. The proposed project sites include Hoa Hau and Van Ly Communes, in Ly Nhan District, Ha Nam Province. Ly Nhan has a rich plant genetic resources of the ecological zone of low-lying area in the Red River delta. Many species and varieties, such as bananas, citrus (orange, lemon, mandarin and grapefruit), and persimmon, are indigenous and of highly social and cultural values, and potential
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: VIE/00/007 |
Chi Linh is one of the two only districts of Hai Duong province which has existing forests. Before 1970s, the areas had a large area of forest, which had very high biological value and were connected with forests in other provinces such as Quang ( ... )
nd Bac Giang. However, due to deforestation and overexploitation of forest resources, the forest has been degraded in terms of area and biodiversity value. Thanks to the great efforts of the government and relevant agencies in the 1980s and 1990s, afforestation and reforestation programmes were given high priority and successful implemented, significantly increasing the area of the forest in the
Viet nam
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: VIE/00/004 |
Brick remains one of the most important building martial used everywhere. Along with the economic development in Vietnam, the need of infrastructure construction increases, leading to strong growth of the construction industry, including brick ( ... )
ry. Brick industry is one of the largest industries which generate much employment and income. In Vietnam, brick sector is traditionally a small and family-based industry and common in rural areas. By the year 1998, there were about over 300 enterprises of brick making (this does not include more than 1,000 private units). Based on the ownership, these enterprises are divided into two kinds:
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/01/AP02 |
The project proposed improved livelihoods of small-scale cotton farmers by reducing the cost of cultivation through IPM (Integrated Pest Management) practices, education and awareness on various agricultural processes, organic farming and creation ( ... )
ural habitat for the larger predator. The aim is to form a network of farmers, NGOs, researchers and input suppliers to promote bio-diversity, and increase the organic matter content in the soil to provide substrate for micro-flora and fauna of the soil.
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/99/004 |
The project meets the goal of the GEF/SGP by contributing to the conservation of the bird island in Chi Lang Nam Commune, Thanh Mien District, Hai Duong Province. This bird island has been established recently and has attracted many scientists, ( ... )
chers and students as well as international and domestic tourists in recent years. Although it is not adequately researched, the bird island is the home of many national and migratory bird species. However, the bird island bank has been seriously eroded, resulting in a significant decrease in the area of the island. Due to the fact that the number of birds significantly increases, there is not
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: VIE/00/003 |
Thanh Hoa is the province which has the largest area of indigenous bamboo in Vietnam. The province has provided bamboo seedlings and bamboo shoots to meet the demand of other localities throughout the country. With the existing area of bamboo ( ... )
s and community experience in bamboo forest plantation, Thanh Hoa has great potential in developing into a specialised bamboo area of high economic value.
However, these bamboo forests have become degraded in terms of area and quality. Low community awareness on the importance of sustainable use of the bamboo forest and overexploitation of bamboo forest resources for daily subsistence of the
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/06 |
Project development Goal :
To develop community based sustainable environmentally friendly farming
Project Objectives :
1. To strengthen the existing community organizations
2. To conserve biodiversity and local wisdoms
3. To empower local ( ... )
ities in managing sustainable farming
4. To increase community welfare through development of alternative income source
Expected Outputs :
1. Emergence of collective awareness on environmental conservation
2. Maintained biodiversity in community's garden
3. Ability of local community in managing sustainable farming
4. Increased community welfare
5. Established alternative economic
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/02-NOR |
Project seeks to diminish the deforestation due to the corn yields, used by the peoples for their self-consumption. Project involved to a high number of families into the four protected areas where the organization called Ak' Tenamit have running ( ... )
The communities are located into and around of the four protected areas. Among the activities that are mentioned they planned the following: 1)Training in new techniques of craft. 2) the search and hire of promoters with this skills. 3)opening new shops in the interested villages. 4) Handtool purchase. 5) publicity by at least three means 6) marketing
An important aspects of the
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/01/07 |
Capacity-building and demonstration of communities on rehabilitation of water resources through learning process, data & information collection, on sustainable agriculture including demonstration plots and open forum of experience exchange. ( ... )
population reside in 5 villages of 3 districts in Nakhornphanom
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/01/08 |
Demonstration & Capacity-building activities of community for the rehabilitation & protection of water resources which involve traditional agriculture , demarcating conservation & fire break zone, revegetation, networking etc. Target ( ... )
tion are residents of 15 villages whose livelihood depend upon the river and its
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/01/04 |
This project aims to test, under mauritian conditions, the effectiveness of a predator-exclusion fence which has been developed in New Zealand. This fence has been designed to exclude all non-flying alien vertebrates. However, some modifications ( ... )
be necessary because mauritian reserves are additionally threatened by monkeys and cyclones. If successful, the fence design will be used to help secure up to 11 species of critically endangered plants in a field genebank. Other objectives of the project are to use the pilot fenced area as training site to train future conservationists in the techniques of biodiversity conservation, and to raise
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/01/07 |
This project aims at continuing the activities started in the previous project, for development of beekeeping in Xingu Indigenous Park (PIX) Indigenous Villages, thus contributing to the sustainability of sociodiversity and biodiversity in the PIX. ( ... )
honey production was certified in 2000 by the federal authorities. Rational conventional and native beekeeping activities in the 22 villages where these activities are already taking place will be enforced, for implementation of a group of support initiatives for consolidation and expansion of honey production in the park. Technicians will have their training recycled and upgraded.
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/12 |
Project consists on the establishment of organic agricultural systems at the buffer zone of the Santa María volcano regional park. These systems will allow rural men and women to improve their income through the production and commercialization of ( ... )
native crops. The project activities have begun with individual diagnostics of each participant?s plot, and will promote the integral use of local and native resources, using of cover crops and soil conservation techniques, that include the use of annual and perennial plants. Organic certification will be sought for the group?s production to improve their crops market