There are 27,190 projects available.
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Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-00-14 |
Project's objectives are:
1. To protect the environment through minimizing the negative impacts from using traditional methods and energy sources. To remove the barriers and facilitate the use of new & renewable energy and reduce the cost of the ( ... )
for the beneficiaries.
2. To assist 3 NGOs in Sharkia Governorate and raise their capacity to work in field of promoting new & renewable energy
3. To install 24 solar heaters in Basaisa and 10 solar heaters in each of the selected 3 villages.
4. To provide the necessary technicians to ensure sustainability of the project. This will be done by training staff from the four different sites on
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-12-2000 |
OBJECTIVES: To establish organically managed perennial crops on small farmers plots to diminish advance of agricultural frontier on the vecinity of the Volcán Zunil protected area. Located on one of the most biological diverse are of ( ... )
ala, this project will develop a series of workshops to raise awareness about the area's biodiversity importance, provide techniques and methods to establish agroforestry systems on previously cleared associates plots to provide economically productive options and thus try to diminish agricultural frontier advance on the cloud forest protected area. As means to give project sustainability the
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/98/28 |
This has been a funding US$6253.79 for the news letter production by Conservation Melenesia (Local NGO) on Environmental and Community Development Issues |
Palestine, State of
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/00/11 |
The project will document and conserve the culture and history of the Palestinian plant species through collect the oral and written history and information i.e. poems, holly books, stories, popular and wise sayings which are ingerited over many ( ... )
tions. The project will also animate the use of the cultural plants particularly whose of medical and nutritional value through raise the community awareness by conducting workshops and producing outreash material i.e. booklet and calendar to be used for promoting Eco-tourism as
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/98/G52/010 |
With a high population growth of 2.8% in Kabale District, there is inadequate source of fuel wood, coupled with poor cooking methods, and inadequate understanding of energy conservation measures. These problems lead to deforestation and soil ( ... )
ation. The Planning & Development office of the Diocese of Kigezi as the leading organization has taken a participatory rural appraisal approach in finding ways of how to address the community problems so as to have improved availability & wise use of energy. Activities revolve around environmental conservation through energy
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/98/G52/013 |
Echuya Forest Reserve covers an area of about 35 sq-km, lies within the Albertine Rift Afromantane area. This makes the forest the center of endemism that contains a variety of species only confined to this unique ecosystem. The forest contains ( ... )
127 tree species dominated by Hagemia rapanea, moist montane forest and Arundinaria alpina (bamboo). Herbaceous plants cover the areas where bamboo and woody vegetation is less dense. The Muchuya Swamp, which runs north-south, is dominated by sedges, tussock vegetation and giant lobelia. The forest reserve and Muchuya swamp in particular support about 100 species of birds of which twelve are
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/21/00 |
El campo de acción del proyecto, abarca la comunidad de Florida, en el Municipio de San Ignacio de Velasco, en la Provincia Velasco del Departamento de Santa Cruz.
El modelo de ecoturismo tradicional, hasta ahora implementado en la zona, no ha ( ... )
o proporcionar directos y significativos beneficios económicos a las comunidades locales. La mayoría de los visitantes tienden a permanacer en acomodaciones manejadas por los administradores del Parque y la mayor parte de lo que se recauda se destina a pagar los servicios de guías bilingües, transporte y os servicios de agencias de turismo no basadas en la región. Consecuentemente sólo un
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/00/18 |
The project will occur in the cities of Permet and Peqin. Among the objectives of this project mention should be made on:
preparation of a book on biodiversity and environmental education to be used by schools teachers; preparation of a model to ( ... )
e the teachers' educative work in the schools relating to the environmental background; 4 two-days seminars organised aiming at the update of teachers skills; promotion of pupils and teachers to undertake field actions for environment preservation and protection; exchange of experience among teachers and pupils from 4 schools in different cities; acquaintance with the characteristic flora and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/00/07 |
The project is designed to develop educational and training materials in Urdu for GEF/SGP partners and providing training to NGOs/CBOs in proposal writing and creating awareness on issues of concern to GEF and organize orientation workshops for ( ... )
Project goals or objectives:
1.Development of educational and training materials in Urdu for key partners, of GEF/SGP;
2.Orientation about GEF/SGP focal areas and training for proposal development in ten different cities with collaboration of GEF/SGP partner organizations.
Activities to be carried out under project:
1.Development of Reading Materials
There is lack of quality
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/98/G52/007 |
The forest reserve faces a threat of deterioration due to unsustainable human activities.
The villagers are not aware of its environmental value and importance.
The main activities of the project are:
Introduction of alternative energy generating ( ... )
in place of use of forest resources for energy needs by the community.
Ensure economic benefits through efficient use of energy.
Educational programme on bio diversity conservation, sustainable development and efficient use of energy, awareness raising on biodiversity protection, efficient use of energy for school children and income generation for communities living around three
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G22 |
316 families live in the project location. Almost all earn their livings by planting rubber trees, fruit trees and other labourious jobs. As the price of the rubber decrease, the income of these families also decrease unavoidably. A women?s ( ... )
in the village comprising 65 members has initiated an activity which would provide supplementary income. The activity involves the establishment of the savings group and the implement of food processing.Cheh May tea is one of the endemic plant. The tea, after undergoing a heating process, will turn into a product for sales bringing additional income to the community.
The heating process
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/00/24 |
Electrificación en base a energía solar en comunidades cafetaleras del suroeste del país, como forma de mejorar las condiciones de vida de las familias beneficiarias y disminuir la contaminación por el uso de combustibles fósiles que ( ... )
buyen al calentamiento
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/17 |
Proyecto que contempla la recuperación de áreas degradadas y la reducción de los efectos del cambio climático mediante el uso de energía fotovoltaica, capacitación y jornadas de reforestación por parte de los comunitarios. Los sistemas ( ... )
ltaicos mejoran la calidad de vida de los comunitarios y reducen el consumo de combustibles fósiles.
Reducción de la contaminación ambiental y mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de los habitantes mediante el uso de la energía solar para la electrificación de viviendas en 11 comunidades rurales de la zonas fronteriza en el municipio de restauración, donde la gente tenga más
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/00/12 |
Este proyecto tiene como propósito contribuir a la reducción del calentamiento global, mediante el aprovechamiento de la energía solar en zona montanosa para la iluminación de los hogares, reducir el uso de gas kerosene que contamina el ( ... )
te, e involucrar a las familias beneficiarias en actividades de conservación y restauración de los recursos naturales Jumunuco (provincia de
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-09-2000 |
To provide access to technical advise and training in organic cultivation techniques to rescue locally threatened species of edible plants and tubers, and at the same time combine the plantations with native fruit producing trees. The resulting ( ... )
restry system will allow the participants to have short, medium and long term agricultural production that will be organized in a manner to secure income to give project
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-JOR-98-G52-10 |
The project will promote the use of energy efficiency equipment in Jordanian facilities through training 50 young engineers who will be placed in those facilities to implement and monitor energy saving procedures and equipment. The project will ( ... )
rganize an exhibition of energy efficient equipment featuring international equipment in order to introduce the equipment to the Jordanian industries and local dealers. It is hoped that conserving energy in the targeted facilities would decrease CO2 emissions by 28,000 tons annually within the two-year start up phase of the
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/00/14 |
The Young Scientists Club is requierd to fully and effectively implement the following described activitiveties: Examining the possibilities of increasing the efficiency of the photovoltaic cells in terms of meeting the requied energy capacity of ( ... )
llage, the availability of the unit parts in the local market and the feasibility of manufacturing these parts by the local expertise aiming at reducing the production costs. Further the discussion with the local community and the village council to determine the feasibility and the possibility of implementing the project in the selected area and thus deciding whether this location is the
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G39 |
The project location is the watershed area of the Pranburi River, an ecological portion of the Prajuabkhirikhan Coast of the Gulf of Thailand. During the past 50 years this rich-in-natural resources area has been continuously encroached by the ( ... )
ement for more cultivated land. As it has been the case for all over the country, cash crops of all kinds have been encouraged to meet the ever-increasing consumption as well as to boost the export value of the country.
Since then the application of chemical substance in the form of fertilizer and pesticide has become a thing of necessity.Even though the consequence of these unscrupulous
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/98/G52/011 |
The project is located in Northern Uganda in Gulu district. Because of the increased destruction of the forest cover in Kilak hills and the land degradation therein as well as low income levels, a participatory planning process was put in place. The ( ... )
ills are of importance in terms of the animals therein and collection point of the water from the various streams in Gulu. This is with the purpose of growing crops that are sustainable and environment tolerant so as to boost the food security of the communities in
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/00/12 |
This Planning Grant will be used for the following purposes:
-to organise meetings in the area of Korca and Pogradeci with local communities, environmental regional organizations and societies, specialists from public and private economic sectors, ( ... )
entatives from Municipalities and Prefectures of these areas;
-a full information will be provided in terms of production capacities in these areas, raw materials, energetic consumption, discharges and emissions in the environment and other environmental concerns;
-a concrete discussion with local NGOs will take place, regarding the implementation of this project and other suggestions might be