There are 27,190 projects available.
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Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/011 |
Desarrollar las capacidades de los socios y establecer encierros para el cultivo de robalo buscando incrementar los ingresos familiares del grupo de pescadores y disminuir la presión sobre la pesca, así como difundir su experiencia en la micro ( ... )
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/010 |
Formar a los alumnos y alumnas en el uso integral de los recursos naturales con que cuentan en el medio rural, para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas de alimentación e incrementar sus satisfactores económicos y sociales. |
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-013 |
Development goal of the integrated project :
The emergence of Government Policy, law enforcement as well as community?s support (especially in Bali), which is needed to conserve the wellbeing of endangered turtle.
The integrated and ( ... )
hensive project will be conducted by consortium of PPLH Bali, WWF Wallacea and KPSHK, where every institution holds its own part and responsibility, and will act complementary each other. GEF/SGP supports the activities, mostly conducted by PPLH Bali in the field of promotion and raising public awareness.
Project objectives:
1. To enhance the emergence of government policy which favors
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/00/01 |
- To install a pollution free solar water pumping technology in Mwanambaya village, Mkuranga District, Coast region with a view to demonstrating the effectiveness of pollution free solar powered water pumping technology as an alternative to ( ... )
ion laden diesel powered technology. In the long run this is seen to be more cost effective especially in villages where availability of diesel and oil may be both difficult and expensive.
- Also to promote awareness and popularize solar energy water pumping technology to government and NGO functionaries in
International Waters International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-00-01 |
Bozyazi Coastal Protection Area lies along the Cilician coast, which is one of the two WWF's marine ecosystem
Hotspots in Turkey. The site supports globally threatened fauna species (Monachus monachus, Caretta caretta, Chelenia mydas) and flora ( ... )
s (Posidonia oceanica).
The project is in line with the WWF's objective of "the creation of a large fish refuge area along the coast of the Cilician basin, extending and improving the existing protection status."
Accordingly the site together with other 4 areas has been declared a 1st degree Natural SIT by the Ministry of Culture and a Coastal Protected Area by the Ministry of Agriculture,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/00/06 |
Food shortage and hunger is perhaps the most common form through which poverty is manifested. While irrigation is generally acknowledged as a solution to production problems that are constrained by rainfed agriculture, high machinery costs have ( ... )
ed poor farmers from switching to irrigation farming. The project's main objective is to promote a wind powered irrigation project at Mkoma Village, Shirati, Tarime as a demonstration for adoption by Lake Victoria adjacent villages in hunder prone Mara
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/00/17 |
Reducción de la explotación del cagüey (cactus maderable endémico) en la hoya del lago Enriquillo, a partir del aprovechamiento sostenible de otras especies sustitutas, y adiestramiento de los artesanos para mejorar y dar un mayor valor agregado ( ... )
rtesanías que se producen en la comunidad de La Lista (municipio de Cabral,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: EGY-00-15 |
? Building and installing two wind turbines to generate electricity to minimize the use of fossil fuels to
generate energy thus minimizing the harmfull emissions to the atmosphere.
? Establishing partnerships between the NGO, the manufacturing ( ... )
y and the local community.
? Building the capacities of the local NGO, the executing NGO and the
manufacturing company.
To generate electricity
To motivate the community to improve their ways in living.
To reduce the greenhouse gases emissions which cause the increase of global warm phenomenon.
To design, manufacture, install, operate and maintain
Viet nam
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/00/005/P |
The primary aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communities, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
activities of the project include conducting surveys on socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site, identifying proposed project objectives and activities and assessing their feasibility, and providing needed technical assistance in project design and writing project proposal which will be submitted to GEF/SGP for review and appraisal; and identifying possibilities for project
Viet nam
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/00/002/P |
The primamry aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communties, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
activities of the project include conducting surveys on socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site, identifying proposed project objectives and activities and assessing their feasibility, and providing needed technical assistance in project design and writing project proposal which will be submitted to GEF/SGP for review and appraisal; and identifying possibilities for project
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/00/007/P |
The primamry aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communties, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
activities of the project include conducting surveys on socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site, identifying proposed project objectives and activities and assessing their feasibility, and providing needed technical assistance in project design and writing project proposal which will be submitted to GEF/SGP for review and appraisal; and identifying possibilities for project
Viet nam
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/00/004/P |
The primamry aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communties, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
activities of the project include conducting surveys on socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site, identifying proposed project objectives and activities and assessing their feasibility, and providing needed technical assistance in project design and writing project proposal which will be submitted to GEF/SGP for review and appraisal; and identifying possibilities for project
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/98/G52/006 |
Developing a sustainability program for the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka and establishment of Ornithological Field Study and Monitoring Center, printing of selected publications, initiate long term studies of threatened species and support ( ... )
ties of Schools Bird Study Groups and Community Ornithological
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-07 |
Open access for nature resource management for local community through the implementation of local orchid breed and culture, which necessary to increase welfare
1. To strengthen local ( ... )
ution in order to be able to organize community participation on nature resource management
2. To increase community capability in local wild orchid breed and culture
3. To induce the emergence of local government policies which support community participation in nature conservation and utilization
1. The establishment of local institution which could support community
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/06 |
Consolidation and expansion of the beekeeping activity in the Xingu Indigenous Park, in the state of Mato Grosso will be sought in this project. This will be an economic, environmental and culturally adequate activity, capable of satisfying part of ( ... )
tritional needs for the families and communities. Sustainability of the socio-biodiversity is sought and continued use of the biodiversity present in the Park. Rational conventional and native beekeeping will be expanded in the 18 villages where it already occurs and implemented in 7 new villages. A cooperativist model will be adapted and installed between the local indigenous association and the
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/10 |
Implementation of 2 agroecological units based on capacity-building activities on native fruit and riparian wood management product processing and commercialization is the goal of this project. Furthermore, alternative energy sources will be used in ( ... )
lementation of gardens in the homes of the community members. This will take place in the municipality of Buritis, state of Minas Gerais. A plant nursery will also be installed for production of native Cerrado riparian wood specimens such as pequi, baru, and cagaita. Water wheels and photovoltaic cells are the alternative energy sources planned. The agroecological units will produce garden
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/009 |
Se culminará el proceso de diagnóstico participativo en el ejido Tres Reyes -registrado como UMA-, para el diseño de proyectos de desarrollo sustentable y conservación de la biodiversidad de acuerdo a las necesidades sentidas de la gente así ( ... )
l sistema de seguimiento y
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/008 |
Difundir y aplicar las estrategias del FMAM y del PPS entre las organizaciones no gubernamentales y de base presentes en la región Centla-Términos.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-10-2000 |
To provide objective means to demonstrate air pollution problem at Quetzaltenango and public awareness to support lobbying activities towards the approval and implementation of the municipal by-laws to diminish it. This project will establish ( ... )
llution measurement stations to determine the levels that are present at Quetzaltenango city. With the obtained results will develop a public awareness campaign that includes local radio, newspapers and TV media, and presentations at cultural activities to provide the information to the public about the situation and problem solutions. Additionally, the Association has established
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/00/15 |
Realización de un diagnóstico y diseno de un sistema hidroeléctrico comunitario que permita suplir de energía a una población de más de 200 personas que viven en zonas montanosas, como forma para mejorar sus condiciones de vida, de reducir el ( ... )
combustibles fósiles que contribuyen con el calentamiento global y promover la conservación de bosques que protegen fuentes de