There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/00/10 |
An award of US$1457 planning grant was given to the Habitat for Humanity(HFH) to assess and review its program on the use of sawmill to build houses for the poor and the needy. The management of HFH felt that it should use a environmentally friendly ( ... )
h to achieve its objectives whilst implementing its programme in the country and therefore requested small grants to fund a rapid assessment study in selected villages that affiliated with HFH. The report from this study was to decide as to develop a new strategy or not.
The project coordinator from HFH did not submit the report as expected and communication by SGP to HFH found that the no
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/99/01 |
This socio-environmental action aims to valorize specific domestic wastes by involving handicapped women . The project targets are : Waste valorization, income generation for handicapped women, awareness raising through the participation of ( ... )
apped women and the involvement of their families and neighbors in environment
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-JOR-98-G52-19 |
The project is implemented by the Jordan River Foundation in cooperation with the Forestry Deartment and the Watershed Management Project at the Ministry of Agriculture. It will collect and update information on historical trees in Jordan which are ( ... )
ed at 500 trees located in different areas of the country, and document this information in a resource book containing pictures and traditional information as well as the scientific data on historical trees. A series of public awareness activities highlighting the importance of conserving historical trees to preserve the genetic resources of indigenous species will be conducted in various areas
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/00/05 |
-To promote awareness and popularize solar energy technology in milling and distribution of water
-To promote rural electrification by providing cheap power at night to the villagers at Mpangala village
-To provide household budget relief to the ( ... )
ers at Mpangala by reducing the cost of food processing
-To contribute to the first steps that will lead to the development of a mini-hydropower plant on the Mise river in the
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/00/04 |
In the south of Kazakhstan a unique object, the National Aksu-Dzhabagly Reserve, is located. It has a significant value for conservation of the Kazakhstan nature, and also takes important place in the international system of protected natural ( ... )
ories, it's widely known to the world community. The area close-fitting to the Reserve has also a great value on biological diversity of Western Tien-Shan region because the territory of neighboring reserve ?Aksu-Dzhabagly? doesn?t fully protect the specific character of regional flora and fauna. For instance, the whole zone of foothill ephemeral semi-desert (which remained beyond the boundaries
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/00/05 |
Aprovechamiento de la energía solar para la iluminación de los hogares de la comunidad de Sabana Mula (municipio de Bánica, Provincia de Elías Pina). Las familias adquieren paneles solares mediante la instauración de un fondo rotatorio, lo que ( ... )
buye a mejorar las condiciones de vida de la gente y reducir el uso de gas keroseno (factor que contribuye al calentamiento
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/07 |
This project aims at preservation of local fauna in the surroundings of the Emas National Park. These animals have been causing losses to local small farmers, and consequently specimens have been lost. Statistics for these losses have never been ( ... )
ed, and will be taken during execution of this project. These numbers will provide subsidies for a management plan capable of conserving not only the local wildlife, but also the small farm plantations in the surroundings of the Park. An assessment of the farming activities will be carried out, for identification of crops suffering tapir, and white-lipped peccary attacks. The losses will be
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/22/00 |
El proyecto se ubica entre las comunidades de Uyuni y Janchillani, pertenecientes al Cantón Esquiri, Primera Sección Municipal de la Provincia José María Linares, en el Departamento de Potosí.
Se ha establecido que existe una permenente ( ... )
ión de la frontera agrícola dentro del bosque, situación que impide desarrollen algunas actividades orientadas al manejo sostenible de bosques. aún existiendo un borrador de normas y reglamentos de manejo del bosque los/as beneficiarios no aplican en su totalidad este reglemento, existiendo todavía un amplio margen de habilitación de tierras cultivables dentro del bosque.
El objetivo del
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/00/07 |
En la isla de Chiloé la presncia de bosques nativos está teniendo cada vez mayor prtesión por parte d de sus dueños que muchas veces extraen árboles sin tener conceptos adecuados de manejo forestal. El presente proyecto pretende ( ... )
ollar a través de una Unidad Demostrativa en terreno, actividades de Capacitación y difusión dirigidas a la Comunidad de Chiloé,en el manejo sustentable del Bosque Nativo y repetir dicha actividades en la zona.El proyecto será ejecutado a partir de jóvenes cuyas familias tienen bosque nativo y que permitirá incorporarlos en una red de protección pero con conociminetos
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/99/02 |
Planning Grant to prepare project aimed at implementing the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan in the Sibun Watershed and supporting the development of the National Biological Corridors System |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: EGY-00-01 |
The association aims to
introduce technological improvements in the
design of traditional ovens to improve in-door
air quality, and air pollutants at large.
Project planned Activities
? Mobilize the community to accept the
new improvements ( ... )
d in the design
of traditional ovens.
? Reach a collaborative agreement with
other NGOs in the community to
disseminate the new
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/00/010 |
Nace la idea del proyecto como una continuidad de la experiencia de trabajo de CEDIR, que tras la selección de semillas locales y producción agroecológica en zona de secano, deseaba difundir tres variedades de papa.
El proyecto trabaja en el ( ... )
, multiplicación y redistribución de materiales germoplásticos de papas locales. Incorpora actividades de promoción, capacitación y difusión de tecnologías de manejo del germoplasma de la papa. Pone su énfasis en la participación, capacitación y seguridad alimentaria.
El objetivo general es la conservación de la biodiversidad agrícola.
Los objetivos específicos son:
- Establecer
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-00-12 |
Karacadag is a vast area in Southeast Anatolia in Turkey at the upper fringes of the Fertile Crescent, homeland to the first farmers in the Middle East.It is known that Karacadag is an important gene center hosting the wild species, such as those of ( ... )
barley. The latest studies show that the wild ancestors of einkorn whea, as one of the first domesticated products in 9000 BC are found in Turkey's southeastern region in the near vicinities of Karacadag.
The site has been under the threat of overgrazing, land reclamation for agriculture, excessive tearing out of astragalus for many years. The project aims to protect the site by preparing
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G09 |
In the past, the communities around the project location earned their livings by practicing agriculture which can be classified into 2 categories: subsistent rice & vegetable farming and cattle raising for farming process. The practice was ( ... )
ered a natural-depending and environmentally-friendly one.
Until 40 years ago when the government carried out the policy on agriculture for large scale commercial and export, the communities has changed their practice by adopting modern agriculture which focused on mono-crop , required larger cultivated areas, introduced machinery to replace water buffalo and chemical substance animal
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-27.99-M |
A proactive research project, which intends to indentify, assess, and evaluate the existing resource management system in fishing and rice farming. |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/21 |
Bats belong to the most endangered mammals due to decline of natural and antropogenic winter and summer hidding-places and a negative attitude of majority of population towards bats.Additional barriers in effective active protection of bats alies ( ... )
sufficient knowledge about spatial distribution, population and its dynamics.
Network of NGOs was established during mini-grant implementation in order to have bigger scale project, covering whole Poland, concentrate efforts of group of experts and volunteers, to reach as much as possible hidden places of bats securing their status.
Active protection of bats should bring stopping of observed
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/07p |
preparation of full project concerning protection of the existing winter and summer bat seats in Poland, information and education campaign for local community;mini-grant will cover the establishment of national coalition of NGOs dealing with ( ... )
protection (organisational meetings, preparation of full project, division of work, consultations with experts and local
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/10p |
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G41 |
The project location is situated in the east coast basin, an ecological component of the gulf of Thailand. It is a watershed area of the Lang Suan River draining into the gulf.With total cultivated area of approximately 100 ha and 150 target ( ... )
tion, coffee is the only major crop which supplies income to the community. In order to decrease the dependence upon coffee only, there has been a practice of growing rotation crop such as fruit trees in the coffee plots- a semi-sustainable agriculture as it may be called. However, the practice has prompted every family to use an excessive amount of chemical substance in the form of fertilizer
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-PLN-00-010 |
Baseline Data for Medicinal Plants - Kajiado |