There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/00/01 |
El Proyecto se ubica aledaño al Parque Nacional lauca en la I Región allpi se encuentran comunidades aymaras que sienten como una amenaza que su territorio haya sido declardao Parque Nacional y no lo ven como una posibilidad mejor. En efecto ( ... )
odología de la propuesta adscribe al concepto de participación como un eje integrador de la experiencia global adquirida durante anos de relaciones entre la institucionalidad pública y la población residente y aledana al Parque Nacional LaucaConservación de la Biodiversidad in situ en un Ecosistema frágil de desierto en forma conjunta ONG, Comunidad y organismos estatales
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/015 |
Realizar el estudio poblacional y reproductivo para tres especies de Pepino de Mar en la zona de San Felipe, como opción productiva para los pescadores. |
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/00/06 |
This project came up as a result of a planning grant, which paved the way to the preparation of this full project-proposal
The main aim of this project is a general inventory, pointing out the permanent and temporary habitats of bobcat in the ( ... )
of Shkodra, Malesi e Madhe, Puka, Bulqize, Mat and Librazhd. This study will serve as a preliminary basis for developing the bobcats conservation system in Albania. The project will intend to involve the whole local communities of the above mentioned areas, in public awareness campaigns which will be developed through this project on bobcat inventory and its protection. Thus, meetings,
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/09 |
This project aims at the integration of popular traditional knowledge, thus promoting community experiences with Cerrado medicinal plant use and developing exchange of information among these experiences. Organizations in the Cerrado Network and ( ... )
segments will be brought together in favor of sustainable use of this biome?s resources. The following activities are planned: formation of the teams; participative diagnosis of the experiences with medicinal plants; ethnopharmacological research in the communities; assessment of local community knowledge on medicinal plants; botanical identification of the plants found; data organization;
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/00/09 |
Crear condiciones crecientes de protección de los flamencos y aves en general, en las áreas seleccionadas por el Proyecto, mediante el uso de instrumentos institucionales de protección y participación ciudadana. |
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G34 |
A community effort to rehabilitate and protect the catchment area of an international water. Capacity building and raising awareness of target communities are major activiities.These include applying indigenous approaches in making fire break, ( ... )
tion of forest, native species propaganda as well as establising no-fishing zone.Disemmination of best practices and lessons learnt also one among the
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-04-2000 |
To provide access to training on forestry activities and the use of tree seedlings of native tree species for reforestation purposes, as mean for diminishing human pressure over the mangrove forests of the Manchón Guamuchal wetland (RAMSAR ( ... )
This project will develop a series of workshops to strengthen organizations, provide specific training on forestry related activities such as forest species seed selection and tree nursery establishment, as well as tree planting techniques and forest protection to 6 community women's
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/00/13 |
Renforcement de capacité des membres du Comité et des ONG bénéficiaires en gestion axée sur les résultats
Objectifs spécifiques : La présente session de formation a pour objectif principal de renforcer la base de connaissances des ( ... )
ipants en matiere de gestion par les résultats.
- concentrer le contenu de la formation sur des exemples concrets, liant ainsi les dimensions pratiques aux dimensions théoriques
- Un cahier du participant sera produit par le consultant et les outils développés seront simples et pratique, permettant ainsi aux bénéficiaires de les utiliser apres la formation.
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/03 |
Support for implementation of agroforestry systems in the indigenous and smallholder extractivist properties is sought with this project.15 local multiplying agents will be trained in the course of 12 months for reaching this objective. 8 ( ... )
restry bees will be carried out with specific Cerrado natural resource management activities, such as mapping of extractivist areas, collection of seeds, production of seedlings and later transplantation to degraded areas, among others. This activity will take place in Western and Southern Maranhão state, and northern Tocantins state in different indigenous lands, including Krahô, Apinajé, and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/014 |
Diez organizaciones sociales de la micro región capacitadas para manejar y conservar sus recursos naturales y para convertir sus sistemas productivos a esquemas sustentables. |
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-JOR-98-G52-09 |
The NGO organized a SGP stakeholder workshop in Aqaba. The workshop was attended by representatives of several NGOs in Aqaba, the Aqaba Region Authority that is implementing a regular GEF project in the Aqaba Gulf, as well as representatives of two ( ... )
ich implemented SGP projects in the first operational phase of the Programme. Memoranda of agreement for two projects to be implemented in Aqaba were signed by the concerned NGOs during the workshop opening. a presentation on M&E and reporting requirements was also given during the
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-JOR-98-G52-15 |
The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature organized a "GEF/SGP Stakeholder Workshop" in Dana reserve. This workshop targeted the non-governmental organizations that were supported by the Small Grants Programme during the Second Operational ( ... )
and aimed at introducing certain environmental issues to NGOs as well as train them on the reporting and monitoring requirements of the Programme. The workshop had also provided the chance to participant NGOs to identify best practices from the concerned projects and exchange experiences among
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/00/10 |
The two-day Stakeholder workshop in Shkodra and Fier, is intended as a catalytic training and capacity-building activity designed to foster the development of country "teams" who experience themselves as responsible for the successful implementation ( ... )
While the workshop will focus principally on the specific work of the GEF/SGP, it will also build capacity in dealing with issues of sustainable livelihoods and the environment, including:
O fostering broader awareness and understanding of the linkages between local environment and livelihood concerns and the GEF focal areas;
O building capacity in small scale project development and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/00/06 |
GEF - SGP and ESCORTS have been working partners since 1995. ESCORTS Foundationh has credibility in working with communities through various project interventions with proven success such as the smokeless stoves project, and the sericulture project ( ... )
CIDA assistance). ESCORTS is also well placed as an NGO working within the framework of a corporate firm, and has developed a network of contacts in the corporate sector.
This workshop will be held in collaboration with these two organizations, both of which will be strengthened by the collaboration. In this workshop, ESCORTS will contribute its managerial skills to organize the event. It will
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/98/G52/036 |
Despite GEFSGP's past successes and tremendous results achieved, there still remains considerable challenges in the area of awareness especially on GEFSGP focal areas and operational programmes not only by communities but also by NGOs and government ( ... )
tions. This proposal therefore seeks to intensify the awareness raising on the GEFSGP focal areas that include biodiversity, climate change and international waters and their linkage to sustainable rural livelihoods.
In order to achieve the objective of raising awareness in all the focal areas the following activities:
a) Hosting of four workshops throughout the country.
b) Developing
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/17/00 |
Este proyecto se lo realiza en el departamento de La Paz, Cantón Taipiplaya, Colonia Ingavi II y tiene una duración de ocho meses.
A partir de 1997 el pueblo de Taipiplaya cuenta con energía eléctrica (proporcionada por la empresa ENDE) para la ( ... )
ción de las calles, plazas y domicilios a través de tarjetas magnéticas que tienen el precio de 1Bs por Kw, situación que genera como promedio el uso de dos tarjetas de 36 Bs al mes, lo que ocasiona un gasto de Bs. 76 al mes por el uso de tres focos, una radio y un refrigerador. En este contexto, se pueden aprovechar los recursos hídricos existentes en la zona para generar energía
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/00/01 |
Establecimiento de una escuela-taller para la capacitación de artesanos locales en el mejoramiento de la producción de artesanías alusivas al PNLH para ser ofertadas a los turistas que visitan el parque. Estas acciones contribuyen a involucrar a ( ... )
munidades en la conservación de la biodiversidad del área protegida y constituyen un medio sostenible de generación de
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/00/02 |
Community training in conservation practices of oasis and training to promote oasis ecosystem
1 Contexte du projet
Les oasis jouent un rôle très important dans le développement de l?agriculture dans les régions Sud de la Tunisie. En ( ... )
la production des dates occupe une place de choix dans le secteur , elle constitue la principale ressource économique dans les zones arides du sud tunisien. L?exportation des dattes ramène à la Tunisie plus de 60 millions de dollars en devise par an.
Les oasis ont toujours constitué un lieu privilégié de la pratique de l?agriculture à trois étages :
? l?étage supérieur
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/00/22 |
The project territory present in itself arid lowhills and foothills of the Northern Tien Shan spurs with the total area of 70x50km. The base is located in Nura village, and 20 km away from the village in the Boguty mountains. The area is located ( ... )
away to the east from Almaty, and it offers fantastic nesting conditions for a number of predatory birds, however, it is here where the Golden Eagle and the Saker Falcon are mostly threatened. At present, the number of known Golden Eagle nests has reduced two times during the last 10 years, while in 2000 the nestlings flew out of only the half of 15 living nests..
For many centuries the
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-PLN-00-020 |
The Greeen Development Foundation is an NGO based in the Netherlands which received a planning grant from GEF/Small Grants Programme to expolore export potential of Luffa Cylindrica Plant. |