There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/23 |
Enlazar al CND con las organizaciones pivote, para evaluar técnica y contablemente los proyectos que se encuentran vigentes, y proveer de un instrumento validado en campo para el seguimiento y evaluación del Programa.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/99/10 |
This planning grant will be mainly used to collect all the necessary information aiming the preparation of a good and successful project, ensuring broad participation at the same time. Many field trips are foreseen to be carried out at some houses ( ... )
village 'Katund i ri' near Durresi. The main aim is to pick up opinions, ideas from the local community and to discuss with them the use of biogas as an alternative energy source for their domestic needs. Awareness campaigns will be developed with particular attention on the importance and benefits of biogas usage as an energetic mean for domestic
Phase 1
Project Number: PER/98/02 |
Analizar los principales problemas que afectan la diversidad biológica de la zona maritimo terrestre de la Caleta para formular participaivamente un Proyecto que permita revertir las amenazas al ecosistema. |
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-99-02 |
Project development goal:
To increase community participation in management and development of Dieng conservation program, with collaborative effort from other stakeholders within the area.
Project objectives:
1. To identify community?s ( ... )
oward conservation plan as a whole
2. To identify community?s potential economic activities to be develop, to stimulate the alternative source of income with regard to nature conservation effort
3. To increase and strengthen NGOs capacity in developing sound conservation plan with regard to community?s welfare
4. To increase collaboration and strengthen coordination, especially among NGOs
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-08-99 |
OBJECTIVES To recognize and recover the traditional knowledge of the mam ethnic group on the use of native natural resources in 7 communities of Tacaná, San Marcos. This project has been designed to recover the traditional knowledge of a ( ... )
erse rich ecosystem, the uses that the mam ethnic group give to native species, both medicinal and food sources, validate the information collected through participatory processes and interviews with old women and men, communitary leaders, midwives and local promoters, to develop educational materials to preserve this traditional knowledge about biodiversity on younger
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: EG-OP1-13 |
The project will carry out the following activities:
1) Survey of data and information available nationally, regionally, internationally concerning systems, technologies, activities,..
2) Establish an information node equipped with the ( ... )
ary hardware and software.
3) Prepare training material on Climate Change, Biodiversity and International Waters
4) Conduct one training event on Climate change
5) Prepare one project proposal of the Demonstration Project on Climate Change
6) Initiate implementation and follow-up on the demonstration
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/99/08 |
The main aim of the project is to preserve and use in sustainable way the biological diversity
through raising of local community awareness via environmental education on ecotourist values of National Park of Theth. Different actions will be ( ... )
aken in the field, identifying the globally threatened species aiming the improvement of habitats's situation. New NGOs will be established and a good work will be carried out on local community capacity building Strong campaigns will be developed on rising of public awareness and sensibility of local community, wider Albanian public as well as of foreigners on the values and importance of this
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-04-99 |
OBJECTIVES: To provide access to training on methods for cultivating a local endangered species of edible mushrooms, Pleurotus ostreatus, through the implementation of family greenhouses and mycelium reproduction and distribution on native ( ... )
remains. This project will develop a series of workshops to strengthen the three participant organizations, provide specific training on mushroom and forest ecology, cultivation techniques using agricultural wastes and methods of restock natural sources of the species at local natural forests remains. The project also includes a commercialization component to facilitate project
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-10-99 |
OBJECTIVES: To diminish environmental pollution on the Empresa Asociativa Campesina El Carmen Villa Seca environment and related river efluents, through the management of liquid and solid by-products of the coffee agroindustry. This ( ... )
t will allow the Empresa Campesina to build and install of basic infrastructure (decanter, sedimentation ponds, oxygenation ones, a set of filters and artificial waterfalls) in order to diminish chemical demand of oxygen, the official parameter for water pollution, in 80% on the first year of implementation of the project. Additionally the coffee pulp, main solid pollutant will be separated,
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/95/G52/018 |
Réduire les émissions de gaz a effet de serre liées a l'usage du bois de feu dans 7 villages de la s/p de Diabo, par la construction de 400 foyers améliorés, et par la formation a la technique de constructions des foyers améliorés. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: SEN/98/06 |
Le projet se justifie par la nécessité de réduire sensiblement l'abattement des arbres et la production de charbon de bois et de bois de chauffe. Le niveau de déboisement au Sénégal est de 30 000 ha par année, et la production de charbon de ( ... )
st de 330 000 tonnes annuellement.Face aux besoins de plus en plus croissants des populations en combustibles ligneux, il est nécessaire de prendre des mesures de réduction de la consommation en bois d'énergie.Ainsi, il s'agira dans ce projet de chercher à baisser la pression sur les ressources ligneuses par la réduction de la consommpation d'énergie des ménages grâce à:
- la
Phase 1
Project Number: BHU/98/02 |
The project sought to address some of the emerging environmental problems of Trashi Yangtse such as over exploitation of the limited arable land, encroachment of forestland and overgrazing due to rapidly increasing human and cattle population. ( ... )
nd degradation is a major problem in the eastern part of Bhutan. Degradation of land is highly attributed by heavy rainfall, difficult terrain, forest fire, human activities and excessive grazing. There is considerable natural erosion, which is further excerbated by human activities, especially when the soil becomes heavily water logged during monsoon season.
People of Trashi Yangtse has
Viet nam
Phase 1
Project Number: SGP/VN/98/002 |
The project meets the goal of the GEF/SGP by combating land degradation caused by the overuse of chemical fertilizers in 3 pilot communes in Ba Vi District, which are located in the buffer zone of Ba Vi National Park. It promotes the application of ( ... )
c fertilizers, including biofertilizer and compost, in the pursuit of sustainable agriculture development. The project transfers the simple technology for biofertiliser production, using local materials, such as peat and rice husk, and its application to local farmers, targeting ethnic people and women. The combination of biofertiliser and compost application prevents land degradation and
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: PAL/99/02 |
The grant aims at enabling the grantee to get more acquainted with the techniques of the solar pumping for irrigation. Therefore they hired an external consultant to help in this term. Also, the grant helps the PHG to do initial investigation to ( ... )
ine the appropriate location for the project and conduct a primarily consultation with the potential group of
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/99/05 |
In 1995, the Bobirwa Environmental Committee identified deforestation, resulting from the over-exploitation of natural woodlands for fuel, as one of the most serious environmental problems in the Bobirwa subdistrict. Some residents of Bobirwa ( ... )
ted that there were conservation committees that were willing to become more active in addressing the problem, but they needed support.
This project seeks to promote the use and manufacture of fuel efficient stoves for villages severely affected by deforestration resulting from the over-exploitation of natural woodlands for fuel wood. The proposed project will be implemented in the Bobirwa
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/95/G52/012 |
The project objective is to contribute to protect the local environment by helping women of Komborodougou and of 4 other surrounding villages to improve the energetical efficiency and promote the alternative energies.
This objective will be ( ... )
pped through:
- the construction of 200 concrete mobile improved stoves in the subprefecture and its surroundings,
- the contruction of a 10m3 biogas digestor for the Public Primary School 1 of
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/95/G52/010 |
Smoked fish represents a flourishing activity for women living in Attécoubé (a commune of Abidjan) and Yopougon Kouté (a village located on the bank of the lagoon), and generally in Côte d'Ivoire. It is an activity which also requires a lot of ( ... )
od leading to the emission of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
The project of promotion of improved ovens? technology will contribute to reduce the greenhouse gas, and promote the use of the thrifty energy technologies, at a small scale level although it is a community
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/99/14 |
At present the genetic base on which crop farming takes place in Botswana is increasingly being eroded by mono cropping, the use of single 'modern' vareities, etc., making it more prone to the ravages of droughts and generally making it ( ... )
ainable (both environmentally and economically) to be engaged in crop farming. However crop farming is often the only economic activity left for the poorest section of the population.
Since its inception Permaculture Trust of Botswana has recognised the erosion of the genetic base on which crop farming takes place and has put efforts in gaining experience to set up a community based seed
Phase 1
Project Number: PER/98/05 |
El Proyecto se ubica en la zona de amortiguamiento de la Zona Reservada de Batán Grande, donde los comuneros han deforestado grandes extensiones de bosque seco y consecuentemente su calidad de vida se ha deteriorado. El proyecto pretende promover ( ... )
s de vida sostenible basado en la capacitación de la comunidad a través de los promotores campesinos que manejan módulos productivos (pecuarios, apicultura y vinomiel). Los promotores campesinos capacitados difunden las técnicas de manejo hacia otros sectores de Jayanca. Contempla también obras complementarias como cocinas mejoradas para disminuir el consumo de lena y mejorar las condiciones
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/02p |