There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/99/G03 |
Activities intended to assist potential grantees in formulating detailed proposals. Researchers from selectedR & D institute paid visit to proposed project location, for fact-finding, assessment of community capacity and providing other related ( ... )
ance which would make concept papers most responsive to
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/98/05 |
The three-days GEF/SGP Stakeholder workshop is intended as a catalytic training and capacity-building activity designed to foster the development of country "teams" who experience themselves as responsible for the successful implementation of the ( ... )
P. While the workshop will focus principally on the specific work of the GEF/SGP, it will also build capacity in dealing with issues of sustainable livelihoods and the environment, including:
O Fostering broader awareness and understanding of the linkages between local environment and livelihood concerns and the GEF focal areas;
O Building capacity in small scale project development and
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/98/03 |
Main Objective of the project is to raise environmental awareness at several schools in the cities of Shkodra and Lezha. The project would serve as a tool to exchange local experiences for the creation and protection of green areas in schools. The ( ... )
t would occur in two elementary schools in Shkodra and two others in Lezha. Under this project, about 240 young trees would be planted in the territories of the elementary schools (60 trees at each school). Workshops, seminars and small competitions would occur in the two cities, and a leaflet would be prepared under the
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/98/G52/05 |
This project was initiated in Gwalek Village Development Committee (VDC) of Baitadi district in December 1999. The district lies in the remote Far-western Region of the country. Gwalek, ?the major watershed? of the district headquarters and ( ... )
nt settlements in the area is facing tremendous resource degradation and that has led to disturbances in the mountain watershed ecosystem. The project is initiating activities to reduce the high pressure of exploitation of watershed resources through social mobilisation approach. One of the best alternatives to minimise the pressure is to efficiently manage the demands of the natural resources
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-JOR-98-G52-05 |
The campsite is located in Al Azraq basin area, an important wetland close to the Saudi borders. This part of the Badia region hosts several important historical and archaeological sites. The project will serve as a demonstration in desert ( ... )
urism by promoting astronomical tourism. It will also serve as a research station for range land development and renewable energy applications in a hyper-arid zone to benefit the local community. The Badia Research and Development Programme and the National Energy Research Center are providing technical assistance and support to the
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/99/001 |
Características biofísicas de la zona:
Altitud: 1200 msnm
Formación ecológica: bosque húmedo ? Pre-Montano
Area de intervención:
1500 has.
Recurso manejado:
En el cantón Pangua la vegetación natural ha sido reducida ( ... )
mente a manchas, manteniéndose ésta en zonas con mayor dificultad de acceso por la topografía. Se encuentran aproximadamente unas 1500 has. de bosque húmedo tropical en la parte norte de la comunidad Jesús del Gran Poder.
La pobreza que viven estas comunidades y la falta de alternativas económicas ha llevado a una creciente sobreexplotación del bosque primario, se producen acelerados
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: EG-OP1-15 |
1-site visits to project locations
2- interviews and meeting with differant stakeholders
3- assesment and audits for the projects under implementation in cooperation with stakeholders
4- provision of recdommendations, guidance and advice to ( ... )
me impediments of administrative, mangment and tichnical nature
5- providing specialized technical expertise to overcome specific tichnical problems facing NGOs in implementing the projects
6- follow up on the site with the NGOs to streamline thier activites.
7- prducing the documentation manuals and reports for the projects in both Arabic and English languages.
8-preparing and conducting the
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/98/02 |
The main aim of the project is serving as a pilot project to restore an area of degraded forest, and demonstrate a development in harmony with nature. The conservation site is close to Prespa lake. Community participation would be ensured. Several ( ... )
rs, workshops, TV emissions, and competitions with local people are scheduled to hold under this project.
At least four hectares of degraded forest will be surrounded by hedge. This site would face forestry techniques to ensure protection and return it to natural condition. School children would be encouraged to visit the protected site, and general ecological and conservation issues would be
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-01-99 |
OBJECTIVES 1)To facilitate contractual procedures for services and goods needed to implement training and evaluation field visits of the SGP NSC. 2)To provide training and experience exchange workshops at a regional level for SGP stakeholder ( ... )
ations. 3)To facilitate contracting services for specific technical advice and institutional strengthening for SGP project implementing NGO?s. 4)To facilitate contracting services for the establishment of the Program?s project monitoring and its respective database for all implemented projects, and the adequation of language for low academic level stakeholders of the monitoring and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/99/01 |
The project seeks to gradually but drastically reduce fuelwood consumption in North Trashigang. The project is based on the fact the local people can be made aware on their environmental problems and its adverse consequences, and take timely action ( ... )
ress these problems through joint community efforts.
The project involved local community in launching this effort to reduce the use of fuel wood in institutional cooking. The five sites, including a nunnery, have been successful and the demonstration of this technology by religious institution seems to be particularly effective. According to the project evaluation carried out by the Royal
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-JOR-98-G52-04 |
The project aims at conserving biodiversity in the decreasing forest areas in Jordan in a significant forest ecosystem threatened by degradation. It also aims at introducing sustainable land use practicies that contribute to biodiversity protection ( ... )
itively affect the economic and social situation of the local population in the Wadi Ragib watershed area. The Watershed Mangement Project/GTZ is providing technical assistance to this
Phase 1
Project Number: BHU/98/01 |
This project sought to promote conservation of Phobjikha habitat, generally, and the Black-Necked Cranes (BNC), in particular through increased community participation on decision making that considered both the economic needs of the local people ( ... )
e conservation of the BNC and development of community managed eco-tourism.
Inorder to acheive the above mentioned broad objectives, the project has initiated various activities through the active participation of the local communities for effective management of the project. with the introduction done by SGP the following components has been developed for the sustainability of the
Trinidad and tobago
Phase 1
Project Number: TRI/95/G52/2101/011 |
Update inventory of local orchid species and establish electronic database compatible with proposed national biodiversity database
The project addresses the preparation of an inventory of orchid species held in public and private collections as ( ... )
in their natural habitat in Trinidad and Tobago, including identification and description of each species, photographic records and geographic location indicators. The inventory will be available in electronic format on the Society?s website at and will be integrated into the national biodiversity clearing house at:
Grant funds would
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-PLN-99-002 |
Feasibility study on cultivation of Luffa Cylindrica for export purposes |
Phase 1
Project Number: PER/98/06 |
Los beneficios ambientales gloales de los humedales son poco conocidos por las poblaciones locales quienes generalmente los consideran perjudicial para su salud y apoyan medidas para secarlos. El Proyecto está oreintado a promover la participación ( ... )
omunidad de Chimbote para conservarlos y difundir la importancia para las aves migratorias, los beneficios recreativos que brindan a la colectividad, entre otros. También cuenta con actividades de
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/99/01 |
Planning grant to prepare project for supporting protection of Natural resources through co-management of the proposed Mayflower Bocawina National Park. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: EG-OP1-14 |
The project will carry out the following activities:
1) Conduct two training events on Biodiversity & International Waters
2) Prepare project proposals of the two Demonstration Projects
3) Initiate implementation and follow-up on the ( ... )
tration projects
4) prepare training materials
5) establish a data bank and information system that would make avaliable national, regional and international data and information (conventions, systems, technologies, experties, activities, etc.)
6) survey of data and information avalible nationally, regionally, internationally concerning systems, technologies,
Phase 1
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP1/99/UP05 |
The project is concerned to increase the community participation in the process of scientific management of common lands through assisting the village communities to organise themselves, to manage forests and to use the natural resources in a ( ... )
nable manner. It aimed to assist herb growers with technical skills for growing, processing and marketing culinary herbs, in order to make it a viable income option for farmers in the hills and organise village communities to take decisions, by consensus or majority, to protect and regulate the use of common land.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-12-99 |
OBJECTIVES To provide training and facilitate the use of native endangered and non endangered species of trees and annual crops and establish an agroforestry system that includes soil conservation techniques. This project will provide ( ... )
ng to 27 stakeholders on native species rescue and sustainable use, mainly the tree endangered species Guatemalan fir, canaque, white pine and endangered species of annual crops, as "isiche" beans and native pumpkins. After training they will establish a tree nursery and the agroforestry system using the above mentioned
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/99/030 |