There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G14 |
Rice is an economically important crop for the Thai population and the country. At present, the area for paddy plantation is reduced while the demand for consumption and export are increasing.Effort to identify processes to increase yield and ( ... )
e the quality of rice are being carried out earnestly.
Rice farming communities in the basin of Park Phanang River and Songkhla Lagoon comprises the areas in Tha Sala District, Park Phanang District,Chianyai District,Hua Sai District,Cha-Uad District and Chulabhon District of Nakhornsithammarat Province. To the west of the Lagoon are the areas of Kuan Khanoon District, Muang District,Pa
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G11 |
Rice is an economically important crop for the Thai population and the country. At present, the area for paddy plantation is reduced while the demand for consumption and export are increasing. Effort to identify processes to increase yield and ( ... )
e the quality of rice are being carried out earnestly.
Rice farming communities in the basin of Park Phanang River and Songkhla Lagoon comprises the areas in Tha Sala District, Park Phanang District,Chianyai District,Hua Sai District,Cha-Uad District and Chulabhon District of Nakhornsithammarat Province. To the west of the Lagoon are the areas of Kuan Khanoon District, Muang District,Pa
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-JOR-95-G52-15 |
This project is a repetition of the Deir alla women group IPM project and was inititated after the women group in Mafraq attended training activities in Deir alla. the project is also assisted technically by GTZ. The agricultural situation in ( ... )
and the socio-ecomic situation of women in this area are different from those in the Jordan Valley and prompted the use of different
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/98/02 |
This project will be executed by extractivist communities in the municipalities of Santarém (280,000 inhabitants, 40% of which in rural areas), and Belterra (15,000 inhabitants, 60% of which in rural areas). Both municipalities cover an area of ( ... )
8 square kilometers. The rural population, target of this project, lives mostly on the banks of rivers in approximately 800 communities. These are traditional communities, mostly descendants of indigenous and white people miscegenation. Their production is solely for subsistence. Solar energy alternatives will be tested and applied in these communities for minimized environmental impacts and its
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G13 |
The sea is considered to be a final source of food for human beings. However at present, the natural resources which are provided by the sea have been exploited carelessly resulting in the unavoidable degradation. In addition, the course of nature ( ... )
ntributed to the degradation of itself. For example, the typhoon devastates the coastal natural resources and made the rehabilitation extremely difficult. As a consequence, the country and its population are suffering this degradation both directly and indirectly.
It is evident that the coral, mangrove forest, seaweed, plankton, sea-grass are major constituents of the marine eco-system. They
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/97/23 |
Projet de production de plants et de reboisement soutenu par le maraichage.
- Installer une pépiniere avec une capacité de 3000 plants par campagne afin de produire surtout les essences locales et certaines essences exotiques pour ( ... )
itiatives de reboisement des populations.
- Faire la production maraîchere sur 1 ha afin d'avoir des revenus pour l'association ;
- Sensibiliser les populations 1500 habitants sur la nécessité de reboiser
Activites :
- Reboisement collectif et individuel ;
- Sensibilisation et Mobilisation.
Resultats Attendus:
- 3000 plants par campagne reboisée
- Faire face aux charges de
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-01-98 |
1)To provide means to recover native orchard species while at the same time provide diversification of production of vegetables.2)To provide training for stakeholders on sustainable practices of soil conservation and organic ( ... )
g practices and strengthening organization's support to participants. /This project includes the creation and maintenance of a series of orchards with native species of vegetables that will provide access to the participants to seeds and plants for the production of organic fertilizers and pest controls. A series of workshops will be conducted to give access to participants to this new
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-13-98 |
To provide training to trainers on permacultural and organic farming activities for 5 communities on the southern slopes of Sololá volcanoes. This project will develop a series of workshops to train trainers of stakeholders, mainly women, on ( ... )
c farming, soil conservation and local and or endemic medicinal plants agricultural practices, as part of agroforestry subsistence plots. The region in which will be developed is considered one of the most biodiverse parts of the South West region of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: TAN/98/03 |
- To electrify a youth centre by using a photovoltaic system
- To promote the use of solar energy in rural areas by demonstrating the application of photovoltaic systems for power generation.
- To contribute to global efforts on improving the ( ... )
nment by reducing the use of biomass fuels and switch to zero carbon renewable energy sources
-To equip youth with skills in the installation, operations and servicing of photovoltaic system
-To strengthen the institutional capacity of the youth centre by proving reliable power for training and other activities at the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: TAN/98/04 |
- The main objective is to popularize the use of solar energy by demonstrating the application of photovoltaic systems as an alternative source of energy in rural area.
- To electrify the Scout camp by using a photovoltaic system
- To strengthen ( ... )
stitutional capacity of the scout camp by providing reliable power which is vital for vocational training activities carried out almost continuously at the scouts camp. Also to equip the scouts with skills in the installation, operation and servicing of photovoltaic
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G15 |
Phou Pha Khao ( or Pha Khao Mountain) is situated in the area of Phou Kradung and Pha Khao District. It is an origin of streams that form Lam Nam Phuay and Lam Nam Phong whcih drain into the Mekhong River. The total area is approximately 1,300 ha ( ... )
habited by 6 small villages. Because of the geographical limitation ,the majority of population are planting rice for daily subsistence only while the main agricultural products are other cash crops. However, this agricultural practice is not providing subsistence due to inadequate planting area. Some families do not have any farming land at all. The migration into big towns is very
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-17-97 |
Training on improved methods for resination and basic forestry skills for native pine forests conservation.
Objectives: To provide a means to recover native pine species that are being used for resination with non-sustainable methods.2)To ( ... )
e training for stakeholders on sustainable practices of resination and basic equipment for using new methods and strengthening organization?s support to participants. /This project includes the creation and maintenance of a tree nursery to provide access to participants to trees of native pine species for reforestation purposes. A series of workshops will be conducted to make a participatory
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BOL/15/99 |
Con el proyecto se elaboró un Plan de Ordenamiento Predial (POP), que clasificó los suelos por su capacidad de uso, en un 46% para la producción forestal, un 34% como bosques de protección, 12% para cultivos perennes y 8% para cultivos en ( ... )
. Este modelo demostrativo, a parte de generar un efecto multiplicador en las comunidades de la zona del Chapare, aporta un impacto positivo en la formación de técnicos forestales. Finalmente este modelo promete generar ingresos y empleos que permitiran validar esta alternativa económica que puede ser aplicada exitosamente a nivel de los bosques
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BOL/20/99 |
El plan de manejo de la microcuenca ha sentado las bases de un ordenamiento y adecuación del uso de la tierra respecto a la sostenibilidad de los subsistemas agropecuarios tradicionales y la diversificación productiva propia del potencial forestal ( ... )
aprovechamiento de recursos maderables, no maderables y eco-etnoturísticos aportan un modelo de desarrollo sostenible quizá valido para todas las cabeceras de cuenca del ramal oriental de la cordillera de Los
Phase 1
Project Number: CHI/98/01 |
El borde costero de la VIII Región posee un interesante y bello paisaje natural provsito de bellas playas y sectores donde aún se conservan relictos de bosque nativo, en esta a áreas están presentes comunidades lafquenches que susbsisten por ( ... )
ltura de consumo y pesca artesanal. La formulación de un plan maestro para el turismo de bordemar que ordene y oriente el desarrollo de las actividades turísticas, y elaboración de un Plan de manejo de los recursos costeros permitirá a estas comunidades incursionar en nuevas eperiencias para abrir puertas y generar a partir de la conservación ingresoso para las familias y por ende una mejor
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-JOR-95-G52-10 |
The grant was used to help proponent organize several structured meetings to involve its member NGOs in identifying their needs and include them into a project proposal to be submitted for SGP funding. |
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/97/18 |
To develop a management plan for reducing the incidence of bear baiting and train Qalanders in alternate professions.
The major activities of the project included:
Collect available published and unpublished information on all aspects of bear ( ... )
of Pakistan.
Convene a meeting of organizations concerned with conservation of bear and its ecosystem to finalize the strategy for development of management plan,
Ascertain bear baiting events arranged at various places in the country.
Survey the socioeconomic and other factors responsible for continuity of captive bears and bear dancing.
Ascertain views of the active participants
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/97/09 |
To develop project proposal for sustainable land use planning in Thar desert. Activities for developing a proposal will be to review the project documentation and to produce the report on particular issues, under focus of each consultant, with close ( ... )
operation. To visit TRDP Mithi office and meet with all programme staff and facilitate participatory exercise with them and to visit community organizations in programme area and discuss with them the proposal contents.
The project is to be located in 120 Revenue Villages around Islamkot and Chacro in Thar. The project goals are to improve quality of life of Thari men, women and children by
Phase 1
Project Number: KAZ/97/08 |
Providing national NGOs with a forum to become officially registered, according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
This planning grant also 1) enhances the degree and the quality of community and stakeholder participation in the ( ... )
t design and development, 2) provides the grantee with access to relevant scientific and technical expertise to ensure that the project has a sound scientific and technical foundation, 3) provides access to technical assistance in sound project design and
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: KAZ/97/06 |
Providing national NGOs with a forum to become officially registered, according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
This planning grant also 1) enhances the degree and the quality of community and stakeholder participation in the ( ... )
t design and development, 2) provides the grantee with access to relevant scientific and technical expertise to ensure that the project has a sound scientific and technical foundation, 3) provides access to technical assistance in sound project design and