There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/12 |
Obtener especies de mariposas peninsulares para investigar la información referente a cada ejemplar obtenido, elaborando una réplica de cada ejemplar en papel mache, respetando tamaño, forma y color de cada especie, para su investigación y ( ... )
ón de la importancia que tiene en el medio ambiente y su conservación, así como la venta de las
Papua new guinea
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/98/10 |
The project was awarded US$2,808.33 by the SGP to furthe conduct a bird and leathe back turtle survey at the Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, a national asset assisted and support by the NGO, Village Development Trust and other stakeholders. ( ... )
e survey would establish baseline data for more awarenes and research work by both national and international research institutions. The project will enable another door to be opened for the villagers who gave their land for conservation to benefit both economically and environmentally.
Further to thje biodata collected, the Leather back turtle was funded and supported by the SGP and other
Phase 1
Project Number: UGA/95/G52/001 |
Community Eco-tourism project (interpretive canoe rides through one of Uganda?s extensive papyrus wetland systems). Promoting an intergrative management process for sustainable community development and biodiversity conservation. The project is ( ... )
d by Katonga Wetlands Conservation Association a local CBO in the Central Western part of Uganda. The area has one of the richest collections of Wildlife such as the rare sitatunga, elephants and water-buck and various Bird species. The reserve is in a semi-arid area with a predominantly cattle keeping community.
Poaching, overgrazing, acaricide pollution, brick making and sustainable resource
Sri lanka
Phase 1
Project Number: SRL/95/G52/018 |
The project location is the Mahaweli C Zone, falling under 4 DS Divisions, comprising 19 villages.
Excessive use of agro-chemicals, deforestation, improper land use methods like chena cultivation for example, have contributed to the ( ... )
ation of the land.
Objectives, activities
Introduction of environmental conservation methods such as soil conservation, production of organic fertilizer, organic farming, management of livestock, use of hay for paddy cultivation, herbal gardens, plant nurseries, minimize the use of agro chemicals and promote usage of organic fertilizers as alternatives
Awareness programmes for school
Phase 1
Project Number: KEN-GEF-98-004 |
Support the production of the Wildlife Clubs of Kenya KOMBA magazine which covers wildlife/biodiversity topics and is distributed to all member schools in Kenya. Pupils will have the possibility to learn more about different environmental issues. ( ... )
funds were also used to rehabilitate a training facility for the Wild Life Clubs of Kenya in the Lake Nakuru National Park. Members and non-memebers will be able to use the facility observing wildlife in the Nakuru Park.
Phase 1
Project Number: BZE/98/03 |
Planning grant to develop a proposal that will establish a proper management system for the entire National Park. |
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G10 |
The Banthad Range is the major waterhed area supplying water to water bodies in 4 surrounding provinces and the Songkhla Lagoon.The original area was about 144,000 ha 30 years ago and reduced to 112,000 ha at present. Of this present figure, about ( ... )
ha is in Pattalung Province.
It become evident that the Songkhla Lagoon become shallow at an average depth of 1 m. and the quality of the water was degraded. This seems to be the result of the unscrupulous utilization of land area and natural resources in the range.There have been a big demand for land for agriculture and subsequently chemical sustance to raise the yields. Also, the
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-17.98-N |
The project aims to discuss/disseminate environment principles, programs and social development and a research and development for a continuing effort to give endless possibilities in formulating the program content.
Site visit will also be made ( ... )
munity-based projects through collaborative efforts.
Radio program for the dissemination and popularization of experiences and models of environment program and technologies. Content of program included proposals on alternative solutions to critical environmental
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/98/05 |
The municipality of Porto Nacional, state of Tocantins, has a population of approximately 45,000. Most of these people live precariously, with ubiquitous illnesses and widespread malnourishment. These problems will be addressed by this project, ( ... )
will implement a living pharmacy and provide nutritional orientation. This will improve the quality of life in the poor community, as well as rescue traditional medicinal knowledge for use of medicinal plants and nutrition. Monitors will be trained to replicate the initiative in different areas, and constant interchange with similar projects will be maintained. Community gardens will be
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: EG-OP1-05 |
1. To protect the environment through minimize the negative impacts from using traditional methods and energy sources.
2. To remove the barriers and facilitate the use of new & renewable energy and reduce the cost of the units for the ( ... )
3. Installing 60 units of solar heater and 40 units of house combust in poor areas of Menia.
4. To raise the environmental awareness of the local community in the target area.
5.To provide the necessary technicians to ensure sustainability of the project.
6.To encourage local community to utilize renewable
Trinidad and tobago
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: TRI/95/G52/2101/006 |
The Green Waste Recycling Organisation approached the GEF/SGP for grant assistance to purchase a truck to meet the high transport needs and thus ensure the continuation and viability of recycling of glass and plastic bottles. As a result of ( ... )
sions and site visits with the GEF/SGP NC and NSC representative, the organisation was encouraged to consider the approach of using financial assistance to the project to lease transport to continue and upgrade their activities for four months. Towards this end the CBO will be assisted in the formulation of a business plan for the first year of operation based on an assessment of the first three
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: UGA/95/G52/004 |
The project is a two-year project implemented by Luzira group of Prisoners lying adjacent to Port Bell Pier, the main inlet to Uganda on Lake Victoria. Extensive amounts of water hyacinth clog the pier & the landing site hampering local transport, ( ... )
g and navigation. The weed was a threat to the lake and the biodiversity therein as well as the livelihood of the people that depend on it. The project has demonstrated that prisoners can sustainably control the water hyacinth through utilisation of water hyacinth to produce furniture, baskets and mats. In addition prisoners are trained in art & crafts skills providing them with direct welfare
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-03-98 |
To provide options to avoid the pollution of the Lake Atitlán watershed due to inorganic garbage and provide options for local people's management of this kind of garbage through training and recycling practices that generate direct income. ( ... )
project will build a recycling center at the village of Panajachel, which is an important tourist center on the Lake Atitlán protected area. Local people will be trained on recycling activities as an income generation option, and garbage will be sold to recycling companies. A collection system will be designed and implemented on
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/98/001 |
Características socio económicas de la población:
La Fundación Molleturo es propietaria del Bosque Sural, sitio en el que se ejecuta directamente el proyecto. En las áreas aledañas al bosque, la actividad económica principal es la ( ... )
ría, la misma que se maneja en forma tradicional con promedios de producción entre 2 y 3 litros por vaca/día; esta situación a obligado a los propietarios de la zona a ir incrementando la frontera agrícola y a su vez propiciar la tala indiscriminada de los remanentes boscosos existentes en la zona.
Area intervenida:
67 has.
Recurso manejado:
El bosque Sural, se encuentra
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BOL/06/99 |
En una de las regiones más áridas del altiplano sur a una altura cercana a los 4 mil metros, la existencia de bosques y asociaciones de especies leñosas se encuentran fuertemente devastadas por el proceso histórico de demanda energética minera, ( ... )
rrilera, industrial y doméstica.
Sin embargo los espacios territoriales de las comunidades originarias del distrito de Turco, poseen recuros y sistemas de gestión de relictos de bosque de alta montaña como la keñua e inmensas extenciones de tholares que continuan proporcionando beneficios a los pobladores y constituyen un delicado recurso renovable que requiere procesos de planificación
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF INS/YBUL/97-048 |
Project goal:
To increase conservation effort and awareness of the visitors to Ujung Kulon National Parks through well educated and trained porters in conservation activities as mediator.
Project objective :
1. To train porters in ( ... )
tanding better guiding practices in conservation efforts and activities which in turn they will transfer it to the visitors of the national park;
2. To broaden the basic nature conservation knowledge of the porters which could be seen as potential entry point in implementing the concept;
3. To increase the participate of the porters in implementing nature conservation concepts and
Phase 1
Project Number: KAZ/97/05 |
In the south of Kazakhstan a unique object, the National Aksu-Dzhabagly Reserve, is located. It has a significant value for conservation of the Kazakhstan nature, and also takes important place in the international system of protected natural ( ... )
ories, it's widely known to the world community. The area close-fitting to the Reserve has also a great value on biological diversity of Western Tien-Shan region because the territory of neighboring reserve ?Aksu-Dzhabagly? doesn?t fully protect the specific character of regional flora and fauna. For instance, the whole zone of foothill ephemeral semi-desert (which remained beyond the boundaries
Phase 1
Project Number: INS95/G52/0043 |
Project goal:
Demoplot establishment for medical plants cultivation and gene-plasma collection garden
Project objective :
1. To establish a demoplot site as a pilot to conserve rare medical plants;
2. To establish a gene-plasma ( ... )
tion as a conservation effort;
3. To cultivate and preserve medical plants;
4. To distribute the seeds and saplings of medical plants to the community;
5. To plant community yards with a useful plantations.
Activities to be carried out under the project :
1. Preparation.
a) Introduction of the activities to the community;
b) Land preparation;
c) Seedlings and saplings
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G01 |
Mekhong river is an international water originating in the Himalaya Range and flowing through six countries: China, Myanmar, Lao P.D.R.,Thailand , Cambodia and Vietnam. More than 200 million people directly depend upon the river for their ( ... )
.Especially,the river has been a prime source for fishes. At present, the river is under the verge of being depleted due to the degradation of watershed areas, over-fishing and development projects on the river basins.These has eventually affected the ecosystems of the river and consequently the livelihood of the people who depend upon the fishes and other resources in the river.
Giant catfish
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/98/G05 |
A joint effort between highland and lowland people to conserve the watershed area of the Mekhong River by building capacity of target population , demonstrating an appraoch for collective conservation between lowland and highland population and ( ... )
ing campaigns among youths in the two types of