There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: SUR/04/04 |
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GHA/05/080 |
The project addresses problems in climate change and biodiversity conservation and land degradation and desertification control focal area of the Global Environment Facility. The project area is within the dry semi arid zone. The project seeks to ( ... )
e sustainable management and utilization of savannah resources for wealth creation and improvement of the health of the people. The main project activities are
1. Awareness and capacity of women for sustainable environmental resource management in Akuapem North developed. The expected activities to achieve this outcome are
a) Hold quarterly environmental durbars with Chiefs, Queen mothers
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: TUR-05-07 |
The project is building on the achievements of TUR-03-15.
Lake Van, with its salty and carbonated waters and unique biodiversity, is one of the most interesting ecosystems in the world. Its highly carbonated water (pH 9.8) makes ( ... )
vironment unsuitable to live for animals of higher order, therefore no fresh water or marine fish species with the exception of Pearl Mullet (Chalcalburnus tarichi), is able to survive in the lake. The pearl mullet is a member of the cyprinidae family, leaves the lake for reproducing in rivers in the spring. Hunting of the fish is usually done during the reproduction migration in May and June.
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GHA/05/087 |
The Karugbunto, Bulampuso, Jangbarigape, Biboposo (No.1) Biboposo (No.2) and Gandalsipe areas of the Gonjaland are deprived in terms of social and technical infrastructure. Children in the area only have access to primary education. The few children ( ... )
some basic education often drop out as their parents are not able to afford transport to continue their education.
The area experiences erratic rainfall pattern which affects food production in the area rendering the area vulnerable and prone to draught and hunger. When the farms fail in any given year, the fastest available remedy for the farmers is the cutting of trees for fuel wood and
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/05/02 |
Bovilla artificial lake is responsible for providing approximately 50% of the drinking water supply for the capital town of Albanian with a population that is quickly approaching the 500,000 thousand inhabitants. The area has been in the focus of ( ... )
public debate regarding the need for protecting this strategic water reserve from anthropogenic pollution and land degradation as the result of overgrazing and forest cutting.
The solution to this problem is to be found in a series of preventive and corrective actions that involve local communities. Land tenure transfer from State forest to Communal forest, demonstration and testing of
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MAL/05/FP-2-50 |
Activities to strengthen and improve the knowledge, capacity and management skills required for promoting ecological sustainability including organic farming, value added food processing and ecotourism to maintain the community's biosphere and ( ... )
l resources while at the same time provide a source of sustainable livelihood for the families and the local community in the 3 project
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ROM/05/20 |
This planning grant is designed to prepare a full project. The present project consists of meetings of the project partners to establish the corresponding roles and the project baseline, social research, stakeholders identification and meetings ( ... )
he communitites.
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ROM/05/11 |
The project aims at ensuring the conservation of the natural inheritance from the ?Tur River? Natural Reserve, through the designation of the site as a ?Natura 2000? one, through setting a biodegradable waste management system with community ( ... )
ipation to reduce the discharge of organic substances and nutrients in wetlands, and by promoting eco-tourism as an income-generating activity for the local communities, supported by the achievement of a cycling route.
Phase 2
Project Number: ROM/05/10 |
The planning grant will be used for the establishment of the project?s baseline and for participative planning of the project. The activities consist of: achievement of a waste management study in the reservation?s surrounding localities; ( ... )
fication of land owners in the reservation; organization of a participative planning workshop with representatives of local authorities, schools, land owners.
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: UGA/05/46 |
Improving sustainable natural resource management is a project that was concieved by BECA through a participatory process. It is designed to apply collaborative management techniques in the promotion of its activities.
The project area is an ( ... )
e between Kalinzu forest, Kasyoha Kitomi forest, Maramagambo forests and Queen Elizabeth National Park. The landscape is hilly and punctuated with numerous crater lakes. BECA is a community based organisation spearheading rural based innovative environmental management initiatives in Bunyaruguru County.
The project aims at promoting sustainable organic farming practices in the area so as to
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/04/07 |
The project aims to build capacity of the three community primary schools, built by the commnunities themselves by installation of fuel wood efficient stoves who has the capacity of feeding with 72, 70 and 24 students in all. These schools are from ( ... )
ote areas of the District. As in most parts of rural Bhutan, the local people are poor farmers who are mostly dependent on the natural resources around them. Due to this human and cattle encroachment on local biological resources, forest is depleting due to consumption of firewood and felling of forest trees for various other purposes.
The World Food Programme (WFP) provides day meal for
Viet nam
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: VN/04/013 |
Dendrocalamus Membranaceus Munro is an indigenous bamboo, which has long been used as materials for construction and for paper industry. Thanh Hoa province has the largest area of this indigenous bamboo in Viet Nam and has great potential in ( ... )
ng a highly economic and specialized bamboo growing area. This indigenous bamboo provides the main source of income for people in the central mountainous area of Thanh Hoa. In 2004, the Government decided to build a Paper Company in Chau Loc, Hau Loc, Thanh Hoa with the capacity of 60,000 tonnes/year. The Company has planned to plant 70,000 ha of this indigenous bamboo, of which most of the area
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BOT/05/11 |
Land in Nlapkhwane village is degraded, rendering some parts unproductive due to the presence of dongas and gullies. The area has also lost its scenic and natural beauty. The gullies and dongas continue to develop to such an extent that they are ( ... )
nvading the homesteads. There is an urgent need to rehabilitate the land, and control further development of such. The community has an interest of actively engaging in finding solutions to the degradation through dialogue and involvement of government extension agents who have expertise to impart skills to them for such.
The Nlapkhwane Public Advisory Committee in conjuction with the
Phase 2
Project Number: Nam-04-07 |
The goal of the project is to protect the globally significant biodiversity in Warmbad and the //Gamaseb conservancy , a portion of the Nama Karoo biome. The proponent will establish a community-based biodiversity protection system in partnership ( ... )
ey stakeholders to protect the areas biodiversity. Suitable indegenous plants will be domesticated to produce food, herbs and medicine in a garden. Knowledgeable local residents will be involved in identifying and collecting species, thus ethno-botanical research will be encouraged and supported.
This project will take place in the south-eastern parts of the Karas Region, including Warmbad,
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/04/07 |
The Tinjure-Milke Jaljale (TMJ) area is situated at the confluence of three district-Tehrathum, Sankuwashabha and Taplejung in the eastern hilly region of Nepal and comprises a vast area of 558 Sq Km. The TMJ ridge runs between the Arun and Tamor ( ... )
valley and join to the main chain of the greater Himalaya in the north and north-east. A small glacier is also located on the north side of the main ridge.
TMJ provides a natural niche for dozens of Rhododendron species-mixed to pure stands of over 25 species. Further more, the TMJ serves as the corridor that connect Kanchanjunga Conservation Area and Makalu Barun National Park, Makalu Barun
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: Nam-05-01 |
The project aims to support the further development of the newly created Ovitoto Conservancy, through: identifying and developing land management strategies that provide for sustainable grazing practices and use of tree resources for cooking, ( ... )
ng and other uses; protection of key watersheds and access to natural water sources; reduction of erosion; identification of areas of biodiversity importance and the implementation of plans for their protection and possible limited tourist access; evaluation and piloting of alternative technologies that reduce the reliance on natural resources; and investigate ecologially sustainable income
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: WSM/OP3/01/05/10 |
The project in Taga Village would complement the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment efforts to focus on addiing other sustainable agriclture or income generating activities to the project. The village other main resource which needs ( ... )
tion is its freshwater pool, with water source emanating from the surrounding caves, which also holds the freshwater for drinking. The freshwater pool is currently used by the villagers for bathing, although the drinking source is presently not suitable for consumption because of the high level of ecoli. The water resource currently has poor water circulation and drainage with minimal input. The
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MON/05/18 |
The southern half of Tuv province is a dry steppe area with some mountain hills in the north with slowly decreasing water resources. Many springs have dried up completely mostly due to climate change effects over the last 10-15 years. The "Green ( ... )
NGO has successfully implemented the Bayanbulag community dam project to reduce pastureland degradation and increase water supply for local people, livestock, flora and fauna as well. The local government of Sergelen sum and some individual citizens have requested to construct more dams for their survival, while appreciating the Bayanbulag community dam. At the request of local communities, the
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/04/21 |
Fortalecimiento de las capacidades locales con el entrenamiento de mecanicos en reparación de motores ecologicos. Establecimiento de una refaccionaria local |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/06 |
Reducir el consumo de leña domiciliaria por efectos del cocinar y del calentar , utilizando hornos solares y cocinas brujas y de esta manera mejorar la calidad de vida de la comunidad de las Vizcachas. |