There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BAR/OP3/YEAR1/05/05 |
The Grenadines Islands, which are administratively divided between St. Vincent and Grenada, are noted for their beautiful scenery, spectacular beaches and diverse marine habitats that include coral reefs, mangroves and seabird colonies. ( ... )
-based activities are the mainstay of the economy of the area and as a result they are major competing marine resource users.
Water taxis are primary users of the sea in a variety of ways. They operate small, open, outboard powered boats. throughout the Grenadine Islands and are an important and integral component of sustainable livelihoods and social life there. They provide transport between
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: PAL/05/73 |
The project will focus on providing training on solving emerging problems of traditional energy production and consumption as well as the efficient utilization of renewable energy as a sustainable source of energy. At the end of the training the ( ... )
ed youth will be able to produce creative models to materialize the solutions.
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: NEP/05/07 |
The project has been awarded to meet the gaps identified by CBR project (NEP/02/10). The project has been successful in maintaining community biodiversity record of 447 species/ varieties with the introduction of innovative diversity fair method and ( ... )
ll methods. The project aimed to address the gap identified by the project which includes mainstraming the poor, indigenous community and socially excluded farming communites into the programme and wider dissemination of good practices of CBR project to concerned stakeholders and support national legislation process on CBR are the major gaps of the
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GUA/05/09 |
The project is about structures for conservation of 6.4 has of soil in the border of the Suchiate river with live barriers for diminish the washing of the soil to the river; this live barriers are with grass.
In this 6.4 has, too, will work with ( ... )
agriculture, with the vegetables of potatoes (solanum tuberosum) and big beans (vicia faba). All participants are training in organic agriculture and soil and water conservation.
One part of the product are for sale, with this the people will have incoming in the community. This project have the co financing from UICN and Pastoral de la
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/19 |
Poaching and non-observance of limits and quotas for sturgeon fishes catching, deterioration and of reduction of the natural habitat of the sturgeon fishes in Caspian sea have led to that, since 90th, catastrophic decrease in stocks of sturgeon ( ... )
is observed in the region. At the same time, the sturgeon species of Caspian sea possess exclusive value, both as representatives of the most ancient group of the osteochondral species, and as an objects of the raised commercial demand (caviar and fish production). Sturgeon is included in the list of CITES.
Despite of the measures undertaken by the federal bodies to protect the sturgeon
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-04-166 |
Project objectives: 1. To promote new and renewable energy in Kolosna Village in Minia Governorate. 2. To conserve energy and time used for cooking on traditional ovens. 3. To install 50 solar heaters with a capacity of 150 liters each. 4. To ( ... )
e 30 traditional ovens. 5. To train 4 technicians on how to install and maintain the heaters. 6. To protect the health of the women using the traditional
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MON/05/11 |
This grant project is given to a local CBO for planting sunflowers and some fruit trees in the abandoned land to support the surrounding ecosystem and livelihoods of the community. A local community group dealing with milk cooling is intents to ( ... )
water disposed of after cooling for watering sunflowers and some fruit trees. 3.5ha area was fenced and over 2500 fruit seedlings and sunflowers were planted in there for the first year. The field protection forest belt was established. The survival rate was about 70 %. There were built a deep well and a service house for workers with support of Ministry of Food and
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: POL/05/03 |
Black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) and Wood grouse (Tetrao urogallus) in Poland are at risk of extintion,population have rapidly declined within past three decades.Requirements are poorly understood by landowners and other stakeholders.The species are not ( ... )
d as conservation priorities.
Project aims in population re-establihment in viable less conservation dependent populations; to rise awarness of local governments,landowners,foresters,hunters and tourists about conservation priorities of species and their protection of habitats; establishment of a national wide network of all stakeholders involved (mainly NGOs,
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GUA/05/15 |
This project responds to the need of count with technical and secretarial support to implement the newly SGP national strategy to attend socially and economically excluded people on the South western region of Guatemala. This project will allow to ( ... )
on technical and secretarial personnel to support on-going projects as well as in the development of new projects following new methods and means. Through training of community based organizations members the project will allow to attend appropriately the specific communities where social and economical exclusion is more evident and financial resources are needed with urgency, to attend local
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: TAN/NBI-NTEAP/05/06 |
The project main objective is to support community environmental initiatives in order to minimize impacts of land degradation in to the Mara River.
This project is a community based and aims at enhancing communities to plant trees, protect the ( ... )
ng natural forests, practice improved beekeeping, fish farming, use of controur farming on steep land, use of improved animal husbandry, use of energy serving stoves for domestic purposes and practice environmental friendly horticultural farming
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BRA/05/23 |
This project seeks to support marketing of products from organizations supported by SGP Brazil, given the many difficulties faced by them in meeting legal and market demands due to a lack of guidance and low level of commercial professionalism. To ( ... )
nd, a facility will be established in Brasília for fair trade sales and distribution of goods and service sourcing, focusing on Cerrado products. It is hoped that this project will bring improvements to the capacity of community organizations to market their products and greater involvement of society in ethical and environmentally sustainable consumption and fair
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: MOZ/SGP/OP2/Y6/04 |
The project aims to develop an integrated management of land, water, and wildlife resources of Mahel region, in contribute to biodiversity conservation, and mitigation of inadequate uses of these resources. Magude is a rich forest ecosystem, with ( ... )
ersity and wildlife resources that are heavily exploited to supply charcoal, firewood, bushmeat, medicinal plants, timber, and farming products to cities like Maputo and Xai-Xai. The project will work with small farmers and traditional livestock producers in providing alternative livelihoods like bee-keeping, planting of fruit, native and exotic trees, control bushfires, limit forest
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: THA/05/11 |
Target Population / Location of project:
50 community members mostly farmers in four tambols of Muang District, Nakhornsithammarat Province
in the vicinity of Khao Laung Complex - an ecological portion of the Malay peninsula of the Sundaic ( ... )
region of the Biogeography
Environment Problems and Livelihood:
Affected by various types of modern development, biological diversity in project area has been dwindling.Agricultural yields gradually decrease, production and maintenance cost increase resulting in
indebtedness. Promotion of traditional knowledge on plants of medicinal values , in conjunction with application appropriate
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP3/Y1/05/11 |
Wet meadows are shallow littoral areas with low vegetation, which are periodically flooded depending on the fluctuation of the water level. They provide shelter to many aquatic organisms, function as principal spawning grounds for some fish species ( ... )
phibians and as feeding sites for many threatened waterbirds. The existence of wet meadows is directly related to the reedbeds that surround the lake. The more they expand towards dry land, the more wet meadows decrease in surface or get degraded.
In the past, many human activities at the littoral zone, such as cattle grazing and cutting and burning of reeds, contributed determinately to the
Sri lanka
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SRL/05/14 |
Renovoating two dilapidated tanks in Horowpathana and Kahatagasdigiliya in the North Central province of Sri lanka. This area is hit by several spells of drought each year and receive rain only during a brief period of three months. In order to ( ... )
t as much rainwater it is necessary to repair all tanks in the area. Some of the activities are: strenghthening tank bund, establishment of green cover in catchments areas, trees and plant raising, cultiviating medicinal herb gardens and breeding of fresh water fish in tanks.
Objective of the project is to raise awarness in resource management, improve bio diversity particularly in
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: SUR/04/07 |
This project has been implemented to provide technical assistance to the community of Kisai to produce a project proposal for sustainable agricultural production and protein supply. |
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: SUR/04/03 |
The village of Heikununu is a maroon village populated with the Saramacan tribe approx 600 villagers. The village is very isolated and there are no basic facilities such as electricity and potable water. The shifting cultivation of the community has ( ... )
ields due to periods of droughts.Through this project the women want to change their condition by raising their awareness about the sustainable use of land, training in biological agriculture (agro forestry) marketing while reducing the degradation (erosion/pollution) of their soil.
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/13 |
Owing to the influence of the lower Ping Basin of the Chaophaya River,the project area is a flat lowland recognized as one of the most fertile area . Before 1995, agricultural communities practiced one crop a year. Since then, the government policy ( ... )
nsion of agriculture had prompted commercialized-scale three crops a year.
The increase numbers of farmers practicing modern agriculture has produced direct effect upon local environment. Cultivated lands have been used without sufficient fallow period thus
prompted an expansion of land degradation. Natural water quality has been degraded by excessive
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/1/05/MP04 |
Samavesh was formed in 2003 to work in the sectors of development and governance. It also works closely with other groups and organizations striving towards similar objectives. The goal of the project?s aim is to create an enabling environment for ( ... )
mmunity to understand and adopt sustainable and bio-diversified agriculture. The project is based in clusters of 10 villages each in Dewas district and Harda distt where land resources are increasingly degrading along with depletion of forest cover. Growing of soy bean as a cash crop has resulted in high inputs in agriculture and food insecurity. The specific objectives of the project are to
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ROM/05/13 |
The project aims at biodiversity conservation in Rarau-Giumalau reservation by establishing a ?Natura 2000? site and at contributing to the sustainable development of the communities situated in the vicinity of the reservation through eco and ( ... )
ourism development and promotion of natural, cultural and traditional values.