There are 27,190 projects available.
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Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/05/01 |
The reduction of energy consumption in housing is one of the key components of sustainable housing strategies. Research has shown that in most countries, a strong relation exists between the socio-economic status of households, and the ability to ( ... )
he home adequately warm in cold periods.
Rising energy costs over the past 15 years in Albania and energy conservation concerns have required that the building industry improve the thermal efficiency of new construction as one of the least cost actions that holds a great potential for energy conservation.
This project is part of a concerted action between several donor and state agencies in
Viet nam
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: VN/04/014 |
Vietnam is located in the tropical zone and considered one of the ten centers with high level of biodiversity in the world, with 1200 plants with vascular system, 3200 medicinal herbs, 276 mammal species , 828 bird species, 240 reptile species, 80 ( ... )
ian species, 2470 fish species, 5500 insect species. 40% of plant species, 100 bird species, 78 mammal species are endemic. In agriculture and forestry, plants and animals specific to each area are very diverse. Thanks to many years working on their own land, people have gathered substantial experience as well as local knowledge, upon which they develop techniques to exploit resources of
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/04/03 |
El proyecto se llevará a cabo en la comunidad de Collini del Distrito de Pomata, Provincia de Chuchuito-Juli, Departamento de Puno, Perú. CEDESOS, es una ONGD sin fines de lucro, fundado el 05 de Junio 2003, inscrita en Registros públicos el 20 ( ... )
io del 2004, con partida N° 11006053.
Los objetivos de la propuesta son:
a) Transformar y comercializar en forma sostenida los granos andinos (quinua, cañihua, cebada, trigo entre otros) transformados mediante los molinos hidráulicos artesanales con familias campesinas de la comunidad de Collini.
b) Mejorar la eficiencia de los molinos hidráulicos ecológicos artesanales, a través del
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/02 |
El Oasis de calama se encuentra en el medio del desierto este ecosistema se encuentra muy degradado. La Comunidad de verdes Campiña se ha organizado para disminuir el impacto que se traduce en una importante perdida de vegetación ya que aún ( ... )
cocinando con leña, que es muy escasa. Los vecinos se han planteado el conocer y adquirir conocimientos en el uso de aparatos solares para cocinar: cocinas parabólicas
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/05/04 |
Planning grant request to look into the possibilty of submitting a full project for treating waste produced by pig breaders |
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MON/05/09 |
In Mongolia, there are not many hot springs. Hot springs are very useful to support local ecosystems during summer and many animal species over winter time. Some springs are used for resort purposes and treatment of many diseases. Taats hot spring ( ... )
aluable live supporting source not only for the local ecosystem, but for the entire region as well. A local community inhabiting near Taats hot spring ecosystem is given a grant to protect spring ecosystem by developing a local resort to support their livelihoods and taking some protective and preventive measures. The project is being implemented successfully. In summer of 2005 the community
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MON/05/04 |
In Mongolia, there are not many hot springs. Hot springs are very useful to support local ecosystems during summer and many animal species over winter time. Some springs are used for resort purposes and treatment of many diseases. Every year many ( ... )
come to the spring and undergo traditional medical treatment. Over the last several years foreign tourists start coming to the spring to overstay. So the situation is critical. The hot spring needs protection. The grant is to assist Tsenher hot spring local community group to conserve and protect the spring with surrounding ecosystem, while enhancing the local community capacity to support
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/04/32 |
Continuar con la conservación de 130 ha de selva mediana, selva baja, selva baja inundable y el corchal, utilizando al turismo alternativo como herramienta que procure la conservación de la biodiversidad y también el beneficio económico para los ( ... )
y sus familias. Adecuación del camino de acceso, la construcción de un mirador de 10 metros de altura en el borde de la sabana y una litera para kayaks, 2 palapas, 5 baños ecológicos, 1 pozo de agua, la adquisición de mobiliario y equipo para los campamentos y deportes para el
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MEX/05/22 |
Restaurar los daños que dejó el paso del huracán Wilma en la selva y pantanos Chi-Nah |
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/23 |
Calama se encuentra ubicado en la II región en pleno ecosistema desertico el proyecto pretende potenciar y preservar los atractivos turísticos, mediante la generación de una oferta turística diferente, basada en la creación de circuitos donde ( ... )
plementan actividades recreativas con la educación ambiental.Esto es especialmente importante para las etnias existentes en el
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/31 |
Generar una oferta turística que permita al visitante recorrer la comunidad junto a guias, quienes mostrarán, además de los paisajes la flora y fauna del lugar y cómo estas se relacionan con la cultura mapuche. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/33 |
Esta iniciativa busca desarrollar una escuela al aire libre que permita implementar una metodología innovadora en materia de educación medioambiental. Igulmente, se capacitará a los miembros de la comunidad como guías de turismo ecológico, de ( ... )
mpacto para el
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: PHI/97/05 |
The development goal of the GEF SGP is to secure global environmental benefits in the areas of biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, protection of international waters, prevention of land degradation, and phasing out of persistent ( ... )
c pollutants through community-based initiatives and action. The rational of the programme is rooted in the belief that local solutions to global environmental problems exist and have been successfully implemented through the programme while at the same time recognizing that there is still an unrealized potential to enhance the impact of the programme within the GEF system as a whole. Given the
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/04/63 |
Project aiming at upgrading the existing hybrid ?solar + wind? electrification unit of Innab AlKabeer to produce approximately 33.5 kw per hour per day of electricity for lighting around 150 lamp, and operating (12) TV, (8) refrigerators, and (12) ( ... )
pumping units for (2)hours per week.
This will involve transferring the photovoltaic unit form Al Aqaba village and installing it in Innab AlKabeer village, building the capacities of village technicians to maintain the unit and raising public awareness of the women and the children in particular on energy efficiency methods and renewable energy
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF-GEF/05/01 |
This project seeks to update the information in the Baseline Assessment of the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System conducted in 2001. It is designed to document current knowledge of biodiversity status and trends, conservation objectives, primary ( ... )
ties, major threats, management issues, ongoing programs and projects and established relationships already forged through COMPACT Phase I. The results of the Baseline Assessment Update will be fed into the process of the Updating the Conceptual Model and Site Strategy for COMPACT Phase II, which is being implemented in collaboration by another partner NGO, the Belize Enterprise for Sustainable
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF-GEF/05/02 |
The objective of this project is to update the Conceptual Model and Site Strategy for the Community Management of Protected Areas Conservation Programme (COMPACT) which has demonstrated constructive ways of involving Belizean communities in the ( ... )
vation and sustainable use of biodiversity in and around the protected areas of the BBRRS-WHS. This project will enable the COMPACT Phase II programme to respond to the dynamics of the current situation; namely, the range of natural, social and economic impacts and project responses that ensure sustainable use of this critical resource.
It is being implemented by the Belize Enterprise for
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-04-137 |
1-make upgraded ovens to fire the potteries.
2-protect health of workers.
3- raise the quality of the potteries
4-train workers on the use of these ovens.
Mobilizing the community to used the new technology and developing the traditional ovens ( ... )
ce the gas emissions
To promote new and renewable energy
To protect the health of the women using the traditional
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/05/06 |
The association, Entreprendre au Féminin ? Océan Indien has decided to set up a project of distillation of essential oils using vetiver roots. The project will be carried out in collaboration with Ferme des Iles ( ... )
ation, which will primarily use the plants for treating pig effluents and after harvesting provide the roots to EFOI for the other uses thus providing a source of economic activity for women entrepreneurs. Dried vetiver roots will be used for handicraft purposes.
Entreprendre au Féminin ? Océan Indien is an association of women entrepreneurs of micro-enterprises set up for the promotion of
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/04/03 |
Arsenic is one of the slow poisons which enter human body mostly via contaminated water. In 2002, arsenic survey was done in 20 Terai district in Nepal. The result was rather shocking and alarming. Of the 21,763 tubewell tested, 5% exceed 50 ppb and ( ... )
exceed 10% (Permissible arsenic WHO standard for drinking water is 10 ppb). The statistics also showed that 10 million people in Terai use well for drinking and cooking. This means that at least 3.1 million Nepalese are at risk from contaminated arsenic. In 2003, preliminary results in Nawalparasi district showed that soil from grazed land next to jungle soils have twice the soil arsenic than the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/05 |
Reducir las emisiones de CO2 por el calentamiento de aguas por Los Calefon tanto de gas como de leña, formación de capacidades en el uso de energias limpias, evaluación de viviendas con y sin calefector solar durante 18 meses. |