There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ELS03/98/G52/001 |
Con el presente proyecto se mejorará las condiciones de vida de los pobladores de la zona de amortiguamiento del Parque Nacional El Imposible, a través del fortalecimiento y creación de micro empresas familiares y comunitarias, aprovechando el ( ... )
ivo natural del Parque y sus alrededores, esto se logrará a través de la participación comunitaria en los esfuerzos de conservación de la biodiversidad del área, se desarrollara un programa de capacitación para el establecimiento de las micro empresas, así como en los servicios que estos pueden ofrecer a los visitantes, se elaborarn artesanias de los sub productos de la biodiversidad de la
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/12/02 |
El proyecto corresponde a un aporte dentro del proceso de consolidación de la Empresa "Mapajo", que inicio desde 1998 con la formulación del proyecto.
La OTB y MAPAJO S.R.L., después de un análisis FODA que realizó a principios del ano 2003 ( ... )
finido aspectos indispensables para iniciar el proceso de consolidación. Por ejemplo, los condicionamientos mundiales, la disminución del turismo y la inestabilidad social de Bolivia. Consecuencia de esto las responsabilidades administrativas y el costo de funcionamiento de la oficina de Rurrenabaque no son cubiertas por las ventas realizadas lo que ocasiona déficit económico y dificultades
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/98/G52/024 |
Estos talleres consisten en la divulgación de políticas y procedimientos para la aplicación de proyectos de PPD, con enfasis ( ... )
intercambio de conocimientos sobre las áreas temáticas con las que trabaja el Programa, de esa manera también se prtende promover la presentación de propuestas de proyectos en regiones y temas de interés para el mismo PPD, número aproximado de comunidades beneficiarias es de 10.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/98/G52/038 |
Este taller consiste en la divulgación de políticas y procedimientos para la aplicación de proyectos de PPD, asì como la sistematización de las ( ... )
ivas comunitarias de desarrollo que tendrán como producto un documento de proyecto que al final será aprobado o no por el Comité Directivo Nacional del PPD.
El proceso esta determinadoi por una dinámica particpativa donde la comunidad es la autora del proyecto, el número aproximado de comunidades beneficiarias es de 10.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/98/G52/013 |
El patronato comunal de San Ramón, ubicado en la comunidad de Jutiapa, en el departamento de Atlántida ha venido liderando el desarrollo de la comunidad, visualizado en los varios proyectos comunitarios que han venido ejecutando bajo su ( ... )
ión. en l;os últimos anos se ha venido definiendo una serie de prioridades, entre ellas la articulación de la comunidad para la conservación de la cuenca, en la que se instalará el proyecto Hidroeléctrico, que vendrá a beneficiar al desarrollo de la comunidad y a todos sus miembros.
El proyecto beneficiará a 350 habitantes de diferentes edades, residentes en 59
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/20 |
The northern part of Albania is home of one of the most archaic sheep breed in the Balkan Peninsula - the ?Shkodra sheep?. This breed is especially priced for the quality of its wool known as ?Lana Scutarina? reaching length of 40-50cm and thickness ( ... )
10 i. The project aims at stopping the genetic erosion of this breed through initiating a Genetic-racial program. The project will work closely with local farmers as well as national and foreign institutions for activating and supporting the efforts for protection and development of this unique
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/02/08 |
La degradación de las cuencas hidrográficas en las microcuencas del ande piurano se debe principalmente a la degradación acelerada de la biodiversidad, por la presión social y el desarrollo de una agricultura de subsistencia. Destacan entre las ( ... )
la alta tasa de deforestación, las practicas agropecuarias inapropiadas (quemas, sobrepastoreo y deficiente uso del agua de riego), la contaminación de fuentes de agua y la escasa valoración de la oferta ambiental a nivel local, provincial y regional. Seguir a este ritmo, implicaría la extinción, de los recursos aún existentes y representados por los bosques de neblina y paramos, que
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL 13/02 |
El trek Curva - Pelechuco se encuentra dentro del ANMN Apolobamba, ubicada en el extremo oeste del Departamento de La Paz en las provincias Franz Tamayo y Bautista Saavedra. Se destacan las regiones nivales y periglaciales de la Cordillera de ( ... )
amba, el piso Altoandino Semihúmdo, la Pradera Parámica húmeda, ceja de yungas, bosque nuboso y subtrópico.
El proyecto es un input o intervención dentro de un proceso, que comienza con la construcción de albergues ecoturisticos, que son instalaciones con capacidad para 12 turistas, cuentan con un equipamiento para albergue y menaje de cocina.
El trek ecoturistico Curva - Pelechuco
Phase 2
Project Number: DMA/UNF/03/02 |
To support women's group in establishing a permanent site for propagation of delicate flowers and preserving delicate, endangered plant species, as well as development of the Morne Anglais trail within the WHS for ecotourism ( ... )
The Morne Trois Pitons was first proposed as a protected area in 1952. The areas was designated a National Park under the national Park and Protected Areas Act in 1975. The MTPNP was enlisted as a Wlrld heritale List in december 1997 and inscribed in August of1998. The designation of the Park as a WHS once again brought into focus the traditional tensions existing between the
Trinidad and tobago
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/03/01 |
The Greenplains Foundation will host a Participatory Global Information Systems training workshop in Felicity for Civil Society and state organisations. The Environmental Management Authority (EMA)in consultation with Civil society Organisations ( ... )
and state agencies have agreed on priority areas to be designated under the Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) legislation including Buccoo Reef, Matura, Aripo Savannas, Nariva Swamp and Caroni Swamp. All agencies and CSOs recognize the need to build their capacities for enhancing natural resource management.
The Workshop will provide a platform from which Greenplains will design and
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/13 |
Reintroduction of the animals to the areas where they have extinct due to human actions. Creating stabile local populations. Restoration of characteristic beech wood specie |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/12 |
Mongolia?s forest coverage is 8.2 % only. Moreover, forests are in the north of the country. Therefore, residents in Gobi and steppe regions always face difficulty in making fire with woods and other fuels. What they do is to harvest and destroy ( ... )
s and bushes to make fire for cooking and heating, and for survival as a whole.
Animal dung briquettes are only the solution to this problem. Animal dung is every way. Although it is the main fire making means for Gobi people, it is much better to make briquettes from it. It is an energy efficiency measure at the grassroots level.
This grant is to put a foundation of establishing a
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/03/47 |
The project site is located in the Western Province, an area considered as fragile and high biodiversity conservation priority area by the Department of Environment and Conservation. This project is a "green project" aiming to promote the protection ( ... )
ronment and conserve biodiversity as an entry point for sustainable rural development opportunities, at the same time creating awareness and empowering the local
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/16 |
Extremaly high operational cost of old-fashioned heating system was one of the main reason for closure small village school.SPSK took over with support of local community (parents) and start to modernise building and heating system, using ( ... )
ence from school in Chojny (project POL/01/14).
Main targets of the project:
1.Coal to biomass conversion in the heating system ,installaton of 70KW boiler for primary school in Czernice;
2".Lesson learned sharing information" - organisation of a final seminar for school managers/directors from Lodzkie Voivodship and members of SPSK;preparation of materials for classes on renewable energy,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/33 |
Problem of the national parks and their buffers zones lies in necessary clearence work according to protection plans (quided policy for management for 10-20 years). Here, in Biebrza natinal Park it is necessary to clear certain surfaces from ( ... )
bush and funds are collected for clearance on yearly basis in the situation where extensive farming was dropped due to economic reasons and even it is hard to motivate local people for this paid work.
Project aims in construction of a permanent mechanism where local farmers are involved in permanent clearing and are motivated by cheap local energy.That is why modernization of 41 local boiler
South africa
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SAF/03/07 |
The project falls within the Climate Change focal area where the project intends to reduce cultural and social barriers to renewable energy and energy efficiency. The project intends to contribute towards promoting renewable energy and energy ( ... )
ency in peri-urban and rural areas in the Umgungundlovu District Municipality. This will be achieved through building the capacity of the CBO's in the GREEN network, developing capacity in 8 rural communities and initiating three renewable energy demonstration sites.
The Green Network reaches 15 community based organisations, who have all formed part of this CBO network. Green has also
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/UP11 |
The project was undertaken to demonstrate, train and disseminate Hydra form brick technology in rural areas and minimize environmental problems in the project areas by utilizing industrial waste and by-products for application in housing and allied ( ... )
ties. This would be a source of eco-friendly and sustainable livelihood for the local people. A demonstration cum skill building center was setup in the project areas. They undertook to organize a familiarization course especially for the youth so that they could learn the technology better and faster.
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/41 |
Habrá un área de 4.800 m2 de lagunas, se clasificó para la producción de Artemia. Habrá un manual de procedimientos para orientar la producción en la granja, la difusión de la tecnología a otros productores de artemia en Celestún, vigilar ( ... )
plimiento de los resultados y las actividades a través de un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de los indicadores de impacto, análisis y descripción de la experiencia.
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/03/02 |
This project would support the reintroduction of an endangered raptor species to Belize through an educational and training program targeting residents in the communities adjacent to the Rio Bravo Management and Conservation Area lands where the ( ... )
two specimens will be released. It seeks to complement the ambitious program being undertaken by the Peregrine Fund - Panama, to restore the Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) within the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor. This project is designed to incorporate the local communities in every step, with the logic that community involvement in the reintroduction effort is a key factor to its success.
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/41/02 GEF-RNE |
The project involves the enhancement, protection and conservation of the community watershed and traditional resources in Northern Sagada, Mountain Province. Project components include watershed protection and conservation (through establishment of ( ... )
es using endemic tree species, forest fire protection), capacity-building and documentation of IKSPs.
The project site is located within the ancestral domain of Sagada community and headwaters of the Chico River Basin. It has diverse vegetation including mossy forest (that serves as a host to migratory birds from mainland Asia from September to January) natural old growth pine forest and