There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-KEN-03-005 |
The GEF stakeholder workshop is held twice a year for participants drawn from the CBO and NGOs as part of capacity building in GEF/SGP thematic areas.The participants of the workshop were introduced by resource experts to the following thematic ( ... )
? Clarification of GEF/SGP focal areas (Biodiversity, Climate Change, International Waters
and Land Degradation). An additional subject was Biodiversity related economic.
? Writing of proposals through practical exercise in working groups.
? Presenting the proposals to the plenary with following discussions.
? The GEF SGP Project monitoring was also discussed among
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-KEN-03-003 |
Rusinga Island is Kenyas second largest island in Lake Victoria with an area of 43 sq km. The island was once covered with dense forest of indigenous trees which has been cleared for human settlement resulting in a tree cover of only 5-10%. The ( ... )
is characerized by ersoions and a loss of soil which is washed to the Lake Victoria. There is an urgent need for afforestation of the island both for fuelwood and other timber needs as well as for the protection of the soil and the general environment.
The Rusinga Island workshop was conducted to discuss the possibility for environmental intervention on the island. The 40 workshop
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/02 |
The target location and community are situated in a remote area of northern region of the country without grid connection. Main sources of energy are from burning. In household heating and cooking, fire-woods plays the leading role. In lighting, ( ... )
ity members resort to candles, oil lamps and flashlight. These sources of energy contributed to the global warming phenomenon, subsequent likely climatic variance and disruption of ecosystems. Therefore, introduction of renewable energy technology, especially solar energy, for various application should be promoted, in accordance with geographic, climatic condition and size of system as
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/10 |
Appui pour le développement du projet de protection des chimpanzés. Cet appui permettra a l?ONG de prendre en compte les observations du Comité National de Pilotage |
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/26 |
Institutional development of the Cerrado Network is the goal of this project. A large number of non-governmental organizations in the region, government sectors, sources of funding and other partners and stakeholders will be widely consulted ( ... )
ally and externally to insure the success of this process. The objective of this network is to influence the adoption of public policy for the Cerrado, aiming at conservation of this threatened biome, which is deforested at a rate of 1.5% a year, with rapid conversion to agriculture. Exchange among conservation and sustainable use experiences will be promoted, as well as discussion and proposals
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/42/02 GEF-RNE |
The project aims to undertake activities for the conservation and protection of Nug-as forest and its endemic wildlife through participatory community-based approach. The project site is one of the sites identified by HARIBON Foundation as an ( ... )
ant Bird Area and as a key conservation site of West Visayas. Specifically, the forest supports a significant population of two (2) endangered species of birds endemic to Cebu (Cebu flowerpecker and the Black Shama). In addition, it is also home to about 13 species of bats, of which, three (3) species are threatened.
This project proposal was one of the outputs of a PDF-funded project
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/RJ09 |
The project attempted at solving the condition of agriculture in the project area. Attempts to bring more area under cultivation had failed and this coupled with droughts, depleting water resources and mechanized farming, had aggravated their ( ... )
economic condition, forcing small and marginalised farmers to shift from their traditional livelihood system and become wage laborers. The practice of agro-forestry & horticulture among small & marginalized farmers was popularized and intermediate technology in the practice of agriculture, particularly in areas of irrigation & manuring was promoted. The NGO incorporated the components in the
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/03/06 |
The main aim of project is to facilitate cooperation between ecological farms in Lithuanian East region. The project activities encompass:
- Trainings of farmers from ecological and conventional farms;
- Installment and equipping of training room ( ... )
- Beginning alteration of ecological product;
- A scientific research on possibilities of ecological farming in the region;
- Strengthening of production base of ecological farming cooperative;
- Establishment of a new ecological farming cooperative.
It is expected that practical activities of the project will have appreciable positive results, will improve living condition of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-03-106 |
The main objectives of the project are:
1.Implemnting and spreading of the idea of renewable energy in different areas in Minia governorate.
2.Capcity building for administrative personnel to support and maintain the sustainability of this ( ... )
3.reducing emissions of green house gasses and pollution produced from primitive local
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/17 |
Best practices for regional sustainability will be demonstrated in this project, by complementing IPEC?s Reference Unit on Appropriate Techniques for recovery and maintenance of water quality and clean, renewable energy. Two reference nuclei (sun ( ... )
ter) will be implemented for each of these objectives, within the permaculture system. Rational and replicable management of low-cost energy in a system in which ecology equals economy is the
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/03/04 |
The Iarono Foundation has taken the lead to implement the development plan that was drawn-up for the village of Powakka by the population. The Foundation has, together with the local population, indicated two areas where one would like to lay out ( ... )
monstration plots so that the women of Powakka can dispose of a plot where training courses can be held. This is necessary in order to conclude in a successful way the agriculture project that is being prepared now. During the preliminary work therefore an inventory will be made as well of the actual cultivation techniques. By means of interviewing persons, on will try to have an overall view of
South africa
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SAF/03/01 |
The project takes a two pronged approach to abating land degradation. In the first instance through rehabilitating areas that have been serverly degraded. In saying this, the project will look into introducing energy efficient wood stoves in 20 ( ... )
olds in the village and applying sustainable farming practices. The second approach looks at working with the KwaZulu Natal Wildlife Authority in conserving the Oribi Nature Reserve through establishing an eco-tourism venture in the
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/02/16 |
Project consists on provision of technical support to attend six elements on the execution of second operational phase. A. Facilitate contract goods and services for the GEF training sessions and project evaluation visits of the SGP?s National ( ... )
ng Committee. B. Provide technical training and experiences exchange among stakeholders. C. Facilitate contract of specifical technical assistance for SGP?s stakeholder organizations that require it to achieve project success and institutional strengthening. D. Facilitate contract for establishment of impact indicators. E. Facilitate contract of training facilitators for monitoring systems. F.
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-03-87 |
The Objectives of the project are:
1.Surveying,Recording And Development The Wild Plant In New Valley.
2.Holding public seminars to increase awreness of the locals about the wild plants and there importance for biodiversity.
3.attempting to ( ... )
ate the plants with economic importance in the area.
raising the public awarness on the importance of biodiversity conservation for the environment.
preparing a geological and environmetal study on the wild plants in the earea of the
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/RJ11 |
Project started with following objectives:
? To check habitat fragmentation and destruction by soil denudation and monocultures by undertaking a series of soil and water conservation measures.
? To develop common and private pasture land by ( ... )
ing its biodiversity through appropriate conservation measures.
? To undertake socio-economic development through interventions in agriculture and animal husbandry and promotion of people?s
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/SKM02 |
Increased human pressure on the Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve area has resulted in increased accumulation of non-biodegradable waste, especially around the camping sites. There is also a lack of awareness about the code of conduct of the area ( ... )
the visitors. This gave rise to an urgent need to create a Visitors Information Centre (VIC) that would spread awareness about the code of conduct of the area along with interpreting the biodiversity values of the KBR.
The main objective of the project is conservation and sustainable use of natural resources of the Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve area through information dissemination on
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/14 |
This project has the installation of a processing plant for a threatened Cerrado species - baru (Dipteryx alata). A model for sustainable use of natural resources will be used as a base for the activities which will bring economic feasibility to the ( ... )
of the commercialization chain (extractivists, manipulators and middlemen). An association will be formed initially for social organization of the group in question and participative project management. The associates will be trained in administrative management. The equipment needed for the processing plant will be acquired with project funds and installed in a space built for this purpose,
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/02/14 |
In a unique natural area overlooking the Dana Reserve alongside the Kings Highway, the Sons of Dana and Qadissiyeh Tourism Cooperative has just started implementation of the ?Sustainable Eco-tourism Management project? in Rashadiyeh area. The area ( ... )
sidered a natural expansion of the Dana reserve eco-system and an important bird watching site. However, it is subject to deterioration caused by un-organized tourism, littering and cutting of trees. The Cooperative will implement this project, in close coordination with the Dana Nature Reserve, to control the factors of deterioration and preserve the area through managing an eco-tourism
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/OR13 |
This demonstration project aims at enthusing people in similar circumstances to bring about a clean environment and prosperity through cooperation among industry, community and NGOs. Industrial solid and gaseous waste will be utilized for useful ( ... )
recovery to the benefit of the industry as well as the community. Appropriate land use plan will be designed and degraded land forests in the area will be rehabilitated including water use planning for vegetation cover and crop-raising. Community awareness on the issues of environment change and sustainable management will be promoted. The industry will be educated on environmental protection
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/03/UTH03 |
The project aims to enable communities to identify and use traditional knowledge, practices and application for the sustainable use of agricultural and other natural resources. It also envisages promoting rural communities towards maintenance and ( ... )
ration of traditional water resources. For this, the problem will be analyzed through PRA and other participatory methodologies for analysis of the access and availability of various natural resources. A Microplan with each village unit based on issues and priorities identified will be prepared. A nursery of fodder and horticulture species will be set up. A workshop will be conducted for members