There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/08p |
Gathering data for the full project on "Seedlings promotion to increase mountain forest's biodiversity and resistance" |
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/32 |
Esta iniciativa en su segunda fase busca consolidar las acciones proteger el río Jaya, contrarrestando el deterioro de sus márgenes mediante la reforestación y reduciendo la contaminación por aguas residuales vertidas en él y desechos sólidos; ( ... )
además una conciencia en la población que
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/17 |
Renforcement de capacité des opérateurs des centres de conseil communaux (CCC), des élus locaux et des techniciens des services étatiques de la région de Kayes sur les themes du FEM.
Activités: Organisation d'un atelier sur les domaines du ( ... )
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/08 |
Ce projet concern lle renforcement de la capacite et de la conscience environnementale dans le cadre de la semaine de l'environnement. Avai aussi conmme but de rehausser la visibilité du programme au Mali.
Les activites concernaient des ( ... )
estation populaire genre theatre sur les themes du FEM.
Objectifs spécifiques - préparer la population au changement de comportement par des pratiques orthodoxes et régulieres de salubrité ;
- organiser des visites sur les sites ou l?action de l?homme est plus visible ;
- sensibiliser la population sur l?importance de la biodiversité ;
- attirer l?attention des populations sur les
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/03/03 |
L'objectif de ce projet est de sensibiliser la presse sur le programme SGP en Mauritanie ainsi que sur les conventions relatives aux domaines du FEM. Car il est important de noter que sur l'ensemble des journaux publiés en Mauritanie, un seul se ( ... )
se sur les questions environnementales. Et même ce dernier parait de façon irrégulière faute de moyens. Il est attendu de ce projet une conscientisation des journalistes pour une meilleure diffusion de l'information environnementale dans une optique de protection et gestion rationnelle de l'environnement locale et une contribution d'amélioration de l'environnement global. On espère pouvoir
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/03/04 |
Ce projet vise la sensibilisation de la Commission Environnement du Parlement de Mauritanie en vue de renforcer ses capacités dans les domaines focaux du FEM. Il permettra aussi de conscientiser sur la problématique de l'environnement de façon ( ... )
rale. Il est espéré que ce projet permettra de faire des analyses des textes et lois en considérant la dimension environnementale et d'interpeller le gouvernement sur ces
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/21/02 |
La empresa con el seguimiento y evaluación de los proyectos permitirá contribuir, bajo la modalidad de alerta temprana, al cumplimiento de los objetivos y metas de cada uno de los proyectos y permitirá conocer con la mayor precisión posible los ( ... )
ados, efectos e impactos logrados (deseados o no.
La sistematización permitira ordenar las experiencias desarrolladas, analiza el alcance de la propuesta y en base a ello extrae lecciones a futuro.
Actualmente se realizo una Enmienda de ampliacion para que el servicio incluya el seguimiento y la sistematizacion de las ideas que corresponden al Año 6 de la FO II incluso.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-08CO |
This project is the continuation of the TUR-01-10CO project that started in 2002 that aimed at documenting the SGP programme and the projects in Turkey, and to establish an audio-visual archive for the projects and programme's outreach and ( ... )
king activities. This project will now include the projects selected in the year 2003.
The project, like the former, aims to present the outcomes of projects accomplished since 1993, at local, national and international scale, using a variety of visual materials.
1. To establish a systematic and multi-purpose visual archive about the SGP projects and in a way related to the ecological
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/03/41 |
Demonstration project to promote and advocate of model shifts to more efficient and less polluting forms of transport through traffic management in Gaza City
The project will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions resultant from ground ( ... )
ort sources by removing technical and financial barriers to the development of alternative environment friendly and sustainable transport models.
July 2003 march
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/31 |
Las intensas lluvias que dejó el huracán a su paso por la región causaron severas inundaciones repentinas y la elevación del nivel de las lagunas costeras, lo que destruyó las secciones del bordo del estanque. Por lo que se requiere La ( ... )
ración de la instalación lo cual seguirá llevando a cabo la conservación y utilización sostenible de especies nativas de importancia comercial, la captura y la plantación de crías y juveniles de robalo blanco (Centropomus undecimalis), jaiba prieta (Callinectes rathbunae), mojarras castarrica (Cichlasoma urophthalmus) y Topote Aleta grande (Poecilia
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/12 |
The project will implement a series of community workshops and a participatory diagnostic field survey of conifers resination activities which are traditional in the communities of Northern Totonicapán. This will lead to learn about sustainable ( ... )
tion practices and the developing of the equipment that is needed to apply this methodology. Training on improved methods for resination and basic forestry skills for native pine forests conservation are part of the project components.
Additionally it will provide with means to recover native trees, species that are being used for resination with non-sustainable methods. The training of
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/GUJ10 |
The main thrust behind undertaking this project was to create a responsive leadership, initiative, common sharing within multiple stakeholders and varied thematic areas of GEF-SGF, inspiring and enhancing skills and confidence of people, and ( ... )
ive management of resources for sustainable development. It was also undertaken with a view to create and imbibe an environment of trust, faith, good rapport and mutual support between partners.
The project aimed to nurture and improve the performance of GEF ? SGP in India through effective management and implementation of projects by partners and local groups. They proposed to do this by
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/ASM07 |
To promote self-reliance of people via media of social service and community development program.To render financial assistance both for self-employment and capital formation.To promote social, civic, educational and charitable activities & manage ( ... )
welfare centres.To organise study tours.To stand as guarantors for individuals, groups, associations
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/12 |
This project will be implemented in the school environment, respectively in pilot schools in Gjirokastra, Shkodra, Kukes and Korca. It aims at installing solar power functioning equipment in foreign language teaching labs, thus filling the gap that ( ... )
ted due to the lack of electricity.
In this framework, school children will also learn on alternative sources of energy and how to install them, this made possible by educative kits bought for this purpose.
In parallel with installment of these equipment, the project has foreseen environmental education of the school children.
Radio programs will be conducted using solar power equipment,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: UGA/03/29 |
Solar energy provision for improved livelihoods and conservation of Ssesse islands project is managed by Ssesse Community association (SSECODA) a local community based organization in southern Uganda, Kalangala district. It aims at ensuring at ( ... )
ting sustainable natural resource conservation and community livelihood options. The district has 84 islands and only 62 are inhabited with the richest biodiversity of fauna and flora. The greater part of the area is covered by open water (95%) which determines the socio-economic activities are undertaken. The absence of affordable power and or electricity in the area from the national power
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/12p |
Preparation of the complex project on solar energy for small villages; identification of partners,preliminary agreements; site visits (where available and necessary);consultations on draft project,preparation of full project. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-02-64 |
Project's activities are:
1. To raise public awareness to environmental problems and the importance of utilizing renewable energy resources to decrease these problems.
2. To train 7 technicians to install, maintain and repair solar heaters.
3. ( ... )
all 25 solar heaters in Giza Governorate
4. To minimize the consumption of traditional fuel and promote the use of available alternatives of solar energy for domestic water heating.
5. Reducing the emissions of green houses gases to limit global warming phenomenon
6. To enhance the environmental situation by encouraging and facilitating the use of new & renewable energy technologies that are
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/18 |
The project aims at protecting the area of Rrezome and Kardhiq. For this purpose, the necessary legal documentation will be prepared, in order to change the status of protection of the Rrezome area from IUCN category V to category I and to unify the ( ... )
graphically connected areas, at the same time aiming for raising public awareness on the protection of the area. This will be associated with practical case studies for sustainable use of natural resources, in benefit of the local community. Two seminars and several field trips will be organized and a brochure will be
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-11W |
Although Milas Tuzla Wetland is recognised as an Important Bird Area with respect to international criteria, the wetland does not have a formal protection status. One of the most important threats against the integrity of the area, is its ( ... )
rity among tourism investors. Tourism development plans, that do not take conservation of the natural habitat into account, include the construction of a golf course and a fun park. Another threat is the illegal hunting.
The SGP Grant will be used to organise a workshop that aims to bring together a wide variety of interest groups ranging from representatives from nature conservation
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/01 |
Following the advice and notification of the grant allocation from the GEF/SGP Central Programme Management Team and the key action plan set forth in the Country Programme Strategy, the Thailand-GEF/SGP set to launch the implementation of ( ... )
fth year of the operational phase. The GEF/SGP information has been disseminated to target communities throughout the country. In addition, upon requests, the National Coordinator and some members of NSC travelled to meet and discuss face-to-face with groups of NGOs/CBOs who required further clarification.
From August 2002 to the July 2003, the programme has received 61 concept