There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002-018(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Havarekhol, Baneh, Kordestan(Lat/Long:35.9488100-46.0107420)
This project aims to compile and introduce the traditional forest management as a method for Sustainable Forest Management and modify it according to national and ( ... )
ational goals and forest sustainability criteria. Hence, a kind of "participatory forestry plan " based on the local knowledge will be prepared with the involvement of the local NGO and community. Then it will be legally registered as "Modified Traditional Forest Co-Management System" with the High Council of Forest, Rangeland and Soil. To this end the team will survey and categorize the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/54 |
Main idea of the project is demonstration of climate-friendly technologies of using renewable energy sources through the organization of training and manufacture Center in Syn-Tash Ayil Okmotu for introduction of biogas units, small hydroelectric ( ... )
stations, hydraulic ram and demonstrate to local people benefits of alternative sources of energy.
The basic components of the project are:
1. Mobilization of local people and local authority for project support.
2. Raising public awareness about environmental and economical benefits from using renewable energy sources.
3. Organization of training and manufacture Center in Sin-Tash Ayil
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/07 |
The project consists on the involvement of 40 women in the rescue and conservation of native vegetables diversity, through the use of a methodology of participatory improved agriculture, to begin the recovery of locally adapted germplasm. To achieve ( ... )
objectives and goals, activities include communities training on soil conservation techniques and practices, and native vegetables diversification with pink potatoes, two native varieties of squash and green beans, corn, black beans, güisquil (a vine´s fruit) and bledo (edible leaves) (solanum tuberosum, phaseolus vulagaris, zea mays, amaranthus sp, Sechium edule SW.) The use of organic
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-10 |
The 51,550 ha of Kackar Mountains was declared as a National Park in 1994. According to a former study, there are 30 mammalian species as well as 116 endemic plant species. Moreover, 136 bird species were observed in the area. Three of the ( ... )
s are on CITES and Red Data Book, in endangered species list, and 10 of those are listed among the Annex II species (Strictly Protected Species) of the Bern Convention. Similarly, 92 birds are in Annex II of Bern Convention, 6 species in A1,2 and 14 are in A2 categories in the IUCN Red Data Book. Likewise, 12 of the endemic plant species and EN (endangered) and 19 are VU (vulnerable).
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/21 |
Training NGO, professionals, high-school students in bio-diversity techniques, producing mobile excibit unit and publishing of bio-diversity monitoring manuals, construcion of enviromentally friendly accomodation facilities, establishment of ( ... )
retation centre. Training of students, NGOs and local government officials in biodiversity monitoring and habitat enrichment is a felt need not only for this district but for the entire country. The NGO will concentrate in one district for this project as the capacities have to be built for a wider programme.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002-023(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Hezarkanian, Kurdestan (Lat/Long:35.9865440-45.8868030)
The project aims for awareness raising and capacity building of the rural women of Hezar Konian Village, Kurdestan Province in Zagros Region. The project team will conduct ( ... )
s for the rural women on the following topics:
§ Natural resources and its significance
§ Benefiting and revitalizing rangeland with sustainable methods (correct harvesting methods and seeding)
§ Alternative livelihoods (green house ? marketing flowers)
§ Establishing a cooperative
To this end an excursion to a green house will be organized and if required a
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002-016(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Noor , Mazandaran (Lat/Long:36.5790700-52.0037840)
The overall goal of the project is to preserve the natural resources and improve the biodiversity of
Noor Forest Park. The activities include baseline studies, trainings, ( ... )
ic activities, biodiversity improvement and developing a network among the interested parties through the internet and information boxes in the park. Trainings are categorized as general training programmes for tourists as well as special trainings for targeted groups of youths who will become Forest Rangers.
Conducting two workshops in Tehran and the project
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/02 |
Conservación de la biodiversidad en ecosistemas de montana y mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los beneficiarios incorporándoles a proceso participativos de uso de tecnología de producción sostenible y la construcción de capacidades ( ... )
s autogestionarias para la transformación de los sistemas de producción agropecuarios de pequena finca mediante la instalación de empresas rurales asociativas (ERAS) en comunidades de Villa Trina, Provincia
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/03/03 |
The three catchment areas of Thowangchu, Lamchutor and Gangkalamjug in Tsakaling village are at risk of drying up due to human activities as they are not currently not protected. Therefore the Tsakaling Village Committee would like to protect these ( ... )
nt areas which would not only benefit the local community but also would conserve the biodiversity of these areas.
The objective of the project is to conserve the three catchment areas, install fuel efficient stoves to reduce fire wood consumption and increase the forest cover locally.
As per the progress report of the project, 4,859 numbers of tree saplings have been planted of various
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/03/48 |
Conserve the ecosystem of Upper Siran Valley through participatory approaches focussing on the sustainable use and recovery of galliformes as well as threatened medicinal plant species due to their key role and inter-relatedness in the ecosystem of ( ... )
(1) Location of project:
The entire proposed project area is a remotely located valley of Upper Siran District Mansehra, NWFP whereas the core project area i.e. Methal and adjoining two cluster villages is located centrally in the Upper Siran with 600 househols, 2915 people and approximately over 3000 Acre of land. The valley is located at the dead end of Siran River, after which the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/03/05 |
Planning grant to make energy audit of the centre in order to propose better energy management and renewal energy use methods and technologies. On the basis of the results of the audit a full-size project proposal was prepared. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/05 |
The project aims at raising awareness of the general public, specialist groups and public administration on the advantages of using geothermal energy sources, as an environmental-friendly energy. In collaboration with relevant ministries, a draft ( ... )
n Thermal and Mineral Waters? will be prepared and lobbied during project implementation. A report will be prepared and submitted to government authorities on the potential for using geothermal energy resources in Albania. Collection of existing data, publication of leaflets, posters, TV spot, maps and a brochure, organization of a training, are activities of this project. Three pre-feasibility
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/02/09 |
Los principales probelmas son: La tala indiscriminada e incendios forestales, alto consumo de lena para cocinar los alimentos, inadecuado uso del potencial apícola, baja capacidad de almacenamiento para aprovechar los frutos de algarrobo, ( ... )
ente transformación de la biomasa (algarroba), como también alta consanguinidad del ganado ovino y limitada capacitación en el cuidado del medio ambiente.
Para solucionar esta problemática el proyecto manejará 100 hectáreas de bosque, dentro del cual se ha previsto poner énfasis en la recuperación de especies como ?palo santo?, ?hualtaco?, y ?yuca de monte? muy apetecida por el ganado
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/42 |
Recuperar los componentes de la infraestructura productiva que fue dañada por el huracán, una gestión más eficiente del agua y la producción de peces y plantas acuáticas, el seguimiento de las actividades y los resultados que se presentan en ( ... )
oyectos, la recogida de informes y documentos para que la continuación de un registro de las actividades y resultados obtenidos. La difusión de la tecnología a otros productores.
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/03/39 |
Demonstration and capacity building project for 80 women in interlacing and weaving of the cheep wool, which is seasonally collected from the households of Bani Suhilah. The project will also put the base for sustainable income generating activities ( ... )
women beneficiaries to produce art pieces of wool.
The project will contribute to the prevention of the wool burning and alternatively reusing the wool in such a creative hand skills. This will eventually reducing the GHG emissions resultant from the burning and the wool as well as reducing the threats on the plant biodiversity in Bani
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-02-69 |
Project's activities are : 1. To decrease the utilization of traditional energy. 2. To supply a renewable energy resource. 3. To improve the environmental situation in the villages of Beni Suef Governorate by reducing the emissions of greenhouse ( ... )
4. To raise public awareness of target people towards the importance of utilizing renewable energy
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/03/08 |
El proyecto pretende contribuir y conservar los recursos naturales de las comunidades mapuches de Hualapulli mediante la caracterización de los recursos y la implementación de un programa de mitigación con especies nativas, manejo y ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/32 |
Verticalization of the activities in the Cunha Agrarian Reform Settlement is sought through the construction of an equipped agroindustry and training of the community members on Cerrado fruit transformation and agroecological horticulture. This will ( ... )
ue to the products, while at the same time ecological conscience will be built, the social aspect and basic commercialization will be developed. The following activities will take place during execution of the project to insure achievement of the goals: community awareness-building activities emphasizing the importance of the project; construction of an agroindustrial processing unit;
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/40/02 GEF-RNE |
The project aims to undertake a conference-workshop to gather project implementors and partners in renewable energy to share learning experiences, problems encountered and solution made, and enhance their capability to manage their project. A ( ... )
ive project, a framework was formulated for this activity which considered previous/similar activities funded by SGP such as Conference on Renewable Energy for the Visayas and Mindanao in 2000 and the research/documentation on the State of the Art of Community-Based Renewable Energy Projects undertaken by Sibol ng Agham at Teknolohiya (SIBAT) in 1998. Three consultations shall be held for each of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/04 |
Projet basé sur l?utilisation de l?énergie solaire comme combustible en remplacement du bois de chauffe ;La promotion des cuiseurs solaires permettra a long terme de satisfaire durablement les besoins énergétiques sur les ressources ( ... )
Contexte et Justification du projet
Toutes les sources de bois de chauffe a Mopti et Fatoma ont été consommé dans le passé ; aujourd'hui les populations sont contraintes d'acheter du bois importé des forets de Youwarou, Boré et Bandiagara par des pirogues et des camions, ou d'utiliser des bouses de vache pour cuire les aliments. Le projet visait a faire la promotion des cuiseurs