There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/28 |
Project Goal :
Sustainable managed forest of Loksado through community-based forest management
Project Objectives :
1. To develop a community-based management model called Loksado Forest Model (MFL)
2. To identify and develop the ( ... )
ials of Loksado Forest Resources
3. To minimize activities which threaten the sustainability of forest resources (SDH) and biodiversity of Loksado forest area;
4. To encourage integrated policy development in forest resources management in Loksado area, and;
5. To create information management system to support the decision making process in the management and conservation of Loksado forest
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF/09/02 |
The project is about goat raising employing the cut-and-carry technology, in an undeveloped area being claimed by the members of the Samahang Inang Kalikasan, Inc. in Cabayugan. Gardening is a component of the project that will utilize the ( ... )
ted waste of the goats to produce quality vegetables for the consumption of the people in the barangay and other neighboring barangays or even the city. This will be done in the individual farms of the members. Support for this individual gardens will be through a supervised micro lending from a Revolving Fund established for the purpose with funds from the Project. Quality seed production
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/06 |
This project seeks to develop local strategies to strengthen the organization for sustainable use of the faveira (Dimorphandra mollis), through proper management, processing and direct commercialization to industries. This will take place in in the ( ... )
palities of Posse, São Domingos, and Guarani, in Northeastern Goiás State. There is large anthropic pressure on the area, in the surroundings of Terra Ronca State Park. These levels reach nearly 70%, being approximately 3.5% due to agriculture and 66.5% due to pastures. Less than 22% of the area is still covered by native vegetation, according to the Agricultural Census of
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/02/RJ05 |
Project is to promote community action for management of natural resources, management of land and water through repair and construction of Pokhars,Checkdams and land development.
The project focused on formation & capacity building of village ( ... )
of women to have a development focus so that they can eventually articulate & address NRM (Natural Resource Management) issues. Also incporporated the aspects to regenerate degraded forests & form a migratory route for wildlife in the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve and to promote community action for land and water management through repair and construction of pokhars, check dams and land
Palestine, State of
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/02/28 |
Sustainable management of natural water resources to prevent vegetation deterioration in Abassan village in Gaza? through utilizing multiple approach of biodiversity conservation and community development. This will be achieved by establishing 3 ( ... )
harvesting-pools in a capacity of 150 m3 in three disadvantaged locations in Abassan area. Water pools will be designed to collect water from the roofs of the green houses as well as the rain to be used through installing pumping system during the summer time. The collected water will provide sustainable substitute of the intensive salinity of the aquifer, replanting 180 palm trees aiming at
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/09 |
Development and diversification of the production in the Andalucia Agrarian Reform Settlement in Nioaque, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, are the goals of this project. Recovery and management of the natural resources in the region is the means to this ( ... )
cal handcrafts, community conscience-building, and improvements in the quality of life of the community and environment are the results expected. A capacity-building center for handcraft training, construction of a headquarter office and a workshop, as well as a kitchen for processing fruits, and bathrooms are the activities
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/02/05 |
Planning grant to develop a proposal to enhance on-going work to 1) co-manage Spanish Creek Wildlife Sanctuary and protect the biodiversity of the creek and surrounding tropical forest, 2) to stimulate economic development of the village and ( ... )
te income with emphasis on community-based eco-tourism, and 3) to continue to coordinate and deliver environmental education to the community and school.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/02/01 |
Syanda cluster of Syanda VDC is situated in 6 hours distance on walk from Simikot; the district headquarters of the district of Humla. It takes 10 days to arrive Humla from nearest road head and only sporadic flight of Royal Nepal Air Lines ( ... )
ation is the mean of transportation. Syanda cluster covers four wards (4,5,6 and 7 wards) of the 9 wards of Syanda VDC. 150 households belonging to the indigenous community (Byanshi, Chhetri) have been inhabited in the cluster.
Forest is the only source of their fuel which they use intensively to cook the food and keep the house warm. This has put the tremendous pressure in the forest
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/01 |
This project seeks to adapt the infra-structure for sustainable production installed in the AGROTEC Agroextractivist Unit in Diorama, state of Goiás for technical and ecological tourism. The Vereda dos Buritis Farm has an area of 125.29 ha, where ( ... )
nal plants and phytotherapeutic medicines are produced, as well as the raising of wild animals and the economic use of native plants. The current facilitites will be expanded to provide room and board for up to 36 visitors who will be either participating in capacity-building workshops or practicing ecotourism, with access to the ecological trails. The presentation of 50 products, including their
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF/10/02 |
The project aims at synthesizing the Baseline Assessment Components technical reports into a consolidated baseline assessment report, incorporating the latest information from such sources as the Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priority-setting ( ... )
(PBCPP) results and the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF) Ecosystem Profile; revising the draft site strategy based on the inputs from the baseline assessments and other relevant information; presenting and refining the site strategy and the conceptual framework based on workshop consultation; undertaking the validation workshop, in partnership with the five (5) local NGOs (that did
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF/02/05 |
The Zoo proposes a program of school visits, including the presentation of a specially developed program on the reef and its resources, and an end-of-the-year marine environmental science fair, to achieve this goal. By the end of the project, 30 ( ... )
y school teachers from all over Belize would have been educated on marine conservation topics by participating in the Zoo?s annual study tour for primary school teachers and Zoo Educators would have made an estimated 60 presentations in 20 schools from 12 coastal communities to 6,000 students and teachers in the two southern most districts; an additional 800 students and teachers from three of
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/02/03 |
The Governments of Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe agreed in November 2000 to create the Gaza-Kruger-Gonarezhou Transfrontier Park. The potential impact of this initiative is to consolidate the fragmented protected areas of Gonarezhou ( ... )
al Park in Zimbabwe, Kruger National Park in South Africa, the Binane and Zinave National Parks in Mozambique and Countada 16 in Mozambique. This will result in the creation of one large transfrontier conservation area of approximately 50 000 square kilometres.
This planning grant is to support the collection of data in the field. The activities include the identification of two Zimbabwean
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/02/08 |
?ilutë region is one of the 4 Lithuanian environmental regions, selected for detailed biota research (Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan of the Republic of Lithuania, 1997); Ecological situation in the region is unsustainable; Only ( ... )
l part of the territory investigated.
Project aim is to estimate the biodiversity in non-protected natural areas of ?ilute district, establish protected areas for rare and endangered species, increase number of their populations and predict their survival.
Activities: Investigations and inventorisation of biota in situ, categorisation of rare species and establishment of their protection
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/02/02 |
During the community consultations carried out with the GEF/SGP planning grant it was observed that community members had little knowledge of the SCMR, both in terms of conservation and management. Communities requested greater contact and follow ( ... )
TASTE, and also simple presentation of environmental issues through communication and outreach materials. There was complete support for the GEF/SGP project activities proposed by TASTE/SCMR.
GOAL: The goal of the project, therefore is:
To build the capacity of TASTE to co-manage the Sapodilla Caye Marine Reserve through appropriate staffing and training, institutional strengthening
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF/02/06 |
The project is aimed at developing the capacity of TASTE in its role as co-manager of the SCMR. Throughout the project timeline, TASTE will strive to ensure continued and increased community involvement working through participants in the outreach ( ... )
mmes. Participation will be built through additional visits to communities. The project will have an ongoing evaluation/monitoring component.
It is expected that at the completion of this project, 80% of its targeted population (Students in Standard 5 to 6 in Primary Education and first to fourth form high school students) will be better able to understand the value of marine natural
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/01/15 |
This project originated as a consumer issue faced by the NGO ACIM regarding the perception of the increased use of plastic bags at the detriment of our natioanlly notorious 'tante bazar' produced from the 'Vacoas' leaves, scientifically known as ( ... )
us utilis and which is a native to Mauritius and the Mascarenes. Parallely, the MAA were involved at Le Bouchon with the 'Vacoas' weaver community. Three studies were undertaken, namely the socio-economic study, the ecological study and the consumer study. The objectives of the overall study were to evaluate the possibility of conserving biodiversity with the management of pandanus trees, to
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/KAR02 |
The project intended to conserve the wild orchids through exploration and collection of orchids involving local communities and the Karnataka Forest Department. The objective was to promote the conservation of Hot spots of wild orchids both in-situ ( ... )
-situ, exploration and collection of wild orchids, establishment of orchidarium at the state level and documentation of wild orchids.
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/PLN/02 /01 |
In this project Natural Resources Management and Development Agency will carry out a feasibility study on the conservation of Timau Forest Block |
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/02/DEL02 |
Project aims to use innovative means to create an understanding and proactive action at the ground level about solid waste handling through Multi-sectoral participation,and expects to determine sector specific needs to facilitate ragepickers, ( ... )
late their issues of concerns and finally includes the concept of norms for waste management at Zonal level.
The project is completed successfully. The major aspects of Im.apact Assessment is that organisation has linked with Railway Department for upscaling of the project for upliftment of Rag pickers and launching up another project of Solid Waste Management at Railway platform of old delhi.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/31 |
Talas town is administrative center of Talas oblast with 35000 populations. 7000 people live in the nearest villages Koktokoy, Kokoy, Kumaryk. These settlements are sources of the so-called pendular migration. That is people go to the town in the ( ... )
me and return home in the evening to their villages.
Despite of Talas town status the main resources of town-dwellers income are cattle-breeding, plant cultivation, contraband petrol, cigarettes selling (because of nearby Kazakstan board), cash benefits, salary. Industry and services are developed limited scope.
The main purpose of the project is propaganda of bicycle transport advantages