There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/01/08 |
Sironko Valley is one of the major features of the Mt. Elgon ecosytem, with several systems draining the valley, in turn feeding into river Nile through lake Kyoga. The high population density has placed heavy demands on the land, resulting in ( ... )
station, de-vegetation, and soil erosion especially on the slopes. This has led to enormous land degradation. The project collaborates with IUCN Mt. Elgon Conservation and Development Project in relieving pressure on the natural forest ecosystem especially in the sub-counties of Bumasobo, Bumassifwa, and Bulago which directly boarder the Mt. Elgon National Park. The main activities involve
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/02/02 |
Recuperación de zonas agrícolas degradadas en la parte alta de la vertiente sur de la Sierra de Neyba que hace frontera con Haití, mediante la promoción de sistemas agroforestales y prácticas de conservación de suelos, como una alternativa de ( ... )
ción sostenible en zonas montanosas, unido al fortalecimiento de las organizaciones de base de la
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/02/04 |
This project has been initiated in 4 remote Village Development Committees (VDCs) of two accessible districts namely Palpa and Lamjung. The main objectives of this project is to install 450 Solar Home System (SHS) replacing the use of Kerosene and ( ... )
d. US$ 35,000 (70%) of the total fund is allocated as Community Environment Trust Fund (CETF) ? a revolving fund to avail loan for the community people.
Of the four VDCs, Siluwa and Gandakot lie in Palpa district where as remaining two VDCs namely Neta and Dhuseni lie in Lamjung district of Western Development Region of Nepal. According to the District Profile, PDDP, 2000, the total number of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/35 |
Creating model example of usage of renewable energy sources in rural environment. Encouraging local authorities and people to solar collectors and fotovoltanic systems usage. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/7p |
pre-site visit to Lyszkowice allowed to reshape the initial idea for this huge challenge;solar heating system could be additional to the total change of remote heating system, consuming unnormous amount of coal,electricity.Project preparation will ( ... )
installation of 2 small boilers for wood waste in order to replace very expensive immersion heaters.The whole technical project will be financed from savings during the heating season (September-April) .Succesful implementation ( preliminary feasibility study, technical design for installation of 2 boilers led to submission of full project POL/03/24.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/22 |
Project development Goal :
Dissemination on improved cook stove that are more efissient and healthier and gaining the local government supports
Project Objectives :
1. Dissemination and Application on improved cook stove on the community ( ... )
mproving information and Knowledge on an improved cook stove on the basic community on an effort to gain such support from the local government and the related government s Departement
Expected Output :
1. Spreaded the use of improved Cook stove and principles of more efficient and healthler through 50% minimum improved cook stove applicated on community from 600 families per village in
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/11 |
The main idea of the project is the reduction of water pollution in transboundary Isfana river basin. The main tools are: rehabilitation of a sewerage system, monitoring of ecosystem and notification, training of the local Tajik and Kyrgyz ( ... )
tion, , introduction of new system of the payment for maintenance of the sewerage
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/02 |
Following the advice and notification of grant allocation from the GEF/SGP Central Programme Management Team and the key action plan set forth in the Country Programme Strategy, the Thailand-GEF/SGP set to launch implementation of the year-4 ( ... )
ational phase two. The GEF/SGP information has been disseminated to target communities throughout the country. In addition, upon requests, the National Coordinator and some members of NSC travelled to meet and discuss face-to-face with groups of NGOs/CBOs who required further clarification.
From August 2001 to the June 2002, the programme has received 95 concept papers from target
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-02-002 |
The GEF stakeholder workshop is held twice a year for participants drawn from the CBO and NGOs as part of capacity building in GEF/SGP thematic areas. The participants of the workshop were introduced by resource experts to the following thematic ( ... )
? Clarification of GEF/SGP focal areas (Biodiversity, Climate Change, International Waters and Land Degradation). An additional subject was Biodiversity related economic.
? Writing of proposals through practical exercise in working groups.
? Presenting the proposals to the plenary with following discussions.
? The GEF SGP Project monitoring was also discussed among the participants the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-02-011 |
The GEF stakeholder workshop is held twice a year for participants drawn from the CBO and NGOs as part of capacity building in GEF/SGP thematic areas. The participants of the workshop were introduced by resource experts to the following thematic ( ... )
? Clarification of GEF/SGP focal areas (Biodiversity, Climate Change, International Waters and Land Degradation). An additional subject was Biodiversity related economic.
? Writing of proposals through practical exercise in working groups.
? Presenting the proposals to the plenary with following discussions.
? The GEF SGP Project monitoring was also discussed among the participants the
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/02/14 |
Projet qui contribue a l?amélioration de la qualité des eaux du fleuve Niger par la réduction de pollution pathogénique et des aliments organiques (nitrate, DBO) provenant de Bamako qui menacent son écosysteme, surtout par la forte demande en ( ... )
e de ces polluants et par l?alimentation qu?ils donnent a la jacinthe d?eau . Réduction partielle de la pollution en métaux lourds par la ville. Vise a :
- Traiter les boues de vidanges qui ont des impacts négatifs sur les especes aquatiques ;
- Sensibiliser les populations sur l?importance du traitement des déchets liquides pour la préservation des ressources aquatiques et de la santé
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/25 |
Project development Goal :
To enable the application of integrated planning and strategy to implement Biodiversity Enrichment Program through Integrated Farming System
Project Objectives :
1. To provide comprehensive data and information as ( ... )
line data,
2. To increase stakeholder participation and contribution in all project steps,
3. To identify beneficiaries,
4. To develop comprehensive action plans.
Expected output :
a. Comprehensive data and base line information,
b. Increasing of Stakeholder participation of stakeholders and contributions in the project activities,
c. Beneficiaries among community determined,
d. A
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-01-56 |
Project?s objectives are: 1. To survey and record the biological diversity in the Nile Islands (Esna-Nagah Hamadi reach). 2. To conduct a geological study covering the Nile Islands (Esna-Nagah Hamadi reach). 3. To carry out a conference on the ( ... )
ersity and its importance for humanity. 4. Conducting five training programs for project staff and local NGOs in the target area. 5. Performing five awareness seminars that will focus on the importance of biodiversity and the danger of destroying natural
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-01-50 |
Project?s objectives are: 1. To develop integrated management plan and clear vision for different parties control the Nile islands. 2. To raise the public awareness regarding the importance of conserving he biodiversity in the Nile islands. 3. To ( ... )
ish a partnership between different governmental agencies dominate the Nile islands and the local communities in order to preserve the sustainable development of the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/02/03 |
The project will promote environmental friendly community applications through displaying practical models and conducting public awareness activities. The project is implemented in the rehabilitated solid waste disposal site in Marka that the ( ... )
y has turned into a park over the past four years in cooperation with the Greater Amman Municipality with support from the SGP. A solar energy unit granted by the European Commission in Amman will be installed on site to generate electricity for project uses. Other applications on site will include drip irrigation system, water harvesting and soil conservation measures. Awareness activities
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-02-006 |
This project was to support preparation of 2 thematic papers, and to facilitate travel for 5 NGOs representatives to the WSSD Summit in Johannesburg. Two of the representatives were project coordinators for GEFSGP projects.
The NGOs participated ( ... )
ly in the Summit, representing the UNDP GEF SGP Kenya by providing project information and by sharing ideas with participants from other countries.
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/02/22 |
The local fishing communities have realised the need to seek further assistance for its follow up phase from the SGP to support the local inshore fishermen community for the conservation and sustainable use of fishery and mangrove ecosysten ( ... )
ersity. The present support should be viewed as a separate but folloup SGP project to the initial SGP project , which will further help to strengthen a truly grassroots based local network of traditional fishing communities that have been established in and around Seberang Prai in Penang, who are generally from the lower income group of society, while contributing towards the conservation and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/MS06 |
Eastern part of the Sangli District is a remote, undulated, drought prone area and people?s livelihood base was stressed through recurring risks of high credit rates, poor infrastructure facilities, poor availability of right types of seeds and lack ( ... )
ss of resources by people from government schemes. Due to Green Revolution effect, people had been led to believe in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to increase productivity. Gradually people had lost faith in agriculture due to high expenditure on buying chemical fertilizers and pesticides, low yields, improper information about the usage and low rainfall. The farmers were taking
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/12 |
Project development Goal :
To conserve Bauluang Island?s ecosystem through community participation
Project Objectives :
1. To emerge local community efforts in managing mangrove ecosystem in sustainable manner
2. To stimulate the emergence of ( ... )
ules and regulation on nature resource management (e.g. mangrove) through community participation
Expected output :
a. Emergence of awareness and understanding of local community on sustainable nature resource management
b. Reduced unsustainable used of mangrove forest, especially done by local community
c. Reduced degraded mangrove area in Bauluang island gradually
d. Increased capacity
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/02/09 |
The project relates to the installation of an observatory of the durable development in Djerba by the ASSIDJE
This project constitutes one of the priority actions retained by the Agenda 2l Locale of Djerba, whose development and approval ( ... )
zed all the fascinating parts of the development on the territory of the island.
The observatory of the sustainabal development is regarded as an essential tool to ensure an effective management of the indicators of development and environment, it will be the reference for any initiative of programming or research and studies on Djerba, its medium, its ecosystems its littoral, its