There are 27,190 projects available.
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Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/01/23 |
The Mankial valley is highly mountainous and the elevation rises from 5,600 to 17,000 ft at Koh-e-Shaheen, the boundary between Kohistan and Swat districts. Apart from great variation in altitude, the valley has a considerable variation in ( ... )
ature and precipitation. As a result it supports a variety of vegetation from moist temperate forests to sub-alpine scrub and alpine meadow types. The forest comprise of various species of trees like blue pine, deodar, fir, spruce, bird cherry, walnut, acer and birch etc.
The valley is a home to a great diversity of wildlife. It supports some of the endangered mammals including Snow leopard
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/00/11 |
The project is based on initial surveys of the woolly flying squirrel habitats at Sai Nallah and the Jutial gorge, and careful assessment of the conservation issues in other sites. (Please refer to Prof. Z. B. Mirza?s report on Avi fauna survey in ( ... )
flying squirrel habitat in the Sai Nullah, and village based information for Jutial, submitted by BASDO to UNDP) These surveys were financed by GEF/SGP grant during the planning grant. As a result of these surveys the project area was selected covering two sites near Gilgit. These project sites are located in a high mountain, which is an eastward spur of the Hindukush range with high peaks up to
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/014 |
Community awareness and training programmes, growing a live fence of thorny bushes and trees for 5 km of the frequently atttacked areas of the village and successfully block the gap where the elephants enter the village, establishing plant nurseries ( ... )
ticipatory planting and tending of the plants especially during the dry seasons. The village is bordering a strict nature reserve and is at a higher elevation - the area falls into the upcountry dry zone with minimum rainfall. The villagers grow crops with difficulty as water is scarce. Crop attacks by elephants during the dry season gives rise to drastic action by the villagers sometimes
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/012 |
Biodiversity conservation through the conservation of banana varieties through implementing activities of awareness raising and training of community groups, baseline data collection, soil conservation, compositing and development of a marketing ( ... )
gy for produce of farmers. Identifying and selecting farmer families to carry out activities, baseline survey among 100 families in 4 village (GN) Divisions, training of farmers in composting and other soil preparation issues for the banana varieties now going extinct in the area were major activities.
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/13 |
Biodiversity conservation through promotion of sustainable agricultural methods such as the introduction of vermiculture to implement awareness raising of communities, home garden development and introduction of vermiculture method to relevant NGOs ( ... )
districts of Sri Lanka. Soil conservation through low cost vermiculture composting and vermiwash is a main objective where lands are subjected to severe erosion to increasing acres of land coming under tea cultivation. By popularising this low cost method it is intended to develop the neglected home gardens as well as increase the yield in tea lands.
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/024 |
Awareness raising of communities, producers and school children, organization of village producers to eliminate the middle traders and promote direct marketing of kitul palm products; development of home gardens and protection of four watersheds. ( ... )
oject attempted to revive a traditional industry of tapping the kitul palm and processing the sap into treacle and jaggery both items of which have a market locally. The farmers who were ignored by the industries development sector revived in the five villages the project was implemented and a substantial income earned through the products.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/01 |
Project Development Goal
To establish a common stakeholder platform in order to develop a view on nature resources management, especially related to biodiversity, through developing network and collaboration in local, national and international ( ... )
Project Objectives
1. To evaluate present condition and study the status and trends on biodiversity mangement in Indonesia
2. To develop a mean of sharing and discussion on information, data and experience (including lessons learned) in nature resource management, through the exposure of case studies and field experiences from many stakeholders
3. To discuss and formulate network and
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/01/01 |
The project aims to: ensure all the required conditions in order to preserve the biodiversity within Kneiss reserve; provide precise and efficient data describing the islands; improve the access ways in the islands; respond to the environmental ( ... )
s and pressures; and local people awareness
projet vise un double objectif :
? Assurer les conditions requises pour la préservation de la biodiversité au sein du périmètre décrété en Réserve Naturelle, ce qui exige d?agir sur les menaces et pressions s?exerçant au sein de ce périmètre et provenant de 3 sources principales à savoir :
- Les campements potentiels des
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/03/01 |
This project aims to prevent/reduce and eventually eliminate the encroachment into the protected area of Mt. Kitanglad by the local communities in Brgy. Dahilayan.
In addition, this shall be the first project that will translate the gains of the ( ... )
project into real community activities within the buffer zone, thereby responds to the SGP relating with the big GEF funded project. Direct project partners are IPs including the Bukidnon Higaonon and Talaandig, all speaking the common Binukid
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/26 |
Protection of natural refuges of yew in Rokita forest division (North-West part of Poland) and creation of conditions enabling development of its population through improvement of places of yew natural renewal. |
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/01/ASM02 |
The project purpose was to educate the people for the use and commercial cultivation of medicinal herbs for economic gains. It aimed to set up a garden for plantation with the provision of nursery to be used as practical training spot as well as for ( ... )
e generation. It also proposed to organise an awareness campaign for women and youth, involvement of the subject experts in the training programme to achieve the objectives, and establish a nursery as a model for medicinal plant cultivation, training and to supply material to the target
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/09 |
Proposed initially by local government heating system based on oil which would involve a very high, growing financial burden to the community of excluded people (HIV/AIDS) living in Wandzin campus. New heating system for hospital for people with ( ... )
Invitation of GEF/SGP changed loc.government attitude after a lenghty discussion and negotiation.
Existing capacity (space in boiler house) enabled new solution (100m modern pipe instead of construction of an additional boiler house for hospital itself) . Very strong social effects and direct ecological ones - use of renewable energy sources, economic effects - paid by work energy
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/01/044 |
Ghana had over 10 million Ha of forest cover at the beginning of the 20th century which dwindled to about 1.2 million Ha at the close of that century. The main threats to forests are unsustainable slash and burn agriculture or shifting cultivation ( ... )
od and cash crop production, excessive logging, mining and bushfires. The threats are severest on off-reserve forests where forest cover is disappearing at an alarming rate.
This project is located in the Moist Evergreen Forest zone of Western Region of Ghana and has the objective of assessing the abundance and distribution of Thaumatococcus danielli (a non-sugar natural sweetner) and other Non
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/01/03 |
Educar y sensibilizar a la Comunidad Nacional acerca de la importancia y vulnerabilidad de la diversidad biológica presente en el Bosque Templado Maulino de la VII Región. Desarrollar un manejo sostenible de la biodiversidad presentes en los ( ... )
s nativos de la VII región, a través del desarrollo de investigación y desarrollo productivo
International Waters International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/01/04 |
this project aims to demonstrate the NGO?s expertise and its scientific knowledge in the field of maritime exploration in order to elaborate an awareness strategie targeting young people and fishermen for a more responsible behavior concerning the ( ... )
me environment protection.
The activities of the project, will aim to diffuse and found a communication of " culpabilisation, sensitizing, and appropriation of the challenges and objectives of safeguarding of the marine environment ". The activities aim to structure the fight against the " passive " behaviors in front of pollution and to let it make on the littoral, by implying the whole
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/01/02 |
Bufumira Islands are part of Ssese Islands located in Lake Victoria. The Islands are not connected to the national power grid and are dependent on fuel wood, battery cells and kerosene as energy sources. The resultant environment problems are ( ... )
ion of the lake and forest biodiversity degradation. The primary goal of the project is to set up a demonstration wind/solar-based electricity generation system for battery charging, lighting, water pumping and fish preservation, and, promote fuel-efficient techniques. Activities include alternative energy awareness and advocacy campaigns, installation of wind/photovoltaic based hybrid systems,
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/00/03 |
Building and strengthening the capacity of indigenous communities and local community-based organisations in Sabah to effectively deal with issues confronting them, especially issues related to biodiversity and the environment. Activities ( ... )
aken included training of community leaders, organising community meetings and field visits, and implementing and monitoring community level activities such as protecting fragile ecosystems, preventing encroachment of forest reserves, ensuring the integrity of biodiversity and natural resources, and revitalising important aspects of indigenous knowledge and
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/01/19 |
The Bulldog Road Rehabilitation and Landowner based Eco-tourism project was funded so that environment conservation was promoted through eco-tourism and training in the Lakekamu Basin. The people mobilized and rejected a |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/01/15 |
The purpose of the project is to involve the participation of members of the communities of Metsimaswaana and Mankgodi in range management and sustainable utilization of firewood resources from undesirable species, the re-introduction of desirable ( ... )
nous plant species on Mokolodi Nature Reserve. The main activities in the project include controlled bush clearing, selling firewood (the by-product of bush clearing), planting of trees as well as production of education materials for students and the community at
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/03p |