There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/00/06 |
Development of a full project proposal through community stakeholder consultations between Sarawak Development Institute (SDI) and fishing communities in Tebaang Village, Daro, Sarawak and increasing community capacity to participate in the ( ... )
ipatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) activities to be conducted during the full project. The full project is intended to: (i) Achieve sustainable and environmentally compatible Terubok fishing through community participation; (ii) Reduce the dependence of the local fishing communities of Tebaang Village on Terubok fishing by encouraging them to adopt alternative livelihoods; and (iii) Reduce as far as
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/01/10 |
A community-based, pilot demonstration and capacity building project that aimed to: (i) Achieve sustainable and environmentally compatible Terubok fishing through community participation; (ii) Reduce the dependence of the local fishing communities ( ... )
aang Village of Daro, Sarawak on Terubok fishing by encouraging them to adopt alternative livelihoods; and (iii) Reduce as far as possible the consumption of Terubok and Terubok eggs by the fishing communities and the public at
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/06/01 |
This project aims to continue the initiatives of the UNESCO/UNDP Project for Ulugan Bay, specifically to implement activities directed towards the development of community enterprise (e.g. eco-tourism), tenurial security and community direct actions ( ... )
community-based coastal resource management, fish sanctuary establishment, mangrove conservation, etc.). Total grant amount is $34,078 GEF + $2,838
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2001-002(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Fereydunkenar-Mazandaran(Lat/Long:36.645210-52.536621)
The project deals with the traditional waterfowl trapping areas in Fereidoonkenar, Ezbaran and Sorkhrud "Damgahs" at proximity of the town of Fereidoonkenar, Mazandran province ( ... )
in the Caspian region of Iran. Damgahs are traditionally maintained duck trapping areas. They consist of a complex of agricultural lands surrounded by trees and inundated in winter that are carefully prepared to trap Teal and Mallard.
Incidentally this area has supported Siberian cranes for at least 25 years (since 1977) providing them a safe and rich habitat for wintering while on
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/00/01 |
The conservation of the Tasek Bera wetlands through the development of participatory mechanisms to empower the indigenous Semelai community around the Tasek Bera wetlands to manage their natural resources sustainably and adopt alternative ( ... )
hoods to reduce their impact on natural resources and reduce further encroachment of limited forest habitats in and around the
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-042.00-L |
The project intends to undertake a comprehensive in-situ marine turtle conservation along the Bataan coastline by protecting the remaining pawikans who come and breed in Bataan coastline through building awareness and participation from all ( ... )
ned sectors. It aimed to generate participation and support from the provincial and municipal government and all concerned to work together in preserving the remaining pawikans and to improve awareness level of communities in and outside the breeding site of the importance of preserving pawikans (Olive
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/02/01 |
The project aims to undertake a community-based watershed protection including the installation of a micro-hydro system. Majority of the project partners belong to the Matigsalog tribe.
As the project intends to maintain and protect the ( ... )
nment, the project also entails planting of indigenous tree species and fruit trees as a response to the need for sustainable environment.
With this community-based resource project, the community would be able to enhance watershed protection measures and renewable and alternative energy for their economic, social, survival as a distinct and unique culture towards community sustainable
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF/01/08 |
The project is designed to raise the profile of the COMPACT Initiative in the public domain. The project will make several field visits and conduct interviews in order to highlight the objectives, activities and expected impacts of the various ( ... )
ts implemented under the COMPACT Initiative. The result of this work will be documented in the form of fliers, posters, brochures and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF/01/04 |
Every once and sometimes twice a year, the COMPACT Kenya team, i.e. the grantees, the LCB members, the SGP secretariat staff and the LC, assemble at a workshop to discuss the progress made by different projects and the challenges encountered. These ( ... )
ps provide the grantees an opportunity to give an update on their projects, critique one another, excahnge ideas and promote a sense of unity in
Phase 1
Project Number: GLO/99/H07-2 |
7 community workshops were organised within the districts in which the WHS boundary falls. The objectives of the workshops were to: inform community members of the COMPACT initiative, discuss the challenges and threats to the mountain forests, and ( ... )
s options of community participation in forest management. The participants were largely small-scale farmers, but teachers, elders, micro-entrepeneurs, and youth were also
Phase 2
Project Number: GLO/99/H07-1 |
Laikipia Research Programme (LRP) conducted a baseline assessment of the Mt. Kenya region. The information collected includes; active CBOs and NGOs in the region, a historical perspective on the National Park and the National Reserve, past and ( ... )
t conservation efforts, socio-economic data and the challenges and threats affecting the forests. This information provides a useful base to understand the situation on the ground and to measure impact of COMPACT
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/020 |
Development of a training module; conducting six workshops and presenting of workshop reports with recommendations. A partly monitoring and evaluation exercise for those who are implementing SGP projects aimed to bring together the partners grouped ( ... )
ing to selected criteria, offer them a training in LFA methodology, further guidance in GEF thematic areas and review progress of work done so far in order to offer advise on modifications if necessary.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-019 |
To review Country Program Strategy (CPS) GEF/SGP Indonesia
Project Objectives :
1. To identify the emerging issues in the country related to GEF/SGP concerns
2. To study and analyze the issues on the GEF/SGP itself (on management as well as on ( ... )
3. To gather perception of other parties, toward the concerns of GEF/SGP
4. To identify and formulate the best strategy for the GEF/SGP based on its mission and needs of the
country (based on its current condition), which is drawn based on series activities
5. To compile a revived version of the Country Program Strategy (CPS) which will be used as a basis for
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/01/MS02 |
The project aim to connect organisational strength of SHGs for organic farming practices to promote sustainable agriculture, women empowerment, Demonstration of improved agriculture technology viz.Integrated Pest Management(IPM).
The project ( ... )
ed to connect the organizational strength of self-help-groups to organic farming practices to promote sustainable agriculture, confluence of women empowerment, improved agriculture, use of organic farming to increase production and demonstrate a method to use agricultural waste effectively and efficiently. It also added the training component of women SHGs about the organic farming. The major
Phase 2
Project Number: SIA/UNF/01/10 |
La educación ambiental de ASK se centró en los siguientes puntos: talleres con los maestros de las escuelas de las comunidades alrededor de S Sian Ka 'an, para trabajar con el estudiantes de los dos últimos años de educación primaria de las ( ... )
escuelas, en la educación ambiental, entrega de material producido por la organización y trabajar con los 10 grupos financiados por COMPACT en el primer semestre de
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/21 |
Difundir y aplicar las estrategias y GEF SGP entre las ONG y de base en la región de Centla-Términos. Para aumentar la capacidad de la comunidad. contar y fortalecer el Pivot Organización, desarrollar un plan para la sostenibilidad del programa, ( ... )
usión de la estrategia, la evaluación participativa del uso de la biodiversidad y la energía, la creación de capacidades y el conocimiento sobre el cambio climático y su impacto a nivel local, la planificación comunitaria formulación, ejecución, seguimiento y evaluación de proyectos para aliviar la presión sobre las áreas protegidas y promover el uso de fuentes alternativas de
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/02 |
Desarrollo de alternativas ecoturísticas que permitan la conservación de los reductos de bosques y generación de ingresos a las comunidades aprovechando los recursos paisajísticos y de montana existentes en la comunidad del Cachote del ( ... )
pipio de
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/P03 |
Diseño de la propuesta metodológica para el diagnóstico socioambiental del Municipio de Paraíso, Tabasco, que permitirá el planteamiento de acciones para la conservación de la biodiversidad y de la calidad de las aguas pluviales para el ( ... )
ollo sostenible del municipio.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/13 |
El proyecto tiene como objetivo contribuir, dentro del ámbito territorial municipal para la solución de dos de los problemas ambientales globales "Conservación de la biodiversidad y el agua", ya que elevará los programas y acciones específicas ( ... )
educir estos problemas en el municipio. Identificación de las obras, servicios y acciones favorables sobre la calidad del agua de lluvia, que al mismo tiempo, contribuir a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los habitantes del municipio. Tendencias estimadas en los procesos de escenarios alternativos, la identificación de los problemas socio-ambientales y la degradación del medio ambiente para
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/01/07 |
La falta de conocimientos de las potencialidades del bosque seco y uso excesivo de leña como combustible para cocinar, por otro lado todavía persiste actividades de monocultivo en la agricultura. tala y caza indiscriminada son los principales ( ... )
ams ambientales de la zona.
Para solucionar esta problematica la Comunidad Campesina Santa Catalina de Chongoyape en Lambayeque ha destinado 34 413 ha., equivalente al 86 % de su territorio para proteger los bosques y la diversidad bilógica; logrando establecer la primera área de conservación privada del Perú. El proyecto está orientado a promover alternativas productivas sostenibles