There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-PLN/02-002 |
In this project, the Labura community will use wind energy to pump water from two dams into a water tank, and then use gravity to distribute the water to some 200 households. The Water will be used for domestic use, livestock and micro irrigation. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-02-004 |
The project is located at Mwiyogo sub location of Kieni West Division , Nyeri. This location is on the leeward side of mount Kenya that gets 550 mm of rain per year with almost 8 months of no precipitation.
The 200 households in Mwiyogo area are ( ... )
settlers in the area and had to walk about 5 km to the nearest river. The main occupation is livestock keeping for milk which was always hampered by lack of enough water.
The project activities include:
a)Community mobilization
b) Excavating the dam site
c) Installing the wind pump
d) Fencing the dam perimeter wall
e) Building water troughs for animals
f) Building the community water
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/21/01 |
El proyecto se inscribe dentro de las actividades demostrativas de utilización de tecnologÃas solares apropiadas a nivel comunal y busca apoyar a través del mismo el desarrollo social de las comunidades involucradas aprovechando los recursos ( ... )
©ticos renovables, para mejorar las condiciones de vida de las familias.
Con la implementación del proyecto, se fortalecerán las habilidades y capacidades locales, posibilitando el mayor desenvolvimiento de actividades culturales, educativas y recreacionales a través del establecimiento de paneles solares a nivel de viviendas postas sanitarias y salones
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/9p |
Evaluation workshop organised by Foundation BARKA and POLBIOM in Chudopczyce; 1st part - seminar on the latest developments in rape seed gasoline in Poland -preparation of new bill and political discussion around it, fight of various lobbies; role ( ... )
ll scale installation in present economic situation of farmers vis a vis big political fight over big scale installations and big surface monoculture farms; technical design of small scale installation prepared by Institute of Agricultural Machinery in posnan, comparsion with foreign solutions, cost/benefit analysis of small scale installation; potential role for develpment of farmer's
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-02-70 |
Project's activities are : 1. To reduce the emissions of methane and carbon dioxide gases which produced from human and animal wastes. 2. To modify the pens which exist inside rural houses. 3. To produce clean energy (methane gas) and use it instead ( ... )
il fuel. 4. To improve the environment inside rural houses that positively affects the health of women and children. 5. To provide good organic
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-01-12 |
Uludag is one of the highest peaks at the far northwest paint of Anatolian peninsula. It is a western extension of Pontic mountainous ranges.
Due to its natural plant communities and various geomorphologic structures in 1961 an area of 11338 ha ( ... )
unded as National Park, and then, this area was enlarged up to 12762 ha in 1998.
It shows an interesting geomorphologic structure with very steep southern slopes of calcareous rocks and northwestern parts made up of granites. The change from Mediterranean to Euro-Siberian and alpine vegetation can be seen very clearly step by step from bottom to the top of mountain. Mountain has a rich
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/02/28 |
Revised proposal. The fundamental focus of the project is afforestation/reforestation, protection of endangered specis of plants, animals, insects, bad farming methods, pollutions/bushfires disturbing of the eco-systems. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/02/01 |
Organization of a National Workshop gathering governmental, civil society and academic natural resources conservation (especially water and soil) stakeholders |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/01/14 |
Community demonstration on reduction of fuel consumption in rural livelihood: water buffalo for small tractor in agriculture and fast-growing trees plantation for fire-woods and charcoals. Target population is community members in Ban Na Lao, ( ... )
Nong Kung Si, None Sa-ard District, Udornthatni
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/13/01 |
The project intends to develop and install a 24-kW micro-hydropower system for community electrification and conserve a 25-hectare watershed area. In particular, the project site is within the major watershed area of Davao City shared by the ( ... )
ities of Polocon and Marahan where the two (2) SGP-funded project are found. In addition to promoting local actions to address climate change, this project supports the idea of "corridor approach" where the watershed is a critical/important biodiversity
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/4p |
preliminary inventory of ponds to be considered as a target for full project |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/15 |
Reintroduction , conservation and protection of Water Chestnut in Upper Vistula River Valley, organizing contests, photo exhibitions, workshops and other activities to popularize the project among local community and school children |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/19/02 GEF-RNE |
The project aims to develop and install a community-based renewable energy system,a 25-kW micro-hydro power system in Brgy. Bagong Bayan, Roxas, Palawan. It also aims to develop and conserve the Desay watershed to ensure a sustained water supply ( ... )
e MHP and to enhance the resource conditions of Bagong Bayan.
The project will involve the installation and development of a.) A doable community-based watershed conservation and protection plan to ensure a steady supply for the micro-hydropower project; b.) A 25-kW micro-hydropower for household electrification and ice production plant to be powered by the proposed MHP.
The Alibanua Range
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/20/02 GEF-RNE |
The project aims to assist the fishing community of Binosawan in the conservation of its watershed area to ensure the water supply for the MHP and enhance the resource conditions for Rapu-Rapu. The project also aims to help the community in the ( ... )
nable utilization of their natural resources and increase the income of the community with the installation of the 20 kW ice production plant to be provided by the MHP.
The project site will be at Brgy. Binosawan which is a coastal and one among the 31 off-grid barangays of Rapu-Rapu. It is located at the northeast part of the Rapu-Rapu island and is about an hour ride from the port of
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/02/08 |
Rehabilitation of dried up water streams, awareness raising on environmental health and household waste management; initiate income generation activities for women. This project aims to work women in two villages forming small groups starting ( ... )
schems setting up plant nurseries, planing trees among the water streams, setting up income generating schemes confidence building etc for the women. the women want to reactivate dried up streams in the villages so as to enhance their agricultural and home garden
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/02/26 |
The lack of proper information dissemination, demonstration of the deforestation causes in the highlands provinces was the result of this workshop that was held for a week. The Participants were local leaders, ordinary people, CBOs/NGOs ( ... )
entatives and others who were trained the concept of nursey managemnet with input on technical advice from National Forest Service staff in the province. The project involved activities such as the building of the provincial model nursery with 100,000 trees seedling from the Provincial office of the PNG National Forest Service, Training on Nursery Managemnet with technical input from forestry
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/31 |
Stopping of nature degradation processes at valuable wetland areas in Western Poland by reduction of surface runoff and raising ground water level. Verification and monitoring of undertook actions |
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF/08/02 |
This project will be engaged in an income generating project by putting up an additional capital for expansion of the consumers cooperative store and constructing a bigger building in a wider space so as to provide sufficient area for an expanded ( ... )
ion; conduct trainings necessary to improve or uplift the moral and living condition of the members; rehabilitate, restore and establish the feeding grounds of various wildlife on some specific areas of the Park in support to the Park's program of conservation; improve, create or develop a trail system that will lead to some interesting features within the Park; formulation of interpretative
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/02/16 |
The wetlands of Wakiso District are important for biodiversity, and provide a variety of ecological services and environmental goods to the community, including fish, papyrus, and clay. They are threatened by over-exploitation of cane and palms, ( ... )
sion for cultivation and drainage. Environmental Alert, a Ugandan NGO, will work with the National Wetland Programme and local communities to develop community management plans for two wetlands in the District that are consistent with the National Wetlands Sector Strategic Plan (2001-2100). Specific activities comprise awareness raising on the value of wetlands and relevant national policies,
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/02/01 |
The project?s goal is to contribute to the development of a sustainable agricultural system that can contribute to the conservation of the biodiversity and at the same time to a sustained way of combating poverty. The womens organisation tries to ( ... )
this goal by carrying out an agroforestry project in the village Futunakaba, Suriname. Agroforestry methods to be applied as an alternative on the traditional shifting cultivation method include alley cropping, multiple cropping and multi-storage farming.
The project is expected to result in improvement of the efficiency of the farming lands system, increase of the food production, increase