There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/14 |
El proyecto tiene como objetivo capacitar a los miembros de la cooperativa en los aspectos básicos de la acuicultura, así como en la gestión y utilización de los espacios naturales protegidos, incluyendo la producción explotados para subsistir, ( ... )
aspectos básicos de la ecología y la biodiversidad, y la organización administrativa para la acuicultura . El objetivo es poner en práctica un enfoque integrado de primer plano como para verificar que el área seleccionada es la adecuada, obteniendo los niveles del proyecto, las instalaciones, entre otros requisitos. Esto hará una propuesta de proyecto de acuicultura alternativa
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/00/05 |
Development of a full project proposal through community stakeholder consultations to mainly: (i) Enhance the capacity for and raise awareness of the importance of conservation and sustainable resource use of the Likas wetlands in Kota Kinabalu, ( ... )
among teachers, school students and the wider community; (ii) Increase the capacity and technical expertise of the stakeholders (eg. the Likas Wetlands Sanctuary Management Committee (LWSMC) members, residents' associations and NGOs) and the local community in wetland conservation and sustainable resource
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/01/02 |
No co-financing in the project.
Bhutan has sought to strike a balance between people's participation in development and gradual transfer of decision making authority to the grass roots level through the three pillars of governance - efficiency, ( ... )
ability and transparency.
The main aim of the project is to enhance the capacity of the Bhutanese communities and community institutions involved in Biodiversity conservation projects, to perform their task efficiently, effectively and enable them to take command of their own affairs, which would be sustainable in the future. This project also seeks to maximize the productivity of the local
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/01 |
Botswana Community Based Organisations Network (BOCOBONET) has a goal to enhance the technical and institutional capacity of its members to sustainably utilise natural resources for their socio-economic well being. It is however constrained by a ( ... )
of factors including capacity and advocacy.
BOCOBONET therefore requests funds from GEF/SGP to support initiatives to increase the capacity of the organisation and in advocacy. The objectives of the project more specifically are to desseminate and facilitate information regarding CBNRM among members and other stakeholders; act as an advocate of CBOs in dialogoues between Government, NGOs and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/00/052 |
Afram Plains District falls within the Dry Semi-Deciduous Forest Zone of Ghana. It is part of the transition zone between the forest and the guinea savanna zones and so is very diverse, having species that occur in both zones. However, this area is ( ... )
oosing its forest cover and biodiversity because of large scale crop farming, commercial production of charcoal and commercial animal husbandry of the nomadic type that fuels extensive bush burning for grass production.
The project is working closely with the Local Government (District Assembly), Traditional Authorities and landowners, the commercial charcoal producers and other stakeholders to
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/01/07 |
Planning grant to develop a proposal to support community-based Biodiversity Conservation in view of increasing development pressures on Belize?s coastal/marine resources and in terms of the GEF/SGP Belize Country Strategy. |
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/01/05 |
TThe prevalent experience and perception in Toledo is that conservation entails the locking away of the resources of an area from the people, so, the idea of biodiversity conservation for sustainable development is not readily comprehended. ( ... )
er, adherence to traditional practices of milpa farming (involving clearance of tracts of forest for corn production) and hunting have caused biodiversity loss, soil erosion and the siltation of water sources. It also means that villagers tend to think that natural resources will always be available to provide for their varying needs. However, older villagers readily lament the days when game
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/01/09 |
A capacity building project that aims to: (i) Enhance capacity and technical capabilities of various stakeholders, especially NGOs and CBOs, in the management, conservation and sustainable use of wetlands; (ii) Build the capacity of key NGOs and ( ... )
n designing, planning and implementing environmental education programmes for the younger generation and their multipliers; and (iii) Use the Kota Kinabalu City Bird Sanctuary as the model site for installing appropriate facilities and for conserving and sustainably using its environment and natural
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/03 |
Project development Goal :
To build capacity and strengthen potentials of local organizations in formulating GEF/SGP related ideas in proposals.
Project Objectives :
1. To increase community understanding on environmental issues and GEF/SGP ( ... )
2. To provide technical assistance in needs mapping, activities planning, and proposal compilation
Expected Outputs :
1. Increased community understanding on environmental issues especially related to GEF/SGP concerns.
2. Increased and strengthened local organization on several aspects necessary in order to be able to compile good quality proposals.
Activities to be conducted
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/01/29 |
Caritas Pakistan is working for the total human development at the gross root level. Mission of Caritas Pakistan is to motivate/sensitize people to utilize their resources (time, talent and treasurer) to work in harmony towards total human ( ... )
Priorities of Caritas Pakistan are Agriculture, Non-formal Education, Housing, Economic Development and Health. Provision of extension services (new technologies) and management of available resources are the important issues of Caritas development plan.
Several factors have been contributed to sustained low Environmental Protection including smoke of the stoves by burning the wood
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/00/056 |
The series of workshops was planned to improve the awareness of the GEF/SGP and to improve the understanding of prospective grantees about the GEF Thematic Areas and Operational Programmes.
The workshops will also disseminate information about the ( ... )
and the revised Country Programme Strategy and train participants on project identification, proposal writing and project implementation. It is designed to cover the whole country so as to give it as wide a participation as
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/01/16 |
Organizing a one day workshop on promoting renewable energy technologies as national demand. The workshop aims at supporting the national and community initiative to promote renewable energy in Palestine through providing theoretical and practical ( ... )
ew of potential applications, as a transitional and strategic step reflects the political, economic and environmental circumstances and encourages the utilization of the natural resources to produce energy in cost effective
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/01/05 |
Participatory Action Research by joint activities between communities and acedemic institute which will make known the current mode of water resources consumption and lead to the formulation of plan for sustainable management of water resources at ( ... )
ity level. Target population are residents of three villages in Tambol San Pa Yang,Mae Taeng District, Chiangmai
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/12 |
This project aims at promoting better interchange and exchange of experiences and information among projects supported by SGP Brazil. The Technical-Administrative Coordination of the Program will be supported in this activity by the financial ( ... )
t offered by the project to grantees who have learned strategic lessons within the program. The Cerrado, area of activity for the SGP Brazil program, is an extensive area, and grantees do not have the financial means to cover the great distances for interchange meetings. A technical team member from these projects will have his visit to a different grantee paid for by this project. The stay, of
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/01/21 |
Desarrollar una experincia innovadora y de rescate para la construcción de una embarcación donde se utilicen de manera eficiente y racional los conocimientos y recursos locales |
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/16 |
This project has the formation and qualification of community agroforestry agents working toward dissemination of successful experiences in the cooperatives belonging to the Maranhão State Agroextractivist Cooperative Central. This is part of a ( ... )
gy for creation of a technology dissemination center which can satisfy the technical and research demands for sustainable production that is compatible with the regional small farming activities. This will take place in and around João Lisboa, in the state of Maranhão. More specifically, a beekeeping unit will be implemented, the community agroforestry agents will be trained and qualified, the
Phase 2
Project Number: SIA/UNF/01/04 |
Establecer un centro con sus propias plantas medicinales, y con una escuela de la medicina maya y oraciones, dirigida por tres curanderos nativos y una oración.
Entre los objetivos de COMPACT, este proyecto tiene 3 objetivos: Conocer las ( ... )
iones mayas relacionadas con la conservación y gestión de los recursos naturales, para difundir este conocimiento entre los pueblos mayas de la región (y sobre todo entre los niños y los jóvenes), la revalorización de los conocimientos tradicionales prácticas que permitan incrementar los recursos económicos de las personas y tener un mejor nivel de vida.
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/01/09 |
This project aims at conservation of fauna and flora biodiversity conservation in the Bico do Papagaio region, in the municipality of Araguatins, state of Tocantins, through conventional and native beekeeping activities. The small farmers living in ( ... )
an reform settlements will carry out these activities, in connection to reforestation of forest and fruit species having high medicinal and nutritional potential. The specific activities planned are: recovery and conservation of native and Africanized bee species; use the conventional and native beekeeping activities as a tool for education and conservation; use the experiences as a demonstrative
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/20 |
This project will take place in São João d?Aliança, in the state of Goiás. The goals are recovery of riparian woods and cleansing of the Brancas River. Female teachers, small farmers, and mothers will be responsible for the activities proposed, ( ... )
ing stability, resistance, and Cerrado diversity in the small farming activity capable of sustainably satisfying human needs, under the ethic of care for the environment. Mobilization of the Rural Worker?s Union female members for reforestation of riparian woods in the Brancas River is planned. Community-wide discussions for local acknowledgement of the importance of water resource conservation,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/01/08 |
The objectives of the workshop were to: evaluate GEF/SGP interventions in the climate change thematic area; provide a forum for an exchange of experiences on climate change matters; publicise GEF/SGP experiences and lessons learned in the area of ( ... )
change. give stakeholders an opportunity to make an input in the revision of the country strategy; launch the Climate Change Networking Group; and review and develop proposals for